1、电缆术语 中-英文(汇集)导通阻Turning-on impedance短.断路测试short/break circuit test耐压测试:在DC=500V,AC=300V的条件下,绝缘阻抗不小于50M ohm withstanding voltage test: under DC=500V, AC=300V, insulation resistance 50M ohm摇摆测试Flexing test电缆专业英语电工术语 电缆Electrotechnical vocabulary -àElectric cables无镀层导体:plain conductor金属镀层导体:metal
2、coated conductor镀锡导体:tinned conductor金属包覆导体:metal-clad conductor实心导体:solid conductor实心导体可是圆形或者非圆形绞合导体:stranded conductor术语strand也可表示单线圆形同心绞合导体:concentrically stranded circular conductor束合导体:bunched conductor复绞导体:multiple stranded conductor软导体:flexible conductor成型导体:shaped conductor扇形导体:sector shaped
3、 conductor紧压导体:compacted conductor分割导体:milliken conductor空心导体:hollow conductor铜皮导体:tinsel conductor同心股线:concentric strand束合股线:bunched strand同心中性导体:concentric neutral conductor绝缘导体绝缘绕包绝缘:lapped insulation浸渍纸绝缘:impregnated paper insulation挤包绝缘:extruded insulation矿物绝缘:mineral insulation热塑性绝缘:thermoplas
4、tic insulation热固性绝缘:thermosetting insulation交联绝缘:cross-linked insulation电屏蔽和接地金属屏蔽电缆屏蔽:screen导体屏蔽:conductor screen绝缘线芯屏蔽:core screen接地屏蔽:shield of a cable可剥离屏蔽:strippable screen粘结屏蔽:bonded screen裸屏蔽线:drain wire /continuity wire成缆 节距:length of lay节径比:lay ratio绞向:direction of lay绝缘线芯:core在北美,电缆的绝缘线芯co
5、re已经定义为电缆统包层(如护套)内各部件的组件,用insulated conductor表示填充物:filler缆芯:twisted loom/cabled assemblySZ成缆:SZ cabling隔离层:separator内衬层:inner covering护套:sheath jacket(北美采用)外护套versheath /outer sheath protective jacket(北美采用)加强层:reinforcement铠装层:armor螺旋扎紧带:spiral binder tape垫层:bedding外被层:serving编织层:braid滑线:skid wire皱纹
6、金属套:corrugated metallic sheath内护套:inner sheath inner jacket(北美)防护套:barrier sheath阻水粉末:water blocking powder/swelling powder阻水带:water blocking tape阻水胶:water blocking glue swelling glue分相屏蔽电缆:individually screened cable径向电场电缆:radial field cable软线:cord成套线(电线组件):cord set接地电极:earth electrode ground elect
7、rode(美国采用)裸接地导体 uninsulated earth conductor管式电缆:pipe-type cable架空绝缘电缆:aerial cable集束架空电缆:bundle assembled aerial cable承力索:messenger仪表电缆:measuring cable热点偶补偿电缆:thermocouple compensation cable终端:termination密封终端:sealing end终端盒:terminal box分线盒:dividing box /spltter box绕包式终端:taped termination直通接头:straigh
8、t joint屏蔽导体,回流线:shielding conductor绕包间隙:butt gap for cables电缆盘:cable drum/cable reel电缆线盘:cable spool小规格的电缆盘筒体:barrel护板:lagging电缆板条:cable lag滚轮:roller火花试验:spark test电力电缆周期负荷载流量:cyclic current rating for electric cablesamy2328湿式中拉机 medium wet drawing machine 中拉机 medium wire drawing machine 中拉 intermed
9、iate drawing 中拉机 intermediate wire drawing machine 中拉机、大拉机 coarse wire drawing machine 粗-细线拉线机、中拉机 coarse-fine wire drawing machine 多根拉线-退火-束线机组 multi-wire drawing-annealing-bunching line 四节距束线机 four twist bunching machine 双节距束线机 double twist buncher 双节距束线机 double-twist bunch strander 双节距双倍束线机 doubl
10、e-twist bunching machine 双节距高速束线机 double-twist laying-up machine 复合束线、复混合束线 compound bunch 磨光机、束线机 buffing machine v 束线、束绞 n 束线 bunch v 束线、束绞 bunch-strand 束绞铜束线 bunch-stranded copper conductor 束线、绞合线 bunched wire 束线机 buncher 束线机 bunching machine 灌注 potting 双面双层十六头纱包机 16- head double-side douoble-ros
11、ette cotton covering machine) 立式双层鼓轮 vertical double draft bull block 双层编包风雨线 weatherproof double braid 双层挤出(机)头 twin (extruder) head 双层鼓轮拉线机 twin capstan drawing machine 双头挤出、双层挤出 twin-head extrusion 双层的 twin-layer 橡皮绝缘双层编包线 rubber-covered double braided 双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 heavy epoxy-coated round copper
12、magnet wire 泡沫皮绝缘、泡沫/实心双层绝缘 foam skin insulation 双层编织机 double tier type braiding machine 双层钢丝铠装 double wire armour 双层钢丝铠装电缆 double wire-armoured cable 双层挤出(机)头 double(extruder)head 双层编织的 double-braid 双层编织式外导体同轴电缆 double-braid type coaxial cable 双层鼓轮拉线机 double-capstan wire drawing machine 双层滚筒六头拉线机 d
13、ouble-deck 6 head type machine 双层鼓轮 double-deck bull block 双层拉线鼓轮 double-deck drawing block 双层绝缘的 double-insulated 双层的 double-layer 双层一次挤出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion 双层挤出(机)头 double-layer extrusion head 双层纸 double-ply paper 双丝包的、双层丝绝缘 double-silk covered 双层挤出(机)头 dual (extruder) head 泡沫/实心
14、双层绝缘、泡沫绝缘 dual expanded plastic insulation 双层挤出机 dual extruder 双层绕包头 dual lapping head 双层的 duplex 双层纸 duplex paper 双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath 双层绕包头 duplicate lapping head 双层铠装 double armo(u)ring 双层鼓轮 double block 双层鼓轮拉线机 double block drawing machine 双层拉线鼓轮 double deck drawing capstan 双层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线
15、double epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 双层绝缘导线 double insulated condutor 双层直角挤出机头 double layer crosshead 双层钢带铠装 double layer of steel-tape armour 双层钢带铠装 d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour) 双层护套电缆的内护套直径 DOIJ 单层纸 simplex paper 单层滚筒七头拉线机 single deck 7 heads type machine 单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 single
16、epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire 单层金属编织机 single tier type wire braiding machine 单层的 single-layer 单层电缆 single-layer cable 单层绞线 single-layer strand 单层纸包圆铜电磁线 single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire 单层纸 single-ply paper 单层纸 single-wire paper 单层 monolayer 单层甲板大帆船 galley 管式绞线机、管绞机 tube strande
17、r 管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular closer 管绞机 tubular strander 管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular stranding machine 管绞机筒体 stranding rotor 高速管绞机 high speed tubular stranding machine amy2328光纤拉丝 optical fibre drawing 拉丝乳剂 drawing compounds 拉丝润滑剂 drawing lubricants 拉丝用皂 drawing soaps8 模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机 wet drawing machine with 8 dies 拉线、拉
18、丝 wire drawing 拉线模、拉丝模 wire drawing die 拉丝润滑剂 wire drawing lubricant 拉线机、拉丝机 wire drawing mill 拉丝、拔丝 wire-draw 拉丝机、拉丝工 wire-drawer 拉丝架机 wire-drawing bench 拉丝设备车间 wire-drawing plant 拉丝、拔丝 wireddrawing 拉丝模(板) wortle 钻石拉丝模超声抛光 ultrasonic diamond die polishing 钻石拉丝模超声抛光装置 ultrasonic diamond die polishin
19、g unit 超声波拉丝模打孔机 ultrasonic drawing die drilling machine 超声波拉丝模加工机 ultrasonic drawing die working machine 超声波拉丝机 ultrasonic drawing machine 碳化钨(拉丝)模、硬质合金(拉线)模 tungsten-carbide(drawing) die 组合式辊压模、互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(-)head 互成直角的四辊轮拉丝模装置 turks(head) roll 串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机 tandem annealer 滑移式拉丝线机 slip dr
20、awing machine 拉丝溶液 solution-drawing 单道拉丝 single draft drawing 单模拉丝机 single draft drawing machine 单道拉丝 single-pass drawing( 光纤)拉丝机 pulling machine 拉丝模孔光洁度 profiloscope 光纤拉丝塔 optical fiber drawing tower 光纤拉丝机 optical fibre drawing machine 多头拉丝、多模拉丝 multiple drawing 多模拉丝机 multiple drawing machinen- 模连续
21、拉丝机 n-die continuous wiredrawer 高性能拉丝生产线 high performance drawing line( 拉丝模的)研磨 grinding 光纤拉丝系统 fiber drawing system 光缆拉丝机 fiber pulling machine 光纤拉丝机 fiber-pulling machine 双列双重拉丝机 double row wire drawing machine 拉丝线机、拔杆机 draw bench 拉丝机、拔杆机、拔管机 drawbench 拉丝(润滑液)槽 drawing batch 拉丝线机、拔杆机 drawing bench
22、 拉丝润滑剂 drawing compound 拉丝塔轮、拉线鼓轮 drawing cone 拉丝设备 drawing equipment 拉丝线润滑液 drawing fluid 拉丝线润滑液 drawing oil 拉丝线润滑液 drawing solution 拉丝模具 drawing tool 拉丝配模、配模 dies arrangement 直接拉丝 direct drawing( 拉丝模)模座 die holder 塔轮式拉丝线机 cone-type drawing machine 拉丝模、拉丝机 bull block 拉丝机、拉丝模 bull-block 拉丝模、拉丝机 bull
23、block 防滑动拉丝机 anti-slipping drawing machine 立式单模大拉机、立式鼓轮 vertical bull block amy2328粗拉机、大拉机、开坯机 rod breakdown machine 大拉 rod-breakdown 大拉机 large drawing mill 直线式单头大拉机 in-line bull block machine 卧式单模大拉机、卧式鼓轮 horizontal bull block 大拉机 heavy drawing machine 大拉 heavy rod drawing 大拉机 heavy rod drawing mac
24、hine 拉线鼓轮、大拉机 drawing block 大拉 coarse drawing 中拉机、大拉机 coarse wire drawing machine 单模大拉机 bull drawing block 大拉机 bar drawblock 小拉机 fine wire drawing 细拉 mini-drawing 细拉机 mini-drawing machine 细拉 mini-fine drawing 细拉 fine drawingvt 拉细丝、细拉 finedraw 细拉机 finishing block( 铜杆)剥皮 shave 铜杆剥皮 shaving of copper r
25、od 铜杆的压延 rolling of copper rod 圆铜杆 round copper rod 电工用圆铜杆 round copper rod for electrical purpose 成圈铜杆放线架 pay-off stand for copper rods in coils 热轧铜杆 hot-rolled copper rod 铜杆 copper bar 铜杆、(电缆头用)铜出线梗、接线柱 copper rod 铜杆剥皮机 copper rod descaler 铜杆拉出 copper rod withdrawal 控制电缆 control cables 自动带宽控制 ABC
26、断线控制系统 wire break control system 线张力控制 wire tension control 线张力控制仪、紧线器 wire tensioner 电压控制 voltage contro 扭力控制装置 torsion control equipment 热液控制、液体控温(法) thermal liquid control 厚度(控制)仪、测厚仪 thickness gage 色调控制孔径 toll-control aperture 带子张力控制 tape tension control 温度控制调节 temperature control 液体控温(法)、热液控制 t
27、emperature control by a liquid medium 温度控制仪 temperature control meter 张力控制调节装置 tension control device 张力控制装置 tension control unit 张力控制放线装置 tension controlled pay-off 张力控制仪 tensioner 测试线、控制操作、监视线 testing conductor 严格控制检验、检查 strict control 严格控制检验、检查 stringent test 监督、检验、检查、控制 supervision 电场控制调整、应力控制 s
28、tress control 应力控制带 stress control tape 应力控制管 stress control tubing 电磁场控制的、应力控制的 stress-controlling 严格检验检查、控制 severe control 严格检验检查、控制 severe test 控制线路用多芯用电缆、船用控制电缆 shipboard multicore cable for control circuits 硅管外径控制器 silica tube outer diameter controller 设定值、控制点 setpoint 严格检验检查、控制 rigid test 严格检验
29、检查、控制 rigorous test 自动控制收线装置 robot take-up 垂度控制 sag control 垂度控制器 sag controller 垂度控制环 sag-control loop 调节控制范围 regulating range 调节整器、控制器 regulator 按扭控制操纵 push-button control 质量控制检验 quality control 质量检验控制 quality inspection 生产过程控制、程序控制 process control 工序控制检验 process control inspection 生产过程控制 producti
30、on control 程序控制 programme control 控制导线、辅助芯线 pilot 控制线芯、监视线芯 pilot conductor 导引绝缘线芯、控制线芯、监视线芯 pilot core 控制线、操作线 pilot line 压缩空气控制 pneumatic operation 放线人工控制速度 pay off manual speed control 放线自动控制微调 payoff automatic-control triment 氢氧焰温度控制器 oxyhydrogen flame temperature controller 控制板配电盘开关装置 panel swi
31、tching equipment 操作台、操纵盘、控制板 operator panel 操作台、控制台 operator's desk 噪声控制装置 noise control equipment 非接触式线径控制仪 non-contact diameter monitor 微处理机控制话缆四线组测试仪 microprocessor telephone quad tester 监测器-电容量控制 monitor-capacitance control 监督、检验、检查、控制 monitoring 灯光显示控制 luminous control panel 生产过程控制 manufact
32、uring control 流量控制器 mass flow controller 柔软云母材料 flexible mica material 软管;套管 sleeving( 柔软)复合材料;复合箔 combined (flexible)material 软化温度;软化点 softening temperature;softening point 软电缆 BX cable 屈服流动、软化、击穿点 yield point(YP)amy2328屈服强度、软化强度 yield strength乙烯绝缘软电缆 vinyl cabtyre cable耐水软线 water-resistan cord热塑流试
33、验、软化击穿试验 thermoplastic flow test三芯电力软线 three conductor power cord三芯软线 three-core cord三芯软线 three-way cord镀锡软铜绞线 tined soft copper stranded wire箔软线、塞线 tinsel cord电话软线 telephone cord电信软件 telesoftware电源软线 supply cord交换机电缆塞子软线 switchboard cable退火(软)线 soft annealed wire退火、韧炼、软化退火 soft annealing软电缆 soft ca
34、ble软陶瓷绝缘电磁线 soft ceramic insulated magnet wire软涂层 soft coating软拉 soft drawn软或退火铜线、软铜线 soft or annealed copper wire箔软线、塞线 tinsel cord电话软线 telephone cord电信软件 telesoftware电源软线 supply cord交换机电缆塞子软线 switchboard cable退火(软)线 soft annealed wire退火、韧炼、软化退火 soft annealing软电缆 soft cable软陶瓷绝缘电磁线 soft ceramic ins
35、ulated magnet wire软涂层 soft coating软拉 soft drawn软或退火铜线、软铜线 soft or annealed copper wire软橡胶 soft rubber软链段 soft segment软焊料钎焊、锡焊 soft soldering退火铜线、软铜线 soft-annealed copper wirev软焊料钎焊、锡焊 soft-solder软化剂 softener软化 softening软化剂 softening agent软化退火装置 softening plant软化点 softening point软化区、增塑区 softening reg
36、ion软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldered joint软钎焊(缝、点、头) soldering joint扁形(软线)接头 spade tag扇形(软线)接头 spade terminal螺旋芯软线、有弹簧的塞绳 spiral-conductor flexible cord星绞八芯软电缆 spiral-eight cable星绞四芯软电缆 spiral-four cable星绞四芯软电缆 spiral-four type cable船用软同轴电缆 shipboard flexible coaxial cable爆破放炮用软线 shot-fire cord丝包软线 silk-covered c
37、ord镀银软或退火铜线、镀银软铜线 silver-coated soft or annealed copper wire单线软绳 single-wire cord可收缩软线、弹簧线 retractile cord橡套软电缆 rubber jacketed flexible cable橡胶素炼机、软胶机 rubber-homogenizer软拉 s.d.(soft drawn)游览车用软线 recreational-vehicle cord预装配的软电缆 pre-assembled flexible cable预装配的软电缆及软线 pre-assembled flexible cables an
38、d cords精密排列的扁形软电缆 precision-tiered flat flexible cable抽头、引线、软导线 pigtail超软细股线 pigtail wire塑料护套软线 plastic-sheathed flexible cord移动式软线 portable cord普通塑料护套软线 ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord普通型耐磨橡套软电缆 ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable普通耐磨橡套软线 ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible co
39、rd普通聚氯乙烯护套软线 ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord耐油软线 oil-proof cord耐油软线 oil-resistant cord光纤软线 optical fiber cord多芯软线 multicore cord多芯软线 multiple cord网络软件 network software镀镍软或退火铜线、镀镍软铜线 nickel-coated soft or annealed copper wire麦克风话筒软线 microphone cord麦克风话筒软线 mike cord移动房屋用软线 mobile-home cord定型设计的电话
40、软线、弹簧电话软线 modular telephone cord防潮双绞软线 moisture proof twisted cord单塞绳、单软线 monocord低温柔软性 low temperature flexibility低漏泄电流用户软线 low-leakage-current service cord轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord电灯(软)线 lamp cord铅合金包覆软铜线 lead-alloy-coated soft copper
41、 wire铅包软铜线 lead-coated soft copper wire仪器用软线塞绳 instrument cord绝缘软线 insulated flexible wire综合软件 integrated software高温软线 high-temperature flexibles素炼机、软胶机 homogenizing roller布线用线、安装线、跨接线、柔软连接线 hook-up wire软管、橡皮管 hose苛刻条件用软线 hard-service cord耐热护套软电缆 heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable重型耐磨橡套软电缆 heavy
42、 tough-rubber sheathed flexible cableamy2328镀锌软低碳钢丝 galvanized mild steel wire玻璃丝绝缘软线 glass-fiber-insulated flexibles馈电软线 feed cord一级软线 first class flexible cord扁形软电缆 flat flexible cable扁形双芯软线 flat twin flexible cord扁形双芯软线塞绳 flat twin tinsel cord软线 flex conductor柔软性 flexibility柔软度试验 flexibility test
43、软线、连接塞绳、软电缆确良 adj柔软的 flexible软电缆 flexible cable矿工帽灯用软线 flexible cable for miners' cap lamps软接线 flexible circuit conductor软导体、柔软导体、软线 flexible conductor软线、连接塞绳 flexible cord电缆软接头 flexible joint移动式电力软线 flexible portable power cord电力软线 flexible power cord软绞线 flexible stranded conductor软绞线 flexible
44、stranded wire软花、皮线 flexible wire软线布线 flexible wiring软线、软绳 flexibles弹性延伸软绳 extension cord特软绞线 extra-flexible stranded conductor极苛刻条件用软线双芯软线塞绳 double conductor cord软化击穿 cut-through耐切通性、切通强度、耐软化击穿性能 cut-through resistance切通温度、软化击穿温度 cut-through temperature切通试验、软化击穿试验 cut-through test连接塞绳、软线 connecting
45、cord铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘平型软线 copper conductor PVC-insulated parallel flexible cord铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘绞型软线 copper conductor PVC-insulated twisted flexible cord软线绳、电线电缆、塞绳 cord花线、装饰线路用软线 cord for decorative chains带有插塞的电话软线 cord setextra-hard-service cord成套塞绳、带有插塞的电话软线彩色软线 colour cord通信软件 communication software锥形软模具 cone-sha
46、ped flexible die同轴软线、同轴线塞绳 coaxial cord螺圈形软线 coiled cord橡皮绝缘(软)电缆、橡套软件电缆 cabtyre cable橡套电缆、软管电缆 cabtyre sheathed cable配套软件 bundled software软管电缆 cab-tire cable橡皮绝缘软线软塞绳 cab-tyre cord电缆软接头 cable flexible joint软连接用电缆 cable for flexible connections电缆软管 cable hose电缆软管夹托架 cable hose clamp bracket编织软绳 brai
47、ded flexible cord退火、韧炼、软化 anneal肖飚(本软件开发者、电缆工艺工程师) XIAOBIAO屈服流动、软化、击穿点 YP(yield point)柔软控制电缆 FCC(flexible control cable)硬链段与软链段的嵌段共聚物 HYTREL挤出机 extruders挤出 extrusion挤气式挤出机 vent extruder通用回转式挤出机 versatile turret extruder立式连续挤出硫化机组 vertical continuous extruding and vulcanizing machine立式挤出机 vertical ex
48、truder立式挤出 vertical extrusion二段式挤出机 two-stage extruder三层挤出机 triple extruderamy2328 层挤出(机)头 triple extruder head三层挤出(机)头 triple extrusion head双层挤出(机)头 twin (extruder) head双头挤出、双层挤出 twin-head extrusion双螺杆挤出机 twin-screw extruder三层挤出绝缘电缆 three-layer extruded cable(挤出机)模嘴、模芯、末端 tip串列式挤出机 tandem extruder挤
49、出物料的脱节 starving of extrudate flow(挤出机)送料螺杆 stockscrew滤网<挤出机的> strainer剪切式挤出机头 shear-type extrusion head护套挤出机 sheathing machine单螺杆挤出机 single screw extruder(挤出机筒内)焦烧、早期硫化 scorching(in extruder cylinder)螺杆式挤出机 screw extruder半导体材料挤出机 semicon extruder挤出头、压力模座 press block压力型多层一次挤出模 pressure-type coe
50、xtrusion die分段式挤出机 piggyback extruder行星齿轮式挤出机 planetary gear extruder(塑料)挤出机 plastic extruder制粒挤出机 pelletising extruder(挤出机)斜角机头 oblique head单段式挤出机 one-stage extruder光缆护套挤出生产线 optical cable sheathing line多色挤出机 multi-colour extruder多层挤出机 multi-layer extruder多级多段式挤出机 multi-stage extruder多根挤出法 multi-wi
51、re insulation process多头挤出装置 multiline extrusion system多层挤出 multiple extrusion(挤出机)螺杆的计量区 metering section of a screw混炼挤出机 mixer-extruder混炼、排气、挤出联合机 mixing ,venting and extruding machine标色挤出机 marking extruder铅管挤出机 lead-pipe extrusion press内皮挤出机 inner skin extruder绝缘机头、挤出机头 insulating machine head高效挤出
52、机 high output extruder高速挤出生产流水线 high speed tandemized extrusion line高发泡挤出 high-foaming extrusion高发泡挤出生产线 high-foaming extrusion line高速挤出生产流水线 high-speed tandemized extrusion line卧式挤出机 horizontal axis extruder卧式挤出机 horizontal extrusion press热挤出 hot extrusion热挤出用润滑剂 hot extrusion lubricant静液(压)挤出 hydr
53、ostatic extrusion模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip注气体挤出机 gas-injection extruder铅管挤出机 lead-pipe extrusion press内皮挤出机 inner skin extruder绝缘机头、挤出机头 insulating machine head高效挤出机 high output extruderamy2328高速挤出生产流水线 high speed tandemized extrusion line高发泡挤出 high-foaming extrusion高发泡挤出生产线 high-foaming extrusion line高速挤出生产流水线 high-speed tandemized extrusion line卧式挤出机 horizontal axis extruder卧式挤出机 horizontal extrusion press热挤出 hot extrusion热挤出用润滑剂 hot extrusion lubricant静液(压)挤出 hydrostatic extrusion模芯导向器(挤出机模子) guider tip注气体挤出机 gas-injection extruder泡沫挤出生产线 foam extrusion line泡沫绝缘挤出 foam insulation extr
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