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1、Module 2 Highlights of My Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year Senior Year基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.Her performance was the 1.Her performance was the (最精(最精 彩的部分)彩的部分) of the show.of the show.2.Im always 2.Im always (心烦意乱的)(心烦意乱的) when I when I dont get any mail. dont get any mail.3.Every year we ours

2、elves always made some 3.Every year we ourselves always made some Christmas Christmas ( (装饰物装饰物).).4.My parents did their best to keep up the 4.My parents did their best to keep up the family family (传统)(传统). .highlighthighlightupsetupsetdecorationsdecorationstraditiontradition5.He presented a new 5

3、.He presented a new (概念)(概念) of of the beginning of the universe. the beginning of the universe.6.He was fined for breaking traffic 6.He was fined for breaking traffic (规章制度)(规章制度). .7.A 7.A (守时的)(守时的) person always person always finishes everything ahead of time. finishes everything ahead of time.8

4、.The audience 8.The audience (欢呼)(欢呼)the movie the movie star as she walked on stage. star as she walked on stage.9.It is a 9.It is a ( (传统传统) that the young ) that the young look after the old in their family. look after the old in their family.10.We have to be highly 10.We have to be highly ( (努力竞

5、努力竞 争的争的) to do well in sport nowadays.) to do well in sport nowadays.conceptconceptregulationsregulationspunctualpunctualcheeredcheeredtraditiontraditioncompetitivecompetitive.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.1. funfun玩得开心玩得开心 funfun开玩笑地,不是认开玩笑地,不是认 真地真地2.2. my my viewview我认为;在我看来我认为;在我看来 my opinion my opinion 我认为;在我

6、看来我认为;在我看来3.as 3.as as Im as Im concernedconcerned就我而言就我而言 far far as I as I knowknow据我所知据我所知4.be considered 4.be considered 被看作;被认为是被看作;被认为是bebe regarded regarded 被当作被当作bebe treated treated 被当作被当作 see. see. .把把看作看作havehaveforforininininfarfarasasasasasasasasasas5.look back 5.look back 回顾;回忆回顾;回忆loo

7、klook down down 轻轻 视,看不起视,看不起bringbring sthsth. . 使回忆起,使使回忆起,使 想起想起 backback收回收回6.6. other other wordswords换句话说换句话说inin word word 总而言之总而言之7.work 7.work 从事从事workwork 从事从事工作工作workwork 制定出;计算出制定出;计算出figurefigure 弄清楚;计弄清楚;计 算出算出8.have problems 8.have problems 在在方面有问题方面有问题9.get 9.get with with与与相处;进展相处;进

8、展 together together 和和一起一起10.the 10.the stuff stuff平常的事平常的事atatononbackbackinina aononoutoutoutoutwithwithon/alongon/alongwithwithusualusualgetgetasas.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.It was not until the 1920s that pompoms 1.It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in began to play an i

9、mportant part in cheerleading. cheerleading. 直到直到2020世纪世纪2020年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的 表演中发挥重要作用表演中发挥重要作用。 not not untiluntil用于强调句型中用于强调句型中 直到他得了重病才知道健康的重要性直到他得了重病才知道健康的重要性。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造 It was not until he got seriously ill It was not until he got seriously ill that he knew the importance of

10、 healththat he knew the importance of health. .2.It seems strange to think that in a few 2.It seems strange to think that in a few daystime daystime Ill be walking out of the Ill be walking out of the school gate forever. school gate forever. 想想过几天我就要永远走出校门了,似乎有一想想过几天我就要永远走出校门了,似乎有一 种别样的感觉种别样的感觉。 It

11、 It seems+seems+adjadj.+to.+to do do sthsth. . 似乎老板有必要亲自参加这个会议了似乎老板有必要亲自参加这个会议了。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造It seems necessary for the boss to attend It seems necessary for the boss to attend the conference for himselfthe conference for himself. .3.I did enjoy it whenever I won our 3.I did enjoy it whenever

12、 I won our races! races! 不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛,我都会不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛,我都会 为此欣喜万分为此欣喜万分! do do表示对动词的强调表示对动词的强调 我昨天在大街上的确见到他了我昨天在大街上的确见到他了。 . .I did see him in the street yesterdayI did see him in the street yesterday. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造4.Its a great pity that its probably 4.Its a great pity that its probably the

13、last time this will happen. the last time this will happen. 真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。 句式句式ItsIts a great pity that- a great pity that- clause clause 你不能来参加这次聚会你不能来参加这次聚会, , 真可惜真可惜。 . .Its a pity that you cant come to theIts a pity that you cant come to thepartyparty. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造5

14、.Exam grades are very important, but so 5.Exam grades are very important, but so are the are the after-schoolafter-school activities. activities. 分数固然重要,课外活动也不容忽视分数固然重要,课外活动也不容忽视。 so so用于句首表示上句主语的情况也用于句首表示上句主语的情况也 适用于该句主语适用于该句主语 你有自尊心,别人也有你有自尊心,别人也有。 . .You have self-respect, so do the othersYou hav

15、e self-respect, so do the others. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.settle 1.settle v. v.解决;决定;定居;停留解决;决定;定居;停留 .,someone who helps students to .,someone who helps students to problems that they have with other problems that they have with other students. students. , ,调解人就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问调解人就是帮助学生们解决

16、同学之间的问 题的人题的人。 (回归课本(回归课本P P1616)settlesettle观察思考观察思考Donna did not dare settle herself too Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into the comfortably into the seat,inseat,in case she fell case she fell asleep.asleep.堂娜不敢舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,以免睡着了堂娜不敢舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,以免睡着了。They moved to Yunnan 3 years ag

17、o and They moved to Yunnan 3 years ago and settled down there.settled down there.他们三年前迁到了云南,并在那里定居下来他们三年前迁到了云南,并在那里定居下来。She settled down in an armchair to read her She settled down in an armchair to read her book.book.她舒适地坐在椅子上读书她舒适地坐在椅子上读书。归纳拓展归纳拓展settle settle downdown舒适地坐或躺;过安定、宁静的生舒适地坐或躺;过安定、宁静的

18、生活;定居下来活;定居下来settle settle sb.downsb.down使某人安静下来使某人安静下来; ;安顿某人安顿某人settle in/into settle in/into sth.sth.安顿下来;习惯于(新安顿下来;习惯于(新居);适应(新工作居);适应(新工作)settle settle upup付清欠款付清欠款易混辨异易混辨异settle/solvesettle/solve(1)settle(1)settle意为意为“解决,处理解决,处理”,其对象通常是某,其对象通常是某种争端,后常接种争端,后常接affair,matteraffair,matter, ,busine

19、ssbusiness, ,argumentargument, ,disagreement,disputedisagreement,dispute等词汇等词汇。(2)solve(2)solve意为意为“解答,解决解答,解决”,侧重的是给出一,侧重的是给出一个个答案,后常接答案,后常接problem,difficulty,riddle,puzzleproblem,difficulty,riddle,puzzle等等词汇词汇。活学活用活学活用The two countries will restore full The two countries will restore full diplomat

20、ic relations now that they have diplomatic relations now that they have their long-standing border disputes. their long-standing border disputes.A.A.s settled B.solvedettled B.solvedC.C.d dissolved D.concludedissolved D.concluded解析解析 settlesettle解决。句意为:既然这两个国家已解决。句意为:既然这两个国家已经解决了长期的边界争端,他们将恢复全面的外经解决

21、了长期的边界争端,他们将恢复全面的外交关系交关系。A2.suit 2.suit v v. .适合;合适适合;合适 I found a dress that I found a dress that me perfectly, me perfectly, and had my hair specially done on the day and had my hair specially done on the day of the prom. of the prom. 我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服,毕业舞会那我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服,毕业舞会那 天还专门去做了头发天还专门去做了头发。 (回

22、归课本(回归课本P P1717)观察思考观察思考 If we met at 2,would that suit you? If we met at 2,would that suit you? 我们两点钟见面,你方便吗我们两点钟见面,你方便吗? Blue suits Blue suits you.Youyou.You should wear it more should wear it more often. often. 你适合穿蓝色。你该多穿蓝色衣服你适合穿蓝色。你该多穿蓝色衣服。 Dirk would be ideally suited for the job. Dirk would b

23、e ideally suited for the job. 德克做这份工作再合适不过了德克做这份工作再合适不过了。suitedsuited归纳拓展归纳拓展suit suit sth.tosth.to sth.sth.某物适合某物某物适合某物be suited for/be suited for/toto适合于适合于,适宜于适宜于 suit+sb.suit+sb.表示对某人方便、合某人的心表示对某人方便、合某人的心意意, ,fitfit没有这个意思。指服装适合某人时,如果没有这个意思。指服装适合某人时,如果指大小,用指大小,用fit;fit;如果指颜色或者样式,用如果指颜色或者样式,用suits

24、uit。注意注意活学活用活学活用How about eight oclock outside the How about eight oclock outside the cinema? cinema?That That me fine. me fine.A.A.f fits B.meetsits B.meetsC.C.s satisfies D.suitsatisfies D.suits解析解析 suitsuit表示表示“对某人方便对某人方便/ /合适合适”。D3.keen 3.keen adjadj. .渴望的;热切的;热心的;激烈渴望的;热切的;热心的;激烈 的,强烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的的

25、,强烈的;敏锐的,敏捷的 For For photographers only. photographers only. 只面向热爱摄影的人只面向热爱摄影的人。 (回归课本(回归课本P P2020)观察思考观察思考 The people in this village are very keen The people in this village are very keen on art. on art. 这个村子里的人对艺术都很热衷这个村子里的人对艺术都很热衷。 He is keen to have a look at the Great He is keen to have a look

26、 at the Great Wall. Wall. 他很想去看看长城他很想去看看长城。 She is keen that we should go. She is keen that we should go. 她热情地叫我们去她热情地叫我们去。keenkeen归纳拓展归纳拓展be keen to do be keen to do sth.sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事be keen be keen aboutabout喜爱;对喜爱;对着迷着迷be keen on (doing) be keen on (doing) sth.(sth.(口口) )喜爱;渴望喜爱;渴望be eager for b

27、e eager for sthsth./to do ./to do sth.sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事be anxious about be anxious about sth.sth.渴望某物渴望某物be curious about.be curious about.对对好奇的好奇的活学活用活学活用He used to be fond He used to be fond novels,butnovels,but now he now he is keen is keen playing computer games. playing computer games.A.for;on B.o

28、f;onA.for;on B.of;onC.in;for D.at;inC.in;for D.at;in解析解析 be fond be fond ofof喜欢;喜欢;bebe keen on (doing) keen on (doing) sth.sth.喜欢喜欢/ /喜爱喜爱( (做做) )某事某事。B4.consider 4.consider v v. .考虑;认为;体谅考虑;认为;体谅 In In America,theAmerica,the development of social development of social skills is skills is as import

29、ant as the as important as the development of intellectual skills. development of intellectual skills. 在美国,社交能力的培养被看作和智力水平的在美国,社交能力的培养被看作和智力水平的 培养同等重要培养同等重要。 (回归课本(回归课本P P2323)consideredconsidered观察思考观察思考She considers that it is too early to form She considers that it is too early to form a definite

30、 conclusion.a definite conclusion.她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。Im considering applying for that job.Im considering applying for that job.我在考虑申请那份工作我在考虑申请那份工作。I consider it a great I consider it a great honourhonour to be invited. to be invited.承蒙邀请我备感荣幸承蒙邀请我备感荣幸。Zhou Kai is considered (to be) an

31、 excellent Zhou Kai is considered (to be) an excellent student.student.周凯被认为是一名优秀学生周凯被认为是一名优秀学生。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)consider(1)consider(考虑考虑) ) (2)consider(2)consider(认为认为) )+ +n. n./ /pronpron. .考虑某事考虑某事+doing +doing sth.sth.打算做某事打算做某事+ +疑问词疑问词+to+to do do sth.sth.打算打算/ /考虑做某事考虑做某事+what-+what-clauseclause考虑

32、考虑+ +sb./sth.+sb./sth.+adj.adj./ /n. n.认为某人认为某人/ /某事某事+ +sb./sth.+tosb./sth.+to be. be.认为某人认为某人/ /某事某事+ +sb./sth.+assb./sth.+as.把某人把某人/ /某事当作某事当作+that-+that-clauseclause认为认为+ +it+it+adj.adj./ /n. n.认为认为+to do +to do sth.issth.is.认为做某事是认为做某事是活学活用活学活用He was once in low spirits and even He was once in

33、low spirits and even considered considered . .A.toA.to go away go away B.to B.to going away going awayC.goingC.going away away D.having D.having gone away gone away解析解析 根据语境知本句中的根据语境知本句中的considerconsider是是“考虑考虑”的意思,故其后接动词时用动词的的意思,故其后接动词时用动词的inging形式,且形式,且go go awayaway动作并未发生,故选动作并未发生,故选C C项项。C5.upse

34、t 5.upset v. v.(使)不安;(使)心烦;(使)不安;(使)心烦;adj.adj.心心 烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的 But there were also so many silly rules But there were also so many silly rules to to follow,whichfollow,which irritated or even irritated or even me. me. 但是,也有那么多可笑的规则要遵守,这些规但是,也有那么多可笑的规则要遵守,这些规 则使我心烦意乱则使我心烦意乱。 (回归课本(回归课本P

35、 P2525)upsetupset观察思考观察思考It upsets him that nobody had bothered to It upsets him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.tell him about it.让他不高兴的是,谁也没把这件事告诉他让他不高兴的是,谁也没把这件事告诉他。She was still upset about the argument She was still upset about the argument shed had with Harry.shed had with Harry.

36、她依然为跟哈里发生的争论而感到烦恼她依然为跟哈里发生的争论而感到烦恼。Im Im sorry,Isorry,I didnt mean to upset you. didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我没想让你不高兴对不起,我没想让你不高兴。归纳拓展归纳拓展upset a upset a planplan打乱计划打乱计划get/be upset about/at.get/be upset about/at.为为心烦;为心烦;为不安不安be upset over/about/by.be upset over/about/by.为为感到不安感到不安be upset be upse

37、t thatthatclauseclause苦恼苦恼 注意注意upsetupset的过去式,过去分词都是的过去式,过去分词都是upsetupset。活学活用活学活用The protesters The protesters the meeting by shouting the meeting by shouting and throwing stones at the windows.and throwing stones at the windows.A.A.a attended B.heldttended B.heldC.C.u upset D.mixedpset D.mixed解析解析

38、 句意为:抗议者的大喊大叫和向窗子投石句意为:抗议者的大喊大叫和向窗子投石头打乱了会议头打乱了会议。C重点短语与句型重点短语与句型6.as far as Im 6.as far as Im concernedconcerned就我个人而言就我个人而言观察思考观察思考 As far as I am As far as I am concerned,Imconcerned,Im not against not against your plan. your plan. 就我而言,我并不反对你的计划就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。 Besides,as Besides,as far as he was

39、 far as he was concerned,whatconcerned,what other people thought was not the most other people thought was not the most important thing. important thing. 另外,就他而言,别人怎么想并不是最重要的另外,就他而言,别人怎么想并不是最重要的。So far as English is So far as English is concerned,itconcerned,it is not is not so difficult as you migh

40、t think.so difficult as you might think.就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。As far as I As far as I know,heknow,he cheated in this exam. cheated in this exam.据我所知,他这次考试时作弊了据我所知,他这次考试时作弊了。Is he a good Is he a good driver?driver?他是个好司机吗他是个好司机吗?Far from Far from it!it!差远了差远了!归纳拓展归纳拓展as far as Im/were

41、as far as Im/were concernedconcerned就我就我/ /我们而言我们而言as far as as far as sth.issth.is concernedconcerned就某事而论就某事而论as far as I as far as I knowknow据我所知据我所知as far as the eye can as far as the eye can seesee就视力所能及就视力所能及far far fromfrom远非远非far from far from it(it(口口) )远不是远不是as far as far asas一直到;远到一直到;远到s

42、o so farfar到目前为止到目前为止活学活用活学活用(1)(1) Im Im concerned,heconcerned,he had worked in a had worked in a car factory before he became a soldier. car factory before he became a soldier. A.As A.As long as long as B.As B.As far as far as C.So C.So long as long as D.As D.As well as well as 解析解析 as far as Im a

43、s far as Im concernedconcerned就我个人就我个人 而言而言。B(2)So far this year we a fall in house (2)So far this year we a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A.saw B.see A.saw B.see C.had C.had seen seen D.have D.have seen seen 解析解析 so so farfar一般与现在完成时连用一般与现在完成时

44、连用。D7.look back 7.look back atat回顾,回忆回顾,回忆观察思考观察思考 On looking back on/at his On looking back on/at his childhood,thechildhood,the old man feels happier. old man feels happier. 一回想起他的童年,这位老人就感到很幸福一回想起他的童年,这位老人就感到很幸福。 Looking back on Looking back on it,Iit,I still cant figure still cant figure out wha

45、t went wrong. out what went wrong. 回顾过去的事情,我仍然找不到什么地方出回顾过去的事情,我仍然找不到什么地方出 错了错了。 After winning the scholarship he never After winning the scholarship he never looked back. looked back. 赢得奖学金后,他就越来越成功了赢得奖学金后,他就越来越成功了。归纳拓展归纳拓展look look afterafter照看;关心照看;关心look down on/look down on/uponupon轻视,看不起轻视,看不起l

46、ook look forfor寻找;招来寻找;招来look forward look forward toto期望,期待期望,期待look in on look in on sbsb./at ./at sth.sth.顺便拜访顺便拜访look look intointo调查调查look look onon旁观旁观look look outout小心,留神小心,留神look look overover把把看一遍;检查看一遍;检查look look throughthrough浏览;核查浏览;核查look look upup查找,查阅查找,查阅look up look up toto仰慕;尊敬仰慕

47、;尊敬( (某人某人) )活学活用活学活用He He the book and decided that he the book and decided that he wouldnt buy it.wouldnt buy it.A.lookedA.looked into into B.looked B.looked on onC.lookedC.looked after after D.looked D.looked through through解析解析 look look throughthrough浏览;快速查看;浏览;快速查看;looklook into into向里看;调查;向里看

48、;调查;looklook onon旁观;旁观;looklook afterafter照看照看;关心。由句意知关心。由句意知D D项正确。项正确。D8.Meanwhile,I find myself looking back 8.Meanwhile,I find myself looking back at my senior at my senior year,andyear,and thinking about thinking about all the wonderful things that have all the wonderful things that have happen

49、ed. happened.同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高 中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好 往事往事。句式分析句式分析find oneself.find oneself.指突然发觉自己处于某种处境或指突然发觉自己处于某种处境或在做某事,后常须加宾语补足语,其宾补常由介在做某事,后常须加宾语补足语,其宾补常由介词短语、现在分词或过去分词充当词短语、现在分词或过去分词充当。When he woke When he woke up,heup,he found himself in found himself in hospital

50、.hospital.醒来时,他发现自己躺在医院里醒来时,他发现自己躺在医院里。When day When day broke,thebroke,the soldiers found soldiers found themselves at the top of the mountain.themselves at the top of the mountain.天亮时,战士们发现到了山顶天亮时,战士们发现到了山顶。活学活用活学活用When I got off the crowded When I got off the crowded bus,Ibus,I found my found my

51、pocket pocket and the disk in it with the and the disk in it with the important documents gone.important documents gone.A.A.p picked B.stolenicked B.stolenC.C.m missing D.lostissing D.lost解析解析 pickpick掏掏( (兜兜) ),此处用过去分词作宾补,发,此处用过去分词作宾补,发现兜被掏。现兜被掏。B B、C C、D D三项搭配错误。三项搭配错误。A9.This is 9.This is because

52、,forbecause,for many American many American parents,it parents,it is important that their is important that their children,particularly children,particularly boys,learnboys,learn how how to compete to compete successfully.successfully.这是因为,对于这是因为,对于 许多美国的父母来说他们的孩子特别是男孩许多美国的父母来说他们的孩子特别是男孩 学会如何成功竞争是非常

53、重要的学会如何成功竞争是非常重要的。句式分析句式分析整句话含有一个由整句话含有一个由becausebecause引导的表语从句,插入引导的表语从句,插入了了forfor many American many American parents,parents,表示对象。在这个表示对象。在这个表语从句中表语从句中itit作形式主语,代替由作形式主语,代替由thatthat引导的主语引导的主语从句,在这个主语从句中又有一个插入成分从句,在这个主语从句中又有一个插入成分particularlyparticularly boysboys进行强调进行强调。The only reason was that

54、the theory he The only reason was that the theory he insisted on proved wrong.insisted on proved wrong.唯一的原因就是他坚持的理论被证明是错误的唯一的原因就是他坚持的理论被证明是错误的。The question is whether it is necessary that The question is whether it is necessary that they should book the ticket in advance.they should book the ticket

55、 in advance.问题是他们是否有必要提前订票问题是他们是否有必要提前订票。易混辨异易混辨异Thats because-clause/thats why.Thats because-clause/thats why.(1)Thats because-(1)Thats because-clause“clause“那是因为那是因为”,表示原因表示原因。Thats because the rain was Thats because the rain was heavy.Heheavy.He was was late for his work again.late for his work a

56、gain.他又一次上班迟到是因为雨太大了他又一次上班迟到是因为雨太大了。(2)thats why.“(2)thats why.“那是那是的原因的原因”,表结果,表结果。The rain was The rain was heavy.Thatsheavy.Thats why he was late why he was late for his work again.for his work again.雨很大,这导致了他又一次上班迟到雨很大,这导致了他又一次上班迟到。活学活用活学活用 made the school proud was made the school proud was mor

57、e more than 90% of the students had been admitted than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.to key universities.A.What;because B.What;thatA.What;because B.What;thatC.That;what D.That;becauseC.That;what D.That;because解析解析 引导名词性从句引导名词性从句thatthat不作句子成分;而本不作句子成分;而本句中第一空需一主语,故用句中第一空需

58、一主语,故用whatwhat;再根据句意知;再根据句意知B B项正确项正确。B考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】My My sister,ansister,an inexperienced inexperienced rider,wasrider,was found sitting on the bicycle found sitting on the bicycle to to balance it. ( balance it. (上海高考上海高考) ) A.having A.having tried tried B.trying B.trying C.to C.to try try D.tri

59、ed D.tried 解析解析 该题中考查了固定句式该题中考查了固定句式“find+“find+宾语宾语+ +宾宾 语补足语语补足语”结构的被动语态形式。由于结构的被动语态形式。由于trytry与与 find find的动作几乎同时发生,且的动作几乎同时发生,且trytry与主语之间为与主语之间为 逻辑上的主谓关系,故逻辑上的主谓关系,故trytry须用现在分词形式作须用现在分词形式作 宾语补足语宾语补足语。B课文原文课文原文Meanwhile,Meanwhile, my my senior senior year,andyear,and thinking about all the thin

60、king about all the wonderful things that have happened.wonderful things that have happened.I find myself looking back atI find myself looking back at【例例2 2】According to the literary review,According to the literary review, Shakespeare Shakespeare his characters alive his characters alive through the


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