1、 Book I Unit 5 Supplementary exercise1. _adj.吝啬的;吝啬的;_ v.意思;意思;_ n.意思;意思;2. _adj.大方的大方的_n慷慨慷慨3. _无私的;无私的;_ 自私的;自私的;_ 无私;无私;_ 自私;自私;_无私地无私地_自私地;自私地;4. _希望;希望;_ 抱有希望的;抱有希望的;_满怀希望地;满怀希望地;_绝望地绝望地5. _教育;教育;_ 教育;教育; _有教养的;有教养的;_教育教育者者meanmeaningmeangenerousgenerosityselflessnessselfishnessselflesslyselfis
2、hselflessselfishlyeducatoreducationeducateeducatedhopefulhopefullyhopehopeless重点单词补充重点单词补充6._ n, 恐怖,可怕的人或事恐怖,可怕的人或事 _ v.使恐怖,使惊吓使恐怖,使惊吓 _ adj. 感到恐怖的感到恐怖的 _ adj.可怕的,令人害怕的可怕的,令人害怕的 _ n.恐怖分子恐怖分子 _ n.恐怖主义恐怖主义terrorterrifyterrifiedterrifyingterroristterrorisma holy terrorterror-stricken/struckadj. 人心惶惶的,胆
3、战心惊人心惶惶的,胆战心惊的的n.淘气或鲁莽的孩子,难操纵或对付的人淘气或鲁莽的孩子,难操纵或对付的人strike-struck-struck/strickenV. 罢工,撞击罢工,撞击7._ adj.合法的 _ adj.非法的8._ adj.公平的/ n.集市,展览会 _ adj.不公平的 _ n. 公平legalillegalfairCanton Fair广交会广交会unfairfairnessChina Import and Export Fair1. He was a _ friend of our school. He _ a lot of time and money to hel
4、ping others. We were really moved by his _ to his belief. (devote) 2.We were _ to the famous scenic spot by the local_. (guide) 3. He is a _ person who always thinks about himeslf and acts _while his wife is quite _and helps others _. His _ and his wifes _ makes a sharp contrast.(selfish)devoteddevo
5、teddevotionguidedguideselfishselflessselfishlyselflessnessselflesslyselfishness4. She is very _ to her friends and relatives. Her _ wins her a good reputation. (generous)5. Li Hua is an_ student who joins in different kinds of _. He will leap into _ when necessary. (active)6. What is the _ of his wo
6、rds?What does he _ by saying that? Hes really _.(mean)7. _ is very important. We need to get the kids _ so that they will be well _ people. However, we forgot that parents are the best _.(eduate) activeactivitiesactiongenerositygenerousmeaningmeanmeaneducatededucatorseducatedEducation8.The law ensur
7、es the _ of all people and that women and children should have _ rights as men and be treated _. (equal)9. He was person with mcuh _. His parents were _ that he would succeed so they always watched his match _.However, each time they had to go _.(hope)10.Why do you let her stay out late but not me?
8、Its _.(fair)equalequallyequalityhopehopelesslyhopefullyhopefulunfair短语回顾短语回顾1.失业失业2.事实上事实上3.使充气使充气;爆炸爆炸4.在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中5.求助于求助于;致力于致力于6.丧失勇气或信心丧失勇气或信心e to power 8.be sentenced to 9.set up lose jobas a matter of factblow upin troubleturn to lose heart当权,上台当权,上台被判处被判处设立;建立设立;建立 out
9、 of workbe sentenced to death/5 years in prison7. out of work 失业失业次序颠倒;发生故障次序颠倒;发生故障不被使用;废弃不被使用;废弃失去平衡失去平衡过时过时上气不接下气上气不接下气失去控制失去控制破产破产失去联系;失去联系;毫无疑问毫无疑问不可能不可能不耐烦不耐烦out of order out of balanceout of useout of date out of breathout of controlout of business out of touchout of question out of the quest
10、ion out of patienceOnly then did we decide to answer violence with violence.1.只有在那个时候,他才意识到他错了。只有在那个时候,他才意识到他错了。2. 只有靠大声喊才能使河对岸的人们听到他的声只有靠大声喊才能使河对岸的人们听到他的声音。音。3.只有采取有效地措施,水污染才可能解决。只有采取有效地措施,水污染才可能解决。4.只有在只有在 1949 年战争结束之后,他才返回了家乡。年战争结束之后,他才返回了家乡。句型突破句型突破Only then did he realize that he was wrong. Onl
11、y by shouting can he make peopleon the other side of the river hear him.Only by taking effective measures, can water pollution be solved.Only when the war was over in 1949 did he return home.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.名词连词化名词连词化the moment, instant, minute, second (that)表示表示“一一就就”,
12、其后的,其后的that经常省略,经常省略,moment等词前可以用等词前可以用very等形容词修饰。等形容词修饰。=instantly/immediately/directly=as soon as2. each / every time, next / last / first / second / any / all time等。等。3. the morning, afternoon, evening, night, day, week, month, year等。等。4. spring, summer, autumn, winter。句型突破句型突破1.我一看到这只狗就被它迷住了。我一看
13、到这只狗就被它迷住了。2.铃声一响,学生都跑出了教室。铃声一响,学生都跑出了教室。 3.第二次世界大战爆发的那一年,他离开了欧第二次世界大战爆发的那一年,他离开了欧洲。洲。4.遇车祸身亡的那年冬季,他正处于职业生涯遇车祸身亡的那年冬季,他正处于职业生涯的顶峰。的顶峰。5.第一次抱起这个粉红色的、满是皱纹的、幼第一次抱起这个粉红色的、满是皱纹的、幼小的婴儿时,第一次给他洗澡时,第一次我小的婴儿时,第一次给他洗澡时,第一次我们俩独处时,我简直吓坏了。们俩独处时,我简直吓坏了。 句型突破句型突破The moment I saw the dog, it appealed to me. The seco
14、nd the bell rang, the students dashed out of the classroom. He left Europe the year World War II broke out. The winter he was killed in an accident, he was at the peak of his career. I was terrified the first time I held this small, pink, wrinkled bundle in my arms, the first time I gave him a bath,
15、 the first time we were alone together. 句句型型突突破破II. Translate the following sentences:1.第一次第一次来北京,我就喜欢上了这座有悠久来北京,我就喜欢上了这座有悠久历史的城市。历史的城市。2. 只有努力学习,我们才能实现自己的梦只有努力学习,我们才能实现自己的梦想。想。3. 他总是第一个到教室的人。他总是第一个到教室的人。4. 什么也不能阻止她去帮助有需要的人。什么也不能阻止她去帮助有需要的人。她总是竭尽全力去帮助他们。她总是竭尽全力去帮助他们。 I fall in love with Beijing the
16、first time I came to this city which has a long history. Only by working hard can we realize our dream. He is always the first to come to the classroom. Nothing can stop from helping those in need. She will do all she can to help them.李华,李华,1982年年11月月12日出生在广东广州。日出生在广东广州。1999年广州第六中学毕业,之后去英国读年广州第六中学毕业
18、奉献给了帮助别人。非洲人们也将会永远尊重并爱戴他。人们也将会永远尊重并爱戴他。Born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on November 12,1982, Li Hua finished high school in Guangzhou No.6 Middle School in 1999, after which he went to England to attend university. In the university, he joined the Students Union and was active in different activities.
19、After graduating from university, he joined the International Volunteer Organization and was sent to help the African people there. With his parents taken good care of in China, he put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight, having no time to think about himself, but only the A
20、frican peoples life. Such is Li Hua a selfless person that devotes all his time and energy in helping others and who will be respected and loved by the African people for ever. Tom是一个积极的男孩,他还拥有好的品质。是一个积极的男孩,他还拥有好的品质。但是他的家庭陷入了困境之中,因为他的父但是他的家庭陷入了困境之中,因为他的父母亲失业了。因此,他担心他的家庭支付不母亲失业了。因此,他担心他的家庭支付不起学费。但是,他并没有失去信心,并且乐起学费。但是,他并没有失去信心,并且乐意自己赚钱。一天,一个人要他去帮助对付意自己赚钱。一天,一个人要他去帮助对付Jack。尽管心中充满害怕,而且知道这将是。尽管心中充满害怕,而且知道这将是违法的事情,但是为了实现赚钱的梦想,他违法的事情,但是为了实现赚钱的梦想,他还是同意了。事实上,还是同意了。事实上, Tom不仅用暴力战
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