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1、 制作人:李丙山制作人:李丙山 审核人:高一英语组审核人:高一英语组 Module1 Unit 3 Travel journal 阅读课阅读课(Warming up and reading)I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 学习目标学习目标1. 知识目标知识目标:能在课文语境中体会、理解以下词汇和短语的含能在课文语境中体会、理解以下词汇和短语的含 义和用法并能在具

2、体语境中运用义和用法并能在具体语境中运用;2. 能力目标能力目标:能运用略读能运用略读(skimming)能理解文章结构和主旨能理解文章结构和主旨; 能运用查读能运用查读(scanning)理解文章的具体信息理解文章的具体信息; 能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义能利用上下文和句子结构猜测词义; 能通过文章的线索进行推理能通过文章的线索进行推理; 能通过分析句子结构理解长难句能通过分析句子结构理解长难句; 3. 情感目标情感目标:了解旅游常识了解旅游常识; 懂得如何设计旅行计划懂得如何设计旅行计划; 为旅行做为旅行做 准备。准备。 I learn! I participate! I experie

3、nce! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 内容内容 1 1、课前预习中的疑问;、课前预习中的疑问;2 2、探究案中探究点、探究案中探究点要求要求1 1、组长组长分配好任务,分配好任务,全员参与全员参与;2 2、组长组长全盘协调全盘协调探究探究内容和进度;内容和进度;3 3、组长组长安排好安排好展示展示人员,并鼓励组员大胆人员,并鼓励组员大胆质疑质疑,展示时注,展示时注 意意拼写拼写等细节问题。等细节问题。评价评价 根据参与情况、讨论状态

4、根据参与情况、讨论状态及回答问题情况分别加及回答问题情况分别加3 3、2 2、1 1分分Group discussion (小组合作探究小组合作探究)I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjo

5、y! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! Do you like ? Where have you been before?If you get a chance to travel, which kind of transport would you prefer to choose? Why?Have you ever visited any famous rivers?Step 1: Lead inYangtze Can you guess the names of these rivers ?Yellow China LaosThailand

6、CambodiaVietnamMekongMyanmarLancangFind the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1Para.2Para.3Different attitudes about the tripThe preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river A dream about taking a great bike trip along the Mekong River.Task 1 Skimming 探探 究究 点点1【探究点二】【探究点二】Scanning 阅读表达阅

7、读表达Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1. What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip? _2. What is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter? _3. What did they do to prepare for the trip? _探探 究究 点点2linklinkTo take a long bike trip.The source is in Qinghai

8、 Province and it enters the South China Sea.They find some information about the Mekong River in the library.I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 【探究点二】【探究点二】Scanning 阅读表达阅读表达Read the passage carefully a

9、nd answer the following questions.4. What can you see when traveling along the Mekong?_5. Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why?_探探 究究 点点2linklinkglacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains.Yes. She insisted that she organize the trip properly. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change

10、 it.I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! PeopleWangKun, WangWei ,DaoWei and Yu HangTimeAfter _ from collegePlaceAlong the Mekong RiverDetailsWangKun and WangWei have _ taking a bike trip_ middle school a

11、nd they bought _ bikes two years ago. DaoWei and Yu Hang are Dai and _ in western Yunnan Province. The river _ the Lancang River in China and the Mekong River in _ countries.DetailsThe Mekong River _ in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain. The journey began at an altitude of more than 5000 metres_ the a

12、ir was hard _.探探 究究 点点3. Read the text and fill the blanksgraduatingdreamed aboutever sincemountaingrew upis calledotherbeginswhereto breathe1Why is it so hard to breathe in Qinghai Province?AThe weather is cold.BBecause of the high altitude.CBecause of the rivers.DBecause of the low altitude.B探探 究究

13、 点点4【探究点三】:【探究点三】:Scanning 阅读理解题阅读理解题细节理解题细节理解题: B此题干的关键词为此题干的关键词为hard, breathe,根据这两个关键,根据这两个关键词定位答案于词定位答案于Line 23,此句有这两个关键词。通过,此句有这两个关键词。通过ABCD四个选项与原文比较,四个选项与原文比较,B项与原文一致项与原文一致,故选故选B。linklinkI learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我

14、参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 2Which sentence is NOT true according to the text?AWang Wei advised Wang Kun to buy a mountain bike and he agreed.BWang Wei seldom accepts others advice.CBefore their trip they went to the library.DWang Wei knew the best way of getting to places.D细节理解题细节理解题 D据据Line4可知可知A正确;

15、第二段第一行提到正确;第二段第一行提到Wei can be really stubborn, 从这句话我们可以得出从这句话我们可以得出B选项她很选项她很少接受别人的建议是正确的;据少接受别人的建议是正确的;据Line26可知可知C正确。正确。据据Line17-18可知可知D是错误的。是错误的。【探究点三】:【探究点三】:Scanning 阅读理解题阅读理解题I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验

16、! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 3. Compared with Wang Kun, What is Wang Weis attitude towards the trip? A. more positive B. less positive C. the same positive D. both not positiveA【探究点三】:【探究点三】:Scanning 阅读理解题阅读理解题推理判断题推理判断题: A。 此题干的关键词为此题干的关键词为Wang Weis attitude towards the trip,原文中没有直接出现答案,原文中没有直接出现答案,需要我们进行推理判断。文章第

17、二段重点讲了需要我们进行推理判断。文章第二段重点讲了Wang Kun and Wang Wei对这次旅行的不同态度,对这次旅行的不同态度,Kun不断提醒不断提醒Wei 旅程中的困难,旅程中的困难,Kun却依然态度坚定,由此可知却依然态度坚定,由此可知Wei更更乐观。选乐观。选A。linklinkI learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 4. From the passag

18、e we can infer that Wang Kun is _. A. imaginative B. stubborn C. sensible D. organizedC推理判断题推理判断题: C 根据根据Para. 2, Wang Kun 不断提醒不断提醒Wang Wei这这次旅行中的困难,可知他是个很理性很明智的人故选次旅行中的困难,可知他是个很理性很明智的人故选C.【探究点三】:【探究点三】:Scanning 阅读理解题阅读理解题I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I exper

19、ience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 5. What does Wang Kun mean by saying “the proper way is always her way”?A. Wang Wei is reliable, because she always knows the proper way.B. Wang Wei always insists on her way, even though she doesnt know the proper way.C. Wang Kun thinks that h

20、is sister is stubborn and cant do anything properly.D. Wang Kun thinks that his sister can find the best way to get to the places.【探究点三】:【探究点三】:Scanning 阅读理解题阅读理解题B词句义猜测题词句义猜测题: B。根据根据the proper way is always her way所在位置的前一句话所在位置的前一句话(上下文上下文)可知可知应选应选BlinklinkI learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! I learn! I participate! I experience! I enjoy! 我学习我学习! ! 我参与我参与! ! 我体验我体验! ! 我快乐我快乐! ! 【探究点五】:【探究点五】:Retell the text Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei _ taking a great bike trip _ their middle school days. After _ from college, they got a chance to do it. It w


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