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1、外事英语培训English for Foreign Affairs 2Hotel EnglishTypes of hotel rooms Single room Double room Deluxe single room Deluxe double room twin-bed room with bath/TWB Junior suite Deluxe suite Presidential suite Penthouse(一) 一般分類 - 1一般是以旅館客房內之床鋪數量而定,床鋪尺寸、型式之配置是考量主要客源對象之需求。可分為: 1.單床房 (Single Room, Single wit

2、h Bath, SWB) 2.雙床房 (Twin Room, Twin with Bath, TWB) 。 3. 套房 (Suite) 。節目錄節目錄返回返回(一) 一般分類 - 2u單床房 (Single Room, Single with Bath, SWB) 1. 主要特徵是房間內僅擺置一張床,提供12位旅客住宿。 2. 房間的類型影響床鋪的尺寸、大小及品質,且是房間定價的基礎。 3. 依床鋪尺寸可分區分為: (1) 標準單床房 (Standard Single Room) (2) 精緻單床房 (Superior Single Room) (3) 豪華單床房 (Deluxe Single

3、 Room)返回返回節目錄節目錄標準單床房精緻單床房豪華單床房(一) 一般分類 - 3u雙床房(Twin Room, Twin with Bath, TWB) 1. 房間內擺設兩張同樣尺寸的床鋪房間內擺設兩張同樣尺寸的床鋪。 2. 提供團體旅客或夫妻住宿,可容納提供團體旅客或夫妻住宿,可容納24人人。 3. 擺放方式不同可分為:擺放方式不同可分為:返回返回雙床房(一) 一般分類 - 4u雙床房(Twin Room, Twin with Bath, TWB) 1. 標準雙床房(Standard Twin Room)2. 精緻雙床房(Superior Twin Room)標準雙床房精緻雙床房1 C

4、hecking In1. 入住基本应对入住基本应对1) You can just skip that, and Ill fill it in for you later on.你可以先不填这一项,我待会儿帮您补上。2) Please sign at the bottom on the right hand side .请在右下角签名。3) May I see some identifications?我能看看您的身份证件吗?4) How would you like to make payment/settle your bill?您打算如何付款呢?5) In cash/By credit c

5、ard/By travelers check.用现金/用信用卡/用旅行支票。6) Your bill will be paid by xx.您的账单将由 xx 支付。7) Please sign at the Cashiers Counter when you check out.您退宿时请到收银台签名。8) Your room charge, including tax and service will paid by xx; but you have to settle the incidental charges yourself.您的房钱,包括税金和服务费,将由 xx 支付,不过,杂费

6、得由您自己支付。9) Have an enjoyable stay./Please enjoy your stay here.祝您住得愉快。 I would like to/ Can I book reserve a single/double room with a bathtub? I would like a non-smoking floor. Would you like a room with the view of the city? Do you prefer a standard suite or a deluxe suite? Please allow me to welc

7、ome you on behalf of all the staff. Would you like to register/check in? I made a reservation and Id like to check in. Do you have any vacancies now? Do you have a double room for the next 8 days? Ive reserved a triple room with bathtub. I booked a single room 4 weeks ago. Yes , we have a vacancy. A

8、ll the rooms are occupied except Room 201. I am afraid we may be full. Im afraid that we are fully booked because of the Internatioal Art-festival. How long do you plan to stay here? For whom is the reservation? We can offer you a non-smoking double room on the first floor with a view of the downtow

9、n shopping area from the 3rd of October to the 8th. Well look forward to welcoming you on the 22nd. Ill check the arrival list. Yes I have your name, a harbour-view single room with a bathtub. I do not have a record of your reservation . Do you have a confirmation? I am terribly sorry, Sir. Because

10、of your late arrival, we no longer have a reservation for you; however, I have made a reservation for you at the Park Hotel. We will put you in a deluxe room at no extra charge. Would you please complete this registration card? May I see your passport? I need your passport number and validity date.

11、I am afraid we will need one nights payment in advance which will comes to 3000 yuan RMB. The porter will show you the way to your room I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for choosing to stay with us at the Sample Hotel. We are pleased to confirm your reservation as follow

12、s: Confirmation Number: 123456 Guest Name: Mr. Ned Smith Arrival Date: 10/15/04 Departure Date: 10/18/04 Number of Guests: 2 Accommodations: Deluxe King Suite Rate per Night: $575.00 Check-in Time: 4:00pm Check-out Time: 11:00am Should you require an early check-in, please make your request as soon

13、as possible. Rates are quoted in U.S. funds and subject to applicable state and local taxes. If you find it necessary to cancel this reservation, the Sample Hotel requires notification by 4:00 P.M. the day before your arrival to avoid a charge for one nights room rate. We look forward to the pleasur

14、e of having you as our guest at the Sample Hotel. Sincerely, John MooreReservations DepartmentDialogue One C=Front Office Clerk 前台服务员 G=Guest 顾客C:Good afternoon. Welcome to XX hotel. May I help you?下午好!欢迎光临 xx 酒店。能为您效劳吗?G:Yes, Id like to check-in,pleae.我要登记住宿。C:Certaily,sir. May I have your name ,pl

15、ease?好的,先生。请问大名?G:Im Lawrence Brown.我叫劳伦斯.布朗。C:Do you have a reservation with us. Mr. Brown?布朗先生,您预订了房间了吗?G:Yes, from tonight.是的,预订了。从今晚开始。C:Just a moment please. Ill check our reservation record. (After a while) Thank you for waiting, Mr.Brown. Your reservation is for a twin from March 5th to 7th f

16、or three nights. Is that right?请稍后,我检查一下预订记录。(过了一会儿)让您久等了,布朗先生。您预订了从 3 月 5 日到 7日 3 个晚上的双床间,是这样的吗?G:Exactly.对。 C:Could you fill out the registration form, please?请填写这张登记表好吗?G:Fine(Fill the form)好的(填写表格)C:How would you like to make payment?您打算如何付款呢?G:By American Express Card.用美国运通信用卡。C:May I take a pr

17、int of the card ,please?请让我划印一下你的卡,好吗?G:Sure, here you are.好的,给你。C:Thank you, Mr. Brown. Your room number is 2809.thats on the 8th floor. A bellman will show you the room. Please enjoy your stay.谢谢您,布朗先生。您的房间是 8 楼的 2809 好房,服务员会带您过去,希望您住得愉快。Dialogue TwoGood afternoon.Good afternoon. Wed like to book

18、a room please.Fine. What kind of room would you like?Sing room with the bath, please. And a king size bed. Ill just check if we have a room free. Yes, thats ok. Could you tell me your name?Yes, it is Jan Urbanik. That is and the surname isOk, I have got that. And your nationality?Polish. And how lon

19、g will you be staying.Just a couple of nights until December 8th. So thats a double room for two nights. Yes, can you tell me the price. Yes, it is 95 pounds per night, breakfast included. And could I just take your passport number?Yes, I have it here. It is And how will you be paying Mr. Urbanik?Wi

20、th the visa card.Ok. If I can just take an imprint of the card? Thank you. Right, well here is your key and your room number is 19 on the first floor. Thank you. Dialogue Three Where is the dinning room? Its on the second floor. What are the dinning hours? Oh, breakfast is from seven to eight, lunch

21、 from eleven to one p.m. and supper from five to seven p.m. Can I have my meals in the room? Sorry, Im afraid not. You have a bar, dont you? Yes, we have a bar ad a caf on the fourth floor. We also have a barbers shop, a post office and telegraph service. Dialogue Four Excuse me, where is the neares

22、t laundry? Not far from here. If you have any laundry, please leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. The laundryman comes to collect it every morning. Can my suit be pressed? Yes, of course. Where shall I get my laundry back? You can call for it at the service desk. Can my shoes be po

23、lished here? Just have your shoes outside the door if you want them polished. Is there a place in the hotel where I can change some foreign currency? Yes, there is a currency exchange desk on the first floor. 2.Checking Out 1. 结帐基本应对结帐基本应对1) Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill rea

24、dy in a moment.请稍等,收银员马上会准备好您的账单。2) I will calculate/draw up the bill for you.我帮您结账单。3) Thank you for waiting, Mr. xx, here is your bill. Would you like check it?让您久等了,xx 先生。这是您的账单,您要核对一下吗?4) Would you like a breakdown of the bill?您的帐目要细分吗?5) Thats mach more than I expected.那比我预料中的要超出许多。6) Shall I e

25、xplain some items for you?要我解释什么收费款项吗?7) If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you.如果您认为账目有错,我们可以为您核对一下。8) “L” stands for laundry, and “T” means telephone call charge.“L”代表洗衣费, “T”代表电话费。9) I am afraid it is not enough to cover the amount./ Im afraid it cant cover the amou

26、nt.恐怕那不够付账。 10) How would you settle the bill/ make payment?您打算如何付款呢?11) In cash/By credit card/By travels check.用现金/用信用卡/用旅行支票。12) May I have an invoice?可以给开张发票吗?13) Certainly ,sir. May I know the name of your company?当然可以,先生。请问贵公司宝号?14) Heres your change and receipt/invoice.这是您的零钱和收据/发票。15) Ill ca

27、ll the bellman to take your baggage down.我会叫个服务员把您的行李拿下来。 2. 由第三方付款的结账退宿由第三方付款的结账退宿1) Your bill will be paid by xx company./xx company has arranged to pay your bill.您的账单由 xx 公司支付。2) Could you make out two separate bills for me?可以给我分开两张账单吗? 3) What charges does each bill cover, please?请问每张账单包括哪些费用?4)

28、 One bill covers the room rent and telephone rate. They are paid by our company.一张账单包括房租和电话费,这些是由我们公司支付。5) May I have your signature , please?请您签个名,好吗?6) Could you sign your name here ,please?请您在这儿签名,好吗?7) May I have two of your business cards, please?请给我两张您的名片,好吗? 3.关于延迟退宿关于延迟退宿1) If you check out

29、after 12:00 at noon, youll have to pay half of the rate.如果您在中午 12 点之后退宿,就得付半天的房费。2) If you check out after 6:00 p.m., youll have to pay the full rate.如果您在下午 6 点之后退宿,就得付一天的房费。 May I keep the room until 5 this evening? Will I have to pay extra? 4.退宿 Are you going to check out today, sir? I am Amy Evan

30、s, Room No. 1739. I am checking out today. Did you have any extras? Have you used the minibar or made any last minute phone calls? I took an orange juice from the minibar this morning. I am afraid there was a problem with the blanket on your bed. I really dont like to do this, but I have to follow t

31、he hotel policy; however I will make the charge minimal. 付款 Can I have my bill now? Here is your bill. Would you care to step over to the cashier to pay? How are you going to settle your account? I will pay in cash/with a credit card. Can I pay my bill with a travelers check? I am afraid we will nee

32、d an imprint of your credit card with your signature on it. 账单不对 I stocked the minibar myself and I was charged for my own drinks. I didnt make any telephone calls to Brazil. Let me check again. Oh you are right. I am truly sorry about that. 1) Im sorry to hear that.很抱歉听到您这么说。2) Ill check it with th

33、e department concerned. Would you mind waiting for a moment?我去跟相关部门核对一下,您介意等会儿吗?3) There has been an error.是我们搞错了。4) I neglected that detail when I drew up your bill.我在开账单时忽略了那个细节。5) Ill correct your bill.我来把您的账单改过来。6) Well correct your bill by deducing 180 yuan from the total.我们将把账单改正过来,从总额中减去 180

34、元。7) Here is the money you overpaid.这是您多付的钱。Atravelers chequeisapreprinted,fixed-amountchequedesignedtoallowthepersonsigningittomakeanunconditionalpaymenttosomeoneelseasaresultofhavingpaidtheissuerforthatprivilege.Astravelerschequescanusuallybereplacediflostorstolen(iftheownerstillhasthereceiptissue

35、dwiththepurchaseofthechequesshowingtheserialnumbersallocated),theyareoftenusedbypeopleonvacationinplaceofcashDialogue One C=Cashier 收银员 G=Guest 顾客C:Good morning, sir. May I help you?先生,您早,有什么可以帮到您吗?G:Yes, Id like to check out.我想退宿。C:Certainly sir. May I have your room key, please?好的,请把房间钥匙给我,好吗?G:Sure, Here it is.好的,给你。C:Just a moment, please. Ill draw up your bill for


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