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1、Unit 1 ArtLanguage pointshave faith in sb./ sth. 相信;对相信;对有信心有信心lose faith in sb./ sth.失去对失去对的信念;不再信任的信念;不再信任break faith 背弃信仰;不守信义背弃信仰;不守信义keep faith with sb.忠于某人;对某人守信忠于某人;对某人守信1. faith n. 信任;信心;信念信任;信心;信念派生:派生:faithful adj. 如实的;忠诚的如实的;忠诚的 faithless adj.无信的;不忠实的无信的;不忠实的 faithfully adv. 忠实地忠实地运用:用适当的

2、词填空或按提示完成句子。运用:用适当的词填空或按提示完成句子。 I have faith_his ability to succeed. He always performs his duties _(faith).faithfully in She was always_ (faith) to her husband. 我对你(我自己)有信心。我对你(我自己)有信心。 I have faith in you (myself).(5)我们不在相信他的承诺。我们不在相信他的承诺。 we have lost faith in his promise.faithful2.aim n. 目标;对准目标

3、;对准;v. 打算;对准目标打算;对准目标 _adj.无目的的;无目标的无目的的;无目标的_adv.无目的地;无目标地无目的地;无目标地_搭配搭配瞄准;针对;旨在瞄准;针对;旨在_搭配搭配打算做某事;以做打算做某事;以做某事为目标某事为目标 _同义同义 n.目标目标goalaimlessaimlesslyaim ataim to do sth. Dont be _,or you will feel life is boring. Living without an _,you will be going through life_ and meaninglessly. (aim) This a

4、nti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed_ young teenagers. aimlessaimlesslyat aim These exercises_ (目的是提高目的是提高) the students abilities to take exams.(4)他的生活没有目标。他的生活没有目标。 He has no aim in his life.Keys: We must work hard to achieve our aims.1. He picked up a stone and aimed it at the dog. aim at improvi

5、ng/aim to improve3.evident adj. 明白的;明显的明白的;明显的 _adv. 显然显然 _n.根据,证词根据,证词 evidenceevidently It must be_ to all of you that he has made a mistake. _,he has decided to leave. There wasnt enough_ to prove him guilty.evidentEvidentlyevidence用用evident的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。原句原句:But it was evident that ideas were

6、changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.(L10,P2)但是很显然到了但是很显然到了13世纪时,世纪时,(人们的人们的)思想正经历着变化,像乔托这样思想正经历着变化,像乔托这样的画家开始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗的画家开始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。教场景。句型:句型:Its +adj./n+ that 某人做某事是某人做某事是的的说明:说明:it是形式主语,是形式主语,that从句是真

7、正从句是真正的主语。的主语。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。 众所周知,地球围绕太阳转动。众所周知,地球围绕太阳转动。_ that_. 学生记住所有新单词是必要的。学生记住所有新单词是必要的。_ that the students _ .It is well known the earth runs round the sunIt is necessary(should) remember all the new words 有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念不再被年青人珍视。价值观念不再被年青人珍视。_ some old trad

8、itions and values are no longer treasured by the young people.It is obvious that keys:Its evident that she couldnt put Jack out of her mind.Its exciting that we can watch a movie in the classroom.4. by coincidence 巧合巧合(做状语做状语)联想:联想:偶然;侥幸偶然;侥幸_ 碰巧碰巧 _运用:根据汉语完成句子。运用:根据汉语完成句子。 _ (凑巧凑巧),we arrived here

9、at the same time.By coincidenceby chanceby accident _ (巧得出奇巧得出奇),we happened to be travelling on the same train. I won purely_(侥幸侥幸). It was broken_(无意地无意地). by accidentBy a strange coincidenceby chance5. a great deal(=a good deal)大量大量(n./adv) a great deal of (+不可数名词不可数名词) 许多;大量许多;大量(作定语作定语)运用:用以上两个

10、短语填空。运用:用以上两个短语填空。 He has _ work to do.a great deal of He ate _ for supper yesterday. He ran _ faster than I. His bad behaviors caused his parents _ pain. a great deal ofa great deala great deal【短语归纳】修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词修饰可数及不可数名词manymucha lot of/lots offew/a fewlittle/a littleplenty ofmany a a good/great

11、deal ofa (large) number ofa large amount of6. on the one hand. on the other hand. 一方面,另一方面说明:用于对比不同的事物。仿写:将下列句子译成英文。仿写:将下列句子译成英文。 一方面我喜欢城市的各种便利条件,另一方面我喜欢城市的各种便利条件,另一方面,我也很欣赏乡村的宁静生活。一方面,我也很欣赏乡村的宁静生活。_,I enjoy the conveniences of the city;_,I also appreciate the quiet life in the countryside.On the on

12、e handon the other hand 视频网站一方面正面临资金压力,另视频网站一方面正面临资金压力,另一方面则正面临盈利压力。一方面则正面临盈利压力。_,video site is facing financial pressure;_,facing profit pressures.on the other handOn the one hand7. predict vt.& vi. 预言;预测;预示;预告;预报派生:派生:predictable adj.可预报的可预报的 可预言的可预言的 prediction n. 预言;预测;预示;预言;预测;预示;运用:用适当的词填空或用所给

13、词的适当形式填运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。空。 Do you take seriously his _ (predict) of a government defeat? I know you would say that youre so _ (predict). It is impossible _ (predict) who will win. to predict prediction predictable1._ v.预报,预言;预知预报,预言;预知2._ vi.呼吁;有感染力呼吁;有感染力3._ v. 采用;采纳;收养采用;采纳;收养4._ vt.& n. 努力;

14、尝试努力;尝试5._ vt.have or own sth.6._ n.技术;方法技术;方法predictappealadoptattemptpossesstechnique7._ n. 目标;目的目标;目的 v. 瞄准瞄准8._ v. 使确信;使信服使确信;使信服9._ adj. 典型的典型的10._ n. trust;strong belief 11.preference n. _12.aggressive adj. _ 13.evident adj. _aimconvincetypicalfaith喜爱;偏爱喜爱;偏爱敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的明显的明显的 14

15、.district n. _15.specific adj. _16.reputation n. _17.civilization n. _18.permanent adj. _19.conventional adj. _20.contemporary adj._当代的;同时代的当代的;同时代的区;区域;行政区区;区域;行政区确切的;特定的确切的;特定的名声;声誉名声;声誉文明;文化文明;文化永久的;持久的永久的;持久的常规的;传统的常规的;传统的. 1.consider v. 考虑考虑, 认为认为 (1) consider + n/ doing sthWould you consider w

16、orking in Australia ?(2) consider +宾语宾语+ as + nHe always considered her as his real mother.(3) consider + 宾语宾语+ to be + n/ adjI consider him to be the finest baseball player alive today(4) consider + how/ where/ what/who to doHe was considering who to invite to the party We are considering _ (去伦敦去伦敦

17、) for our holiday. (2) Have you considered _ (什么时候出发什么时候出发) ? (3) I consider _ (他是个诚实的他是个诚实的人人). (4) We consider that_(他是对的他是对的).going to Londonwhen to starthim to be/ as honesthe is right2. worth, worthy 与与 worthwile be worth + n ( 表示价钱或代价) doing of sthbe worthy + of being done to be done It is wor

18、thwhile doing sth 这件晚礼服值这件晚礼服值100 元钱元钱. (2) 他的建议值得考虑他的建议值得考虑. (3) 这个地方值得参观这个地方值得参观. (4) 这个问题值得再讨论一次这个问题值得再讨论一次.The evening dress is worth 100 yuan.His suggestion is worth considering.This place is worthy of a visit.This place is worthy of being visited.This place is worthy to be visited.Its worthwhi

19、le to discuss the question again.Its worthwhile discussing the question again.3. feel like + n / doing 想要想要 would like + to do 你想要一杯咖啡吗你想要一杯咖啡吗? 我现在不想吃任何东西我现在不想吃任何东西. 我想去花园散步我想去花园散步.Do you feel like a cup of coffee?I dont feel like eating anything now.Id like to go for a walk in the garden.4. more t

20、han 不仅仅不仅仅, 不止不止冬眠不仅仅是睡觉冬眠不仅仅是睡觉.Hibernation is more than sleep. more than + 数词数词 多于多于; 超过超过 (2)more than one 不止一个不止一个; 许多许多 (3)morethan 与其说与其说倒不如说倒不如说 (4)no more than 仅仅仅仅; 和和一样不一样不 (5)not more than 至多至多; 不超过不超过 不止一个学生看过这部电影不止一个学生看过这部电影. 与其说她是一位歌手与其说她是一位歌手, 倒不如说她是一位作家倒不如说她是一位作家. 他和你一样跳得不高他和你一样跳得不高.More than one student have seen the film.She is more like a writer than a singer.He can jump no higher than you .5. contain vt. 包含包含, 含有含有The fruit contains viamin A and vitamin C.contain 侧重包含的内容或成分侧重包含的内容或成分.include 侧重作为整体的一部分或要素侧重作为整体的一部分或要素.hold 侧


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