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1、分包商与劳务管理分包商的管理(Management of Subcontractors)一个工程的总承包商往往需要将部分工程分包给若干分包商,对于大型项目尤其如此。因而,项目的成功很大程度取决于对分包商的管理水平。? 分包申请与批复一个项目的分包商可分为三类: 在总承包商投标时在投标书中指定的分包商; 业主指定的分包商; 在工程进行过程中承包商随时雇用的分包商。对于第三类分包商,承包商在雇用之前应取得业主/工程师的批准。范例From the Contractor to the Employer/OwnerDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Request for Consent to S

2、ubletIn accordance with the requirements of Clause 4, we shall be glad to receive your consent to sublet the following parts of the Work to the companies named:Items of Work Company (Subcontractor)¼¼ ¼¼We are satisfied that the above companies have the sources and competence to c

3、arry out the relevant work in a satisfactory and timely manner.Enclosed, please find copies of the Qualification Documents of these companies for your consideration.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是一封承包商致业主方的信函,要求批准其准备雇用的分包商。第一段:说明承包商希望业主批准以下所列出的公司作为其分包商,并列出相关的分包工作内容。第二段:说明承包商相信,这些公司有足够的资源和能力圆满完成有关工作。

4、第三段:说明随信附上这些公司的资质文件,供业主方参考。注释1、consent: 许可,同意。2、sublet: 分包,转租。这个词与subcontract作动词时意思是相同的,通常构成的词组为sublet (subcontract)¼to¼(将¼¼分包给¼¼)。例如:The main contractor decides to sublet all the earthwork to another company.(主承包商决定将全部土方工程分包给另一家公司。)3、be satisfied that¼: 相信¼&#

5、188;,清楚地了解到¼¼。4、qualification document: 资质文件,资格文件。范例From the Employer/Engineer to the ContractorDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Approval of SubcontractorsIn answer to your letter Ref: dated , we hereby approve the list of subcontractors as proposed by you, provided that· you shall give the Engin

6、eer at least a 14 days notice of the intended date of the commencement of each subcontractors work and of the commencement of such work on the site, and· each subcontract shall include provisions which would entitle the Employer to require the subcontract to be assigned to the Employer in the e

7、vent of termination of the Main Contract (Please refer to Clause 4 of the Conditions of the main Contract).Yours faithfully,Engineer讲解这是业主的工程师关于批复分包商的事宜致承包商的一封回函。工程师回信,批准了承包商提出的分包商名单,但附带了两个条件:· 承包商至少提前14天,通知工程师每家分包商的工作预期开始日期以及在现场的开工日期;· 在每个分包合同中应规定,如果发生主合同终止的情况,业主有权要求承包商将分包合同转让给业主。注释1、prov

8、ided that¼: 如果,规定,条件是。这个词组常用来引导限制、补充说明前面主句的内容,有时也用providing that¼。有时,provided that¼放在句首,则常常为It is provided that¼的省略形式,意思是“在此规定¼¼”。例如:(It is) Provided that each party shall give the other a 28 days notice before he refer the dispute to arbitration.(在此规定,如果一方要将争端提交仲裁,则他必须

9、提前28天通知对方。)2、a 14 days notice: 提前14天发出的通知。3、require the subcontract to be assigned to the Employer: 要求分包合同转让给业主。assign: (与to连用)分配。例如:The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.(班长被分派作会议记录。) 指定(把时间、地点等)。例如:The two governments assigned a day for the next negotiation.(两国政府确定了下一轮谈判的日期。) (与to

10、连用)(把财产、权利等)让与。4、in the event of termination of the Main Contract: 倘若发生终止主合同的情况。? 申请分包商进入现场通常,业主方对现场的近处有严格规定,因此,有时在承包商雇用的分包商准备进入现场开始工作之前,承包商要为该分包商向业主申请进入现场的权利。范例From the Contractor to the Employer/OwnerDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Approval of SubcontractorsThe transmission line, which is part of the Works,

11、will be executed by our subcontractor (Irby Construction Company). They will start their job on July 14, 1996 and be working on the transmission line at the project site over the next twelve months.Therefore, please allow access of work crews (each crew will not exceed forty workers) from this subco

12、ntractor into the project site to enable them to work on the transmission line.Work crews of the subcontractor will be accompanied by at least one pass for access into the project site.Thank you for your cooperation.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是承包商关于申请分包商进入现场而致业主方的一封信函。第一段:说明作为崩曾一部分的输电线将由承包商的分包商来实

13、施,开工时间为1996年7月14日,并在随后的12个月内一直在现场施工。第二段:说明承包商请求业主批准分包商的施工队伍进入现场工作。第三段:说明分包商的施工队进入现场时,每个施工队将至少配有一张通行证。注释1、project access: 进入项目(的权利)。2、transmission line: 输电线,输水线路。3、work crew: 工作班组,施工队。其中,crew: (全体)船员;(全体)乘务员;空勤人员;班, 组, 工作队;全体工作人员, 操作人员;机务人员。4、be accompanied by: 由¼¼陪伴;配有¼¼。? 分包商的债务

14、问题在国际工程中,由于参与项目各方之间的关系非常复杂,业主方为了避免不必要的麻烦,往往在主合同中写明:“在与业主最终结算之前,承包商必须证明,承包商(包括其分包商)在当地没有任何债务”等类似规定。这就意味着,承包商按照主合同对其分包商的债务负担一定的责任。范例From the Employer/Owner to the Contractor Date: Dear Sirs,Sub: Subcontractor Business PracticesIt has come to the Owners attention that your subcontractor, Global House L

15、td., has substantial outstanding debts to local merchants and suppliers for materials and services supplied to the project over the past few months.A list of known outstanding accounts is attached, however this may not be the complete accounting.This situation could have a serious effect on the rela

16、tionship between the local business community and all the parties of this project if it is not corrected timely.You are referred to the Main Contract, Section 8 for a review of your obligations in this matter.Please advise the Owner of your proposed action for immediate correction of this situation.

17、Yours faithfully,Owner讲解这是业主关于分包商的债务致承包商的一封信函。第一段:说明业主了解到承包商的一个分包商为本项目采购和使用当地商人和供应商的材料和服务而欠付他们大量的债务。第二段:说明业主随信将一些欠款帐目列出,并说明这可能是不完全统计。第三段:说明这种情况如果不立即得以纠正,将会严重影响当地商界与项目各方的关系。第四段:说明业主要求承包商依据合同来履行自己在这一问题上的义务。第五段:说明业主要求承包商告知为改变这种情况准备采取的行动。注释1、business practice: 商业做法,商业行为。2、It has come to the Owners atten

18、tion that¼¼: 业主已注意到¼¼。3、substantial outstanding debts: 大量没有归还的债务。4、local merchants: 当地商人。5、complete accounting: 完整的帐目统计。6、local business community: 当地商界。? 指定分包商/供货商指定分包商/供货商是一类特殊的分包商,即:这类分包商虽然由业主来指定,但却与承包商签订分包合同,并由承包商负责分包合同的管理和协调。因此,如果承包商对业主指定的分包商有异议,则他可以向业主提出拒绝雇用该分包商,但须给出拒绝的理由。另

19、外,业主也不能违背主合同规定,过分干预指定分包合同的执行。范例From the Contractor to the Employer/OwnerDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Objection to NominationWe are in receipt of your preliminary notice of intention to nominate Harden Steelwork Ltd. as subcontractor for the structural steelwork on this Contract.We regret to inform you that

20、we have reasonable objection to this intended nomination in that our past experience with this company has shown it to be unreliable.In accordance with Clause 35 of the Conditions of the Main Contract, we shall be glad, as a matter of urgency, to receive either your instruction that this work be omi

21、tted from our contract with you or your nomination of another firm in place of that proposed.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是承包商关于指定分包商致业主的一封信函。第一段:说明承包商收到了业主准备指定HARDEN公司作为分包商,承担工程的钢结构工作的通知。第二段:说明承包商很遗憾地通知业主,鉴于以往承包商与该公司的合作经验,承包商反对指定该公司为本合同的指定分包商。第三段:说明根据主合同的规定,承包商要求业主,要么将相关的工作从主合同中删除,要么再指定另一家公司来取代原定的

22、这家公司。注释1、nomination: 指定,提名。动词形式为nominate,“指定分包商”的英文是nominated subcontractor。2、structural steelwork: 钢结构工程。3、in that: 由于,既然。这个词组多用于书面语,后面接一个完整的句子,例如:The Owner refused the Contractors claim in that such claim was not grounded on the contractual basis.(由于承包商的索赔没有合同依据,因此遭到业主的拒绝。)4、unreliable: 不可靠的。5、in

23、place of: 替换,取代。范例From the Contractor to the Employer/OwnerDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Request for ConfirmationIt is only upon receiving delivery of the first load of roof tiles from the Nominated Supplier that we have learned that, by direct contact with them, you have changed the type of tile.Such direct

24、 contact with a nominated supplier, without reference to us, makes administration of this contract extremely difficult. We must point out that the firms contract of sale is with us, and you have no legal right to change its items. We must therefore insist that, in future, any such changes in your re

25、quirements are addressed in the first instance to us in the form of proper instructions issued under the appropriate Clause of the Contract, which in this case is Clause 13. Will you please issue such an instruction in respect of the alteration in the type of roof tile.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这

26、是承包商致业主的一封信,对业主不经承包商的同意,直接改变指定供货商的工作表示不满。第一段:说明直到从指定供货商收到第一批屋面瓦,承包商才了解到,业主没有通过承包商,而是直接指示指定分包商更改了屋面瓦的类型。第二段:说明承包商认为,业主擅自直接与指定供货商接触,将极其不利于承包商对指定分包合同的管理。承包商指出,指定供货商是与承包商签订的供应合同,业主无权更改供应的货物。承包商要求,今后凡涉及业主改变要求的情况,业主必须按合同条款以指令的形式,首先发通知给承包商。同时,承包商要求业主补发一个屋面瓦类型变更的指令。注释1、It is¼that¼: 这是一个强调句型,用来强调句子

27、中的状语、主语等。例如:It was after three months that the contractor resumed the work.(直到3个月之后承包商才复工。)It is the employer who has repudiated the Contract.(是业主方毁约的。)repudiate: (古代)休(妻),与(妻)离婚;遗弃(妻子);抛弃(孩子);与¼¼断绝关系;不接受,否认¼的权威效力;拒绝(要求等);拒付(债款);例如:repudiate a bribe(拒绝受贿);repudiate a debt(赖债)。2、the fi

28、rst load of roof tiles: 第一批屋面瓦。3、nominated supplier: 指定供货商。这实际上是一种特殊的“指定分包商”,负责规定货物的供应。4、without reference to: 没有查阅¼¼,没有征求¼¼的意见。5、contract of sale: 销售合同。6、legal right: 法定权利。7、in the first instance: 首先,第一步。8、under the appropriate clause of the Contract: 根据相应的合同条款。? 意向书有时,承包商为了抓紧时间

29、,在与分包商签订合同的时机尚不成熟的情况下,承包商可向分包商发出意向书,指示分包商做一些分包商做一些分包合同的前期工作,并承诺,如果万一不能最终签订合同,将给予分包商一定的补偿。范例From the Contractor to the SubcontractorDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Letter of IntentWith reference to your quotation dated , we intend to enter into a subcontract with you for the supply, delivery and erection of str

30、uctural steelwork for our main contract in accordance therewith.Since it will be necessary for the erection of steelwork to commence on site no later than , please commence fabrication in anticipation of our eventual execution of a formal subcontract. Should it prove impossible, for any reason, for

31、us to enter into a subcontract with you in the event, we agree to pay any reasonable net costs incurred by you in reliance upon this letter less the sale value of any materials, whether fabricated or otherwise, to which such payment relates.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是承包商致分包商的一封信,说明与其签订分包合同的意向。第一

32、段:说明参照分包商的报价,承包商打算将主合同中的钢结构工程分包给分包商。第二段:说明由于钢结构工程必须在某日之前在现场开工,在双方最终签订正式合同之前,承包商请分包商先开始一些加工工作。并说明,万一今后不能签订最终合同,承包商承诺将支付分包商一定的补偿费。注释1、fabricate: 加工,制造。2、in anticipation of: 期望,预期。3、eventual: 最终的。4、execution of a formal subcontract: 签署正式的分包合同。5、in the event: 结果,到头来。6、in reliance upon: 依赖,相信。7、sale valu

33、e: 销售价值。8、whether fabricated or otherwise: 不管是否加工。? 督促分包商加快进度承包商要想使整个项目按时完工,他必须严格管理分包工作的进度,使其符合总的施工进度。范例From the Contractor to the SubcontractorDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Slow Progress of Subcontract WorkThe lack of the project activity related to the work, for which you are the subcontractor, gives us gr

34、ave concern.At the present time, construction of the subcontract work is at a standstill and it appears that there is a deadlock between you and the local suppliers, which has caused the schedule for the subcontract work to be far delayed. This is totally unacceptable.If these problems are not resol

35、ved immediately and work accelerated to complete the subcontract work, we are going to enforce the contract language and terminate your employment under the subcontract.A lack of positive and speedy response to this letter will put our action in motion. The project has suffered enough.Again, we reit

36、erate “the project has suffered enough”.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是承包商致分包商的一封信,强烈要求分包商加快施工速度,语气十分强硬。第一段:说明分包工作的缓慢引起了承包商的严重关注。第二段:在现阶段,分包工作停滞不前。承包商发现,分包商与当地供货商之间可能存在不可调和的矛盾,导致分包工作进度严重延误,对此状况承包商表示完全不能接受。第三段:说明如果分包商不立即与当地供货商解决问题并加快分包工作的施工进度,承包商将根据合同终止对分包商的雇用。第四段:说明分包商对本信函的消极反应将会使承包商采取行动,承包商认为,分包商已经

37、使整个项目遭受了巨大的磨难。第五段:说明承包商再次强调,“整个项目已经遭受了令人难以忍受的磨难”。注释1、at a standstill: 停滞不前。2、deadlock: 僵持,僵局。3、enforce the contract language: 动用合同语言,实施合同的规定。4、put our action in motion: 开始我们的行动。5、reiterate: 强调,重申。劳务管理(Management of Labour)一项国际工程往往要雇佣大量劳工,劳工的管理是承包商在国际工程中一项重要的内容,它直接关系到工程的施工速度和承包商的对外形象。? 劳工的雇佣由于大多数国家都面

38、临着劳动力失业问题,因此,政府对雇佣外籍劳工有严格限制。一般情况下,对于普通劳工,项目只能雇佣项目所在国的当地工人,如果承包商确有必要雇佣外籍劳工,则必须经过政府劳动主管部门严格的审批。范例From the Employer/Owner to the Contractor Date: Dear Sirs,Sub: Hiring PracticesIn the past few days, several questions have been asked by the Labour Department of the Government related to your hiring prac

39、tices, specifically to the unacceptable hiring of aliens.As you know, and we have reiterated this requirement on several occasions, we want to relay specific guidelines to be utilized in hiring of local employees. Each prospective candidate for employment must present you with one of the following i

40、nstruments:· Certified Birth Certificate· Voter Identification CardAlso prior to the hiring of a person, he must have in his possession a Social Security Card.A personnel folder containing copies of all these requirements shall be created and maintained in the personnel office along with a

41、 copy of his Project Identity Card. There shall also be included with this folder the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons to be notified in case of emergency.You shall assure your continuous adherence to the requirements in this letter. The personnel folders are, by the law, subjec

42、t to audit y the Labour Department and you should be ready for audit at all times.Yours faithfully,Owner讲解这是业主关于劳工雇佣问题致承包商的一封信。第一段:说明前几天,劳动部就项目雇用劳工向业主提出了若干问题,主要涉及项目雇用外籍劳工的问题,劳动部不允许项目雇用外籍劳工。第二段:说明业主已经多次告诫承包商不允许雇用外籍劳工。业主提出了雇用当地雇员的明确规定,要求承包商遵守规定。今后,每个来找工作的人必须出示正式出生证或选民身份证。并且,在雇用每个人之前,他必须拥有社会保障卡。第三段:说明承

43、包商应备有一份人事文件夹,将上述要求的各类文件副本和工人的项目身份证拷贝件装入该文件夹,存放在人事办公室。文件夹内还必须备有在紧急情况下,可以通知到的人员的名字、地址、联系电话。第四段:说明承包商应保证一直遵守这些要求。按照法律,人事文件夹应随时接受劳动部的审查,业主要求承包商做好准备,随时接受此类审查。注释1、Labour Department: 劳动司,劳工局。2、hiring practice: 雇工的做法。3、alien: 外籍人,外侨。4、prospective candidate: 有希望的候选人。在本信函中指来找工作并可能被雇用的人。5、instrument: 票据,文件,仪器。

44、6、certified birth certificate: 正式的出生证,官方出生证。7、voter identity card: 选民身份证。8、social security card: 社会保障卡,社会保险卡。9、personnel folder: 人事文件夹,人事档案。10、adherence: 遵守。11、be subject to audit: 接受审计,接受审查。范例From the Contractor to the Labour DepartmentDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Application for Employment PermitsWe hereb

45、y apply for twenty-five (25) employment permits for foreigners living in this country who, when permits granted, will be employed for Macal Hydroelectric Project. We had tried to employ qualified local residents but could not get the number required. We enclose in this letter a copy of our advertise

46、ment for labour recruitment. Another reason for our application is that we are faced with a very tight construction schedule. With the aid of foreign workers, we will finish the project by the intended date. We believe timely completion of this project will be very important of the economic developm

47、ent of this country. Attached is a supporting letter from the project owner. Your acceptance of our application will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,Contractor讲解这是承包商给劳动部门的一封申请函,申请25名外籍工人的劳动许可证。第一段:说明承包商希望为住在这个国家的外籍劳工申请25个劳动许可证,一旦得到许可证,这些工人将被项目所雇用。同时说明,承包商已经尽最大努力雇用合格的当地居民,但没有雇用到所需的数量,随信附上承包商的

48、招工广告。第二段:说明为外籍劳工申请许可证的另一个原因就是项目的工期太紧。雇用外籍劳工有助于项目的及时完工。承包商相信,项目的及时完成有助于该国的经济发展,并随信附上项目业主的支持函。第三段:说明承包商希望劳工部门批准其申请。注释1、employment permit: 雇工许可证。2、labour recruitment: 招募劳工。3、tight construction schedule: 时间很紧的施工计划。4、supporting letter: 支持函,证明函。? 遵守当地劳动法和税法在工程所在地实施工程,就应遵守当地的一切法律,尤其是劳动法和有关社会保障费和个人所得税的规定。范例

49、From the Employer / Owner to the ContractorDate: Dear Sirs,Sub: Compliance with Labour LawsWithin the last few days, the Owner has been very involved in coordinating and settling labour disputes between you, your subcontractor and the National labour Board who represents the workers of this country.

50、 At this time, we will not go into specific details of the problems, but for the time being, the various problems have been solved and work continues somewhat in harmony and a peaceful atmosphere.As the Project Owner, we do, however, want to point out that Clause 36 of the Conditions of Contract ent

51、itled “Compliance with the Laws” requires that the contractor and its subcontractors comply with all local laws, rules and regulations.Our inner action with you and your subcontractors has proven to us, without doubt, that neither is knowledgeable with the labour laws nor the requirements of the Con

52、tract.For your information, we have forwarded to you a condensed version of the Labour Law. We have also instructed you to utilize this information to cause your subcontractors to perform the requirements.We are at this time directing that a senior project management representative be physically pre

53、sent on the project with an English interpreter whereby this project might sufficiently and professionally move forward. We also require a speedy response from you as to the immediate action taken to resolve your deficiency in the knowledge and adherence of the Labour Law.We will stand ready to do a

54、nything we can to help and support you to ensure the success of this project, as well as to make it a rewarding experience for all involved. As you are aware, a happy workforce in a s safe and healthy work environment is the most productive one. Yours faithfully,Owner讲解这是业主关于遵守劳动法方面的问题致承包商的一封信。第一段:说


56、证项目的成功,使项目的参与各方从此项目的经历中获益。业主提醒承包商,一支在安全、健康环境下的愉快的劳动队伍将是生产效率最高的队伍。注释1、the National Labour Board: 国家劳工局。2、in harmony and a peaceful atmosphere: 在和谐与平和的气氛中。3、inner action with you: 与你方私下接触。4、be knowledgeable with: 了解,知道。例如:He is knowledgeable with the local culture as he has been staying there for 10 years.(他在那里已居住10年了,因此他熟悉当地文化。)5、condensed version: 压缩版本。6、cause your subcontractor to perform the requirement: 使你们的分包商执行要求。cause sb. to do sth.: 使某人做某事;要求某人做某事。7、be physically present: 亲自到场,亲自在现场。8、wher


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