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1、外贸英语函电外贸英语函电Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies询盘和回复询盘和回复Many Steps in Business Negotiations enquiryoffercounter-offeracceptanceDefinition of an inquiry nAn inquiry(enquiry) is a request for information. nIn the international business the importer may send an inquiry to an exporter, inviting a quotation an

2、d an offer for the goods he wishes to buy, or simply asking for some general information about these goods.Types of enquiry nIn a General Inquiry (一般询价), the importer may ask only for catalogues, price lists, samples, sample books, or quotations, etc., in order to get a general idea of the business

3、scope of the exporter.n In a Specific Inquiry(具体询价), the importer points out what products he needs and asks for a quotation or an offer for this item.3. Stating the possibility of placing an orderComponents of general inquiry letter1. The source of information and a brief self- introduction2. The i

4、ntention of writing the letter. (Ask for a catalogue, samples or a pricelist)Sample 1A General EnquiryDear Sir/Madam,Thank you very much for your letter of December 12th from which weknow that you are exporting Electric Products. We have an enquiry herefor your products and their packing in detail a

5、s soon as possible for ourreference. We would also like to have your price list.We will really appreciate it if you quote us your most favorable terms. Yours faithfully,Components of specific inquiry lettern1. Names and descriptions of goods inquired for, including specifications, quantity, etc.n2.

6、Asking for a special discount , terms of payment and time of delivery.n3. Stating the possibility of placing an order.Sample 2A Specific EnquiryDear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your fax of August 8, 2005 from which we learn thatyou are an exporter of medicine. Please quote the lowest prices on CIF Rott

7、erdam for the following:1. 2 MT Vitamin E 50%2. 4 MT Vitamin B complex Packing: 25KGS/BAGTerms of payment: By Irrevocable L/C at sightTime of Shipment: September 20th, 2005Your prompt reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,1. inquiry ( (enquiry) ) n. 询盘,询价询盘,询价 make ( (or: send, give, fax) ) sb.

8、 an inquiry for sth. 向某人询购某种商品向某人询购某种商品 1) We thank you for your inquiry for sunflower seeds. 我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。 2) Upon receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall send you our quotations and samples. 一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的报价及样品。报价及样品。 2. quote v. 报价报价 quote sb. a

9、 price for ( (or: on) ) sth. 报给某人某种商品的价格报给某人某种商品的价格 1) Please quote us your lowest prices for personal computers. 请报个人电脑的最低价。请报个人电脑的最低价。 2) We quoted this article at US$278 per case. 这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。 3) Would you please quote us your best price FOB Dalian for (or: on) 1,000 pieces of

10、 leather jacket. 请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。 3. market come to the market find a market a good ( (poor) ) market in the market for an advancing market a brisk market a strong market n. 市场,行市市场,行市上市上市找销路找销路畅销畅销(滞销滞销)要购买要购买市场上涨市场上涨市场活跃市场活跃市场坚挺市场坚挺1) The market is strengthening. 行情在上涨。行情在上涨。

11、2) There is no difficulty in marketing these traditional products in the Southeast Asian market. 在东南亚市场在东南亚市场推销推销这些传统产品不会有困难。这些传统产品不会有困难。 3) The goods are not marketable in our area at the price you quoted. 按你方报价,这种产品在我们地区没按你方报价,这种产品在我们地区没有销路有销路。4. discount n. 折扣,折价,贴现折扣,折价,贴现 allow/ /give/make/gran

12、t % discount off ( (on) ) the prices of goods 按货价给予按货价给予%的折扣的折扣1)They make 20% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,他们予以八折优待。现金付款,他们予以八折优待。 at a discount 打折扣打折扣( (货物无销路货物无销路) )2) The products are selling at a discount. 该产品正以低价销售。该产品正以低价销售。 5. refer v. 谈到,谈及,参考;提交;参阅谈到,谈及,参考;提交;参阅 refer to sb. for sth. 向某

13、人打听向某人打听( (查询查询) )某事某事 1) We refer you to our letter of October 1. 请你方参阅我们请你方参阅我们1010月月1 1日的函。日的函。 reference n. 谈到,谈及;参考;查询谈到,谈及;参考;查询 2) A copy of our feasibility study report will be sent to you for your reference. 我们将寄送一份可行性研究报告供你方参考。我们将寄送一份可行性研究报告供你方参考。 Specimen LettersSample 3Dear Sirs, We are

14、in the market for Melon Seeds of the first and second grade, and should be appreciated if you let us have your offers with some representative samples by airmail. When offering the seeds, please state the earliest possible time of shipment and quantities available. Yours faithfully, 敬启者:敬启者: 我方拟购甲、乙

15、级瓜子,请予报盘,并请航邮有代表性的样品为感。我方拟购甲、乙级瓜子,请予报盘,并请航邮有代表性的样品为感。报价时,请说明最早装运期及可供量。报价时,请说明最早装运期及可供量。启启 20102010年年6 6月月2020日日对象:对象:regular customer信息:信息:price, shipment语言:语言:simple, brief, shortSpecimen LettersSample 4Dear Sirs, Messrs. Brother and Clark of this city inform us that you are exporters of all cotton

16、 bed-sheets and pillowcases. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods

17、 of the kind mentioned. When replying, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 dozen of individual items. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool. Yours sincerely, United Textiles Limited Manager 询问哪些信息?

18、询问哪些信息?商品详情,尺寸,颜色,价格商品详情,尺寸,颜色,价格索要样品索要样品提出请求:提出请求:付款条款,折扣付款条款,折扣贸易术语贸易术语1.交代信息来源交代信息来源2.表明写信目的表明写信目的3.提出具体要求提出具体要求4.强调该信息对公司的价值强调该信息对公司的价值n敬启者:敬启者: n本市本市Brother & Clark Brother & Clark 公司告知我们,你们是公司告知我们,你们是全棉床单及枕套的主要出口商。请你寄下你方经营全棉床单及枕套的主要出口商。请你寄下你方经营的各种商品的详情,包括尺寸、颜色及价格,以及的各种商品的详情,包括尺寸、颜色及价格,

19、以及所用的各种材料的样品。所用的各种材料的样品。 n我们是纺织品的大贸易商,相信价格适中的上我们是纺织品的大贸易商,相信价格适中的上述商品在本地区有良好的市场。述商品在本地区有良好的市场。 请在答复时说明请在答复时说明你方付款条款以及单项商品的购买量不少于你方付款条款以及单项商品的购买量不少于10001000打打所能给予的折扣。所报价格需包括到利物浦的保险所能给予的折扣。所报价格需包括到利物浦的保险及运费。及运费。 nUnited Textiles Limited United Textiles Limited n经经 理理 Reply to an enquiryn1. express you

20、r thanks for the enquiry.n2. offer the information that the customer wants.n3. introduce some of your new products that may be of interest to the customer.n4. express the hope for an orderSpecimen LettersSample 5Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 20th August and enclose our il

21、lustrated catalogue and price list giving you the details asked for. Also by separate post we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. On regular purchase of not less than 200

22、 dozen of individual item we would allow you a discount of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. Because of their softness and durability, our cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular and after studying our prices you will learn that we are finding it difficult

23、 to meet the demand. We invite your attention to our other products such as table-cloth and table napkins, and look forward to receiving your first order.Yours sincerely,1.感谢对方来信询盘感谢对方来信询盘2.满足对方需求满足对方需求3.展示公司情况展示公司情况4.表明愿意提供进一步服务表明愿意提供进一步服务n敬启者:敬启者:n收到你方收到你方8 8月月2020日询价殊为欣慰。今附上你所要求的具体详日询价殊为欣慰。今附上你所要

24、求的具体详细内容的附图目录及价格单。另邮寄上一些样品,我们相信细内容的附图目录及价格单。另邮寄上一些样品,我们相信在你细查这些样品后,你将会同意,这些货物是价廉物美的在你细查这些样品后,你将会同意,这些货物是价廉物美的。 n对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于200200打,我们可给予打,我们可给予2% 2% 的的折扣。用不可撤消的即期信用证付款。折扣。用不可撤消的即期信用证付款。 n由于品质柔软而耐用,我们的全棉床单及枕套很快成了由于品质柔软而耐用,我们的全棉床单及枕套很快成了畅销商品。你们在研究了我方价格之后,对我们为什么甚难畅销商品。你们在研究了我方价格之后,对我

25、们为什么甚难满足需求这一事实你方就不难知道了。但你方如能在本月底满足需求这一事实你方就不难知道了。但你方如能在本月底前向我们订货,我们将保证迅速发货。前向我们订货,我们将保证迅速发货。 n同时我们也请你注意我们的其他产品,如台布及台巾,同时我们也请你注意我们的其他产品,如台布及台巾,其详细情况也可以从目录上找到。等候你方首次定单。其详细情况也可以从目录上找到。等候你方首次定单。 n启启外贸实战经验外贸实战经验一、询盘一、询盘 Dear Sir, Our company XXXXXXXX is a wholesaler for pest control supplies in Italy. We

26、 are interesting for your sprayers so please send us a catalog and a price list for them. 询盘询盘-实操案例实操案例1阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2008 Dear Sir, We are interested in your products .Please send us details of your product specifications and price terms for CIF Genova. We look forward to hearing from you soon. xxx

27、xx Company:ABC Address:XXX Italy Business Email:XXXXXXXXX Telephone:0039-xxx Fax:0039-xxx实操案例实操案例2阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2008实操案例实操案例3Dear Amy,please quote for:AlNiCO V cylinder , axially magnetized QUANTITY :N 20.000 pcs/lotSHIPMENT : CIF Los Angeles by seaThanks in advance and best regards.Mr. Travis WinnA

28、BC CompanyAddress : xxx District CA USABusiness Email : Phone : 001-xxx Fax : 001-xxx 1.询盘的价值询盘的价值n有有(无)(无)收件人称呼收件人称呼n有有(无)(无)对产品的详细询问对产品的详细询问(数量、颜色、规格、交货时间、包装、付款方式等)(数量、颜色、规格、交货时间、包装、付款方式等)n有有(无)(无)自己公司的背景介绍自己公司的背景介绍n客户的客户的EMAILEMAIL后缀是后缀是(不是)(不是)其网站的其网站的n落款有落款有(没有)(没有)自己公司网址和联系电话自己公司网址和联系电话 阿里巴巴 版

29、权所有1999-20081) 毫无关系的询盘.2) 没有提到相关产品,只是大致寻求合作的询盘. 3) 有提到具体产品的询盘 4) 提到产品的同时还需要一些价格、装箱和出货资料的询盘 2询盘分类(内容)询盘分类(内容)3询盘分类(动机)询盘分类(动机)n1、索要样品型 Dn2、信息收集型 D n3、目标不明确型 Cn4、目标明确非专业型 Bn5、目标明确专业型 A27二、询盘回复二、询盘回复291.询盘回复时间询盘回复时间n及时及时根据时差重点回复根据时差重点回复港、台、日、韩、澳大利亚马上回复港、台、日、韩、澳大利亚马上回复 印度上午印度上午11:0011:00前前 中东下午中东下午1:001

30、:00前前 欧洲下午欧洲下午3:003:00前前 美国、加拿大、墨西哥等美洲和拉美国家美国、加拿大、墨西哥等美洲和拉美国家 下午下班前下午下班前 无法当天及时回复的,说明原因。无法当天及时回复的,说明原因。302.询盘回复格式询盘回复格式五要点五要点n称称 呼:带上客户姓名呼:带上客户姓名n问候语:礼节呼应问候语:礼节呼应n正正 文:有问必答文:有问必答 无法回答则给出解释无法回答则给出解释 重点突出重点突出 意思明确意思明确n结束语:希望对方的回复结束语:希望对方的回复n落落 款:统一规范款:统一规范 信息完整信息完整31Dear Sir or Madam,- 称呼How are you?

31、- 问候Many thanks for your inquiry dated XXXXX - 呼应. -正文we are looking forward to your early reply。- 结束语Sincerely yours/Yours faithfully/Best regardsXXX Export ManagerHangzhou xxx Co., Ltd. 8th Gaofeng Road,QuZhou, ZheJiang,325000,China - 落款Tel: 0086 0571- XXX Fax: 0086 0571- XXX E-mail: Website: http

32、:/阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2009三、跟进客户三、跟进客户阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2009询盘跟进样函一询盘跟进样函一 Dear Joe, Having no news from you for several days. Id like to know your comments on our quotations /samples dated xxxx. Any comments by return will be highly appreciated. It will be our great pleasure if we could co-operate with you i

33、n near future. Thanks for your kind attention. Looking forward to your prompt response. B Rgds阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2009询盘跟进样函二询盘跟进样函二 Dear Joe, How are you. This is my further letter on basis of my quotation dated xxx. Im writing for keeping in touch with you. How about the situation of your enquiry now? A

34、nd another product instead we think will also meet your needPls kindly give us your comments. Thanks and Regards,阿里巴巴 版权所有1999-2009跟进方式跟进方式n价格变动通知(尤为重要)n国内,国际市场的形势交流(体现专业度)n节日的问候n新产品的推荐n邀请到工厂来参观n展会上的面谈Useful Expressionsn1. learn from 从从得知得知n2. Commercial Counselors Office 商务参赞处商务参赞处n3.handicraft art

35、icle 手工艺品手工艺品n4. brocade handbag 锦绣手袋锦绣手袋n5.leading importer 大进口商大进口商n6.quote sb. a price for sth 向某人就某物报价向某人就某物报价n7. place an order with sb. for sth 向某人就某物下订向某人就某物下订单单 nThomas Co,Ltdn120Garden Street Vancounver V5ZEG7,Canadan May 24,2006nNingbo Qianhu Trading Co,Ltd.n101 Lianfeng RaodnNingbo 315000

36、nChinanDear Sirs,nWe have learned from the Commercial Counselors Office of Canadian Embassy in your country that you manufacture and export a variety of handicraft articles. nOur company is one of the leading importers of handicraft articles in Canada. As there is a steady demand here for high quali

37、ty brocade handbags, we would like you send us as soon as possible your illustrated catalogues, samples and all information about the goods. Meanwhile, please quote your lowest price, CIF Vancouver, stating the earliest date of shipment.nShould your quality be suitable and the price competitive, wel

38、l be ready to place an order for at least 5,000 pieces with you.nYour prompt attention to this matter will be much appreciated.n nYours faithfully,nCrownn1. place an order for sth with sb 向某人订购某物向某人订购某物 1)名词)名词order常与动词常与动词make,send,place 等连用,表示订购某项等连用,表示订购某项货物。货物。 e.g. If your prices are competitiv

39、e, we shall be pleased to place an order with you for printing bedcovers.n2) 表示各种订单的说法有:表示各种订单的说法有:nregular order 长期订货长期订货nTrial order 试订单试订单nFirst/initial order 首笔订单首笔订单nSubstantial order 大宗订单大宗订单nRepeat order 再次订货再次订货/ /续订单续订单n2. appreciate 感激感激n可接名词或动名词作宾语,不可接不定式可接名词或动名词作宾语,不可接不定式n1)We highly app

40、reciate your kind cooperation .n2) We shall appreciate it if you will send us a pamphlet and four samples by air immediately.n3) We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious considerations. 询问价格询问价格n我方获知你方是生产商,请问你方是否能提供nWe understand that you are manufacturers of, and should like to know

41、 whether you can supplyn请惠寄样品并报你方的最低价。nPlease send us samples and quote us your lowest prices forn我方想买各式各样的,请寄你方最新商品目录表一份及详细的价格和支付条款。nWe are interested in various, and we are pleased if you could send us a copy of your latest catalogue with details of your prices and terms of payment.Useful Expressi

42、ons索要样品索要样品/ /交货期交货期n1.我方想买在你方2号目录表上所列的男士衬衫。请报你方最低价,最低折扣以及交货期。nWe are in the market for the men shirts illustrated in your catalogue No. 2. Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and the date of delivery.n2. 请报下各种商品的大连到岸价,包括我方百分之二的佣金。nPlease quote your lowest price CIF Dalian for each of the following items, including our 2% comm


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