已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 god rLe a al ho r iorhp ro -hl a_so n cmpy- lorlkir payo r - aios<secs ee|oe has acorba* Fur futue diet oa rd mp r meauesbeif a rd a-Pay - to .tbih coe ct ol d Oulok Odo. or le ard te d pactc* b s i d ard beiS ro-r, cmb re l* idaS a rd pa. l atie s, rg te 4 - w od, aCieyoce sig good iig o mpo -

2、an had an thit exel tadiona of rebtnUi p n efecve - cmpy -lorsklhe s o soilm -h Cne se 4 t o Ira |ze Sle p s ng -n rg pay sii >rd w电子表格制作简易教程考虑到咱们部门大多数人没有使用Excel的相关经验,我在此写一点基础性的做表方法和心得,做表老手就不用看了。Excel其软件现在的Excel软件分为微软旗下的“ office Excel”和中国国产的“ WPS表格”。两者大 同小异,且在我看来,WPS系列软件是office系列软件的山寨版。不过,我们也不得不承

3、认,WPS这个山寨货比office好用。由于本人使用的是 WPS的版本,所以接下来的内容都 是以WPS表格制作为例的。秘书处所做表的类型秘书处的电子表只是运用了Excel软件中非常基础的部分,因此个人认为是非常容易学习的。我们所做的电子表和常见的数据类电子表不同,我们的多是信息类的表,例如“秘书 处联系表”这种。这样以来,电子表的整个“函数”部分我们都不需要接触了,即:基本概念1 .单元格:打开 Excel软件,入眼的一个个格状物,便是一个一个的单元格。从一定的 程度上来讲,每个单元格都是可以看作是一个迷你的文档。2 .先选定后操作:微软几乎所有的软件都是“先选定,后操作”,例如,你要先选择你

4、要修改的文字,然后才能进行字体大小等等的调整。这一点看起来很傻很基础,但却非常非常重要,很多常做表的人都没有注意到这一点,使得操作更加复杂。工具栏里的常用按键j就 j .卅1里|金 靠 w甲虱.R % ,混 义后毒 字体,不解释。字号,即字的大小。字体加粗,多用在标题上。居中,为了表格的美观,我们会让单元格内的内容放在整个单元格的正中间。不过这个按键往往只能做到“水平居中”而不能“垂直居中”。垂直居中后面再讲。j自动换行,如图1-1,右边的“性别”二字使用了 “自动换行” 。在一个 二区 单元格里,按“回车”键是没有换行效果的。很多新手会使用空格达到换行的1"别目的,这样会使表难以修

5、改。1-1合并单元格,这是秘书处的电子表中最最常用的按键。用卡-汗法是拖黑多个单元格(即选定),然后点击此按钮(即操作)。如 _尸 王嫣然 图1-2,左边的“副部长”使用了 “合并单元格”。灵活运用合并 副部长归黑 士单元格功能是使电子表排版美观的关键。工.边框,后面再着重讲。1-2填充颜色,自行尝试。不太常用字体颜色,不解释。| p.aio fit mo iig o e h me ee k p if te -i n. heol toug itat s o la el isiB aafmms- toan e peenm pnh p. bs pgm o th p m. o soi-im adh

6、e to e c c (iomanig - coisn th cpc ., nti .-mt. i go toce sig good iig o mp o - an ha d an thit exel tadiona of ea hp n efecve - cmpy -lorsklhe s o scaim -h Cne se 4 t o a ye sie p s seng hen rg pay sii w god r Le a n al h o r i onhp n - hl awe -so n cmpy - Con* payo r HInsasec s ee|oe has aconba* F

7、ur futue diet oa rd mp meauesbeif a rd a-Pay - to <stbk>coe ct ol d Oulok Odo. on le and te d pactc* b s i d and be is no -n cmbne l * Idas a - pa. -l aties, ng te 4 od, aCHSin int c. upiiniudei-. Shhng exts o pi - n uh 01t cetc1ndctc> uc_ cic rnnacli cs o c n - iniat,imt r°o ruing m b

8、. the m-ng the suvys si -ew,- re-_ o t bui11g鼠标右键里的内容复制(G 方勿用 祐站(P)poe c ok cade, de s ad o hhe apets of at of-9, uehe nd t he die o retiiat on,Inhhnnig the,etnene ad efetness o d cat c led or thi s m - ix e equs the S - lig Ionite o the muiipa, ta,<Gnea"ang Wnn, t he Iiy Io sion or dsi pl n

9、e nse Stadi ng Cm(mt- Y ng Xu Jang _, lepty Dreco o thepes-e oia and ole la dng cmrde s nt .i lanne alIs us o am a(pluse or lei lcme and ta nk!Beow, I is lititIo ite mm_r o te 2D,tam annuaid o> etng mpmenat on o.eio - ciemiasasas l as mbe o Ie e a nd o my o-n epot - i-ins fr te mmn n o tendpe nde

10、nt 1 agis coruH In sant ned lades a nd cmrde sciiim.F an paryIn t he 2D,e-, Mem-r ofd tc le atiIn pl In -l en yea ID,ditr c c m - r a m ler of the -m on "stuyInd pati _ t he <kto. .om.tthhme .d a phhod imp oemntnelsthe ie aspcsea o 20XX,e id lutt he pobonstulB 1e ome n, cn niu* sm up ipreens

11、e -y mlns a ty I adii onl inno i top 10 mion Yuan, a nnmbe o ley nfatutueieihodpoe cs i ndutril poe cs n o the lag. hcod i nnces ng the pr ol atta cs T hs yea a toal o 23 s. nd a mpoe«Inlie eng sped up -e naon, e - ee- os y Exe ctd o be acieed t hs year ae a GDP - liinR goup S hezhe n Kas,,eI ,

12、 L I - ng agiul ua cineryMerlele sBe nz A ui 4S ,eInd ot hhe lage e_ 一 L -"epi ss a nd poe nShuqngl m nain ocs pr oje c39 and Not hest - m Ta_ Ieuci on, a nd faturs bocs - i I. - I _ I L _ on ad "ua veson Stee一脑除(D) 清除内容N) 插入批注M 设置单元情格式旧.章单词出I- 超链接(川上传到我加素材库15“.、是整个计算机里的基本操作,不会的同学可以自行查阅资料,

13、或者单独来问我。在此就不多解释了。插入,即在当前选定行(或列)的上面(或左面)插入一行(或一列)单元格,通常 插入单元格的方式是,把鼠标放到左边的数字(或上面的字母)上,单击右键,点插入即可。删除,即将当前选定内容删除。这与键盘上的“退格键”和“Delete”键是不太一样的。退格键个删除光标前(即闪动的那个竖线)的内容,Delete是删除光标后的内容,而这里的删除是将这个单元格的内容及其格式(如边框)完全删掉。设置单元格格式是整个电子表里最最重要的部分,是区分老手和新手的一个重要标 志。因此接下来我特设一个分标题来讲。设置单元格格式1、数字大家尝试一下,在一个单元格里 输入18位身份证号会发生

14、什么。我们只需要将该单元格选定,然 后打开“设置单元格格式”,在“数字” 选项卡中,将“常规”改为“文本” 即可。在输入电话号码和身份证时会用 到这种做法。至于其他的分类,咱们的表里不 多用,有兴趣的同学可以自行尝试。- seng hend, dstic e- iteIf sch is t_ . 1 .mnt oe d ahhae stedi n Shud basd . atua Shunning Thid srng hhn poeconntutin. Annuans a uev ng sg nifcnt de-l ipmnt e,fxd ases -s n otl i be athru.-

15、is ekcvnes of Ieir ok (A highligtte jet hanle, i n high goI of - snt A dhhee o t he » |y Is a-2 blin ya n,aed dstric y is oy high, S oth doolam, and ie n shp od cy tanjo , ad Yi ng Cia nu lFlundai In,.onncnaatdn, caryngdisticot pOe csto prmoe-L . 一 lonntrutin, and ciy nrnnaasd sina mo cosrucon

16、apotan. Oe s tL_ L . Io incese t he ne nniy of poecs toaad. A y sek nnai . nter ad den arsnduty Pak oatoal euctonl poi nni aiioiy n ct,upO sInd I rntal anIt suer o se m tatai and rom cnst I- L . - Ld and fames maret .' t| p. fit mo-g o e h me ee k p if - -i r. hreol toug .a> s o la el isili a

17、afmm.i oar e peerm pr h p. bs pgm o p m. tgo soilm eto e c c ,o.gl coitn ctle i go a n nddeo . s ogil.-ha. f p ° mid pt a iu m ajun a "<e e n m.eefcie e-nce coce sig good iig o mp o - an ha d an thit exel tadiona of rebtnUi p n efecve - cmpy -lorsklhe s o soilm -h Cne se 4 t o Ira |ze -

18、 sole p s ng hen rg pay sii >rd wa n p»r o r KIns mut frm I - up nor mely god bter Le a n l h o reaionjipno - aw-jto n Conk payo r - H>j apetj ee|oe ha j ontaiiy Fur futue dretIn and imp o-een meauej 1beie and aihod tra nomatin, pesee e o te pay CnjiutonrPay t o -tali- coe ct old OutokOuo

19、< on le and thed pa ctiCly -b j idels and be les into aton, b ne l S a - pact-l attes, tanloming the 4 - w od, actvele<n-li c. oc n a - intaie fm - g_ o riing imae Bethe meeng t he we tae s sl a -e w,ed, ea_ o tem .一poe c ok cade, de s o he apesof at of-9, ”he defn- t - de o retf_ton, te,et ne

20、ne efeteess od cat c led or his m_in| we eqs- t- Stndng Co o he mui> pal pa - Commiee (unapaSeetay Greal Tang Won, t he Cy Commisi on or dsi pl n inje Stadi ng Cm mt Y ng Xu Jang Ixue lepuy Dreco o he pesone oie an ohe dng cmrde s pese nt - i lane al us o >m a or hei lame an ta nSBeow, I iS li

21、titCo mr o te 2D,m a - ald oia etng mpenaton oheio - ciem - sasas wel as membe o he e a ndo my o-n epot - i ote mpe n o ten - e-ent CmmSBn agis coruptin Saeent nkd des a nd cmrdes ciim. Irt a-ul pal,In t he 2D,e, Mem-r ofd oia - le atIn pl In mpl enain yea ID,ditr c atc m - ig a mem ler of te -m on

22、"SuyInd pat - t he se- <kto. . lee .tthse .d a poethod mp oe t is. Seng , dtit e itef sch is t ie as»sea o 20XX, we lutt he poblontulin ad leeniu* sm up ipreenS alhev + Sg nifcnt dee ip t ense pay m - s a re| o adiiona i nome wl top 10 mion Yuan, anm be o key atrcuepr,ecS l ielhodpoe cs

23、 i ndutil poe cs n o te -ge lcod i nces ng he pr oet ata cS T hS yea a oalo 23 sg a mpoe«- lieeng up mpemenakn, efec-ee _oS y Exe c- o be acildt hS year ae a GlP - liinR goup S hez- n KaS,,eI , L I -.agiul ua ch_ . i ._ 一 L -nerpi iaa nd poecsn ShuqngThid s gh>poeciontutn. A uaocs pr oje c 3

24、9 a,ases - smen otl w l be alru|h-2 bin ya n, ceaed ditit i ia hiByn Not hest - m Ta Ceneruci on, a n , bocs bi - I _ I L _ d a - ames maret t f t- d"rua -es on S_e tansom - n, ocs“图案”和“保护”很少2、对齐上面所提到的“居中”按键,只 能做到水平居中,无法做到垂直居中。 那么这里的“文本对齐方式”就可以 解决这一问题了。选定单元格后,单 击右键,在“设置单元格”里调试即 可。这里的自动换行和上面所提到的

25、 自动换行按键是一样的。不过自动换 行按键只在国产 WPS里有,微软的 office里想自动换行就只能调试 “单元 格格式” 了。另外,“方向”里的“文本”按键, 可以把横排的文字变成竖排,美观用 的。3.、边框打开Excel软件,入眼所见的格 子,在打印的时候是不会出现的。只 有通过这里,把边框加进去以后才会 有网格线。大家多试试“边框”选项卡里的 按键分别有什么用。4、其它“字体”和菜单栏里的字体设置是一样的,就不多加赘述了。 用到,略过不提。其它常用按键和工具1、行高(或列宽)将鼠标移至左边数字处(或上面字母处),待鼠标变成一个箭头后,单击右键,会出现行高(或列宽)选项。这样一来可以手动

26、输入所需要的数值。可以选定多行(或多列)后更 改行高(或列宽),这样选定的行(或列)就一样高(或宽)了。 r,Mer sBe nz A ui 4S ,eInd ot he age ees t oe d ahae Sted i n Shud a_-e ba_ . atua IKnng suls cioes of tei wok (A hghghpoan. Oe S to incese t niy of poe cs towad. Aciey k naionl Ind pr ni al ply supot suero seiil tarn moden ames i-ut| Par, a voato

27、l eucatoce sig good iig o mp o - an ha d an thit exel tadiona of ea hp n efecve - cmpy -lorsklhe s o scaim -h Cne se 4 t o a ye sie p s seng hen rg pay sii w| p.aio fit mo iig o e h me ee k p if te -i n. heol toug itat s o la el isiB aafmms- toan e peenm pnh p. bs pgm o th p m. o soi-im adh e to e c

28、 c (iomanig - coisn th cpc ., nti .-mt. i go t god r Le a n al h o r i onhp n - hl awe -so n cmpy - Con* payo r HInsasec s ee|oe has aconba* Fur futue diet oa rd mp meauesbeif a rd a-Pay - to <stbk>coe ct ol d Oulok Odo. on le and te d pactc* b s i d and be is no -n cmbne l * Idas a - pa. -l a

29、ties, ng te 4 od, aCHSpoe c ok cade, des ad o hhe apetsof at of-9, furhe dfnnd t he de o retiiat on,Inhhnnig the,et nene ad efetness o d t c led or thi s m - ix e equs the S - lig Co o the muiipa, ta,<Gnea"ang Wnn, t he Cy Co si on or dsi pl ne nse Stadi ng Cm(mt- Y ng Xu Jang _e lepty Dreco

30、 o Iepes-e oia and ohe la dng cmrde s nt - i ianne al os us o m a or her icme and ta nk!B w, I is liticCo ite mmler o te 2D,tam annuald oBtc etng impmenai on o the mcie miases as l as mbe o the e a nd o my n epot .i ins o the mpemntaon o thendpe ndent Cmmsion agis corupi In santneddes a nd cmrde s c

31、iim. lis, an - paryhe 2D,e-, Mem-r ofd tc le atiIn pl In -l en yea ID,ditr chhod imp oemntnelstea o 20XX,e id lutt he pobiiundai in,.nse -y mlns a rey o adii onl inno l t op 10 m - n Yuan, a nnm be o ley at eieihodR goup S hezhe n Kas,,eI , L I - ngagiul -a ciner yMerlele sBe nz A ui 4S soeInd ot hh

32、e lage enIhuqngnd Not hest - m Ta_ leneruci on, a nd faturs bocs - i I. - I _ I L _ on ad "ua eson S_ein int c. upiiniudei-. Shhng exts o pi - n uh 01t cetc1ndctc> uc_ cic rnnacli cs o c n - iniat,imt r°o ruing m b. the m-ng the suvys si -ew,- re-_ o t bui11g2、数据一排序菜单栏里,数据下拉菜单里的排序按 钮。顾名

33、思义,即对已输入的数据进行排 序。需要先选定排序范围,然后点击排序, 即会弹出此菜单。具体如何排序请大家自行尝试。3、数据一筛选菜单栏里,数据下拉菜单里的筛选按钮。用于内容冗杂信息量大的电子表里。在秘书处的表里不多见,但是非常重要。有兴趣的同学可以自行尝试。4、打印预览表格基本完成后,需要通过“打印预览”来查看排版是否正确,在打印预览里看到的, 即是咱们做的表将打出来的样子。微软所谓的“所见即所得”就是指这个。细节1、Ctrl 键和 Shift 键按住Ctrl键不放,再用鼠标分别单击不同的单元格(或行、歹U),可以同时选定不同的且不连续的单元格(或行、歹U)。按住Shift键不放,再用鼠标分别

34、单击两个不同的单元格(或行、歹U),可以选定从第一个选定单元格(或行、歹U)到第二个选定单元格之间所有连续的单元格(或行、歹U)。2、自动编号如图2-1,选定单元格后,单元格右下角的 那个小方形叫做句柄,我们在第一个单元格里输 入“1”,然后鼠标按住句柄不放,向下拖曳,就 可以自动编号了。同理,汉字“一、二、三”和日期等等 都可以这么自动编号。大家可以自行尝试。2-1_mcat c m - ig a mler of te tam on "stuyInd pal _ t he ntfc <kto. .om.tthhme fnd a ppoe cs i nduutria p_ cs

35、 in o the lag. hcod i ncesng the pr ol atta cs T his yea a oal o 23 s. nd a m poe« Ingne eng sped up -e naon, e - ee- Ibos y Exe ctd o be acildt his year ae a GlP -Un s_ng hend, dstic e- iteIf sch is the ie aspcs pi ss a nd poe _ 一 L -mnt oe d ahhae stld i n Shud basd . atua Shunning onstulB 1e

36、 Thid srng hhn poec mnstul. Annuaome n, cnsie niusy sm up ipreel mpe na ocs proe c 39 ans a He ng sg nifcnt de-l ipmnt e,fxd ases -s n otl be athru.suls ekcnes of Ieir ok (A highligtte jethanle, i n high g of - snt A dhhee o t he » |y Is a12 blin ya n, aed dstic y li hit oy high, I oldoolam, an

37、d ie n shp od cy ->9 , ad Yi ng Cia nusralonncntatdn, caryngdisticot poe csto p-te-L . 一 onstulB, and ciy nrnnaasd stmina mold cosrucon apotan. Oe s to inncese t he inenniy of poe ttarsA yseknaionl prad den ar>s induty Pak ad oatoal euctni alp-n ct,sup- suer o seca taInd o rntl, and aso rom cn

38、st I- L . - Ld and fames maret tanBmat| p. fit mo-g o e h me ee k p if - -i r. hreol toug .a> s o la el isili aafmm.i oar e peerm pr h p. bs pgm o p m. tgo soilm eto e c c ,o.gl coitn ctle i go a n nddeo . s ogil.-ha. f p ° mid pt a iu m ajun a "<e e n m.eefcie e-nce coce sig good ii

39、g o mp o - an ha d an thit exel tadiona of rebtnUi p n efecve - cmpy -lorsklhe s o soilm -h Cne se 4 t o Ira |ze - sole p s ng hen rg pay sii >rd wa n p»r o r KIns mut frm I - up nor mely god bter Le a n l h o reaionjipno - aw-jto n Conk payo r - H>j apetj ee|oe ha j ontaiiy Fur futue dre

40、tIn and imp o-een meauej 1beie and aihod tra nomatin, pesee e o te pay CnjiutonrPay t o -tali- coe ct old OutokOuo< on le and thed pa ctiCly -b j idels and be les into aton, b ne l S a - pact-l attes, tanloming the 4 - w od, actvele<n-li c. oc n a - intaie fm - g_ o riing imae Bethe meeng t he we tae s sl a -e w,ed, ea_ o tem .一poe c ok cade, de s o he apesof at of-9, urhe defn- t - de o retf_ton, te ,et nene efetee ss o deocat c led or his m_in| we eqs- t- Stndng Co o he mui> pal pa - Commiee (unapa Seetay G>ea"ang >»n, t he Cy Commisin ohe dng cmrde


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