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1、We surely shall see the sun shine soon.专卖店store商场店shop店务介绍店务介绍常用专业用词 鞋子 Shoes 牛皮Cowhide 手提包Handbag 羊皮 Sheepskin 拉杆箱Draw bar box 腰带Belt 钱包Wallet 休闲鞋Casual shoes 手拿包Hand bag 正装鞋Dress shoes 鞋垫Insole 礼物Gift 鞋油Shoe polishColor Color 颜色颜色v红色red 橙色orange 粉色pinkv紫色purple 黄色yellow 黑色black v白色white 绿色 green 蓝

2、色bluev灰色gray 一、Say hello!问好篇lWelcome to yearcon! 欢迎来到意尔康!lHello!/Excuse me! /Hi!l 你好!lMay/Can I help you? 我能为你做点什么?二、Shopping guide导购篇lWhere are you from? 您来自哪里?lWhat do you want to choose something? 您想选点什么呢?lWhat style do you like? 您喜欢什么款式?lDo you want to buy a pair of shoes/ a package ? 您是想买双鞋子/个包

3、么?lHigh or low heels? 高跟还是低跟?lYou want a male or female? 您是想要男款还是女款lWhich color do you like? 您喜欢哪个颜色?lWhat size do you wear? 你穿多大尺码?lCheap now 现在便宜了二、Shopping guide导购篇lHello, like to try it on 您好,喜欢可以试穿一下。lThis is red, there is a blue 这是个红色,还有个蓝色。l I think this should fit you 我想这款应该适合您。lThis style/c

4、olour is very popular now. 这个款式/颜色现在很流行。二、Shopping guide导购篇lI think the style suits you well. 我觉得这个款式很适合您。lPlease give me five minutes. 请给我五分钟。l What do you think about size 您觉得尺码怎么样?二、Shopping guide导购篇lPlease come with me. 请跟我来。 lSorry, keep you waiting 对不起让您久等了。lWhat is a credit card or cash? 请问是刷

5、卡还是付现金?lHello, here is your change 您好,找您零钱。二、Shopping guide导购篇lThank you, please come again。 谢谢,欢迎再次光临lCan now send gifts。 现在可以送礼物二、Shopping guide导购篇l Im just looking. 我随便看一下lAre there any other colors of this style. 这个款式有其他颜色么?lThis not the right size 这个尺码不合适。三、Customer顾客篇l I do not think that is r

6、ight for me 我觉得不太适合lIts too big. 太大了。lToo small. 太小。lThis size is very suitable。 这个号码很合适。lCan I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?三、Customer顾客篇lPlease hurry up。 麻烦快一点lThis could come down a little? 这个可以再便宜点么?三、Customer顾客篇 A: Hello, what can I do for you? 您好,有什么需要帮助您的吗? B:Let me have a look. 我先看看。 A:I

7、m looking for a pair of shoes. 我想买双鞋。 B:Yes, sir. what style do you want 好的,先生,您想要个什么款式? A: . This is what material? 这个是什么材质? B:This is the leather, the quality is very good. 这个是牛皮的,质量非常好。 A: I would like to try it on. 我想试穿一下 B:Ok, please wait a moment, Ill get size. 好的,请稍等,我去给您拿尺码。 A:Could you get me a bigger? 能给我拿更大点的吗? B: OK, please wait a moment. 好的,您稍等。太贵了太贵了不要不要!这是成本这是成本价了价了. A: How much is this? 这个多少钱? B: This is three hundred and fifty-eight. 这个358元。 A:This could come down a little? 这个可以便宜点么? B: Is the lowest price 已经是最低价格了。 This now hit forty percent off, two hundred and fift


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