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1、Chapter 6 Logistics Chapter 6 Logistics Information system Information system 物流信息系统物流信息系统Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesTo understand the functions of logistics information system (LIS);To learn about usage of E-commerce/E-business 电子商务电子商务Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子信息交换电子信息交换技术技术Ba

2、r-coding technologies 条码技术条码技术POS- Point Of Sale 销售终端系统销售终端系统RFID 电子标签、无线射频识别电子标签、无线射频识别 Part I: Logistics information system物流信息系统LIS is efficient to management while they are decidingWhere should the most frequently ordered parts be located in the warehouse 客户下订单最多的零件应放置的位置How should inventory be

3、deployed to optimize sales 库存应如何部署才有利于销售Which motor carrier should be selected 该选择哪个承运人Part I: Logistics information system物流信息系统What kind of logistic information can be found?1.Logistics information is企业内部:internally coordinated with logistics departmentsmanufacturing marketing financial企业外部:Extern

4、ally-Expanding to the entire supply chain suppliers manufacturers distributors customers (service)供应商供应商 顾客顾客制造商制造商合同制造商合同制造商以供应商为导以供应商为导向的信息交换向的信息交换物流信息交换物流信息交换以客户为导以客户为导向信息交换向信息交换银行银行批发商批发商/分销商分销商零售商零售商虚拟制造商虚拟制造商物流服务提供者物流服务提供者退回产品退回产品财务计划财务计划2. Related information supplies/demand (order) informati

5、on 订单信息; customer service related information 客户服务信息; inventory levels库存信息; transportation information运输信息 3. Defining the Logistics Information SystemComprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions1. How is LIS defined in the text?2. What are the there types of LIS?3. How can LIS assist logistics op

6、erations?4. What advanced technologies are especially mentioned that can capture and communicate logistics-related information?Comprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions1. How is LIS defined in the text?LIS( Logistics Information Logistics Information SystemSystem )An LIS can be defined as: “peo

7、ple, equipment, and procedures” used to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to decision makers. (为决策者)收集、挑选、分析、评估、分配所需的及时、准确的信息所使用的人、设备和程序。Comprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions2. What are the there types of LIS?Operational 操作层面操作层面Tactical

8、 战术层面战术层面 Strategic 战略层面战略层面inputDecision makingFigure 11.1 represents the LIS and the interactions between its subsystems. The LIS has four primary components: order processing system(订单处理系统), business research and intelligence system (BI,商业智能), decision support system (决策支持系统,e.g. forecasting),Rep

9、orts and outputs system(报告输出系统). 知识链接 Business intelligence (BI)BI is the ability of an organization to collect, maintain, and organize knowledge.Beer and Diapers 啤酒与尿布的故事啤酒与尿布的故事 - a successful exampleSome time ago, Wal-Mart decided to combine the data from its loyalty card system with that from it

10、s point of sale systems. The former provided Wal-Mart with demographic data about its customers, the latter told it where, when and what those customers bought. A correlation between them was found!One correlation stood out unexpectedly1.Beer was the product most often sold with diapers. 2.On top of

11、 that, these purchases were made mainly on Friday afternoons by men between the ages of 25 and 35.Beer and DiapersThe facts Young American males frequently indulge in carousing behavior with friends on Friday nights. However, they also have the responsibility to take care of kids.They might have to

12、drink beer at home.Most young American males only buy diapers after they have fathered offspring. Beer and Diapers What decision would you make based on the following information if your were the manager? Action : After seeing the results of the data mining, Wal-Mart moved the beer next to the diape

13、rs. Beer sales went up.Comprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions2. How can LIS assist logistics operations? Some of the more commonly implemented systems are used to support transportation management, warehouse management, and operations planning and scheduling. 有些更常见的系统被用于交通和仓储的管理以及各种业务的计划和调度。

14、Comprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions3. What advanced technologies are especially mentioned that can capture and communicate logistics-related information? Advanced technologies are used for capturing and communicating logistics-related data, such as bar-coding, electronic data interchange

15、(EDI) and, more recently, radio frequency identification (RFID). 条码、电子信息交换、以及最近出现的射频识别等先进技术被用来捕捉与物流有关的信息并用来进行物流信息交换。Part II: Information technologies and tools Internet E-Commerce and E-BusinessEDIPOSBarcodeRFID1. E-Commerce and E- Business What is E-commerce and E-business?Whats the difference betw

16、een these two concepts?What benefits can EC and EB offer? E-commerce is described as a method of buying and selling products and service electronically. 以电子方式进行买卖的过程。E-business : e-business is more than just e-commerce with a more strategic focus. 上升到战略的层面。 - E-business is not only just about buying

17、 and selling, but also servicing customers and collaborating with business partners. Benefits When comparing with traditional transaction waysCut cost and transaction time 节省成本和交易时间节省成本和交易时间Promote and sell product around the world , around the clock 随时随地商品交易随时随地商品交易Compete globally against companie

18、s of all sizes 无论规模大小,都可以进行全球竞争无论规模大小,都可以进行全球竞争(TAOBAO)(TAOBAO)Streamline external supply chain management 简化简化整条供应链的管理整条供应链的管理2. EDI electronic data interchange电子数据交换电子数据交换 Traditional ways to exchange data: Mailing and faxingWhat is the definition of EDI?a new way for companies to transmit busines

19、s document electronically in standardized electronic forms 企业将商业文件以标准化的电子文件进行传输的一种方式The basis of EDI-Standard UN/EDIFACT 手工环境下贸易单证的传递过程发送方企业发送方企业 发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据库接收方数

20、据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证单证单证数据数据纸面纸面单证单证纸面纸面单证单证单证单证数据数据发送方数据发送方数据库库接收方数据接收方数据库库传真机传真机邮局邮局录入录入打印机打印机PrintingMailingFaxingDataPaper-based documentsInputsDatabaseDatabaseEDI条件下贸易单证传递方式发送方企业发送方

21、企业 接收方企业接收方企业 发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证发送方数据发送方数据库库单证单证数据数据发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证WANWAN或或InterneInternet t EDIEDI软件软件发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证EDIEDI软件软件发送方数据库接收方数据库打印机单证数据录入传真机邮局单证数据发送方企业接收方企业纸面单证纸面单证接收方数据接收方数据库库标准标准EDIEDI报文报文标准

22、标准EDIEDI报文报文DatabaseDataEDI softwareTranslated into standardized formatEDI softwareDatabaseEDI can only work if all the companies involved are using the same methods and the documents used by both parties are in the same format!PAPERLESS无纸化无纸化Supplementary readingElectronic data interchange in the P

23、ort of Hamburg EDI应用于汉堡港应用于汉堡港Explain the meaning of the picture taken from Dakosys brochure.Describe the service Dakosys EDI system offers.Describe the benefits if offers. reducing the timefaster speed and cost saving!Benefits of EDI Reduction in document preparation and processing time Increased b

24、illing accuracyLess costData integrity a more stream-lined business process 3. Bar-coding 条形码技术What is a bar-code ?In what format does a bar-code usually appear? How to read the information hidden in a barcode?What is a Bar-code?What is a Bar-code? A bar-code is a machine-readable representation of

25、information in a visual format on a surface. 条码是印在商品表面上的一组可见的、可用机器识别的、代表商品信息的符号。Originally bar-codes stored data in the widths and spacings of printed parallel lines, but today they also come in patterns of dots, concentric circles, and hidden in images. (linear code) 最初,条码将数据储存在一组平行的,由条和空组成的直线上。今天,

26、条码会以原点,同心圆形式出现,甚至会隐藏在图像里。l led to the development of matrix codes (a type of 2D bar-code) which do not consist of bars but rather a grid of square cells. 人们开发了矩阵条形码(二维条码),不用线条来储存,而是由方格子组成。lStacked bar-codes are a comprise between 2D and linear codes. 堆积式条码是一维码和二维码的折中。What is a Bar-code?What is a Bar

27、-code? Bar-codes can be read by optical scanners called bar-code readers or scanned from an image by special software. 条码可以用光学扫描器(条码扫描仪)进行识别,或者可以用特殊软件从一个图像中扫描出来。Usages of Bar-codingUsages of Bar-coding 条码的用途keeping track of the large number of items in a store 追踪货物 reducing instances of shoplifting

28、减少入店盗窃现象keeping track of their rental cars 追踪出租车辆keeping track of passenger luggage, reducing the chance of loss.追踪乘客行李,减少丢失tracking insects mating habits 跟踪昆虫的习性tracking movement of nuclear waste 跟踪核肥料去向coordinating fashion shows 协助模特表演producing portraits 制作肖像4. RFID Video Question:1. What is RFID

29、used for?2. What do the four letters represent?3. Which fields RFID has applied to did it mention?4. RFID Radio Frequency Identification 无线射频识别技术/电子标签VideoQuestion:1. What is RFID used for? Identifying, tracking and managing everything2. Which fields RFID has been applied to did it mention?Loading dock doors 卸货区门Handheld computersLift trucksConveyor beltsSecurity (ID badge)4. RFID Radio Frequency Identification 无线射频


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