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1、马外科病蹄病蹄叶炎蹄叶炎 蹄叶炎为蹄皮膜的一种急性无菌性炎症,多发生在两前蹄或两后蹄,一蹄或四蹄较少见。 发病原因发病原因: 长期饲喂或过量饲喂精料或高蛋白饲料过于单纯。 结症及肠炎的后期及其它消化机能障碍进。 劳疫过重或途乘骑,尤其对久不运动,偶尔大运动量者。 护蹄不当者。 What can cause laminitis? Laminitis(蹄叶炎) can be caused by any of the following although in most cases it is caused by a combination of factors rather than just o

2、ne. A carbohydrate (sugar) overload through over-eating of lush grass (味美青草)or excessive quantities of concentrates (the most common cause). Obesity(肥胖)肥胖) is closely associated with laminitis. Metabolic changes in overweight horses are complex and an area of much new research. Such metabolic change

3、s are often referred to as peripheral cushings disease. Cushings Disease(库兴氏)库兴氏) is a hormonal disorder caused by a benign tumour of the pituitary gland(垂体). This is common on older horses and ponies and associated with a long, curly coat even in summer. Trimming (修剪)修剪)or shoeing with an overlong

4、toe can be a contributory factor in triggering (触发)laminitis. In many cases the foot is just left to grow too long. Infections, particularly where caused by bacteria, can cause release of endotoxins into the blood stream which may trigger laminitis. A retained placenta(胎衣不下)is a renowned(周知的) cause

5、of laminitis. Stress. During periods of stress the body releases cortisol which can contribute to the development of laminitis in some horses. Concussion injury(震荡伤)震荡伤), predominantly(主要的) in horses with low heels(脚后跟) and flat feet and those repetitively performing work on hard ground. Treatment w

6、ith anti-inflammatory corticosteroids(皮质醇类)皮质醇类) can trigger laminitis on rare occasions. Obesity increases the risk of laminitis 临床症状: 患病蹄不敢着地,两前肢发病时,后肢伸于腹下,前肢伸于前方,头扬起,两后肢发病时,前肢后踏,头颈抵垂,后肢关节屈曲。站立时两肢不能较长时间驻立,频频换肢,如原地踏步;三肢或四肢同时发病,大部分时间卧地。 患肢指(趾)动脉亢进,蹄温升高,同时眼结膜充血,严重时体温、呼吸、脉搏均加快,肌肉颤抖。还有症状较轻的亚急性病例及仅有蹄部轻微

7、升温轻微痛感的病例。 When laminitis affects the forelimbs, the horse will lean backon its hindquarters(后腿臀部) in an attempt to relive the pain 诊断:诊断:根据病肢不敢着地负重,蹄温高,指(趾)动脉亢进,严重时体温,呼吸,脉搏均增加,结合有肢体过度疲劳、长期饲喂精料或结症肠炎的历史,可以作出确切诊断,并制订出治疗方案。Diagnosis A diagnosis of laminitis can often be made from observable symptoms su

8、ch as: Difficulty walking and marked difficulty when turning. A “stiff” gait. Rocking back onto the heels in order to spare the toe region. Strong “bounding” pulses to the feet indicating increased blood flow and inflammation of the area. A marked reluctance to pick up feet. Another important test i

9、s the use of hoof testers on the sole of the hoof. Usually this will indicate sensitivity in front of the frog(马蹄叉) in the region of the tip of the pedal bone(足骨). Percussion (tapping) of the sole or shoe may also demonstrate increased sensitivity.Radiograph (x-rays) may also be necessary to assess

10、the severity of the damage. Radiographs will indicate the position of the pedal bone within the hoof capsule. Tearing of the laminae is often indicated by a radiolucent (black) line between the pedal bone and front hoof wall. Looking at x-rays 治疗: 下列几种疗法可顺序或挑选应用。 1、放血,可颈静脉放血10002000毫升;或胸堂血或肾堂血400800

11、毫升;或四蹄血,每蹄50100毫升(瘦弱畜不用)。 2、冷却疗法:初期可施行冷脚浴,或用冰敷蹄部,如蹄部有创伤,冷水浴可加防腐剂。 3、药物疗法:下列中西药物疗法可酌选应用,也可结合应用。 西药:25%葡萄糖1000毫升,生理盐水1000毫升,5%碳酸氢钠溶液500750毫升,维生素c500毫克,混合一次静注,每日一次连续应用;同时肌注地塞米松磷酸钠注射注液2.55毫克,日一次。 中药:肢蹄疲劳过度走伤者用菌陈散,菌陈24克,当归24克,没药18克,甘草、桔梗、柴胡、红花、青皮、陈皮、紫菀、杏仁(去皮)各15克,共为细末,开水冲调,侯温加清油120毫升,同调灌服。 对过食精料及结肠肠炎继发(料

12、伤)用红花散:红花、黄药子、白药子、青皮、陈皮、厚朴、山楂、甘草各15克,没药、当归各24克,六曲,麦芽各45克(研末后下)枳壳20克,共研末,开水冲调后服。 预防: 不要长期及过食精料,不要长期单一饲喂高蛋白饲料,同时注意预防结症、肠炎的发生,防止肢蹄过度疲劳及长期缺乏运动。 Treatment The first step to be taken is to remove any suspected cause for the laminitis. Removing predisposing causes for laminitis is essential. It usually inv

13、olves bringing the horse or pony in from grass, reducing concentrates(精料), and investigating and treating Cushings or metabolic disease. It some cases it may involve treating a serious underlying infection or restricting work on hard ground. Veterinary attention should be sought to prescribe anti-in

14、flammatory drugs such as bute(保泰松) or finadyne. Other medical treatment may also be used and this may be a drug such as ACP which modifies blood flow. In more severe cases the vet may elect to remove the shoes and support the foot using a foot support system such as Styrofoam(聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料)or Equisoft. T

15、he horse should be confined to a stable on a deep shavings (刨花)bed to provide support to the pedal bone. Prognosis Laminitis is an unpredictable condition and it can sometimes be difficult to make an accurate prognosis. Radiographs enable a more accurate prognosis to be given. In general, the longer

16、 a case goes without improvement, the poorer the prognosis. Mechanism of carbohydrate overload induced laminitis Sugars and starches are normally digested in the small intestine. Excessive quantities cause overspill into the large intestine. The bacterial population in the large intestine cannot dig

17、est simple sugars and carbohydrates but are biased towards digestion of complex carbohydrates. The overspill(过剩物资)causes an overgrowth of certain alien lactobacilli乳酸杆菌species of bacteria which ferment(发酵)the sugars instead of digesting them to useable products. This causes an acidosis to develop in

18、 the hind gut(肠) which inhibits the growth and existence of the good digestive bacteria. This drop in pH further favours the growth of abnormal bacteria which produce chemicals that lead to the production of metalloproteinase enzymes in the basement membrane of the hoof. These are responsible for th

19、e detachment(分离) of the laminae(板层). Hindgut acidosis will manifest (显示)as sour smelling, loose faeces, development of a crumbly(易碎) white line and poor hoof horn quality. Where laminitic cases cannot be controlled by managemental means alone, hind gut acidosis can be controlled by the use of Founde

20、rguard, a supplement that prevents the overgrowth of undesirable lactobacilli. Probiotics(前生命期的) without the addition of live yeast cultures can be added to the diet to boost the beneficial bacterial numbers to aid effective digestion and to compete with the undesirable bacteria.纤维性骨营养不良 本病是成年马骡由于钙磷

21、代谢障碍,内组织进行性脱钙,骨基质逐渐被破坏、吸收,而由增生的结缔组织代替未钙化的骨样组织的营养不良疾病。马骡多发。临床上以骨骼肿胀为特征。 诊断要点诊断要点 根据病因调查。主要由于长期偏喂含磷多的精料(如麸皮、豆类),或草类搭配不当,造成磷多钙少而致病。 病初,病马只是呈现不耐使役,容易疲劳出汗,喜卧,四肢常交替出现不明原因的跛行。 中、后期,多数病马出现头骨肿胀变形,下颌骨肿胀增厚,牙齿磨灭不整齐,四肢关节肿胀变形。额骨穿刺易刺入而固定全针。病马异嗜、消化不良。尿液澄清透明,呈酸性反应。 防治方法防治方法 调整日粮内钙磷比例关系 减少麸皮,补喂南京石粉,使钙磷比例接近1.2:1。要适当运动

22、,多晒太阳。 补充钙剂 每天内服乳酸钙或碳酸钙50100g;每天静注10%氯化钙溶液100150ml,或10%葡萄糖酸钙200400ml。为了促进钙盐吸收,可每隔开57天,肌注一次维生素D2(骨化醇)1020ml。为了骨质、牙质以及细胞间质的形成所必需的物质,肌注维生素C35g。 对症治疗 如拉干小粪球并呈现碱性肠卡他症状,则按此症治疗;病马呈现四肢疼痛或背腰发硬,可10%水杨酸钠150200ml,静脉注射,每天一次,连用34天;或选用镇跛1020ml,30%安乃1030ml,安痛定注射2050ml,皮下注射。 舟状骨滑膜囊炎(1NFIAMMATION OF THE NAVICULAR BURSA) 舟状骨滑膜囊炎常与舟状骨病并发。舟状骨滑膜囊是舟状竹与指(趾)深屈肌腱之间的滑膜腔,常与蹄关节腔相通,发病时可互相影响。 舟状骨滑膜囊炎,马和牛都可发生,马常常是无败性的, 牛则多发化脓性炎症。 病因病因 无败性舟状骨滑膜囊炎,常由屈腱过度紧张引起,蹄底挫伤和马的舟状骨病也可继发本病。化脓性舟状骨滑膜囊炎,在马,常继发于蹄底刺伤,致伤过


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