



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上at用法种种 at是个很灵活的介词,在英语中出现频率相当高,现把它的用法介绍归纳如下:一、表示地点1一般指小地方。如:The party was held at her house晚会是在她家里举行的。2把车站、商店、学校、机关等看作一个点时,也用at。例如:I met him at the railway station我在火车站碰到他。I had a good time at the theatre我在戏院里过很愉快。3在停车点或公共汽车站线等的交叉处,用at。例如:Passengers for Wuhan change at Zhenzhou去武汉的旅客在郑州转

2、车。This bus stope at Friendship Street汽车在友谊路停。4门牌号数一般用at。例如:Professor Lin,at 28 High Street大街28号请交林教授。(此例常用在托人带的信封上)5船只停泊的港名、地名,用at,例如:The steamer(ship) will touch at FuZhou轮船将在福州停靠。6表示动作相联,有意识地靠近时,用at。例如:We drank at the brook我们就小溪饮水。7常用在下面一些词组中:at the corner,at the top,at the foot,at home等。例如:There

3、is a policeman standing at the corner of the street有个警察站在街的拐角处。在美国也说 on the corner或 around corner)There is a hut at the top of the hill山顶上有一座小木屋。So he threw himself at the foot of the tree因此他就扑倒在一棵树下。I shall be at home all afternoon我整个下午都会在家。二、表示时间1表示时间的一点。例如:You can come again at five oclock你可在五点钟再

4、来。2指较短的时间。例如:at daybreak破晓时分;at night(在)夜间;at noon在正午;at the NewYear在新年;at Christmas在圣诞节;at the beginning of the week在那周开始时;at the end of this month在这个月底(末);at the weekend在周末三、表示动作的方向He drew his sword and thrust it at me他拔出剑来,向我猛刺。If any beast comes at you,ll stay with you and help you如果有什么野兽向你袭击,我一

5、定在你旁边帮你。It is rude to point at a person指着人是失礼的。Then he ordered Tell to shoot at the apple with one of his arrows接着他命令泰尔用(他的一支)箭向苹果射击。四、表示动作的目的The children are always at me to take them to the zoo孩子们老缠着我带他们到动物园去。Whats he aiming at?他的目的是什么?五、表示距离Stand at arms length from the person next to you站在你旁边那个人

6、伸臂可及之处。六、表示入口或出口We are to meet at the school gate at six我们定于六时在校门口集合。She noticed an old pine tree ahead at the entrance to a valley她注意到前边峡谷口有一棵老松树。七、表示年龄At the age of twelve,Edison began selling newspapers on a train爱迪生12岁时开始在火车上卖报纸。八、表示速度All this must be done at very great speed这一切都需要非常迅速地干完。The ca

7、r raced through the countryside at eighty miles an hour汽车以一小时八十英里的速度驶过郊外。九、表示价格The book has been published at two yuan a copy这本书已经出版,定价(每本)2元。十、表示“在方面”(用在形容词之后)Edison soon became very good at the railway telegraph爱迪生很快就学会了铁路电报学。The boy is clever at maths那个孩子在学数学方面很聪明。十一、表示“从事于”What are you at?你在干什么?He was at work他在工作。Im going to work hard at English我将努力学习英语。十二、表示原因He was terrified at the sight看到这个他吓坏了。I was much surprised at(hearing


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