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1、6.sixth第六7.birthday生日聚会开始最喜欢的20.When is it? Its onththoef1S9eptember.14.when 15.what time什么时候(大概)什么时候(具体)19.on the 19th of September 在 9月 19日沪教版牛津英语5A 词汇表P21.first 2.second 3.third 4.fourth 5.fifth第一第二第三第四第五8.party 9.begin 10.favourite 11.sound 12.interesting 13.wait听起来有趣的等待16.bring17.wear 18.at two

2、 o clock带来穿在 2 点P4什么时候?9 月 19 日。21.What time does the party begin?It begins at two o clock.聚会什么时候开始?两点开始。P3七月1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 一月二月三月四月五月六月8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December八月九月十月十一月十二月13.seventh 14.eighth 15.ninth 16.tenth 17.eleventh 18.t

3、welfth第七第八第九第十第十一第十二19.thirteenth 20.fourteenth 21.fifteenth 22.sixteenth 23.seventeenth 第十三第十四第十五第十六第十七24.eighteenth 25.nineteenth26.twentieth 27.twenty-first 28.thirtieth第十八第十九第二十第二十一第三十29.thirty-first第三十一30. When your birthday?你生日什么时候?1.children(child)2.welcome( to)3.trousers 4.a pair of孩子们(孩子)(孩

4、子)欢迎裤子一双,一对一条。5.place 6.invitation 7.a picture of地点邀请一张的图片8 .Thank you so much. 非常感谢。9 .What do you have, Alice? I have an orange picture.Alice, 你有什么?我有一张桔黄色的图片。P51.Mr Hatter 2.always 3.busy 4.tired 5.still 6.smartHatter先生 总是忙的 累的 仍然 潇洒的7.at night 8.on his bed 9.the 4th of October在晚上在他的床上十月 4 日10.Wh

5、at does Mr Hatter do? He makes a smart new hat.Hatter先生做什么?他做一顶新的潇洒的帽子。P61.drill 2.least 3.leave 4.list 5.seat 6.Chinese钻子,钻孔最小离开清单,目录座位中国人e/ i:/ she me ee/ i:/ bee sweet i/ I / it this drill fishe_e/ i:/ these Chinese ea/ i: / sea ready/ I / easy very happy early5.only仅仅,只有8.underground 地铁P7骑走从不总是1

6、.ride 2.walk 3.never 4.always6.walk to school =go to school on foot 7.taxi 步行上学9.zebra crossings 10.traffic lights斑马线红绿灯11.pavement 12.ten years old 13.on my way to school人行道十岁在我上学的路上14.Ben always rides his bike to school. Ben 总是骑自行车上学。P81.live 2.leave 3.arrive 4.together 5.on foot 6.leave home居住离开到

7、达一起步行离开家7.what about(how about) 8.arrive at (in) 9.by bus(take a bus) 怎么样到达小地方(大地方)乘公共汽车(同义)10 .How do you come to school? I come to school on foot.你怎么来学校?我步行来学校。11 .When do you leave home? I leave home at a quarter to eight.你什么时候离开家?我 7 点 45 分离开家。P91.cross=go/walk across 2.before(after) 3.quickly(s

8、lowly)穿过/横过在之前(在之后)很快地(很慢地)4.poster 5.then 6.correct(right) 7.cross the road海报然后正确的(同义)穿过马路8.at traffic lights 9.at zebra crossing 10.wait for 11.the green light在红绿灯旁在斑马线旁等候绿灯12.wait on the pavement 13.look left 14.look right在人行道上等看左边看右边15 .Where do we cross the road? We cross the road at traffic li

9、ghts.我们哪里横过马路?我们在红绿灯边横过马路。16 .How do we cross the road?我们怎么横过马路。P101.journey 2.about 3.stay 4.finally 5.at Rainbow Primary School 行程大约逗留最后在彩虹小学6.live near school 7.on Green Road 8.his journey to work住在学校附近在 Green Road 他的工作行程9.an underground station 10.Mr Black s home 11.take the train一个地铁站Black 先生的家

10、乘火车12.get off the train/get on the train 13.at Park Street Station下车/上车在Park Street站14.take Bus No.12 15.about fifteen minutes 16.at Rainbow Road Bus Stop 乘12路车大约15分钟在Rainbow Road车站17.walk from to 从步行到P111.at about seven thirty 2.at about eight o clock 在大约 7 点半在大约 8 点3 . ride a bicycle to =go to/com

11、e tcycle 骑 by叁 / 来某地4 . take a car/bus/taxi to=go to/come to by car/bus/taxi乘车/公交车/出租车去/来某地5 . walk to =go to/come to步nfoof 来某地6 .How do you come to school? I come to school by bus.你怎么来学校?我乘车来学校。7 .When do you leave home? I leave home aatbout eight o clock.你什么时候离开家?我大约8 点离开家。8 .When do you arrive at

12、 school? I arrive at school at half past eight.你什么时候到达学校?我大约 8 点半到达学校。e/ e / bed pet a/ e / any many ea/ e / head breada/ ? / dad back apple blackP121.pilot 2.fly an aeroplane 3.doctor 4.help sick people 5.cook飞行员开飞机医生帮助病人厨师6.cook nice food 7.want to be煮好吃的食物想成为8.What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?I wan

13、t to be a teacher.我想成为一名老师。P131.worker 2.pilot 3.farmer 4.shop assistant 5.Dan 6.Steve工人飞行员农民营业员(史蒂夫)7.Sam 8.John 9.Mary 10.Linda(山姆)(约翰)(玛丽)(琳达)II.Dan helps sick people. He is a docto丹帮助病人。他是一名医生。P141.different 2.dream 3.job 4.survey 5.from 6.ask 7.question不同的梦想 工作调查来自问 问题8.student 9.traveller 10.i

14、n the street 11.in the future 12.dream job学生旅行者在街上在将来梦想的工作13.at home 14.travel around the world 15.Excuse me.在家环球旅行(打扰)对不起。16 .Can I ask you some questions? Of course.我能问你些问题吗?当然可以。17 .What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a teacher.你将来想成为什么?我想成为一名老师。P15l.afraid 2.singer 3.suddenly 4.li

15、feguard 5.be afraid of+(动ting) 担心的歌手突然救生员害怕做某事6.be good at+劭ting) 7.hear /listen8.jump into擅长做某事听到(结果)/听(方向)跳进9.save the chick 救小鸡p/p / pick map k/k / kite work g/g / game big10.his new job11.want to be a singer他的新工作想成为一名歌手b/ b / book job t/t /taste fruit d/ d / date badc/ k / cook picnic ck/ k / cl

16、ock duckP176.Internet两次 网络1.family 2.friend 3.grandparent 4.once 5.twice 家庭朋友祖父母一次7.ask the children 8.live with your grandparents问孩子们和你祖父母住9.visit them 10.once a week 11.at weekends看望他们一周一次在周末12.play chess 13.live in Beijing下棋住在北京14.twice a year 15.write e-mails to them一年两次写电子邮件给他们16 .talk to them

17、on the Internet在网上和他们谈17 .Do you live with your grandparents?你和你祖父母住一起吗?18 .How often do you visit them?你多久看望他们一次?19 .What do you do with them?你和他们一起做什么?P181.go shopping 2.go to the cinema 3.do the housework 去购物去电影院做家务4.play badminton 5.three times打羽毛球三次P191.knock 2.grandchild 3.strange 4.strong 5.h

18、ug敲孙子(女)奇怪强壮的拥抱6.quickly 7.hunter快的猎人8.Little Red Riding Hood 9.on her way to Grandmas house小红帽在她去奶奶家的路上10.run to Grandmas house 11.knock at the door 12.have a cold跑去奶奶家敲门得了感冒13.sharp teeth 14.all right锋利的牙齿好的15 .Whos there?那是谁呀?16 .Grandma, you sound very strange!奶奶,你听起来很奇怪。17 .Grandma, what strong

19、 arms you have!奶奶,你得手臂好强壮呀!18 .Are you all right? Im OK. Thank you.你还好吧,小红帽?我还好。谢谢。P2010.the Double Ninth Festival 2.a traditional Chinese festival重阳节中国的一个传统节日3.in October 4.on this day 5. go on an outing 6.climb mountains 在 10月在这一天出去郊游爬山7.see flower shows 8.eat Double Ninth cakes 9.special food看花展吃

20、重阳糕特别的食物10.at this festival 11.in Old Peoples Homes 12.have a good time 在这个节日在敬老院玩得开心13.The double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.重阳节是中国的一个传统节日。14.On this day, people usually go on an outing or climb mountains.在这一天,人们通常出去郊游或爬山。15.People eat Double Ninth cakes at this festival.人们在这个

21、节日吃重阳糕。16.It is also a festival for old people.这也是老人们的节日。P211.wear a red hat 2.a black and white cat 3.laugh and play 戴一个红帽子一个黑白相间的帽子笑着玩4.have fun all day 5. go to his flat 6.just sixty-two整天玩的很开心去他的公寓正好六十二岁7 .fun things to do去做有趣的事情8 . Its easy to see that he loveS容易看出他爱我。a / a: / class past ask ba

22、thar / a: / arm park sharp large u / ? / us club duck puzzle o / ? / other son love colourP22 231.same 2.different 3.both4.all相同的不同的两者(都)全部都(三者或三者以上)5 .Rainbow Primary School 6.in the same class彩虹小学在同一个班7 .play volleyball 8.help old people打排球帮助老人9 .cross the street 10.each other 11.favourite sport过马

23、路彼此最爱的运动12 .Alice and I both go to Rainbow Primary School.Alice和我都去彩虹小学上学。13 .We are in the same class.我们在同一个班。14 .We both like helping people.我们都喜欢帮助别人。15.I like playing volleyball and Alice likes playing badminton. 我喜欢打排球Alice喜欢打羽毛球。16.We like each other and we like to be together.我们喜欢彼此我们喜欢在一起。P2

24、41.match 2.member 3.team 4.golden5.hero-heroes比赛成员队 金色的英雄 英雄(复数)7.win 8.sure 9.difficult 10.easy 11.half-time赢 当然难的容易的半场12.worry 13.finally 14.congratulation担心最后祝贺15.members of the schools football club 16.after school校足球俱乐部的成员放学后17.in different teams 18.wait and see在不同的队等着看19.a difficult match for

25、both teams 20.play very well对两个对来说都是一场困难的比赛玩得很好21.They are in different teams- Golden Boys and Heroes.他们在不同的队 金色男孩(队)和英雄(队)。P251.Johnny 3.Annie 3.Toney 4.Kelly5.Room 205 6.like skating and riding bicycles205房间喜欢滑板和骑自行车7.play with all of you和你们一起玩P261.many kinds of pet 2.pretty flowers许多种宠物漂亮的花3.look

26、 at them for hours看它们几小时u /u:/ruleoo /u:/ too school room tooth u / ? /sugar full put pulloo /? / book look cook footP271.face 2.south 脸 ,面南3.study 4.why 5.because书房为什么因为6.the Chens 7.living room 8.face south陈家客厅朝南9.a lot of=many/much10.all day许多(后面可跟可数或不可数名词)整天11.Which room do you like?你喜欢那个房间?12.I

27、 like the living room.我喜欢客厅。13.Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?14.Because it s quiet. 因为它很安静。P281.north 2.west 3.east 4.plan 5.kitchen北西东 计划厨房6.bathroom 7.bedroom 8.dining room卫生间卧室餐厅9.Do you like Mary s home or John s home? 你喜欢的还是的房间?10.I like John s home.我喜欢的。11.Why ?为什么?12.Because the living room face

28、s south.因为客厅是朝南的P291.share 2.through 3.far 4.minute 分享穿过远分钟5 .far from 6.by bus远离乘公共汽车7 .How many bedrooms are there?有几个卧室?8 .There are three bedrooms.有三个卧室9 .It only takes 20 minutes.只要 20 分钟。P301.wild2.goose-geese3.change 4.move野生的鹅 鹅(复数)改变移动5.find 6.enough 7.miss 8.back找到 足够的思念回来9.wild geese 10.t

29、wice every year 11.fly to野天鹅一年两次飞向12.in the north 13.fly back在北方飞回来14.Why do wild geese move? 野天鹅为什么要搬家。15.In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north.在冬天,他们在北方找不到足够的食物。P311.must 2.early 3.get old必须早的变老f /f/ food roofv /v/ van liveth / / think toothth / e / that withP321.turn 2.left 3.right

30、 4.crossing 5.cross 6.get to转弯 左边右边十字路口穿过到达7.walk along 8.turn left 9.next to 10.go along 11.excuse me沿着走向左转挨着沿着走 对不起(打扰)12.at the first crossing 13.an underground station在第一个十字路口一个地铁站14.How do I get to the zoo? Walk along Green Road.你怎么去动物园?沿着Green Road走。P331.hotel 2.bank 3.hospital 4.bakery 5.muse

31、um 6.cinema旅馆银行 医院面包房博物馆电影院7.get off 8.on Park Road 9.at Sea Street Station下车 在 Park Road在 Sea Street10.Thank you very much. You7e welcome多谢。不用客气。P341.meet 2.crocodile 3.lane 4.on one s right5.at the zoo遇见鳄鱼小路 在某人的右边在动物园6.want to see 7.a map of the zoo 8.turn right想要看一张动物园地图向右转你想9.What do you want t

32、o see? I want to see the monkeys.要看什么?我想看猴子。P351.ocean 2.the Wangs 3.shark 4.dolphin 5.pool海洋姓王一家人鲨鱼海豚池子6.cute 7. clever 8.restaurant 9.go to Ocean World可爱的聪明的餐厅去海洋世界10.at Ocean World 11.look for a restaurant在海洋世界找饭店12.How do the Wangs get to the restauranf?一家人怎么至 U 饭店?P371.naughty 淘气的2.my favourite

33、 animal 我最喜爱的动物/s/ s sign bus /z/ z zoo sizec city nices visit ists /ts/ lights parts boats rabbits ds /dz/ cards clouds hands bedsP371.dress 2.clothes 3.need 4.pocket 5.pretty 6.button 连衣裙衣服需要 口袋漂亮的纽扣7.put on 8.try on 9.Sunday morning 10.at a clothes shop 在穿上试穿星期天早上服装店11.Which dress do you like, th

34、e blue one or the pink one?你喜欢哪一条裙子,蓝色的还是粉红色的?12.I like the blue one.我喜欢蓝色的。P381.zip 2.T-shirt 3.shorts 4.trousers拉链T 恤衫短裤长裤5 .How much is it? It s ten yuan钱?十元钱。6 .How much are they? They re eleven yUan钱? 十一元。P391. try on these dresses 2.look great on you试穿这些裙子穿在你身上看上去很棒3.Can I help you?尔想要什么?P401.

35、emperor 2.magic 3.beautiful 4.nod 5.smile皇帝魔法的漂亮的点头微笑6.give 7.money 8.keep 9.silent 10.cry( cries)给 钱 保持 安静的哭11.nothing 12.truth 13.keep silent 14.cry out没什么真话保持安静喊叫15. tell the truth 16.a lot of money 17.nod with a big smile讲真话许多钱大笑地点头P411.dot 2.slipper 3.raincoat 4.blouse 5.sneaker 6.boot点 拖鞋雨衣女式衬

36、衫运动鞋靴子7.hundred 8.hundreds of 9. one hundred百成百的。 。 。 一百or/ ?: /short horse al/ ?: /hall fallau/ ?: /autumn naughtyoor/ ?: /door floor o/D /office box off wrong a/ D / what want watchP421. should 2.wrong 3.cough 4.fever 5.medicine应该错误的咳嗽发烧药6.rest 7.better 8.have a cough 9.have a look休息 更好地咳嗽看一看10.ha

37、ve a cold 11.take some medicine 12.have a good rest感冒吃药休息好13.feel well 14.go to the hospital with 15.be better 感觉好和某人去医院更好16.What s wrong with you?怎么啦?P435.see the doctor1.toothache 2.doctor 3.dentist 4.shouldn牙疼医生牙医不应该看医生6.see the dentist 7.soft drinks 8.too many sweets看牙医软饮料太多糖9.What should I do?

38、You should wear warm clothes.我该做什么?你应该穿暖和的衣服。P441.either 2.time 3.have a toothache 4.at the dentist s 也 次数牙疼在牙医诊所5.be bad for 6.how many times 7.a day 8.brush your teeth对有害多少次一天 刷牙9.How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once, in the morning一天刷几 次牙?早上一次。P451.toothless 2.other 3.hide 4.themsel

39、ves 5.secret无牙的其它的隐藏他们自己秘密的6.cave 7.packet 8.hurt 9.really 10.the other洞包疼 真地其他的11.have an idea 12.a large packet of 13.the king of the forest有一个主意一大包森林之王14.have a meeting 15.a present for you 16.pull out开会一个给你的礼物拔出er/ ?: / her term ir/ ?: / bird third ur/ ?: / nurse turnor/ ?: / work worder/ ? / te

40、acher paper driver farmer a/ ? / panda banana again alongP47-481.first 2.next 3.then 4.finally 5.boil首先下一个然后最后煮沸6.teapot 7.pour 8.make tea 9.boil the water茶壶倒出泡茶煮沸水10.put inll.taste great把放进里面 尝起来不错12 .Would you like some? 你想要一些吗?13 .Yes, please. How do you make tea, Grandma?是的你是怎么泡茶的?14 .Let s make

41、 some tea.让我们来泡茶吧。15 .What do we do first? 我们先做什么呢?16 .First, we boil the water. 首先,我们先把水煮沸。P491.start 2.gorges 3.the Yangtze River 4.give a report开始 峡谷长江做报告1 .in the west of 6.run down 7.part of在的西面下来部分8 .The students are giving a report about the Yangtze River. 学生们正在就长江问题作报告。9 .Does the Yangtze Ri

42、ver run through Shanghai?长江流经上海吗?10 .Yes. Our Huangpu River is part of the Yangtze River.是的。我们的黄埔江是长江的一部分。P501.journey 2.drop 3.fall 4.rise旅行点落下升起5 .rise up 6.fly over 7.fall down 升起飞过落下8 .The journey of Little Water Drop. 小雨滴的旅行。9 .The Sun shines and Little Water Drop gets hot.阳光照耀,小雨滴变得热了。10 .Litt

43、le Water Drop flies over rivers and mountains.小雨滴飞过小河和高山。11 .Little Water Drop falls down to the ground 小雨滴落到了 地上。P511. piece 2.sunlight 3.above 4.a piece of white paper 片阳光 在的上方一张白纸ch /t? / cheap rich China each g / d? / age giraffe orange cage j / d? / job juice jam jump sh / ?/ share fish shirt b

44、rush s / ? /usually pleasure televisionP52 531 .blow 2.happy-happily 3.gentle-gently 4.strong-strongly 吹开心的(地)轻轻的(地)强壮的(地)5.slow-slowly 6.quick-quickly 7.windmill 8.move 慢慢的(地)快的(地)风车动9 .The wind blows gently. 风轻轻地吹。10 .The flowers dance in the wind softly. 风在微风中慢舞。11 .The children fly their kites happily. 孩子们开心地放风筝。P541.watch 2.weather3.heavy-heavily观看天气重的,大的-严重的4.tomorrow 5.heavy rain 明天大雨6 .Look out of the window. It s raining heavily.雨下得很大。7 .The wind is blowing strongly too. 风也吹得很强烈。8We have some heavy rain and strong wind today天雨彳艮大风彳艮强。8 .But


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