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1、1 / 21检测(一)选择最佳答案,把编号写在题前括号里。()1.“我是迈克,我来自加拿大。”用英语说:A. Im Mike, Im from Canana. B. Im Mike, Im fromChina. Cm Mike, Im from the UK.()2.当你想向 Mr Jones 介绍一位新朋友 Amy 时,你说:A. Amy is a student. B. Amy, this is Mr Jones.C.Mr Jon es,this is my new frie nd,Amy.()3.当你想知道对方来自哪里时,你应该问:A.How are you? B. Where are

2、you from? C. Who areyou ?()4._ is that woman ?A. Who B. what C. Where()5. Is she your mother ?_A. Yes, she isnt. B. No,she isn. C. Yes ,he is.( )6.Mother mother is_A. grandpa B. gramdma C.sister()7. Fathersfather is_2 / 21A. grandfather B. grandmother C. grandma()8.“它有小眼睛和大耳朵”用英语说:_A. It has a big n

3、ose and small eyes. B. It has small eyes andbig ears. C. It has a small mouth and big ears.()9.The elephant has a_ nose.A. big B. lo ng C.short()10._ have long tails.A. elepha nts B. Giraffes C . Mon keys()11. I _ big eyes and small ears.A. am B. have C.has()12.The elephant_ a short tail.A. has B.ha

4、ve C. is()13. _ the giraffe.Itso tall .A. see B. Look C. Look at()14.She_ two big eyes .A. has B. have C. is()15 .你找不到书包的时候,你问妈妈说: _A. How are you, mum? B.Mum, where is my bag ?3 / 21C. Oh ,mum,its my bag.()16.当你把物品给别人时,应说: _A. Here you are . B. It here. C. Thank you .()17.当你叫你的同学“看地图”你应说: _A. Look

5、a map. B. read a map. C. row a boat .()18._is my book ? It in your bag.A. Who B. Where C.How()19. Is it in the pen cilbox?_, it isnt.A. Yes B.No C. Not()20.Let go to the zoo.-_A. Great B. Oh C. Tha nk you()21.当你想问“你喜欢吃苹果吗? ”应该说: _A. Let have some apples. B.Do you like apples?C. Sorry, I don like app

6、les.()22.当你想说“我喜欢橙子。”你会说: _A. I like oran ges. B. Yes, I do. C. I don like oran ges.()23.如果你的朋友来你家了,你让他吃些水果,你会说:_A. Have some fruit,please. B. I like fruit. C.Buy some4 / 21fruit.()24.如果你的朋友不喜欢你递过来的葡萄,他会说:_A. Than ks. B.Sorry, I don like grapes. C. Here you are.()25.你的同学问你:“请给我些梨子好吗?”你应回 答说:A. No, t

7、hanks. B. Can I have some pears,please. C. Here youare.()26. Can I have some banan as?A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C.Here you are.()27.你想知道客人是否喜欢吃梨,你可以问: _A. What about apples? B. Can I have a pear? C.Do you likepears?()28. Amy 不喜欢吃苹果,你想知道她是否喜欢吃葡萄,可以问:_A. Can I have some grapes? B.Have some apples?C

8、. How about grapes?()29.别人问你喜欢吃橙子吗?你不喜欢,应该礼貌地 回答:5 / 21_A. No, I do. B. Here you are. C. Sorry, I don likeoran ges.检测(二)选择最佳答案,把编号写在题前括号里。()1.当你想问“别人有多少本书?”时,应该说:A.How many book do you have ? B. How many books doyou have?C.How many books do you see?()2.当你想说“看看我的新蜡笔吧! ”应该说: A. Look at my new crayons.

9、 B.Look my new crayon.C. See my new cray ons.()3.当你想说:“打开看看”时,应该说: _A. Close it and look. B.Open it and look at. C.Open it andsee!()4.当别人帮助了你,你应该说: _6 / 21A. Thank you. B.Hello C. Ok()5.当欢迎新来的同学的时候,你可以说: _A. Welcome B. Thank you C. Great()6. How many_ do you have? I have 20.A. egg B. an egg C. eggs.

10、()7_cray ons do you have? I have 16 .A.How much B.How C.How many( )8.Let go home ._.A.OkB. Thanks C.See you()9. Yao Ming is so_A. big B. short C. tall()1O.The bird is not fat. It _.A.fat B. thin My brother isn tall. He _ .A. short B.tall C. thin()12.I _ big eyes and small B.have

11、 C,has() _ a long nose.7 / 21A. have B.has C. is( )14.Look _ the pan das.A. at B. in C. to()15.He is short ,but his brother is_A. long B.small C. tall()16t has_ eyes and a_ tail.A.big small B.tall short C. big short()17.你想询问“我的铅笔在哪儿? ”时,你应该说:_ .A.Where is your pencil? B.Where is my pencil?

12、 onyour book.()18.当别人问你“ Do you like apples?你想回答不喜欢时,你说:_A. Yes, I do. B.No, I don. C. No, it isnt()19 .当你想邀请别人一起吃橙子时 你说:_A. Do you like oranges? B. Let have some oranges.C. I like oran ges.8 / 21()20.当你把梨递给 Sarah 时,你对妈妈说: _A. Here you are. B.Thanks. C.Yes, it is.()21.当你想吃草莓时,你对妈妈说: _A. Mom,can I ha

13、ve some strawberries? B. Mom,can I havesome pears?C.Mom,ca n I have some oran ges?()22.有客人到你家,你请客人吃水果,应该说:A. Have some fruit. B.I like fruit. C.Have some hot dogs.()23.你告诉妈妈你想要一些鸡肉时,你说: _Awant some chicke n. Bwant some hot dogs.C.l want some oran ges.()24.当你想说:“不,白色的那个是只鸟”时,你说: _A.Yes,the bird is wh

14、ite. B.No, the white oneis a bird. C.No,the bird is white.()25.当你想问别人“你看见多少只猫”时,你说:A.How many kites do you see? B. How many cats do9 / 21you see?C. How many pan das do you see?()26.Mike 的新钢笔很漂亮,你对他说: _A .It so beautiful. B. Good! C. I see 10.()27._ tigers do you see ?A. How old B. How many C.How( )2

15、8.Look at the cap._A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. Itso beautiful.()29.My hands have_ little fin gers.A. one B. two C. ten()30.The old _ is my grandpa.A. man B.woman C.mom检测(二)选择最佳答案,把编号写在题前括号里( )1.This _ my new friend.A. am B,are is that girl?_ is my sister.A.He B.She C.It()3、Is he you

16、r brother? _10 / 21A. Yes,it is.B.Yes, he is. C. Yes, he isn.( )4.Look at my bag. _A.Ok! B.yes C. Beautiful()5. How many_ do you see? I see 18.A. crayons B.crayons C.pencil()6._ is that woman? She is my Englishteacher,Miss ChenA.Where B.Who C.What( )7.How many_ can you see? - NineteenA.kite B.kites

17、 _ a new friend. Her name is Alice.A. have B.has )9.Who is that girl? _ is my sister.A. I B.He C. She()10._ are you from? I m from the USA.A. Where B.Who C.How many()11._ is that woman? She is my teacher.A. What B.Who C.Why()12._ is my cat? Iton the desk.A. Where B.What C.Why11 / 21(

18、)13.How many _ do you have?- B.dogs C.a dog()14.The mon keys tail is so long. but the rabbit tailis too_A.lo ng B.short C. big()15、Ita long tail.A. isB.hasC.have()16、Lookthat monkey.ltfat.A. atB.isC.has()17、are you from?I m fromChi na.12 / 21()18、Im short, but my brother is _ .A.Io ngB.

19、small . C.tall .()19、I _ big eyes and small ears .A.amB.have C.has()20、“看地图”用英语怎样说: _.A.Look at the map. B.see the map. C.Read the map.()21、Let buy some fruit._A. Oh B. GreatC.Thanks()22、你想知道你的朋友是否喜欢吃梨。你会问:B. I like pears. B.Have some pears. C.Do you like pears?()23、当你把物品给别人时,你会说:_ .A.It here . B.He

20、re you are.C.Here it is.()24、你想邀请客人吃些葡萄,你说; _ .A. Have some fruit. B. Have some grapes. C. Do you likegrapes?.()25、Miss White 请 Amy 吃水果,Amy 不想吃,她可以说:_A. NO, tha nksB.Sure.Here you are.C.Tha nk you.A. IsB.WhoC.Where13 / 21( )26.This is _ apple.A.a B. / C. an()27. Let s _ me bananas.Ok!A. have B.has C

21、.is()28、Where are you from?_B. I m from the UK. B. I m Amy. C.lm a girl.()29、Hi! Im Zhang Peng_C. This is Amy. B.Hi! I m Sarah.C.Thank you.()30、This is Miss Green. _ is a teacher.A.HeB.SheC.They()31、This is Mr chen. _ is a teacher.A.HeB.SheC.They()32、She _ friend.A. my、当你告诉别人你来自加拿大时,你

22、说:A. Im from the USA. B.I m from Canada. C.lm from the UK.()34、当你向 Peter 介绍你的朋友 Amy 时你说:_A.Amy ,this is my friend ,Peter. B. Peter ,this is myfrie nd ,Amy.C. Hi,lm Amy.14 / 21检测(四)一、选择最佳答案,把编号写在题前括号里.()1、当你对别人的到来表示欢迎时,你说: _B. Welcome B.Great C.OK!()2、当你告诉陈洁你们今天有两位新朋友时,你说:A. We have a new friend toda

23、y. B. We have three newfriends today. C.We have two new friends today.()3、当你想知道对方来自哪里时,你应该问: _A.Where are you from? B.Where are you? C.How areyou?()4、Is she your grandma?B.Yes,he is. B.No, sheisn .C.Yes, she isnt.()5、Mr Chen is my_ . Miss Green is myA.gra ndpagran dma B.gra ndmothergran dfatherC. gr

24、a ndma gran dpa()6、 我想知道那位女人是不是你的妈妈?我会说:B. Is he your mum?C. Y es, she is.()7、当你向 Peter 介绍你的朋友 Amy 时,你说:A.Amy ,this is my friend ,Peter. B. Peter ,this is myfriend ,Amy.B、 Is she your mother?15 / 21C. Hes Amy.二、选择合适的单词,填在横线上。20 分anI. _ pear 2. _ apple 3. _ egg4. _ orange 5. _ banana6._ duck7. _ wate

25、rmelon8._eraser9._ strawberry10. _ English teacherII._ ball12._ ant三、选择合适的答语,将其序号填入题前括号里。()1.Where is my ball?()2.Where are you from?()3.Who that man?()4.How many friends do you have?()5.Do you like oran ges?( )6.How many kites do you see?A. I m from Canana.B. He my dad.C. It under the desk.D. Yes,

26、I do.E. I see eighteen.16 / 21F. I have eighteen.()1. How many cryons do you have?()2. Where are you from?()3. How many cats do you see?()4.Let s go home.( )5.How are you?( )6.Do you like pears?( )7.Is she your mother?()8. Who s that woman?( )9.Is it in your bag?()10.Where is your toy car?A.I have t

27、wo.B. I see twelve.C. I m from China.D. Fine,thank you.E. Ok!F.Yes,she is.G. No,it isn t.H. She s my grandma.I. It s under the desk.J.No,I don t.17 / 21四、找出来不同类的单词 , 将序号填入括号内。()1、 A. bigB. tallC. tail() 2、 A.earB. longC.eye() 3、 A.boyB.tenC.six() 4、 A.catB. giraffeC.fat()5、A.UKB.thinC.USA()6、 A.chil

28、dren B.heC.she()7. A.UKB.girl C. boy()8. A. threeB.USA C.four()9. A.teacherB.Miss C. student()10.A.manB.woman C.father()11.A.heB. Sarah C. she()12.A.appleB.fruit C. Pear()13.A.bigB.tall C.tail()14A.deskB.on C.under()15.A.toyB.boat C.ca18 / 21检测(五)、找出来不同类的单词 ,将序号填入括号内()1.A.fatB.tall C. look() B.strawberry C.zoo()3.A.twelveB.kite C.twenty() C.boat()5.A.fifteenB.thirteen C.watermelons() C. eye()


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