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1、高二英语动词专项训练及答案一、单项选择动词1. To get promoted, I must my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs.A. take afterB. take toC. take inD. take on【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语 take after长得像,性格类似于,效仿; take to喜欢 上,沉溺于;take in吸收,理解,欺骗,收养;take on雇佣,呈现;句意:为了被提拔, 我要消防我的同事们,他们工作非常努力。根据句意可知take after意为 效仿”,符合上下文含义。考点:考

2、查动词短语辨析2. As a result, these countries are always struggling to their repayments; government finances that could be spent on health, education and long-term development are instead used for debt repayment.A. dive right in B . catch up on C. push ahead with D . split off from【答案】B【解析】 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。A.

3、 dive right in立即行动;B. catch up on弥补、赶上; C. push aheadwith推动;D. split off from脱离。句意:因此,这些国家总是努力偿还债务;原本可以用 于医疗、教育和长期反战的政府财政被用于偿还债务。根据句意可知此处表示弥补、偿还”,故B项正确。3. Many optimistic teenagers owe their personalities to their outgoing parents.It makes sense. As we all know, a happy parent a happy child.A. makes

4、 out B. makes into C. makes up D. makes for【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词词组。A. makes out明白,理解; B. makes into制成; C. makes up由-组成, 编造; D. makes for有助于。句意:许多乐观的青少年把他们的个性归功于他们外向的父母。一一它是有意义的。我们都知道,一个快乐的父母造就了一个快乐的孩子。故选Do4. Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population

5、 and the earth ' s natural resources decrease.A. extends B. declinesC. swells D. varies【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. extends扩大;B. declines下降;C. swells膨胀;D. varies改变。句意:随着全球人口的膨胀和自然资源的减少,我们许多人都对后代面临的挑战感到担忧。根据"the earth ' s natural resources decrees斯此处表示 人口的膨胀”,故C项正确。5. He has behaved in the m

6、ost extraordinary way; I can his actions at all.A. account forB. call forC. send forD. reach for【答案】A【解析】考查动词短语。account for解释";call for需要;"要求";send for派人'去请(拿);召唤”; reach for伸手'去拿"。由题意可知 A项正确。6. A long road tests a horse ' s strength anderrtortigsk a man ' s heart

7、.A. provesB. will proveC. is provingD. has proved【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:路遥知马力,日久见人心。这是一条谚语,故用一般现在时态,故选Ao考点:考查动词时态7. The relevant authorities have recently some companies and individuals for theirillegal emission that is harmful to the environment.A. cut back on B. cracked down on C. followed up on

8、D . held out on【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:有关当局最近对一些公司和个人非法排放有害环境的行为进行了严厉打击。 A. cut back on 削减;B. cracked down on 严惩;C. followed up on 进一步了 解;D. held out on保守秘密。crack down on严惩”符合句意。故 B选项正确。8. It's strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgemen

9、t they.A. matchB. acceptC. reserveD. deserve【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查动词。 A. match匹配;B. accept接受;C. reserve保留,预约;D. deserve 应得,值得。句意:奇怪的是,在我们的社会中一些基本的职业很少受到应得的尊重和认可。根据句意可知选Do考点:考查动词9. - As we know, taking positive attitudes towards life is beneficial to our body and mind.-You can say that again. Struggle not

10、to let negative ideas .A. take over B. take offC. take on D. take up【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:一众所周知,对生活采取积极的态度有利于我们的身心健康。-你可以再说一遍。努力不要让消极的想法控制你。A. take over接管,控制;B. take off起飞;C. take on呈现;D. take up占据。由句意可知,努力不要让消极的想法控制你。故 take over符合题意。故 A选项正确。10. Restaurants in every corner of Mianyang not only pr

11、ovide job opportunities but lots oftaxes as well.A. bring inB. bring aboutC. result inD. result from【答案】A【解析】短语辨析。A.引进,增加 B.引起,导致C.导致,结果是D.起因于。句意:在绵阳每个角落的饭店不但提供工作机会,而且也带来许多税收。故选 Ao11. The main issue at the APEC meeting was a climate-change plan by Australia' s Howardand backed by Bush.A. put out

12、B. put offC. put awayD. put forward【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。句意“APE会议的重要议题是一项气候改变计划,是由澳大利亚的霍华德提出的,并得到了布什的支持。“A扑灭";B推迟”;C收拾起来,放好”;D提出"。故选Do12. In modern times,people have to learn to all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.A. keep withB. stay withC. meet withD. live with【答案

13、】D【解析】live with 和 put up with 类似,在此意为“忍受 ”。句意:在现代社会,人们尽管过着舒适的生活,但他们还得学会忍受各种各样的压力。13 It s a pity that Nelson Mandela passed away.But he will in the memories of people worldwide.A live on B stay on C go on D put on【答案】A【解析】A 考查动词短语。句意:-很遗憾,纳尔逊曼德拉去世了。-但他将继续留在世界各地的人们的记忆中。 A以为生,靠为食;B继续停留;C继续;D穿上。故选 A。点睛:

14、要学会总结动词短语的规律,以便在英语学习中达到汉语中识字不识字,先识半个字 的境界。具体:1.在每个部分找出自己最熟悉或者最理解的短语,并根据该短语助记总体意思;2.熟记动词本身所具有的全部意思;3.重点根据小品词在该项中的总体意思结合动词本身的意思,理解自己最不理解和不熟悉的短语4.脱离汉语,只看英语动词短语,并放到具体句子和场景中认识动词短语5.注意有些短语意义很接近, 这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法14 After several days of heavy rain the roof with a loud noise, crashing onto the ground.A cam

15、e out B came down C came on D came up【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语。A. came out 出现,出版,结果是;B. came down 下来,掉落;C.came on 快点,要求;D. came up 走近,发生。句意:经过几天的大雨,屋顶下了一声巨响,坍塌在地。此处指屋顶掉落,故选B.15 I ll get the taxi from thestation to you the trouble of coming to collect me.A counter B save C abandon D rid【答案】B【解析】考查动词。A. counter

16、反击; B. save节约,挽救; C. abandon遗弃; D. rid去除。句意:我将从车站打的,以省去你接我的麻烦。根据句意可知答案为B。16 Learning another language is like stepping out of a door, through which I can andsee more clearly my own language.A take backB look backC turn backD get back【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语。A. take back收回;B. look back回顾;C. turn back (使)

17、往回走;翻起;D. get back 回来,找回,报复。学习另外一种语言就好像跨出了一扇房门,通过它,我可以回顾并且更加清楚地明白自己的语言。故选B。考点:考查动词短语17 -You ve made great progress in your studies of English, haven t you?- Yes, but much.A remains to doB is remained to doC is remained to be doneD remains to be done【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:你的英语学习取得了很大的进步,是吗? 是的,但还有很多

18、工作要做。根据句意和结构可知remain 表示 “仍然 ”,不能用被动语态,而且much 和 do是被动关系,表示将要发生的事情,用不定式,因此应使用不定式的被动式。故选D。18 -What's new?-The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival travel , also known as chunyun, will _ on Jan 10and end on Feb 18.A dash; kick outB rush; kick offC flow; kick inD jam; kick up【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析和动词短语词义辨析

19、。句意:-有什么新消息?-即将到来的40 天的春运高峰期,又称春运,将于1 月 10 日拉开序幕,2 月 18 日结束。A. dash 破折号 ; kick out撵 走; B. rush 高 峰 期 ; kick off 开 始; C. flow 流 动 ; kick in 药 物 开 始 起 作 用; D. jam 拥 挤 ; kick up 出 故 障。由 “ The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival 可知,第一个空在说春运高峰 ”期。由 “ end on Feb 18可知,第二个空在说春运的开始时间。 ”end 与 kick off 开始 “ ”相对应。故

20、选 B 项。19 The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to people's needs for aesthesis andenjoyment.A result inB serve forC work atD cater to【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:一个艺术家的责任是去创造艺术作品以迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。A. result in 导致; B. serve for 为 服务; C. work at 从事于;D. cater to 设法迎合 (的需要)。创造艺术作品的目的是为了迎合人

21、们的审美和享受的需要。所以caterto “设法迎合 (的需要 )”符合句意。故选 D 项。20 -What happened to her?-She was to hospital with a soaring temperature.A adaptedB adjustedC admittedD adopted【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:-她怎么了?-她因高烧而住院。A. adapted 适应; B. adjusted调整;C. admitted准许进入;D. adopted采纳。sb be admitted to sth 某大被准许进入某 处”。故选C项。21 A c

22、ompletely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence.A riseB ariseC arouseD raise【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当考试系统形成时候,一个完全的新局面将会出现。A.rise 上升,增强(vi)、使飞起(vt) ; B. arise出现,上升,起立(vi) ; C. arouse引起,激起 (vt)、觉醒,醒来(vi) D. raise表示提高(vt);。根据句意当考试系统形成时候,一个完全的新局面将会出现” 所以 arise 现“出 ”符合句意。故

23、选B22 Caroline doesn t have a gift for music, but she it with hawrodrk.A goes back onB takes away fromC makes up forD catches up with【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:Caroline 没有音乐天赋,但她用努力学习弥补了她的不足。goesback on 违背;takes away from 从拿走; makes up for 弥补; catches up with 赶上。根据常识,用努力是来弥足不足的。故选C。23 This kind of plan

24、t grass in appearance , so it s difficult for the students to tell them.A reflects B instructsC resembles D shapes【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:这种植物的外表很像草,所以学生们很难区分它们。A. reflects 反射;B. instructs命令;C. resembles类似;D. shapes使成形,根据题意,故选 C。24 The level of the river _ 20 centimeters over the security line and mu

25、st be taken tocontrol the flood.A is measured; measuresB measures; measurementD. is measured; measurementC. measures; measures【答案】C【解析】 【详解】考查动词用法。句意:这条河的水位比警戒线高20厘米,必须采取措施控制红色。measure作不及物+长度,高度,宽度,面积,等等数字及其单位,注意:可译为:长 宽 高 多少。第二空考查短语 take measures to采取措施,故选 C。25. A few days ago, the commission its i

26、nvestigation and declared that Johnson was toblame for the car accident last month on the highway.A. discriminated B. acknowledged C. concluded D. negotiated 【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词义辨析。 A. discriminated 辨另iJ; B. acknowledged 承认;C. concluded推断、结 束;D. negotiated协商。句意:几天前,委员会结束了调查,宣布 Johnson应对上个月发 生在高速公路上的车

27、祸负责。根据句意可知此处表示结束”,故C项正确。26. That sound doesn ' t in his native language, so it fscdif for him to pronounce it.A. owe B. occurC. take place D. happen【答案】B【解析】【详解】A. owe欠 B. occur存在,出现 C. take place发生 D. happen发生。句意:那个声音在他的母语中不存在,所以对他来说很难发音。occurv.存在,故选Bo27. The friendly atmosphere of the two side

28、s was a sign ; the meetingsuccessful.A. profitable; profitedB. beneficial; benefitedC. promising; promisedD. promised; promised【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查形容词和动词词义辨析。A. profitable有利可图的;profited获利 B. beneficial有利的;benefited有益于 C. promising adj.有前途的,有希望的;promised允诺,给人希望 D.promised约定的;promised允诺。句意:双方的友好气氛是一个有希望的

29、迹象;会议可望成功。故选C。28. There are many online shopping payment methods in China, and you can choose, when the order is, cash, POS or checks, to pay for the goods.A. deposited B. deliveredC. deduced D. defined【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动词辨析。 A. deposited 存放; B. delivered 递送; C. deduced推导; D. defined 使 明确。句意:在中国有很多网上购物

30、的支付方式,当订单交付,你可以选择现金,POS或支票支付货物。结合句意可知答案为Bo29. The TV Dwelling Narrowness (蜗居)is really fantastic. The show has succeeded in much to the audience, which has contributed to its success.A. touching on B. diving in C. getting across D. going about 【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组。A. touching on提及,谈及;B. diving in潜力无穷;C.

31、getting across通过,使被理解;D. going about到处走动。句意:电视剧蜗居真的是太棒了。这部剧的成功在于被观众深深理解,这促进了它的成功。故选Co30. There was no way to economic losses related to human-driven global warmingfrom the much larger losses resulting from the growth in populations and economic development in vulnerable (易受伤害的)regions.A. distribute

32、B. disturb C. dominate D. distinguish【答案】D【解析】考查动词。A. distribute分配; B. disturb打扰; C. dominate控制; D.distinguish区别。动荡/生态脆弱地区因人口繁衍和经济发展遭受着更严重的损失,与此(总体)相比淇中由于人为原因引起的全球变暖所导致的一部分(致死和经济受损)很难明显地区分开来。根据句意可知答案为Do31. You' ll have to pay an extra amount to_ the cost of insurance.A. coverB. spendC. fillD. of

33、fer【答案】A 【解析】A考查词义辨析。cover the cost支付费用”,符合题意。spend花费”;fill填写,填满”; offer主'动提供"。故选Ao32. Success only those with courage and determination.A. favorsB. requestsC. reflectsD. instructs【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:成功只青睐有勇气和有决心的人。A. favors支持;赞成;B. requests要求;C. reflects反射;D. instructs指导。根据句意,有勇气有决心的人会成

34、功,成功青睐 有勇气和有决心的人。故选Ao33. The early pioneers had to many hardships to settle on the new land.A. go along with B. go back onC. go throughD. go into【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析:句意:先民不得不新土地上经历很多艰难困苦才能定居下来。A. goalong with 和相处,B. go back on 背弃,C. go through 经历,检查, D. go into 染上。由 “many hardships to settle on the

35、 new land 可知,go through 经历”符合句意。故选 C。34. Why did you the third paragraph of your rewritten composition?Because I thought it was off the point.A. put outB. make outC. figure outD. leave out【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:一一你为什么把重写的作文的第三段漏掉了?因为我觉得这有点跑题了。A. put out 扑灭;B. make out 辨认出;C. figure out 算出;D. leave

36、 out 遗漏。根据Because I thought it was off the point.可知,此处指把作文的第三段漏掉了。故选Do35. If the manufacturers had the cars with faults in time, some accidents might have been avoided.A. handed inB. taken inC. Put inD. called in【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果生产商及时召回那些有故障的车辆,一些事故本可以避免的。A. hand in上交;B. take in理解、欺骗、吸收; C

37、. put in安装、插入、投入; D. call in 召回、召集。根据 some accidents might I been avoided.可知,是应该召回有故障的汽车,故 选D项。36. However busy Mary is, she will some time for exercise every day.-No wonder she is always so energetic.A set asideB put awayC work outD pick up【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意: 不管玛丽有多忙,她都会留出一些时间每天锻炼。 难怪她总是那么精力充

38、沛。A. set aside 留出; B. put away 抛弃; C. work out 解决,算出;D.pick up捡起。由"No wonder she is always so energetic.可知,她总是那么精力充沛是因为管玛丽有多忙,她都会留出一些时间每天锻炼。故选A。37. -How do you find the movie Nobodies released recently?-It s fantastic. What a huge box office hit on the first da! y And it has been ever since.A catching onB pushing onC carrying onD counting on【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词词组。A. catching on 理解,明白;变得流行B. pushing on 推进,推动;C.carrying on 继续;D. counting on 指望,依靠。句意: 你觉得最近上映的电


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