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1、 2013 航海英语模拟题 (综合)1. Monsoons are characterized by _. A. light, variable winds with little or no humidityB. strong, gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all yearC. steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD. strong, cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passa

2、ge of an extreme low pressure system答案:C季风的特点是半年改变风向的稳定风。2. Under threat, ship master activate SSAS system and send a message to _. 72A. nearby coast station B. flag administrationC. vessels in the vicinityD. charterer and sub-chartererKey: B受到威胁时,船长启动船舶保安报警并向船旗国主管机关发送信息。3. As the temperature for a

3、given mass of air increases, the _. A. dew point increasesB. dew point decreasesC. relative humidity increasesD. relative humidity decreasesKey: D 当某一特定气团的温度上升时,相对湿度下降。4. During the required periodic abandon ship drill aboard a ship, each person not assigned duties in the muster list is _. A. instru

4、cted in the use of portable fire extinguishersB. shown a video demonstrating lifeboat launching C. instructed in the use of life jacketsD. not required to attend the boat drillKey: C在船上定期举行的弃船演习中,应变部署中没有被分配职责的每个人被告知救生服的使用。5. The company should establish procedures to ensure that _ related to safety

5、and protection of the environment are given proper familiarization with their duties. Instructions which are essential to be provided prior to sailing should be identified, documented and given.A. New personnelB. Personnel transferred to new assignmentsC. All crewmembersD. New personnel and Personne

6、l transferred to new assignmentsKey: D公司应建立程序来确保与安全和环境保护相关的新人员和转到新岗位人员熟悉其职责。应确定、文件备案并下达起航之前要提供的至关重要的指令。6. The Company should establish procedures in _ to identify equipment and technical systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.A. ISMB. CCSC. SMSD. SOLASKey:

7、 C公司应在安全管理体系中建立程序,来确定其突然操作性失灵会导致危险局面的设备和技术系统。7. The Beaufort scale is used to estimate the _.A. wind directionB. percentage of cloud coverC. wind speedD. barometric pressureKey: C蒲氏风级表用来估计风速。8. A power-driven vessel shall have her engine ready for _ when the visibility is restricted.A. immediate sto

8、ppingB. immediate maneuveringC. immediate anchoringD. immediate going asternKey: B能见度受限时,机动船应将其主机备好,可以立即操纵。9. There shall be _ into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or from galleys, storerooms, drying rooms or communal sanitary areas.A. no direct openingsB. direct openingsC. no more th

9、an one direct openingD. up to one direct openingKey: A从货物处所和机器处所,或从厨房、储存室、烘干室或公共卫生区域不应存在直接到达卧室的通道。10. A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back _A. straight asternB. to portC. to starboardD. in no particular direction

10、Key: B一船配有右旋但螺旋桨,正舵,无风,船舶很可能向左后退。11. Which of the followings does not belong to main maneuvering facilities? A. rudderB. propellerC. radarD. sider thrusterKey: C以下哪项不属于主操纵设施?雷达。12. The path that a vessel is expected to follow, represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the

11、 point of arrival, is the _.A. DR plotB. track lineC. headingD. estimated courseKey: B在海图上由一条从出发点至到达点的线所代表得、船舶预计遵循的路线是航迹线。13. What is NOT an advantage of containership operations over conventional break-bulk operations?A. Flexibility of operationB. Greater operational safetyC. Lower stevedoring cost

12、sD. Reduction of cargo damageKey: A什么不是集装箱船作业优于常规散杂货作业的有点之一?作业的灵活性。14. The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the _A. forecastleB. tweendeckC. hatchesD. peak tanksKey: D船舶最前和最后的空间是尖舱。15. _ provides a selection of commonly used routes with their distances between principal and important

13、positions.A. The Mariners HandbookB. Admiralty Sailing DirectionsC. Ocean Passages for the WorldD. Mariners Routeing Guide Key: C世界大洋航路提供了一个带有主要和重要位置之间的常用航路的总汇。16. What does SSO stand for regarding ship security? _A. Ship security officeB. Ship security officerC. Ship security operatorD. Ship safety

14、 officeKey: B关于船舶保安,SSO代表什么?船舶保安员。17. When hitting a solid object such as ship or an airplane, the radar waves are reflected back _ they came.A. in the wayB. the wayC. by the wayD. through the pathKey: D雷达波在击中像船舶或飞机这样的固体物体时会原路返回。18. Which of the following is defined as static information of AIS?A. N

15、avigational statusB. Safety related messagesC. MMSID. Route planKey: C一下哪项被定义为自动识别系统的静态信息?海上移动识别码。19. There are often three parts in a weather report, not including _A. warningB. general synopsisC. forecastD. traffic densityKey: D在气象预报中经常有三个部分,不包括交通密度。20. On a weather map, a large letter “h” means _

16、A. a high pressure area with cool, dry air and fair weatherB. a high pressure area with warm, moist air and inclement weatherC. horse latitudes, with rough seas and strong windsD. a heavy squall line near the “H”Key: A在气象图中,大写字母“H”指的是伴有凉爽、干燥空气并晴好天气的高压区。21. The information regarding ports such as buo

17、yed channels, fairway, location and number of terminals, river channels, details of navigational marks, location of overhead bridges, underground cables etc. are shown in _A. small-scale chartsB. medium-scale chartsC. large-scale chartsD. natural scale chartsKey: C关于像有浮标标识的水道、航道、码头位置和编号、河流水道、航标的详细信息

18、、天桥、地下电缆等等关于港口的信息在大比例尺海图中给出。22. If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchors holding power _A. decreasesB. increasesC. remains the sameD. has no relation to the scopeKey: A如果缩短锚链的长度,锚的抓力降低。23. Which of following physical abilities is not required as to the routine movement around a vessel?

19、A. Maintain balance and move with agilityB. Climb up and down vertical ladders and stairwaysC. Open and close watertight doorsD. Take part in vessel evacuation proceduresKey: D关于在船上的日常活动,不要求以下哪项身体能力?参加船舶撤离程序。24. When the ship is under attack by pirates, or terrorists, _ needs to be activated.A. AISB

20、. SSASC. SSPD. SARTKey: B当船舶受到海盗或恐怖分子袭击时,需要启动出阿伯保安报警。25. Fixed piping leads from the _ to various areas of the compartment to be flooded.A. manifoldB. remote pull boxC. discharge nozzleD. machinery spaceKey: A固定管线从歧管通到将要注水舱室的不同区域。26. Vapor given off by a flammable liquid will burn when ignited provi

21、ded _A. the vapor and air mixture is too richB. it is mixed with certain proportions of airC. the vapor is too little compared to the airD. it is of heavy toxicityKey: B只要可燃液体与一定比例的空气混合,其发出的蒸汽被点燃时,就会燃烧。 27. The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets _A. are tracked on recip

22、rocal bearingsB. are tracked at the same rangeC. are tracked on the same bearingD. pass closely to each otherKey: D当自动跟踪时,如果两个目标相互靠近经过,自动雷达标绘仪会交换目标。28. _ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.A. Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB. Admiralty List of SignalsC. Mariners HandbookD. Admiralty N

23、otices to MarinersKey: D出版英版航海通告,以便改正英版海图。29. _ sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the sea-bed, from which it is reflected.A. The marine sextantB. The chronometerC. The echo sounderD. The radarKey: C回声测深仪从船底向海底发送信号,信号又从海底反射回来。30. ANCHOR HAS ITS OWN CABLE TWISTED AROUND IT defines _.

24、A. foul of anchorB. dropping anchorC. weighing anchorD. walking back anchorkey: A“锚链拧绞在锚的周围”是锚绞缠“的定义。31. A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which _.A. is between the scheme and the nearest landB. contains all the traffic moving in one directionC. is designated as a

25、n anchorage areaD. separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic from proceeding in the opposite directionKey: D通航分隔带是将朝一个方向行使的船舶与朝相反方向行使的船舶隔离开来的分道通航制的那一部分。32. _ on still water indictes how loading weight distribution affects on longitudinal strength.A. Bending momentB. local strengthC.

26、 shear forceD. displacementKey: A静水弯矩指的是受载重量的分布如何影响船舶的纵向强度。33. If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS, it must display the minimum data required by IMO/IHO, to include all of the following EXCEPT _.A. hydrographyB. aids to navigationC. tidal currentsD. regulatory boundarieskey: C如果电子海图是电子海图显示及信

27、息系统的一部分,那么它就必须显示国际海事组织/国际水文组织所要求的最低数据量,包括以下各项,除了潮流。34. How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day?A. 14 hoursB. 10 hoursC. 6 hoursD. It does not matter as long as my overtime is paid forKey: B在正常日子里,要求的最少休息时间是多少小时?10小时。35. The hatch at the after end of the canopy in a lifeboat _

28、the after lifting hook, painter, and tow line.A. give access to通往B. links up withC. have contact withD. is constructed ofkey: A救生艇蓬盖后部的天窗通往后部的吊钩、系艇索和拖索。36. The master shall ensure that any seafarers _ are provided with an adequate period of rest.A. who have performed work for 14 hoursB. who have per

29、formed work in a scheduled rest periodC. who have performed work in a scheduled work periodD. who works hardkey: B船长应保证在计划休息时段已经工作的海员被提供足够的休息时间。37. What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?A. 25-50%B. The percentage is not specifiedC. 100%D. 5-15%Key: B在一级保安级别,要求被

30、检查的行李的百分比是多少?没有规定。38. From _ the information concerning the tons per centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.A. variation curveB. dead weight scaleC. table of azimuthD. freeboard assignmentkey: B根据载重量标尺,可以得到关于船舶每厘米浸没吨数的信息。39. All engines in lifeboats and rescue boats shall be run for

31、 a total period of not less than _ in weekly inspections.A. 2 minutesB. 3 minutesC. 4 minutesD. 5 MinutesKey: B在每周的检查中,救生艇和救助艇内的所有发动机应运行至少3分钟。40. Emergency escape breathing device on board shall have a duration of service no less than _.A. 20 minutesB. 15 minutes C. 10 minutesD. 5 minutesKey: B船上的应急

32、逃生呼吸装置应有至少15分钟的服务持续时间。41. The original equilibrium position is stable when _.A. metacentric height is positiveB. metacentric radius is positiveC. KG exceed maximum allowable limitsD. Free surfaces are excessiveKey: A当稳心高度值为正时,原始平衡位置是稳定的。42. _ is used for lifting cargo.A. A mooring winchB. A windlass

33、C. A deck craneD. A lifeboatKey: C甲板克令吊被用来起吊货物。43. You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the master gives you a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the pilot. What should you do?A. obey the mastersB. obey the pilotsC. bring the rudder to a position midway between

34、 the two conflicting ordersD. ask the pilot if he relinquishes controlkey: A进港时,你值舵班,船长下达了一个舵令,该舵令与引航员的舵令相冲突。你该做什么?遵守船长的舵令。44. All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by _. shape top mark light characteristics colorA. B. C. D. Key: D在国际航标协会系统中,所有航标通过其形状、顶标、灯质和颜色来区别。45. Which chart symbol

35、indicates the bottom is clay?A. ClyB. ClaC. ClD. CKey: A哪个海图符号表示底质是粘泥?46. The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate _ as far as possible.A. variationB. compass errorC. deviationD. earths magnetic forcekey: C矫正磁罗经的主要目的是见可能消除自差。47. Which statement is TRUE when compari

36、ng cold and warm fronts?A. Cold fronts are more violent and of shorter durationB. Cold fronts are milder and last longerC. They are very similar with the exception of wind directionD. Warm fronts are more violent and of longer durationKey: A当比较冷风和暖风时,哪项是对的?冷风更加剧烈,持续时间更短。48. Who can suggest changes t

37、o the SMS?A. The designated personB. The captainC. All officers and crewD. All senior officerKey: C谁可以提出安全管理体系的改进意见?所有高级船员和普通船员。49. You are underway in thick fog. You have not determined if risk of collision exists. Which statement is true?A. Your speed must be reduced to bare steerage waysB. A look

38、-out is not required if the radar is onC. The radar should always be kept on a short-range scaleD. Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radarKey: A你船雾中在航,你还未确定是否存在碰撞危险,那项是对的?你不许讲船速境地到维持舵效。50. Between April and November, squalls _ as Sumateras _ in Malacca Strait in the late aft

39、ernoon or overnight and _ E to affect the W coast of Malaysia and Singapore Island.A. known, developing, moveB. known, developed, moveC. known, develop, movingD. known, develop, movekey: D在四月和十一月之间,被称为苏门答腊的风飑在傍晚或夜间在马六甲海峡生成,并向东移动,影响马来西亚西海岸和新加坡岛。51. From _ mariners can know the data of tide.A. the Sea

40、 PilotB. the Cargo PlanC. the Tide TableD. the Port Listkey: C海员从潮汐表中可以知道潮汐的数据。52. The term LEE SHORE refers to the _.A. shore on the lee side of the vesselB. shore that is in the leeC. western shore of the Lesser ChannelD. shore in a harbor of refugekey: A背风岸指的是在船舶下风弦侧的海岸。53. You are about to cross

41、 a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel. You should _.A. cross the channel as you are the stand-on vesselB. cross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching on your port sideC. not cross the channel if you might impede the other

42、 vesselD. sound the danger signalkey: C你正要横穿一狭水道,此时,你看见一艘船舶驶近,该船智能在水道内安全航行,如果你妨碍他船,你不应穿越水道。54. _ should ensure that adequate measures are taken to prevent alcohol and drugs from impairing the ability of watchkeeping personnel.A. The quarantine officersB. AdministrationsC. The immigration officersD.

43、The customs officersKey: B管理机关应保证采取充分措施防止酒精和毒品削弱值班人员的能力。55. _ is any cargoes that are transported in a loose form without any packaging in large quantities.A. General cargoB. Bulk cargoC. ContainerD. Awkward cargoKey: B散货是以大量、无包装、松散形式运输的任何货物。56. Whats the attitude of many old senior officers for a m

44、inor fire?A. They would like to call out all hands out for it.B. They would rather handle themselves, then call out all hands.C. They prefer to put it out by themselves.D. They think it is difficulty to call out all hands for a minor fire.Key: B对于小火,许多年长资深船员的态度是什么?他们宁可自己先处理,然后叫所有人手。57. In my opinion

45、, the manner is _ that the duty engineer reported the small fire in engine room.A. reluctantB. positiveC. possible D. improperkey: B在我看来,值班轮机员报告机舱内的小火,方式是积极的。58. The procedures we got the fire under control are_. to ring emergency alarm to stop transferring the cargo to disconnect the pipeline to ex

46、tinguish the fireA. -B. -C. -D. -Key: C我们将或控制住的程序是停止输送货物、鸣响警报、断开管线、灭火。59. Which one of the followings is incorrect?A. My vessel was anchored waiting for dry-docking.B. Only towards the end did I sound the alarm.C. Hearing emergency alarm, everyone got confused.D. When everything was almost under con

47、trol, it is unnecessary to bother others.Key: B 以下哪项不正确?只是快到结束时,我才鸣响警报。60. Ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three days duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation to be used _.A. for other purposesB. exclusively for medical purposesC. for a common s

48、hips officeD. by deck and engine departmentskey: B运载15人或以上船员并从事三天以上航行的船舶应配备独立医务室,专门用于医疗目的。61. When action to avoid a close quarter situation is taken, a course change alone may be the most effective action provide that _.A. it is done in a succession of small course changesB. It is not done too earl

49、yC. It is a large course change D. the course change is to starboardkey: C采取行动避免紧迫局面时,只要是大幅度改向,仅改向就是最有效的行动。62. The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _.A. on a regional basis B. on a national basisC. shown orderlyD. on an international basiskey: A目录中海图的安排是以地区为基础的。63. The safety of Life at Sea

50、 Convention was developed by the _A. IMDG conference B. American Bureau of ShippingC. International Maritime Organization D. American Institute of Maritime ShippingKey: C海上人命安全公约由国际海事组织制定。64. _ is where delicious food is cookedA. the funnel B. the messroom C. the galley D. the satellite antennaKey:

51、C厨房是烹饪美味食品的地方。66. Mainly east 3 or 4 partly to overcast occasional rain _slowly south moderate or good.A. spreading B. proceeding C. bounding for D. going toKey: A打不地区东风3到4级,部分,转阴,局部阵雨,缓慢向南蔓延,能见度中等到良好。67. With respect to automatic identification system (AIS), which information is required to be broa

52、dcast, every 1 to 10 seconds?A. call sign and IMO number B. course over ground and speed C. MMSI number and call signD. route plan and navigational statusKey: B就自动识别系统而言,哪个信息要求每1到10秒播报一次?对地航向和航速。68. The equatorial current flows to the_A. east B. northeast C. southwest D. westKey: D赤道洋流的流向西方69. _ mea

53、ns a structured and documented system enabling company personal to implement effectively the company safety and environmental protection policy.A. SMS B. ISM C. SOLAS D.SMCKey: A。SMS指的是一个有组织结构并文件包诶按的系统,它使得公司人员能够有效地实施公司安全方针和环境保护方针。70. Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are n

54、ot _ and charted depths may be decrease by up to 2 meters.A. concealed B. buried C. existed D. builtKey: B请关注该事实:在很多情况下,管道没有埋设,海图标注水深可能会减少多达2米。71. All the following equipment can be used to identify the position of the vessel in distress except _.A. AIS B. LRIT C. VDR D. GPSKey: C以下所有设备可以用来识别遇险船舶所在位置,除了航次数据记录仪。72. _ may be laid ready for the cargo or may just be put in bundles ready for the stevedores to lay out as the cargo is loaded.A. WedgeB. DunnageC. ShoreD. StoreKey: B垫舱材可以铺设好,准备装货,或捆好,以便装货时


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