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1、会计学1专业英语专业英语HoloLens介绍介绍第1页/共15页产品发布 Product release 产品定位 Product position 外观展示 Appearance display 功能介绍 Functions introduced 开发团队 Development team 工作原理 Working principle第2页/共15页第3页/共15页 Head on display by the Microsoft company in Beijing in the early hours of January 22, 2015 and Window10 simultaneo

2、usly released. Microsoft HoloLens MR头显由Microsoft 公司于北京时间2015年1月22日凌晨与Window10同时发布。第4页/共15页 In June 15, 2015, Microsoft in the E3 game show before the press conference to show a more complete reality enhanced version of Minecraft. 2015年6月15日,微软在E3游戏展之前的新闻发布会上展示更完整的现实增强版Minecraft。 Microsoft in the cof

3、fee table and on the shelves of the display of the holographic Minecraft castle, a Microsoft employee wearing HoloLens gestures in the game for the operation. 微软此次在咖啡桌和书架上展示了全息的Minecraft城堡,一名佩戴HoloLens的微软员工通过手势在游戏中进行操作。第5页/共15页HoloLens positioning is to use the user has a good interactive experience

4、 in the use of the HoloLens的产品定位是使用户在产品的使用中拥有良好的交互体验。第6页/共15页 The entire Hololens head is equivalent to a small computer, CPU and GPU are there, there are a few cameras and sensors. The use of Hololens may be Atom chip of Intel has not released the code named Cherry Trail, is said to be produced by

5、the 14 nanometer process, smaller, faster, and represents the highest level of the current semiconductor industry. 整个Hololens头显相当于一台小电脑,CPU和GPU都有,还有几个摄像头和传感器。Hololens使用的有可能是英特尔尚未发布的Atom芯片,内部代号为Cherry Trail,据说是用14纳米工艺流程制作出来的,体积更小,速度更快,代表了当前半导体工业的最高水准。第7页/共15页Simulation game Watch the video and view t

6、he weather 模拟游戏 观看视频和查看天气 Aided 3D modeling Assist in the simulation of landing Mars scene 辅助3D建模 协助模拟登陆火星场景第8页/共15页 Alex Kipman (Alex Kipman): Microsoft Kinect development project manager, general manager of the Xbox incubator project Kipman joined Microsoft in 2001 after the first 100 invention pa

7、tents have become known as the U.S. high-tech industry one of the 25 most innovative talents. A Kipman led the development team spent several years to build Kinect, it can be said that the history of Microsoft to create the most cool products, also participated in the development of Microsofts other

8、 important products, including software development tools and Windows software etc. 亚历克斯基普曼(Alex Kipman):微软Kinect开发项目负责人,Xbox孵化项目总经理Kipman 2001年加入微软后成为100多项专利的第一发明者,被誉为美国高科技行业25位最具创新人才之一。 亚基普曼曾领导的开发团队花了好几年时间打造Kinect,它可以说是微软有史以来打造的最酷产品,也参与过微软其它重要产品的开发,包括软件开发工具及Windows软件等。 第9页/共15页 Microsoft does not

9、intend to present a completely different world for the user, but the effect of some computer generated superimposed on the real world. Users can still walk freely, talking with people at random, completely dont have to worry about hitting the wall. Glasses will track your movement and sight, and the

10、n generate the appropriate virtual objects, through the light projection to your eyes. Because you know the range of equipment, you can use gestures - currently only supports the lift up and put down the finger click with virtual 3D object interaction in the air. 微软没有打算为用户呈现一个完全不同的世界,而是将某些计算机生成的效果叠加

11、于现实世界之上。用户仍然可以行走自如,随意与人交谈,全然不必担心撞到墙。 眼镜将会追踪你的移动和视线,进而生成适当的虚拟对象,通过光线投射到你的眼中。因为设备知道你的方位,你可以通过手势目前只支持半空中抬起和放下手指点击与虚拟3D对象交互。第10页/共15页 From the perspective of technology trends, the interaction between human and computer is faced with a change. The wide application of touch screen, can not be regarded as

12、 iterative, more like a transition state. If the keyboard is 1, the touch screen is 1.5, after the Hololens revelation of the scene to achieve, is the 2 era of human-computer interaction. The door opened by Hololens, the virtual reality is not only so simple, the revolutionary way of human-computer

13、interaction is hidden, how imagination too. Hololens is promising to drive a wave of technological innovation , leading people to enter the exciting future. 从技术趋势上看,人类与计算机之间的交互方式,面临着一场变革。触屏的广泛应用,根本不能算是迭代,更像是一种过渡状态。如果说键盘是1.0,触屏就是1.5,在Hololens所启示的那个场景实现之后,才是人机交互的2.0时代。 Hololens打开的这扇门,绝不仅仅是虚拟现实那么简单,这其中

14、隐藏的人机交互方式革命,是怎么畅想也不过分的。Hololens非常有希望带动一波技术创新浪潮,引领着人们进入激动人心的未来。第11页/共15页Enter结束第12页/共15页 In June 15, 2015, Microsoft in the E3 game show before the press conference to show a more complete reality enhanced version of Minecraft. 2015年6月15日,微软在E3游戏展之前的新闻发布会上展示更完整的现实增强版Minecraft。 Microsoft in the coffee

15、 table and on the shelves of the display of the holographic Minecraft castle, a Microsoft employee wearing HoloLens gestures in the game for the operation. 微软此次在咖啡桌和书架上展示了全息的Minecraft城堡,一名佩戴HoloLens的微软员工通过手势在游戏中进行操作。第13页/共15页 In June 15, 2015, Microsoft in the E3 game show before the press conferenc

16、e to show a more complete reality enhanced version of Minecraft. 2015年6月15日,微软在E3游戏展之前的新闻发布会上展示更完整的现实增强版Minecraft。 Microsoft in the coffee table and on the shelves of the display of the holographic Minecraft castle, a Microsoft employee wearing HoloLens gestures in the game for the operation. 微软此次在咖

17、啡桌和书架上展示了全息的Minecraft城堡,一名佩戴HoloLens的微软员工通过手势在游戏中进行操作。第14页/共15页 Microsoft does not intend to present a completely different world for the user, but the effect of some computer generated superimposed on the real world. Users can still walk freely, talking with people at random, completely dont have to worry about hitting the wall. Glasses will track your movement and sight, and then generate the appropriate virtual objects, through the light projection to your eyes. Because you know the range of equipment, you can use gestures


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