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1、广东省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试真题2007年( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Paper One ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、PartIDialogue Comprehension(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right. _, please?Clerk: Its August, the thirteenth. (分数: 1.00 )A. What day is it todayB. Whats the numberC. Whats the date to

2、dayVD. Whats the time now解析: 解析 本题考查对日期的询问。询问日期的问法是“ What is the date today? ”(今天是几月几日 ?) 答案中选项 C 符合这种表达法,选项 A 为询问星期几的问法,选项D 为询问时间的问法。2.Speaker A: Can you tell me the way to the library?Speaker B: Sure. Turn left at the next crossing.Speaker A: Is it on King Street?Speaker B: _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. Thats

3、alrightB. Yes. You cant miss itVC. Its obviousD. OK. Just do it解析:解析本题为问路的场景。根据说话人A 的询问,可以推测回答应该是“ Yes, it is. ”或“ No, itisnt. ”。故本题只能选 B。3. Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning?Nurse: _ . He wont be free until 12:00.(分数: 1.00 )A. You can call laterB. Youre unluckyC

4、. I cant do thatD. Im afraid notV解析:解析本题为就医的场景。选项A 一般用在打电话里的场景;选项 B 是中式英语;选项 C 拒绝过于直接,不太礼貌;选项 D 是英语表示委婉拒绝的习惯性说法。根据上下文,故选D 项。4. Lisa: You look great. Any good news?Alex: I just came back from my vacation.Lisa: Wow, _ ! Maybe I should take a vacation, too.(分数: 1.00 )A. I didnt see itB. good for youVC.

5、 I didnt find itD. hard to believe解析:解析本题为见面聊天的场景。从选项看,选项A 和 C 都表达的是负面的情绪,选项D 表达的是一种讽刺的意味,所以均不符合语境,用排除法,故选 B。5. Waiter: Hello, sir. _ ?Customer: Could you give us a second, please?Waiter: Sure.(分数: 1.00 )A. Are you ready to orderVB. How can I help youC. Ready to take my orderD. Can I do you a favor解

6、析:解析本题为餐厅点菜的场景。从顾客的回答可以推断服务员是在询问客人是否要点餐。选项C 是客人要点餐时对服务员说的话,选项B 和 D 均不符合该场景。6. Heather: Look, Ive got a problem here. Will you help me?Rebecca: _, but Ill try.(分数: 1.00 )A. No, I wontB. Im really willing toC. Yes, Im gladD. Im not sure if I canV解析:解析本题为求助的场景。选项 A 表示否定,拒绝,语气很无礼;选项 B 表示很乐意,通常后面用 but 给出

7、理由拒绝;选项 C 与选项 B 用法相同;选项 D 表示不确定自己能否帮上忙,后面用but 表示愿意试试,符合语境。7. Conductor: Good morning, _ , please?Passenger: Here you are.(分数: 1.00 )A. can I have your ticketVB. anything to declareC. can I help youD. anything special解析: 解析 本题是售票员与乘客之间的对话。从乘客的答语中可以推断,售票员应该问的是,“我能看 看你的票吗?”选项 B、D 意思相近,通常发生在过关申报时海关官员说的话

8、;选项C 一般发生在商店中店员对顾客说的话。8. Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer: _ , but this soup is too salty.Waitress: Im very sorry, sir. Ill change it for you.(分数: 1.00 )A. I cant stand itB. Sorry to do itC. I hate to complainD. Sorry to bother youV解析:解析本题为顾客投诉的场景。选项A 过于直率,不够礼貌。选项B 或选项 C 为中式英语。选项 D为投

9、诉之前的客气话,根据横线后的 but 可知前面的语气应该比较客气,委婉,故选D。9.Student: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: _ Are you a student of biology?Student: No. I major in chemistry.(分数: 1.00 )A. I think soB. Im glad to hear thatVC. It must beD. Its not so interesting解析: 解析 本题是对赞美之词的应答。根据英语的交际

10、习惯,别人赞美时,听话人通常要表示感谢,一般说“Thank you”或是“ lm glad to hear that ”,故选B。而选项 D 是中式表达。10._ Clerk: Central Ballet.?Customer: Yes, whats on tonight?Clerk: Sleeping Beauty.(分数: 1.00 )A. May I help youVB. What do you wantC. Can you speak outD. Whats the matter解析: 解析本题是电话咨询的场景。根据顾客的回答可推测出顾客是打电话询问演出节目。服务性行业常用的问候语是

11、 Can (May) I help you? 或者是 What can I do for you? 选项 B、C是中式表达,选项 D 一 般为医生询问患者病况的常用语,故选A。11. Mary: Im sorry, but I cant seem to find that tape you lent me. I must have lost it.Susan: Oh no! _ !Mary: But dont worry. Ill buy you a new one.(分数: 1.00 )A. Dont do thatB. What a shameVC. Dont say thatD. How

12、 pity it is解析:解析本题考查表达遗憾意味的场景。表达这方面意思的常用的有“What a shame!”。类似的句子还有 “ It is a pity! ”或“ What a pity! ”。故本题选B。12. Richard: _ . My name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture of you?Mrs. Vann: By all means. Im Mrs. Vann. Glad to meet you.(分数: 1.00 )A. Im sorryB. Excuse meVC. Pardon meD. Attention, ple

13、ase解析:解析本题为初次见面的场景。一般情况下,常用“Excuse me”作为礼貌地引起别人注意并向其发问的开场语。选项 A 表示向别人道歉;选项 C 用于没有听清对方的话;选项D 用于演讲前或引起大家注意的开场白。注意 Mrs. Vann 回答中的“ by all means ”在口语中经常用到,此处可以理解为“好的,当 然可以”。13.Susan: Lets go to the restaurant and have dinner right now!Marilyn: OK. Lets get in.Susan: Thanks. _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. After youVB.

14、 You go firstC. Ill follow youD. Have fun解析: 解析 本题考查会话语境中的词义理解。一般进入某个地方时,会礼貌地请他人先行。虽然A、 B、C 三项都可以理解为“你先请,但B C 都是中式表达,只有 after you最为地道,故选 A。14.Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street?Policeman: Sure. You should take No. 1 Train to Van Cortland Park.Alexandra: Thank

15、you.Policeman: Anytime. _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. CongratulationsB. Pleasant journeyC. God bless youD. Good luckV解析:解析本题考查问路的场景。选项A 常用来对别人的获奖或喜事表示祝贺;选项 B 用在旅行前分别时的祝福语;选项 C 一般用在对方处于困境或身体不适时;D项“祝你好运是分别时的口头禅。15._ Richard: Oh, Ive got to go.Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Bye-bye.(分数: 1.00 )A. It was

16、 nice of you to meet meB. It was nice to have met youC. It was nice meeting you hereVD. It was nice for you to meet me解析: 解析本题考查告别场景。根据。Robbie 说的“It was a pleasure meeting you,too. 可知前 面 Richard 应该说的也是见到对方非常高兴。 英文中可以说“ Nice to meetyou! ,也可以说“ Nice meeting you! 。前者用于初次见面,后者用于熟人问。三、 PartnReading Compr

17、ehension (总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、 Passage One ( 总题数: 1,分数: 10.00)In your car you may have a cell phone, a telephone also known as a mobile phone thatyou can carry around and use anywhere. On your way, you may feel coordinated andenjoy your hands-free phone talking while driving. But recent studies suggest

18、that itisnt the dialing or the arm waving that makes driving while talking on a cell phonedangerous. It is the yakking itselfor moreprecisely, the continuous conversation with someone who isnt present that makes.David Strayer, a Utah psychologist, says Your driving performance while talking on acell

19、 phone is weakened at levels comparable to, or worse than, driving with a bloodalcohol level of 0.08, which is the legal limit in most states of America.Using a driving-training simulator, Strayer and his colleagues compared the attentionlevels and response time of 110 drivers in various situations.

20、 In dense traffic, cell phoneusers were about 20 percent slower to respond to sudden hazards than other drivers,and they were about twice as likely to drive into the back of a braking car in front of them.Cell phone drivers are obtaining less than 50 percent of the visual information thatnon-cell dr

21、iversaregetting,says Strayer.Looking and seeing are not one and the same. By contrast, the researchers found thatlistening to the radio or conversing with passengers is not as hazardous. When adangerous situation arises, the driver and passengers put their conversation on pause,Strayer says.Whether

22、talking with a passenger or someone on a cell phone, however, people areless able to recall the details of a conversation carded on while driving. So it might notbe good for your economic health to discuss investment strategies with your agentwhile either of you is driving. Strayer adds lastly. (分数:

23、 10.00 )(1).According to the recent studies, which of the following makes driving dangerous? (分数:2.00 )A. A cell phone dialing by the driver.B. The drivers endless arm waving.C. The drivers continuous cell phone talking.VD. The absence of another phone speaker.解析: 解析 第一段第四句“ It is the yakking itself

24、.that makes.。细节判断题。文章在第一段第三句和第四句提到了使得开车打电话危险的不是拨电话或是挥动手臂这些动 作, 而是和某个不在跟前的人聊个不停, 即 continuous conversation 。因此答案应该是 C。(2).Which ofthe following does Strayer want to stress most?(分数:2.00 )A. The driving performance may be weakened by a cell phone talking.B. The driving performance may be affected by a

25、 high blood alcohol level.C. Drivers are not to drive over the cell phone or after drinking.D.Acell phone talking is no less hazardous than alcohol in driving.V解析: 解析 第一段最后一句“ Your driving performance while talking on a cell phoneis weakened at levels comparable to, or worse than, driving with a blo

26、od alcohol level of0.08.”。逻辑推断题。 作者在第一段最后一句提到, 打电话会使驾驶技能减弱, 其危险度相当于血液中含有 0.08 的 酒精度, 甚至有过之而无不及。 根据这里的 or worse than ,可以推断出来, Strayer 想要强调的是答案 D。(3)_.The experimentshows all the following EXCEPT that _.(分数:2.00 )A. the cell phone drivers get less than half of the visual informationB. the cell phone d

27、rivers are twice as likely to hit the front carsC. the cell phone drivers response to sudden dangers is slowerD. the 110 drivers were reluctant to take part in the experimentsV解析: 解析 第二段第二、三句“ In dense.says Strayer. ”。 细节判断题。从文中第二段第二、三句可知,开车打电话的司机对紧急情况的反应速度要慢20%,撞上前方车辆的几率要大两倍,获取的视觉信息要少50%。故选项 A、B、C

28、均正确,用排除法,选择D。(4).Strayerdiscourages drivers from talking about business on cellphones while driving because_ . (分数: 2.00 )A. they tend to forget the details of a conversationVB. both the driver and his agent happen to be drivingC. it might not be good for the drivers memoryD. the other passengers wo

29、uld overhear the conversation解析: 解析 最后一段第一句“ Whether.driving.”。细节判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,司机很容易遗忘在驾驶时的谈话内容,即文中less able torecall the details.,因此 Strayer 提醒人们在开车时讨论投资策略不明确。(5)_ .Itcan be inferred that the authors attitude toward cell phone yakking is _ .(分数:2.00 )A. approvingB. disapprovingVC. encouragingD.

30、 indifferent解析: 解析 作者意图把握题。本文的第一段提到开车打电话比酒后驾车更危险。第二段通过具体的实验 验证开车打电话的危险性。最后说开车打电话的内容容易被忘掉,因而建议不要在电话里讨论投资策略。综合全文,可以推断出作者对开车打电话持反对态度。五、 Passage Two ( 总题数: 1,分数: 10.00)Its no great surprise that Bill Gates has decided to walk away from his day-to-dayinvolvement with Microsoft, and use his full attention

31、 to oversee how the Bill GatesFoundation spends its $16 billion on philanthropy, or charity. But Gates is not the firstone to follow the path. Ever since the industrial revolution, wealthy self-madebusinessmen and businesswomen have felt a calling to create a legacy that goesbeyond a profit and loss

32、 sheet. The saying He who dies rich, dies disgraced runsdeeply through the business community.But out of all the great philanthropists, Mr. Gates career path appears to be closest totheoil millionaire John Rockefeller. Both were self-made men and both became the richestmen on the planet. Rockefeller

33、 was in his late fifties when he turned his attention fulltime to philanthropy creating vast charitable foundations to promote health andeducation. Now Gates says he will do the same in his early fifties. With great wealthcomes great responsibility, he adds.Like Gates, many philanthropists do not wa

34、nt to pass on too much wealth to theirchildren. They want them to be comfortable, with a nice house and some money in trustfor their grandchildren. But they dont want to leave them millions and millions becausethey know how important it is for them to make their own way. In Britain, for instance,the

35、 newspaper rich lists are increasingly dominated by self-made millionaires, ratherthan inherited wealth. New money is less likely to(OO OL:w J :滋齬胃)eejqie6essed 単 aW醤樓偉蠢角赳壘WW0亦章壘参旨渤丄当潺凹畫骂阴省禅圭日蔚照里旦阴鼻吊枣馬者立里省禅圭日蜚多黑笨WBWTMMTWM三蚩出兀。黠田a沃乂雷伞身甲障腸半潺(阴战搦)腹阴出迂0吐(阴逼寿)1冋阴出迂日畀御鼻吊战甦助乐黑虽立吊第阴圾低莆戢荻出兀。雷蝴聊斟盈KimesM p9;iJ

36、9i|U! - s;s!i i|ou JsdedsMsu 9i|;三蚩【出搦】:出搦八psiusqui ueq; jsq;ej speiu-jissSJB SSJIBUOIHILU MSUXueiu aS3!;!i!qisuods3J X;ueqo sq; |eJSAO O”EIp|no/v s;e;sSJBJISMsqyo Xdojq;ue|!qd o;uoi;u3ue |nj siq 9;0Ap |i/v ss;B0 g q;|B9/v 9;eAud susuo se pspje69J sq o;人|。习!| sssi si XSUOLU MSUsqyv (007 :滋占);eq; si

37、s6e;s poo6 eo;uiSLUOOseq Xdojq;ue|!qd Xq/vUOSBSJpiqo sqi (g)aW壷重口目s 旨刃丁凹护吕甥思鳶耳立共凹册甲畀出四三蚩錮三蚩兀伞。雷蝴條丄彫。“佃 V UM0心屮小日”四三蚩錯三蚩:出搦q;|B9/v jisq; 6ui;euop Xq uoi;e;ndsjuie6 o; sdoq Xsqya siqepojiuoo eSAeq o; usjpnqo Jisq; qsi/v ;snfXsqyo / :出搦Xe/vSLUBS0 屮 ui ssunpoj Jisq; speiu q;oq a/|00d pue S9;B0()。必刖 N 身苗

38、墓迂获G BM “章阴雀畀切WpooEbs!p O!P Su SO!P 0 屮 A OH ” 兀丄:TS*雷X團X里 “ M!unnjnjoo 6u!Xes9ij 丄”四一吕窖錯一蚩【出搦:出搦/ :出搦/|eLU sssse ui dn psi; sqIn 1991, when announced to be HIV positive, Magic Johnson became the face of adisease that the public still had a lot to learn about. The basketball star established theMagi

39、c Johnson Foundation that year and took a leading role on the public relations andfund-raising fronts in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Fifteen years later, there is stillmore work to do.A lot of times, what happens is that the poster is not enough, Johnson says, motioningto his likeness on the bla

40、ckboard behind him. So I have to get out and tell them myself,like Im doing here today. Johnson is now talking to an assembly at Boys and GirlsHigh School in his neighborhood of Brooklyn, N. Y. The crowd is a few hundredstudents in a mostly black, working-class neighborhood. Thus event is the fourth

41、 of a10-city speaking tour that is organized for minority communities.According to drug maker Abbot, half of the more than 1 million Americans living withHIV are black. African-American men are being diagnosed with the disease at a rate 10times as high as that of white men. For women, the situation

42、is even worse. The rate ofdiagnosis for African-American women is 23 times as high as that for their whitecounterparts.Right now, we dont have a solution on how to combat it, so were trying to do somedifferent things than what has happened before, Johnson says.Getting the word out is what draws John

43、son to black neighborhood high schools suchas this one, and the message he brings with him is a practical one. The safest sex is nosex, he says. But, in reality, we know only a certain number of people are going tohear that. Then I hit them with Hey, if youre going to do it, youve got to protectyour

44、self and your partner.Hopefully, by talking realistically instead of avoiding the issues, Johnson can help makethe next generation of African-Americans less likely to have HIV and AIDS. Just try tobe real with them, he says. They appreciate that. (分数: 10.00 )(1)_.The phrase disease that the public s

45、till had a lot to learn about here means adisease that. (分数: 2.00 )A. was already well-known thenB. was too complicated for peopleC. was still too new to be understoodVD. killed too many victims then解析: 解析 第一段第一句“ In 1991, .learn about. ”。 语义词义题。通过上下文可以推断出本句话是说当时人们对 HIV 不甚了解。故选 C。(2) .According to t

46、he passage, the group with the highest AIDS rate is _.(分数: 2.00 )A. the white AmericansB. African-American menC. the American womenD. the black American womenV解析: 解析 第三段第三、四句“ For women, the situation is even worse. The rateof diagnosis.for their white counterparts. ”。细节判断题。 根据文章第三段的第三、 四句活可知, 艾滋病在女

47、性中的情况比在男性中的情况更糟, 并且, 非裔美国女性是白人女性患病率的 23 倍,故患病率最高的人群是非裔美国女性,因此选D。(3) .The speaker is named Magic Johnson because _.(分数: 2.00 )A. he was once a famous basketball coachVB. he was a happy survivor of the unhappy diseaseC. he was given chance to talk of his own experienceD. he was a very practical and re

48、alistic person in life解析: 解析 第一段第二句“ The basketball star established.against HIV and AIDS.”。细节判断题。从文章第一段第二句可知,约翰逊被称为“魔术师”是因为他是个有名的篮球明星。B 项说他是这个不幸疾病的幸存者,文章中并没有提到;C 项说他有了一个谈论个人经历的机会,也没有提到;D项说他是一个非常现实的人,也不合文意,故选A。(4) .The word combat (Paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to _A. come backB. combineC. figh

49、t againstVD. avoid解析: 解析 第一段第二句“ The basketball.against HIV and AIDS.”。语义词义题。 根据文章第一段的第二句话可以推断 combat 的意思应该与 fight against 相同,只是不同的 表达。(5).What is the purpose of Johnsons speech tour?(分数: 2.00 )A. To take himself as an example in fighting the disease.B. To raise the awareness of young Americans agai

50、nst the disease.VC. To provide a better cure for the black American HIV sufferers.D. To try some new medical solutions on the HIV and AIDS sufferers.分数: 2.00 )解析: 解析 第二段。 主旨概括题。根据第二段内容可知,约翰逊以自己为例到处巡回演讲并告诫年轻人要学会保护自己以免感 染 AIDS ,由此可以看出他演讲的目的就是让年轻人明白艾滋病的危害并有防范意识,故选B。七、 Passage Four ( 总题数: 1,分数: 10.00)On

51、ce upon a time all you needed for a camping trip was a sleeping bag, a compass andsome common sense. Now, according to my local sporting goods retailer, a lot moreshould be added. However, outdoor travel has become such a trend that urban peoplefind themselves with some upscale retailers to address

52、their every desire.Eco and adventure are the latest fashionable words in destination travel; those in theindustry know they can make serious cash off all the consumers. These are consumerswho get outdoors not for natures sake, but to work out simply for a splendid cocktailparty.As a result of high-e

53、nd demand, the great outdoors is becoming less affordable andaccessible for ordinary people. Our national parks used to be vast acres of wildernesswhere people could go and enjoy nature, for free. But over the past 100 years, thegovernment has been slowly selling or leasing off public lands for prof

54、it, and our currentpresident is continuing the trend. Large ski resorts have swallowed up plenty ofwilderness and small towns in the West by attracting more high-end businesses. Natureis now a commodity that can be repackaged and sold to the wealthy developers. As forthe small amount of public land

55、left, well, try to remember the last time you camped at astate park for free.The Joneses and everyone trying to keep up with them want a piece of the outdoors,but only with creature comforts included. The rest of us are being slowly priced out ofnature. Pretty soon my tent and sleeping pack will be

56、out of date; since camping willmean a luxury yurt with skylights for star-gazing. If this is what signifies experiencingnature in the new millennium, then Thoreau must be rolling in his grave.(分数:10.00 )(1)_.According to theauthor, outdoor travel has now become _ .(分数: 2.00 )A. less needed for the u

57、rban residentsB. an uncontrolled trend for city dwellersVC. an ever more attractive interest for urban peopleD. so economical that most urban people can afford it解析: 解析 第一段最后一句“ However.desire. ”。 细节判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句可知,户外旅行已经成为了一种潮流,城市里的人们发现一些零售 商总是想方设法满足他们的每个需求。由此得知,人们对自己已无法控制,故选B。(2)_ .The phrase ma

58、ke serious cash off all the consumers (Paragraph 2) means.(分数:2.00 )A. make consumers deposit all their money into bankB. cause the consumers to use up all their moneyVC. make all the consumers cash their money in the bankD. make a careful plan to attract as many consumers as possible 解析: 解析 第二段第一句“

59、 Eco and adventure are the Latest.those in the.all theconsumers. ”。 词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句可知,商人们想利用“生态”和“探险”等时尚话题从顾客身上获取大量 的利润。只有 B 项有此意。(3).Paragraph 2 is written to _ . (分数: 2.00 )A. introduce the natures change of the outdoor travel todayB. criticize the outdoor campers for their waste of moneyC. describ

60、e the difference of outdoor camping today and what it was beforeD.imply the strong influence of the consuming society on the outdoor travelV解析: 解析 第一段最后一句“ However.desire. ”。主旨概括题。文章第一段的最后一句为过渡句,其告诉我们零售商人引导人们进行户外旅行的趋势,后面 一段接着告诉我们这种户外旅行趋势对相关消费带来的影响,由此可知此题答案为D。(4)_ .The author believes that.(分数: 2.00


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