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1、配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1Period 1Warming Up,Prereading & Reading配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1quality generous devote devoted principle lawyer 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1吝啬的 自私的 卑鄙的 积极的 活跃的 自我 自身 自私的 无私的 忘我的 忘我的 忘我地 建立 建设 和平的 安宁的 平静的 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.短语天地1devote oneself _献身于2believe _信任3be mean _对吝啬4be _trouble 在危险、受

2、罚、痛苦、忧虑等处境中to in toin 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修15fight_反抗6_a peaceful way用一种和平的方式7advise sb_sth在某方面为某人提供建议8be worried_担心9be_of work 失业10_the law 违法against in on about out break 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.句型搜索1_ _ _ _ _ _(过去的三十年见证了)the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,【答案】The last thirty ye

3、ars have seen2_ _ _ _ _ (只有在那时我们才决定)to answer violence with violence.【答案】Only then did we decide配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer_ _ _ _ _ _(我曾向他咨询过)【答案】to whom I went for advice配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.预读理解完成句子1This text is mainly about_.【答案】Eliass description of his co

4、ntact to Mr.Mandela2Elias had to leave school when he was quite young,because_.【答案】His family was too poor to pay the money needed for his study配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13People without a passbook may_.【答案】not be allowed to live in Johannesburg, be out of work and be those who were not born there4From Mr.M

5、andelas saying,we can get such a conclusion that_.【答案】Black people should rise up to fight for their own rights after years of being ruled.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.课文缩写Elias began school at six. The school 1._ he studied for only two years was three kilometers away. His family was 2._ poor that he had to

6、 leave school. Then he got a job in 3._ gold mine. This was a time 4._ one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. He didnt get 5._, so he was afraid he would be out of work. 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修16._ (luck) for Elias, in 1952 when he was twelve years old, he 7._ (meet) Nelson Mandela, who

7、told him how to get the correct papers. Later, Elias helped Nelson to blow 8._ some government buildings. It was dangerous, 9._ he was happy because he knew it was to achieve their dream of making black and white people 10._(equality)【答案】1.where2.so3.a4.when5.one6Luckily7.met8.up9.but10.equal配人教版配人教

8、版 英语英语 必修必修11quality n.(1)U U质量,和quantity“数量”相对We aim at quality rather than quantity.我们追求质量而不是数量。(2)C C(人的)品质;优点He has many fine qualities.他有很多优点。单词扫描 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(3)U U特点;性质One quality of wood is that it can burn.木头的特点之一就是能燃烧。【归纳拓展】quantity n数量quality goods 精品poor quality 劣质high quality 优质配

9、人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用上述知识完成下列句子The goods are of good_.【答案】qualityFor study,_is more important than_.【答案】quality;quantity【解释】本句句意为“就学习而言,质要比量重要”。quantity意为“量;数量”。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修12mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的Its no use asking him for any moneyhes much too mean.向他要钱是没有用的他太吝啬了。【归纳拓展】(1)mean vt. 表示的意思;意指What do

10、es this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(2)mean to do sth打算去做某事Im sure she didnt mean to upset you.我可以肯定她并不是有意让你伤心的。(3)mean doing sth 意味着做某事In some parts of London,missing a bus means waiting for another hour.在伦敦的一些地方,错过一辆公交车意味着再等一个小时。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1英汉互译What do you mean by saying that?【答案

11、】你那样说是什么意思?她很小气,不肯捐款。(tooto,donation)【答案】Shes too mean to make a donation.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13active adj. 积极的;能起作用的;现行的;活动的;活跃的;活性的;语法主动的He is an active member of the club.他是俱乐部中的积极分子。【常用搭配】be active in 在(方面)积极take an active part in 积极参加配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【归纳拓展】activist n. 活跃分子activity n活力,活动activel

12、y adv. 积极地,活跃地配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修14found vt.建立(组织、机关、团体);打基础经常构成搭配有:found a city/party/university/theory等。The college was founded in 1872.这所大学建于1872年。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1完成句子Our school_in 1953.【答案】was foundedHe laid _ his success by study and hard work.【答案】the foundation of配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修15vote(1)v

13、t. & vi. 投票;选举Most of them voted for the measure.他们中的大多数投票赞成那项措施。In those days women couldnt vote.那时女人不能参加选举。(2)n. 投票(权);选票;表决He doesnt have the vote.他没有投票权。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【归纳拓展】vote against 投票反对vote for 投票赞成vote on就投票take a vote 进行表决配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1完成句子They should have the right_.【答案】to

14、vote【解释】动词不定式to vote作定语。句意:“他们应该有选举的权利”。As we cant reach an agreement on this matter,lets vote _it.【答案】on【解释】vote on“就投票”,符合句意。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修16equal(1)adj.平等的;相同的In that company everyone has an equal opportunity.在那家公司人人机会相等。(2)be equal to与相等,等于;能胜任Im sure Tom is quite equal to the task.我相信汤姆非常胜任

15、这项任务。(3)v.等于;比得上Two and two equals four.二加二等于四。【归纳拓展】equality nU平等配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1完成句子He is not_to the position and wed better get somebody else to do it.【答案】equal【解释】“胜任”可表示为be fit for或be equal to。句意:“他不能胜任这个职位,我们最好找其他人来担任”。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1Nothing can_aeroplanes in speed and comfort.【答案】equal

16、【解释】equal用作及物动词,意为“比得上,敌得过”,句意:“在速度和舒适性方面,没有什么能比得上飞机”。也可用match。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修11out of work(out of a job)失业He has been out of work for a year and now hes looking for a new one.他已经失业一年了,现在正在找一个新的工作。【归纳拓展】out of a job失业out of business破产;歇业out of control失控out of repair失修短语释义 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1out o

17、f order有毛病out of date过时out of ones reach够不着out of danger 脱险out of question毫无疑问out of the question不可能的配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1out of touch with sb与某人失去联系out of breath气喘吁吁out of patience失去耐心out of temper发脾气out of mind心不在焉配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用适当的介词完成句子You cant find him in the office,for he is _work today.May

18、be he is at home.【答案】offHave you told John the new plan?No.I phoned him _work but he wasnt in.【答案】at【解释】“在上班(时)”。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修12as a matter of fact 事实上(实际上,作插入语,单独使用)As a matter of fact,I dont like to be praised in public.事实上,我不喜欢被当众表扬。【归纳拓展】意为“事实上”的词和短语还有:in factin actual factin realitypractic

19、allyactuallyin practice配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用上述知识完成句子I didnt intend to join Tom in attending the coming sports meet.Really?_,Tom is eager to do so.【答案】As a matter of fact【解释】根据第二句句意:“真的吗?事实上,汤姆在一直盼望你加入呢。”配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13in trouble 处于不幸、苦恼、困境中;有麻烦His friends will help him when he is in trouble.当他遇到

20、麻烦事时,他的朋友会帮助他。【归纳拓展】in trouble 处于不幸中,在监禁中ask for trouble 自寻烦恼get into trouble 遇到麻烦,出事have trouble in doing sth做某事有困难make trouble制造麻烦配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用上述知识完成句子The naughty boy is always_trouble,but now he is really_trouble.【答案】making;in【解释】句意:那个淘气的男孩总是制造乱子,不过,这次他真的遇到麻烦了。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修14fight for

21、 为而斗争/奋斗They are fighting for freedom.他们正为自由而战。【归纳拓展】fight back 还击fight with同(并肩)战斗fight against 为反对而斗争;与作斗争配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用适当的介词完成句子The Chinese people will fight_the people of the world_terrorism_the worlds peace.【答案】with;against;for【解释】句意:为了世界和平,中国人民将和全世界人民一起为反对恐怖主义而斗争。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1The b

22、rave soldiers made up their minds to die for their country in the fight_the enemy.【答案】against【解释】fight against“与战斗”。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修15turn to sb/sth向求助;转向turn to(to为副词)开始工作,干起来She had no one to turn to for advice.她没有一个人可与之征求建议。Lets all turn to,and get the work finished before dark.我们大家加把劲,天黑前把活干完。

23、配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【归纳拓展】turn over翻身,移交turn down 拒绝;关小,调低turn in 上交;转身进入turn off 关掉,关上turn on打开turn out 结果是,证明是,原来是turn up 出现;把(音量)调高turnupside down把完全颠倒配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用turn to,turn out,turn over,turn down填空Why did she_your invitation?【答案】turn downShe has nobody she can_.【答案】turn toIf you _you m

24、ight find it easier to get to sleep.【答案】turn overDespite our worries everything _well.【答案】turned out配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修16be put in prison 被送进监狱be put in prison 意为“被送进监狱”,其主动式为“putin prison”。His son was put in prison because of robbery.他的儿子由于抢劫而被关进监狱。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【归纳拓展】break out of prison 越狱go t

25、o prison 入狱send sb to prison 将某人关入监狱cast/throw sb into prison 将某人投入监狱be in prison 被监禁;在狱中配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用所给词的适当形式填空He _in prison for five years and you may see him at home next year.(be)【答案】has been配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修11The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our right

26、s and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.近三十年来,通过了大量的法律来限制我们的权利和进步,直到今天我们几乎没有任何权利了。本句中以“The last thirty years”作主语,以动词see作谓语,这是一种拟人化的句式。句式突破 配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1拟人(personification)的修辞方法是把人类的特点、特性加于事物之上,使之人格化。My only worry was that January would find me h

27、unting for a job again.我唯一担心的是,到了一月份我又得去找工作了。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【归纳拓展】英语里常把“年”“月”“日”人格化,赋以生命,使人们读起来亲切生动。The following years saw her act in many plays.随后几年,她在许多戏剧中扮演角色。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用所给词的适当形式完成句子The October,2008_another successful launch of the manned spaceship in China.(see)【答案】saw【解释】由句中表示时间的名

28、词可知此处应用一般过去时。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1When you drive along this street,you should be careful,for the street corner has_many car accidents.(see)【答案】seen【解释】see在此意为“见证,目睹”。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修12we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.我们被置于这样一

29、个境地:要么被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争。in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government 是一个由“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词position。in which 相当于where。当先行词是stage,situation,point,case等时,常用where或“介词which”来引导定语从句。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rig

30、hts at all.直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。You know my position in which I cant help either side.你知道我处于双方都不能帮忙的境地。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1用上述知识完成下列句子Can you create a situation_we use the expression “Long time no see.”?【答案】in which【解释】由句子结构可知situation后面跟了一个定语从句。in which在此相当于where。句意:你能创造一个我们使用“好久不见了”这一习惯表达的语境吗?配人教

31、版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1Miss Green took up the story at the point_the thief had just stolen the jewels.【答案】where【解释】where引导定语从句,并且在从句中作地点状语,相当于at which。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1Today,well discuss a number of cases _beginners of English fail to use the language properly.【答案】where【解释】本题考查定语从句。定语从句中有些特例,那就是case,poin

32、t,situation等词作定语从句的先行词,若定语从句缺状语,则用where引导。此处先行词为cases,后面的定语从句中缺少状语。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.只有在那时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。这是一个倒装句。该句中的only then提到句首,引起了该句的部分倒装。原句应是:We decided to answer violence with violence only then.only修饰的时间状语和条件、方式状语,为了强调,提到句首时,该句要用部分倒装形式

33、。把原句中的情态动词、系动词或助动词提到主语前面。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1否定副词never,nor,not,hardly,little,seldom,rarely等置于句首时,也需部分倒装。Only in this way can we learn English well.只有用这种方式我们才能学好英语。Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.被邀请了三次之后,他才来参加会议。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【温馨提示】(1)如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。Only whe

34、n he is seriously ill does he ever stay in hospital.只有当他病情严重时他才住院。(2)only修饰主语时,不用倒装。Only you can persuade her not to smoke.只有你才能劝服她不吸烟。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1完成句子只有在那时她才意识到已造成多大的损失。Only then_how much damage had been caused.【答案】did she realize【解释】“only介词短语/状语从句/副词”这一结构置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。此外,由then可确定用过去时态。配人教版

35、配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.单词拼写1It was_(慷慨的)of him to pay for us both.2All the people are born_(平等的)so they should share the same rights.3All these goods are of high_(质量)and they sell quite well.4We learned the_(原则,原理)of equality when we were very young.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修15His grandma is a well_(受教育的)woman.6Th

36、e f_ in the school are so high that only rich children can afford to study there.7Just work hard,and your hard work will surely be r_.8Films that are full of v_ are not good for young kids.That is to say,too many violent scenes have negative effect on children.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修19Your teacher can gi

37、ve you g_ on choosing a career and writing a job application.10If youre w_ to fly at night,you can get a much cheaper ticket.【答案】1.generous2.equal3.quality4.principle5educated6.fees7.rewarded8.violence9guidance10.willing配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.短语填空devoteto;as a matter of fact;in trouble;turn to;put in p

38、rison;blow up;fight against;out of work1Robert _for stealing.【答案】was put in prison2Its not my fault.The TV set_when I turned it on.【答案】blew up配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13Norman Bethune_the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War .【答案】fought against4 I f I d o n t g e t t h i s f i n i s h e d i n t i m e , I l l be_.【答案】in trouble5Our laughter_horror as we realized that Jody was really hurt.【答案】turned to配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修16Have you always lived here?_,Ive only lived here for the last three years.【答案】As a matter of fact7Hes decided to give up racing and_all his t


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