1、Warming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Project7Self-evaluationVocabulary and Structure8Reading B5Writing6Task 1 Look at the following logos of famous telecom companies and give the name of the country each company is based in.USChinaUKUSChinaUKTask 2 Work in groups. Discuss what kinds of cell phone
2、 services are usually offered by telecom companies. Some examples are already given to you and you can add more in the blanks.text messaging2. email3. video calling4. web browsing5. multimedia messaging 6. voicemail7. Voicemail8. music downloading9. _10. _Reading ATask 1 Before reading the passage,
3、see how much you know about a good salesperson by answering the following questions.How can one become a top salesperson? What do you think is the secret to their success?2. In what ways are top salespersons different from the average ones? Para.1 In todays market, competition has never been tougher
4、. Yet a few salespersons are still doing a great job. Do you know the secret to their success? Here are the reasons:How to Become a Top SalespersonReading A Para.2 1. Be Personally Responsible Unsuccessful salespersons always ask questions such as: When will management do something about our service
5、 problems? When will customers stop being so demanding? If you talk to top salespersons, youll find they ask very different questions: How can I meet my numbers despite the difficult market conditions? What new skills do I need to learn to be more successful? What can I do to help marketing? Do I ne
6、ed different tools to sell more? Notice how top salespersons questions start with “How can I” or “What can I”. By asking these same questions, you can think of many ideas to keep you in control of your destiny.Reading APara.3 2. Say I Will, Not Ill Try This may sound too easy, but its a key step. To
7、p salespersons dont say, “Ill try.” They know change is difficult, takes time and is an ongoing process. Their “I will” commitment keeps them going even when times are tough.Para.4 3. Take Action Top salespersons dont just come up with a bunch of ideas. They act on them. If they feel their selling s
8、kills need to be enhanced, they sign up for workshops. If the company wont pay, they use their own money. If a customers problems affect future sales, they make every effort to resolve them. Meanwhile, their less successful colleagues are still on the phone playing the “Aint it Awful” game.Reading A
9、Para.5 4. Get Started Now An easy way to get started is to analyze a sale youve recently lost. Ask yourself: What could I have done differently to increase my chance of success? Analyze your sale in detail and then look at every stage of the sales cycle to identify where mistakes may have been made,
10、 steps omitted, the process rushed or important information overlooked. Think about what else you could have done or how you could have handled things differently.Reading APara.6 5. Reflection in the Mirror Being brutally honest with yourself can be painful, but top salespersons are willing to do it
11、 on a regular basis. To be like them, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror too. No one can make you do things differently; the decision to change is yours alone. There arent any shortcuts to success. Its a lifelong process of growth and development. But if you make this commitment, you wi
12、ll be a top salespersonmaybe not overnight, but over time and consistently.Reading A如何成为一名优秀的推销员如何成为一名优秀的推销员 当今市场上,竞争是无比激烈的,但是有些推销员却能脱颖而出。你知道他们成功的秘诀吗?以下正是:1. 对自己负责 不成功的推销员总是问这样的问题:管理层什么时候才会关注我们的服务问题?顾客什么时候才能不这么吹毛求疵? 如果你跟优秀的推销员交谈,你会发现他们问的问题完全不同:我怎么才能在艰难的市场环境下完成销售任务?我需要什么新技能来取得更大成功?我是否需要不同的工具来提高销售额? 请
13、注意优秀的推销员如何用“我该怎样做”、“我该做什么”来提问。通过反复问这样的问题,你可以想出很多主意,将命运把握在自己手里。Reading A2. 说我会的,而不是我试试。 这可能听起来很容易,但却是关键性的一步。优秀推销员不会说:“我试试”。他们知道改变很难,需要时间,并且是个长期的过程。他们的一句承诺“我会的”能让他们保持干劲,即使困难重重。3. 采取行动 优秀的推销员不仅想出一大堆主意,他们也会付诸行动。如果他们觉着自己的销售技巧有待提高,他们就报班学习。如果公司不报销,他们就自己出钱。如果一个客户的问题影响将来的销售业绩,他们会尽全力解决。而与此同时,他们那些不太成功的同事们却都在抱着
14、电话埋怨“太糟了”。Reading A4. 现在就行动 一个简单的迅速开始行动的方法是分析一个你最近失败的销售案例。问问你自己:我当初怎样做会加大成功的几率?剖析一下案例,分析流程中的每一个步骤,找出有可能出错的环节、被忽略的细节、以及有没有鲁莽行事或者忽视什么重要信息。想一想当时还可以做些什么或者是否有别的处理方法5. 自我审视 残忍地审视自己是件很痛苦的事情,但是优秀的推销员却经常这么做。想与他们为伍,你也需要在镜子里好好地看看自己。 没有人能要求你改变,改变的权利在你自己手里。成功没有捷径,而是一个终生的成长和进步的过程。但是如果你做出这样的承诺,你就会成为一名优秀的推销员这也许不是一日
15、之功,但只要坚持下去,这一天一定会来临。Reading ATask 2 Read the passage and answer the following questions.What questions do top salespersons ask when faced with difficult situations? How are the questions different from those asked by unsuccessful salespersons? Top salespersons ask questions like “How can I meet my n
16、umbers despite the difficult market conditions?” “What new skills do I need to learn to be more successful?” “What can I do to help marketing?” “Do I need different tools to sell more?” While unsuccessful salespersons ask “When will management do something about our service problems?” “When will cus
17、tomers stop being so demanding?” The former are active and keep themselves in control of their destiny and the latter are passive and rely on others.Reading A2. What keeps top salespersons going despite difficulties? Their “I will” commitment keeps them going through difficult times.3. What does the
18、 underlined sentence “Meanwhile, their less successful colleagues are still on the phone playing the Aint it Awful game.” mean? It means the unsuccessful salespersons spend much of their time complaining instead of taking actions to make a change.Reading A4. What should one do to “get started now”?
19、One can get started by analyzing a sale that has been recently lost.5. What do top salespersons do regularly? They are always brutally honest with themselves.6. How can one become a top salesperson according to the passage? If they make the commitment, do as what top sellers do over time and consist
20、ently, they are sure to succeed.Reading ATask 3 Decide whether the following statements are typical of a successful salesperson or not and write Y or N in the brackets. Then match them with the corresponding tips.A. Every time they try new ways of selling things, theyre miserably uncomfortable. ( )B
21、. They write down all thoughts, ideas or suggestions on paper. Then analyze the list and try to determine where changes in strategy could have impacted sales success. ( )C. They think about questions like: When will the managers offer us some good training? Who came up with that stupid promotion? (
22、)D. They ask “How can I” or “What can I” questions to encourage options and move themselves to action. ( )E. They always look at and criticize themselves. It is hard to do so, but the result is great self-improvement. ( )Be personally responsible2. Say I Will, not Ill Try3. Take action4. Get started
23、 now5. Reflection in the mirrorReading ANYNYYTask 4 Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. In todays market, _ has never been tougher. A. company B. comparison C. competition D. courage2. How can I meet my numbers despite the difficult market _ ? A. conditions B. tools C. share D. cons
24、tructionReading A 3. If a customers problems future sales, they do what it takes to resolve them. A. help B. change C. affect D. effect4. An easy way to get started is to a sale youve recently lost. A. find B. analyze C. solve D. analysis5. Being brutally honest with yourself can be , but top salesp
25、ersons are willing to do it on a regular basis. A. sad B. happy C. painful D. strange Reading Apersonallyadv. doing or having done something yourself rather than through someone elseI think you should be personally responsible for this mess. n. the things that will happen to someone in the future, e
26、specially those that cannot be changed or controlleddestinyTo be honest, I dont believe in destiny.ongoingadj. continuing to exist or progress I think you should be personally responsible for this mess.enhancev. to improve somethingThe singer made great efforts to enhance its reputation.sign upadv.
27、to join a club, enrol on a course, etc.She has signed up for a secretarial course.analyzev. to examine or think of something carefully in order to understand itTo better understand the situation, you need to analyze various factors. v. to take no notice of; to ignoreoverlookDont overlook any tiny mi
28、stake in your composition. shortcutn. a quicker, more direct way of going somewhere than the usual oneThere are no shortcuts to success.ListeningTask 1 Julie is talking with a man. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question.1. What is the possible relationship between the
29、 two speakers? A. Teacher and student.B. Employer and employee. C. Customer and salesperson.2. Which is NOT mentioned as a new feature of 3G phones? A. Video calling. B. Broadband connection. C. Faster downloading.3. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. At a supermarket. B. At a
30、 customer service center. C. At a bank. W: Good morning, Sir. How can I help you?M: I learnt 3G has just been launched with China Mobile. Could you tell me what new services come with it?W: Oh, sure. With the 3G service, you can make video calling. That is, you can actually see each other and talk f
31、ace to face.M: That sounds cool. What other new features does it have?W: One of the greatest strengths of 3G is you can enjoy faster downloading and web browsing, almost as fast as broadband connection you have at home.M: Thats great.ScriptListeningTask 2 Listen to the conversation in Task 3 again a
32、nd fill in the blanks with what you hear.Step One: select a model of 3G cell phonesStep Two: choose a rate planStep Three: select some accessoriesListeningM: OK. So how can I get 3G service on my phone?W: Its very simple. You just need to make three selections. First you need to select a model of 3G
33、 cell phones. M: Im sorry, but can I get 3G service on my own 2G cell phone?W: Im afraid you cant, because 3G phones are all locked to a specific carrier like China Mobile in this case. M: OK, I see. What comes next?W: Next youll need to choose a rate plan. You can find what rate plans are offered i
34、n this brochure.M: What should I do after I choose a rate plan?W: This last step is actually not required. If you like, you can select some accessories, like phone skins, bluetooth headset, leather case, etc. After these three steps, you are all ready for enjoying 3G. ScriptListeningTask 3 Julie is
35、telling a customer about the rates of Business Plans. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing prices in the following table.Flat Rate(yuan)OutgoingCalls(yuan/min)Roaming Charge(yuan)IncomingCalls(yuan)NetworkTraffic(yuan)98.90Free10128.900.250.35FreeFree20ListeningM: Could you please tell
36、 me what kinds of rate plans you have?W: We have a wide variety of rate plans for you to choose from, which can fully meet the needs of our customers. Do you travel a lot on business?M: Yes, Im always on business trips.W: Then I strongly recommend the Business Plans for you. One of the most attracti
37、ve features of them is they have fixed rates for nationwide outgoing calls. M: Does that mean roaming is free of charge? W: Yes, exactly.M: Wow, thats fantastic. It will save a lot on my phone bill.W: Besides free roaming, outgoing local and long-distance calls are also of same rate. Oh, by the way,
38、 all incoming calls are free as well.M: This is really great! So what options do you have?W: With a 98.90 Yuan Plan, each outgoing call charges 35 fen per minute, regardless of where you make the call. It also gives 10 yuan worth of network traffic for you to check emails or browse websites.M: Do yo
39、u have options that give more network traffic?W: Yes. We will give you 20 yuan network traffic for free if you choose the 128.90 Yuan Plan. With this plan each outgoing call charges 25 fen. Here is a brochure of these Business Plans. You can find more detailed information about each plan.M: OK, than
40、ks a lot. Ill take a look at that.ListeningTask 4 Julie continues to introduce a client how to get 3G service. Listen to the conversation and write down the three steps.Customer:Julie:Customer:Julie:Customer:Julie:Could you please tell me what kinds of rate plans you have?We have a wide 1 of rate pl
41、ans for you to choose from, which can fully meet the needs of our customers. Do you travel a lot on business?Yes, Im always on business trips.Then I strongly 2 the Business Plans for you. One of the most 3 features of them is they have 4 rates for nationwide outgoing calls.Does that mean roaming is
42、free of charge?Yes, exactly.varietyrecommendattractivefixedListeningCustomer:Julie:Customer:Julie:Customer:This is really great! So what 7 do you have?With a 98.90 Yuan Plan, each 8 call charges 35 fen per minute, regardless of where you make the call. It also gives 10 yuan worth of network traffic
43、for you to check emails or 9 websites.Do you have options that give more network traffic?Yes. We will give you 20 yuan network traffic for free if you go with the 128.90 Yuan Plan. With this plan each outgoing call charges 25 fen. Here is a brochure of these Business Plans. You can find more 10 info
44、rmation about each plan.OK, thanks a lot. Ill take a look at that.Wow, thats 5 . It will save a lot on my telephone bill.Besides free roaming, outgoing local and long-distance calls are also of the same rate. Oh, by the way, all 6 calls are free as well.Customer:Julie:fantasticincomingoptionsoutgoin
45、g browsedetailedListeningM: Could you please tell me what kinds of rate plans you have?W: We have a wide variety of rate plans for you to choose from, which can fully meet the needs of our customers. Do you travel a lot on business?M: Yes, Im always on business trips.W: Then I strongly recommend the
46、 Business Plans for you. One of the most attractive features of them is they have fixed rates for nationwide outgoing calls. M: Does that mean roaming is free of charge? W: Yes, exactly.M: Wow, thats fantastic. It will save a lot on my phone bill.W: Besides free roaming, outgoing local and long-dist
47、ance calls are also of same rate. Oh, by the way, all incoming calls are free as well.M: This is really great! So what options do you have?W: With a 98.90 Yuan Plan, each outgoing call charges 35 fen per minute, regardless of where you make the call. It also gives 10 yuan worth of network traffic fo
48、r you to check emails or browse websites.M: Do you have options that give more network traffic?W: Yes. We will give you 20 yuan network traffic for free if you choose the 128.90 Yuan Plan. With this plan each outgoing call charges 25 fen. Here is a brochure of these Business Plans. You can find more
49、 detailed information about each plan.M: OK, thanks a lot. Ill take a look at that.ListeningTask 5 Task 5 Listen to the passage about how to sell a cell phone and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. The best time to greet a customer is the first 10-15 seconds when he
50、 or she enters the store.2. You should only talk about cell phones with your customers.3. Most times customers dont know what they want.4. If the customers dont want to buy the coolest and newest things, dont show them.5. Cell phone salespersons not only sell their products but also their personalit
51、y and professionalism.TFFFTListeningHow to Sell a Cell PhoneStep 1 Greet each customer that comes into your store within 10-15 seconds. This is the most important time because this is when they read you and this is your chance to read them.Step 2 Talk to your customers, not even necessarily about ce
52、ll phones. People hate being sold to. They know you are there to make the sale, they dont need to be reminded of it. Build a relationship with the customers. Give them a reason to trust, so they view you as a consultant, not as a salesperson.Step 3 Ask open-ended questions, and listen to your custom
53、ers. Most times the customers know what they want, but dont know they know. Focus questions around “what have you seen/where have you been?” Step 4 Always start with “latest and greatest”. Show your customers the cool new things you have, even if they dont want that. Everyone likes to see the “cool
54、new thing”. After that, narrow it down to 2 or 3 types based on the information gathered in Step 3. Step 5 Personalize the entire transaction. Give your name and let the customers know you will be there to teach and answer questions. Remember you are selling yourself as much as your service.Listenin
55、gSpeakingTask 1 Salespersons always deal with numbers. Practice reading the numbers below and then read the prices marked on the ads.425 15,560 786,450 2,350,00 2.36 37% 38 = = = = = four hundred (and) twenty-fivefifteen thousand five hundred (and) sixtyseven hundred (and) eighty-six thousand four h
56、undred (and) fiftytwo million three hundred (and) fifty thousand four hundredtwo point three sixthirty-seven percentone halfone quarterthree eighthsSpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs. Practice talking about the procedures of adding money to a cell phone account with the tips given below. You may refer to
57、the expressions in the Language Focus Box.ExampleA: There is little money on my cell phone account. Do you know how to refill my account?B: Yes. First, SignpostsWhen you explain a process, the following signposts are usually used:First, Next, Then, After that, Finally/The last step isSpeakingTask 3
58、Work in pairs. One looks at File A and the other looks at File B. Role-play it according to the instructions below. You may refer to the expressions in the Language Focus Box. File AYou are a customer of China Mobile. You are now using the 10 yuan Text Message Plan. Call to inquire about what other
59、plans they have and change to another plan that includes more short messages.File BYou are a customer representative of China Mobile. First identify yourself and greet the customer. Answer the customers questions based on the information given below.SpeakingSpeakingTask 4 Work in pairs. Practice int
60、roducing a product or service to your partner with the tips given below. You may refer to the expressions in the Language Focus Box.File AFile BSpeakingSpeakingReading BOverview With fast 3G wireless technology, maps with GPS, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App
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