五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题 票据题_第1页
五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题 票据题_第2页
五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题 票据题_第3页
五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题 票据题_第4页
五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题 票据题_第5页
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1、五凌水电公司国际结算培训课堂习题实务题 1. A draft for USD100,000.00 is drawn by The American Exporter Co. Inc. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A on The French Issuing Bank, Paris, France payable at 60 days sight to the order of ourselves dated 25 Feb., 201marked “Drawn under The French Issuing Bank, Paris, France L/C No.12345 dat

2、ed 25 Feb.,201”.Please fill in the following blank form as per above instructions to issue a draft. Exchange for , At pay to the order of The sum of “Drawn To For signature 2. A promissory note for USD 15,000.00 is made by Philips Importing Co., Hong Kong promising at 30 days after date to pay to th

3、e order of Zhen-Hua Exporting Co., Beijing dated 20 Sep., 201.Please fill the following blank form as per above instructions to make a promissory note. Promissory Note for , At We promise to pay to The sum of For 3. A cheque No.102358 for GBP5,000.00 is drawn by Samuel and Johnson Company on The Nat

4、ional Westminster Bank Ltd.,London payable to the order of British Trading Co. dated 31 Mar.,200.Please fill the following blank form as per above instructions to issue a cheque.Cheque No. , Pay to the sum of signature 4. Please make crossing for the following cheque: Cheque No. New York,30 Nov., 20

5、0USD1,080.00Pay to the order of Hau Yuan Economic & Development Company the sumof US dollars one thousand and eighty onlyTo Philadelphia International Bank, For and on behalf of 55 Broad Street, New York. Credit Agricole, New York. signature 026005092 19105269 Space for endorsementThe drawer, Credit

6、 Agricole, New York had drawn a cheque as above. Before first delivery of it, the drawer crossed cheque generally with the words “Not Negotiable”.The payee/holder, Hau Yuan Economic & Development Company, Shenzhen added “Account payee” to the general crossing before it sent the cheque to the Agricul

7、tural Bank of China, Shenzhen for collection.The Agricultural Bank of China, Shenzhen crossed the cheque specially to Kincheng Bank Ltd., HongKong and sent to them for collection.Kincheng Bank Ltd., HongKong again crossed the cheque specially to Bank of China, New York for collection and expedited s

8、ame to them.Please cross the cheque on its face in accordance with the following instructions:(1) to complete a general crossing which contains the words “Not Negotiable” and “Account Payee”.(2) to complete a special crossing to Kincheng Bank Ltd., HongKong.(3) to complete another special crossing t

9、o Bank of China, New York for collection.(4) to make a payees endorsement in blank.5. A bill of exchange is drawn by A Co. on Bank of Europe at London pay to Bank of China Shanghai Branch the sum of six thousand pounds. Bills payable at 60 days after sight. 1)According to the condition above, please

10、 finish this bill of exchange: Face of this bill of exchangeNO.8874617Exchange for_ Tianjin,5th April,2014At_ pay to _The sum of _ To_ _ For_ _ (signature)2)If the payee of the bill want to negotiate the bill to Bank of China Ningbo Branch, please make a restrictive endorsement for it. Back of the b

11、ill of exchange above3). If the drawee agree to accept this bill on 1st May ,2014, please make an general acceptance for him. Face of the bill of exchange4) Please calculate the date of payment. 五凌电力公司国际结算培训课堂习题(二)一、请辨别下列备用信用证的种类,将大写字母分别填入相应的序号中。A:履约备用信用证 B:预付款备用信用证C:招标/投标备用信用证 D:反担保备用信用证E:融资备用信用证 F

12、: 融资备用信用证G:商业备用信用证 H: 直接付款备用信用证No.1: We, the undersigned, ,whose registered office located at represented by .Whereas the company CCC limited (hereinafter referred as seller) whose registered office located at has signed with QQQ corporation ( herein after referred as Buyer) a P.O. No. Under the con

13、tract No. dated for the supply , installation and integration of GSM 1800 national wide network. Hereby stand jointly and severally surety for account of the Seller in favor of the Buyer for an account not exceeding in the aggregate of US Dollar , plus interest as provided herein, representing ten p

14、ercent (10%) of the amount of the above mentioned purchase order, should the seller fail to fulfill its obligation under the above mentioned contract and buyer reimburse the relative down-payment.Seller shall notify buyer after each shipment and buyer shall reduce the value of down payment repaying

15、guarantee by an amount equal to the value of said shipment. After confirmation by the buyer, buyer may only claim the down payment repayment guarantee at such balancing value after the said reduction. In the event that buyer fails to confirm the seller the amount of down payment repayment guarantee

16、has been reduced by an amount equal to the value of each shipment, the seller may postpone the next shipment accordingly.The guarantee is to be effective immediately and shall expire at the latest on Dec 13, 20 x x. Consequently, any claim under this guarantee should reach us on or before Dec 13, 20

17、X X Claim under this guarantee will be available for payment against the signed written statement from Buyer certifying that the seller has failed to fulfill the contractual obligation under the above mentioned contract. Any claim should be transmitted by registered mail to the following address: We

18、 further engage with you that payment made against you claims will be include interest from the date of receipt of the above payment by the seller till the date we make payment to you at the rate of 1% above one month LIBOR, for USD deposit shown on Reuters screen, reference page”LIBOR01” fixed at 1

19、1:00 a.m. London time on the day you file claim with us. This guarantee is subject to the international standby practices 1998, and as to matters not addressed by ISP98, shall be governed by the law of PROC.No.2: At the request of , we hereby issue our irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. in you

20、r favor for a sum of not exceeding in the aggregate US$ (U.S. Dollars only) to cover your extending the credit facility to (ABC BANKS customer name and address) effective immediately and expiring on Funds under this standby letter of credit are available to you against your sight draft drawn on us,

21、mentioning thereon our standby letter of credit No. . Each such draft must be accompanied by your signed written statement certifying that the amount drawn hereunder represents the unpaid indebtedness and interest thereon due to yourselves arising from granting credit facility to ( ABC BANKS custome

22、r name)We hereby undertake with you to honor each draft drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Standby Letter of Credit, if duly presented together with documents specified to us at our counter on or before the said expiration date. The credit will become null and void automatically af

23、ter the aforesaid expiry date. Claims, hereunder, if any, must be received by us on or before the expiry date of this credit. The credit should be returned to us when the applicant obligation to repay the borrowed principal plus interest ha been fulfilledThis Standby Letter of Credit is subject to t

24、he International Standby Practices 1998, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590 (ISP98) No.3: We hereby issue our irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. EBBS-4330 available by beneficiarys draft at sight drawn on us accompanied by the following documents:(1) A signed statement from

25、the beneficiary as follows:“I, the undersigned duly authorized representative for American Plumbing Co., hereby certify that we have provided plumbing suppliers to European Designers Ltd., in accordance with their purchase order and that we have not received payment for such plumbing suppliers withi

26、n the agreed terms.”(2) Copy of the invoice Special conditions:1. All banking charges other than those of the issuing bank are for account of the beneficiary.2. It is a condition of this standby credit that it will be automatically renewed for an additional year at the time of expiry unless we have

27、notified you in writing at least forty-five(45) days prior to such expiry date that we elect not to renew.We hereby agree with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored upon presentation and delivery of documents as specified at out counters

28、. Subject to “ the Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits” (2007 revision) International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.600.No.4: BY THE ORDER OF AND FOR THE ACCOUNT OF insert name of bank customer (the “obligor”), we hereby issue in your favor our irrevocable standby letter of cre

29、dit for the account of the obligor for a total maximum amount not to exceed Three Million U. S. Dollars (US$3, 000, 000. 00) available by your draft(s) at sight on us, effective on the date of this Standby Letter of Credit and expiring at our office at address of issuing bank at 5:00pm Tokyo time on

30、 28 march 2013, in connection with the bid by the obligor for the sale of nonperforming loans portfolio held by you on 18 March 2013.Funds under this credit are available against your sight draft(s) drawn on us, mentioning our credit number as it appears above.Presentation must be made by delivery t

31、o us ON or Before the expiry date of this Standby Letter of Credit of (a) a written statement signed by you an authenticated Swift message from you as applicable stating that: (i) you have sent the Obligor a copy of the Agreement to Seller and Purchase (the “SPA”) duly executed by your authorized of

32、ficer and (i) you have not received the SPA duly signed by the Obligor within 3 days after sending the SPA and (b) the original of this Letter of Credit.Our liability will be discharged when the Obligors bid is not awarded as the winning bid and the original of this Standby Letter of Credit has been

33、 returned to us for an early termination.We engage with you that draft(s) drawn under in conformity with the terms of this credit will be promptly honored on presentation if presented to us at our office, address above, on or before the expiry date receipt of an authenticated Swift message delivered

34、 in accordance with this Standby Letter of Credit as applicable, free and clear of and without deduction for any fees or expenses in respect of this Standby Letter of Credit.This Standby Letter of Credit is subject to International Standby Practices 1998, International Chamber of Commerce Publicatio

35、n No. 590.No.5: In consideration of an Agreement between ABC company with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called “Seller”) and XYZ company with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called “Buyer”) signed by the parties and dated July 01, 20(hereinafter called “Agreement”),

36、 we, the undersigned , a corporation organized under the laws of Republic of China and with its principal place of business in , hereby guarantee the payment to Buyer by Seller up to the below amount in the measure and to the extent that Seller should fail to carry out all or part of the obligations

37、 under the Agreement, provided nevertheless that the total amount of our responsibility under this guarantee is limited to and shall not exceed a sum of .Claims against us on account of this guarantee shall be made by letter, duly signed by authorized representatives of the Buyer and accompanied by

38、either a written admission issued by Seller that Seller has failed to carry out all or some of his obligations and/or liabilities or an official copy of against Seller on an order of a competent court or arbitration tribunal in favor of the Buyer claim under the Agreement.This guarantee can not be c

39、alled upon for failure on the part of the Seller due to:-reasons beyond the Sellers control of Force Majeure events;-delays attributable to the Buyer or in the event Seller has remedied its failure within the period given by the Buyer.This guarantee shall be valid as long as the Agreement is in forc

40、e but in any case claims according to this guarantee shall reach us no later than Feb 28, 20. After which date our guarantee is to be considered as null and void whether or not returned to us.This guarantee is subject to the International Standby Practices 1998, International Chamber of Commerce Pub

41、lication No. 590(ISP98).No.6: We hereby issue our irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. .in your favor for account of the .(buyer) for the aggregate amount of .(Maximum currency and amount in words).expiring on .This standby credit is available to you against receipt at our counter in .(place in

42、issuing bank) of your sight draft(s) drawn on us ,mentioning thereon our this credit no .accompanied with the following written drawing certification in form as follows: To:.(name and address of opening bank) Re: Irrevocable standby letter of credit No. ., Please be advised that we are hereby drawin

43、g under the above referenced letter of credit on your for (the claimed amount )that (1).(the name of the buyer ) owes us as the date hereof ( currency / amount ).in connection with. for such amount. (2) We have requested payment from .(name of the buyer )in the amount of (currency / amount )and as o

44、f the date hereof they have failed to pay or reimburse us. (3)This drawing is in the amount of (currency / amount ).which is not in excess of the amount for which payment has been requested as set forth in paragraph (2) hereof. .(name of beneficiary ) .(Signature)For the purpose of identification ,y

45、our request for payment and your certification have to be presented through the intermediary of a first rate bank confirming that the signature are legally binding upon your firm.All banking charges outside issuing banks country are for account of beneficiary.The amount which may be drawn by you und

46、er this letter of credit shall be automatically reduced by the amount of any drawing hereunder. Partial drawing is permitted.We hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn and presented under and in accordance with the terms of this letter of credit will be duly honored by us.Except so far as expre

47、ssly stated herein this standby letter of credit is subject to the Uniform Custom and Practice for Documentary Credit (2007 Revision) international Chamber of Commerce Publication No.600.2、 请辨别下列银行保函条款,将大写字母填入相应序号中。A: 生效条款 B:自动展期条款C:主债务人条款 D: 担保责任不变条款E:担保金额递减条款 F:保函退回条款G: 法律条款 H:反担保条款I: 金额保全条款1: H i

48、n consideration of your issuing the said guarantee on our behalf, we hereby undertake to keep you reimbursed subject to the same condition as mentioned above upon our receipt of your claim declaring that you have been called upon to make payment under your guarantee, together with a copy of the bene

49、ficiarys demand on you.” 2. A This performance bond will come into force only when the seller has received a letter of credit acceptable to him. 3. D We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification to the terms of the contract or of works to be preformed thereunder or of any of the contract documents, which may


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