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1、0709 中口汉译英坚定不移地走和平发展道路:unswervingly takes the road of peaceful development必然选择: an inevitable choice鸦片战争: the Opium War受尽了列强的欺辱: suffer untold /utter/ deep humiliation from the big powers消除战争: eliminate war实现和平: safeguard / maintain peace独立富强: independence and prosperity民生幸福: where the people (can)

2、lead a happy life孜孜以求的奋斗目标: the assiduously sought goal人口多,底子薄: with a large population, a weak economic foundation发展不平衡: unbalanced development作出积极贡献: make energetic contributions0803中口汉译英月球探测工程:lunar probe program千年奔月梦想:centuries-old dream-fly to the moon中华民族:the Chinese nation开启了.的时代:usher in an

3、era of.走向深空,探索宇宙奥秘:explore the mysteries of deep space标志:indicate/mark有深空探测能力:with the capability to explore outer space进入.的行列:join推进:promote 自主创新:homegrown innovation 创新型国家:innovative country标志性成果:landmark achievement 攀登世界科技高峰:scale the world heights of science and technology历史性跨越:a historical brea

4、kthrough和平开发利用外层空间:peaceful exploration and utilization of the outer space 重大贡献:great contribution中华儿女:Chinese people辉煌成就:glorious achievements0809中口汉译英:消息灵通人士: well-informed source 透露:disclose春节:Spring Festival家乐福:Carrefour新大新:Xindaxin第一次亲密接触:first intimate contact广州市政府:Guangzhou municipal governme

5、nt红娘:matchmaker情投意合:develop into affinity总经理:general manager笼统:general 百货行业:retailing industry持有新组建的公司35%的股份:hold 35% of the new joint ventures shares按照:in compliance with 国家有关部门政策:the policies decreed by state authorities concerned持股:hold shares0903 中口汉译英钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动:A watch or clock clicks away t

6、he seconds缩短:shorten撕下:tear off日历:calendar时间即生命: Time is life.珍视: cherish充实: enrich/ fulfill积极不懈地善为利用时间: strive to make the best use of time0709中口英译汉 1. envy:嫉妒、羡慕(形容词envious) 2. go in for:参加、追求、从事真题例句:Americans do not go in for envy.例句翻译:美国人并非善妒之辈。 3. fret:烦恼,焦虑 4. soak:浸泡,渗透;吸收真题例句:Whereas Europea

7、ns fret about the way the economic pie is divided, Americans want to join the rich, not soak them. 例句翻译:欧洲人往往会很在意利益是如何分配的,而美国人却只想成为富人,而并不想从他们那里分一杯羹。 5. consensus:一致同意,多数人的意见,舆论 6. redistribution:再分配(动词redistribute) 7. in keeping with:符合,与.一致 8. adage:格言,谚语真题例句:The political consensus, therefore, has

8、 sought to pursue economic growth rather than the redistribution of income, in keeping with John Kennedys adage that a rising tide lifts all boats.例句翻译:因此,人们在政治上达成共识,认为与其追求收入的再分配,倒不如追求经济的整体增长,这恰恰符合约翰.肯尼迪的一句名言:一潮涨则百船升。 9. productivity:生产力 10. outpace:超过.的速度,赶超真题例句:Thanks to a jump in productivity gro

9、wth after 1995, Americas economy has outpaced other rich countries for a decade.例句翻译:由于美国的生产力在1995年之后急剧上升,其经济整整十年来都领先于世界其他发达国家。 11. boom:繁荣;昌隆 12. inflation:通货膨胀真题例句:In the late 1990s everybody shared in this boom. Though incomes were rising fastest at the top, all workers wages far outpaced inflati

10、on.例句翻译上世纪90年代末经济十分繁荣,人人都从中获益无穷。虽然高收入人群的薪水上涨得最快,但是所有工人的工资都比通货膨胀时期多了很多。0803中口英译汉1 CV是curriculum vitae的缩写,简历、履历的意思。2pug-ugly丑陋、其貌不扬3be swayed by左右摇摆不定真题例句:Imagine you have two candidates for a job. Their CVs are equally good, and they both give good interview. You cannot help noticing, though, that on

11、e is pug-ugly and the other is handsome. Are you swayed by their appearance?例句翻译:假设有两位候选人来竞争一份工作。他俩的履历不相上下,而且他们的面试表现也都很好。但是你不会不注意到其中一人其貌不扬,而另一个则长相俊美。你的取舍是否会被他俩的外貌所影响4equate 等同于 equate A with B意思是将A等同于B。5vice 罪恶、邪恶真题例句:In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.例句翻译:在

12、过去,人们常常把漂亮等同于美德,把丑陋等同于邪恶。6. sin 这个词特别是指在宗教或道德上得罪、罪过或罪孽,original sin是指原罪。在as ugly as sin这个结构翻译为如罪过般丑陋。翻译as.as.结构时,先翻译第二个as之后的部分。7. pass意为消失,pass from the language即从语言中消失。8. beholder观看者、旁观者;在beauty is in the eye of the beholder这句话中意思是指情人,此句短语译为情人眼里出西施。9counter:反驳真题例句:Even now, the expression as ugly a

13、s sin has not quite passed from the language. There is, of course, the equally famous expression beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to counter it.例句翻译:即使是现在,如罪过一般丑陋这一说法也还没有完全从语言中消失。当然,与之相反的是句同样有名的说法:情人眼里出西施。10a rule of thumb指用拇指去量东西的长短,因此意为凭经验而来的法则真题例句:Biology also suggests that beauty may, indee

14、d, be a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex. 例句翻译:生物学还告诉我们,评价一个人无论男女,貌美的确可以成为一个有用的法则。11infallible不可能错的、不会犯错误地、永无过失的。12in-depth investigation深层调查。真题例句:Not an infallible one, and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation. 例句翻译:这一凭经验而来的法则并非绝对可靠,当然也不能替代深入的调查。13instinctive本

15、能的、直觉的14be bound to一定15endow 赋予;认为.天生具有,通常用被动be endowed with;physically well endowed这里理解为天生容貌俊秀真题例句:But, nevertheless, an instinctive one, and one that is bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.例句翻译:但是,无论怎样这是人们本能的反应,对于生来容貌俊秀的人来说,肯定是获益匪浅。0809中口英译汉1nullify:使无效、使无用、取消2corpo

16、rate downsizing:公司裁员。corporate经常用于表示与企业相关的,比如corporate culture,企业文化。真题例句:The recent news that Bear Stearns was nullifying a few hundred job offers to business school students fits a pattern of corporate downsizing that isnt lost on college campuses across the USA.例句翻译:最新消息报道了贝尔斯登公司撤销了为商学院毕业生提供的数百个职位

17、,这正是公司裁员的通常做法,而全美的大学也随之降低招生规模。3entry-level:入门级的,an entry-level job指的是低级别工作。真题例句:But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this years graduates. Sure, companies are laying off workers, but many are also looking for new talent, especially at the entry level.例句翻译:但即使经济前景被乌云笼罩

18、,今年的毕业生们仍然有几线生机。但即使经济前景惨淡,今年的毕业生还是有望找到工作。固然,众多公司纷纷裁员,但其中许多也正寻求新的人才,尤其是低端职位。4entrant:新加入者,结合上下文翻译成职场新人。5go a long way:大有帮助。真题例句:As more than a million entrants flood the job market, students should know that in a global marketplace, language skills will go a long way. 例句翻译:超过百万的职场新人像潮水般涌入劳动力市场,学生们应该认识到,在全球市场环境下,较强的语言能力对你大有帮助,灵活性也能助力不少。


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