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1、12contentsuPart One: Warm-upPart One: Warm-upuPart Two: Background InformationPart Two: Background InformationuPart Three: Text AppreciationPart Three: Text AppreciationuPart Four: Language StudyPart Four: Language StudyuPart Five: Part Five: Exercises Exercises 3 Part 1 Part 1 u Warm-up questionsWa

2、rm-up questionsu 4 As a sophomore, what is your general impression of college?the golden time in ones lifemany opportunities for one to explore the unknownexperiencing a lotmaking lifelong friendsenjoying various kinds of activitiesdeveloping ones personal interestskeeping a good balance and laying

3、a solid foundation52. Have you experienced anything different from your middle school life?being far away from home living with othersbecoming independenttaking care of oneselfhandling ones own financemaking ones own decisionschanges are occurring63. Whats your purpose of receiving a college educati

4、on?to get and keep a good job to earn more money to get a good start in lifeto fully develop oneselfto contribute more to the society74. Have you had any psychological problems ever since you entered college?lonelinessconfusionfrustrationjealousya sense of inferiority feeling pressure85. Is there ge

5、neration gap between your parents and you?9uCollege Years vs. Seasons uWhat do you think the four seasons represent and explain why? 10College Years vs. SeasonsuSpring SummerSophomore FreshmanJuniorSenior11Freshman: SpringSpring is the season for nature to revive, to grow and to get ready to boom. S

6、imilarly, in college, spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge, to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future. Its the season of growth.12Sophomore: SummerSummer is the season for flowers to bloom, and its the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature love, l

7、ove from your classmates, from your teachers and from your romance.It is the season of affection.13Junior: AutumnIts the season for you to enjoy what you have achieved. Autumn is a season of harvest . 14Senior: WinterWinter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and

8、hardships. So winter is the season of change. Unpleasant as it may seem to some students, it is simply inescapable and beneficial to ones growth and maturity.15u大一大一 彷徨彷徨 u大二大二 呐喊呐喊u大三大三 伤势伤势u大四大四 朝花夕拾朝花夕拾16Part 2 Part 2 17Part II Background InformationI. Author Bob Hartman was born in Pittsburgh, t

9、he United States, and moved to England in the summer of 2000. He has been working as a storyteller for children for over 12 years . He uses his dynamic and interactive style to entertain audiences. He is also a part-time pastor.18uHe loves to help children (and adults!) create their own stories on t

10、he spot. He runs practical workshops for adults who want to improve their storytelling skills. Whatever the occasion, Bobs storytelling sessions are always exciting, engaging and, above all, interactive! 19uWell-known for the Lion Storyteller series and the highly acclaimed Angels, Angels All Around

11、, Bobs publications also include Easter Stories and The Complete Bible Baddies. For adults, Bob has written Telling the Bible and Telling the Bible 2 - a series of retellings of passages from the Bible for individual and group performance - and Anyone Can Tell a Story, full of Bobs tips for great st

12、orytelling.20A selection of books by Bob Hartman21II. Erik H. EricksonErik H. Erikson (19021994), was a German-born American psychoanalyst whose writings on social psychology, individual identity, and the interactions of psychology with history, politics, and culture influenced professional approach

13、es to psychosocial problems and attracted much popular interest. He was most famous for his work on refining and expanding Freuds theory of developmental stages. 22 III. Ericksons Developmental StagesBasic Theory: Babies are born with some basic capabilities and distinct temperaments. But they go th

14、rough dramatic changes on the way to adulthood and old age. According to psychologist Erik H. Erikson, each individual passes through eight developmental stages. 23 Each developmental stage is characterized by a different psychological crisis, which must be resolved by the individual before the indi

15、vidual can move on to the next stage. If the person copes with a particular crisis in a maladaptive不适应的不适应的, 不利于适应的不利于适应的 manner, the outcome will be more struggles with that issue later in life. To Erikson, the sequence of the stages are set by nature. It is within the set limits that nurture works

16、 its ways.24人格发展的八阶段理论人格发展的八阶段理论u埃里克森认为,人的自我意识发展持续一生,他埃里克森认为,人的自我意识发展持续一生,他把自我意识的形成和发展过程划分为八个阶段,把自我意识的形成和发展过程划分为八个阶段,这八个阶段的顺序是由这八个阶段的顺序是由遗传遗传决定的,但是每一阶决定的,但是每一阶段能否顺利度过却是由环境决定的,段能否顺利度过却是由环境决定的,所以这个理所以这个理论可称为论可称为心理社会心理社会阶段理论。每一个阶段都是阶段理论。每一个阶段都是不可忽视的。他的人格终生发展论,为不同年龄不可忽视的。他的人格终生发展论,为不同年龄段的教育提供了理论依据和教育内容,

17、任何年龄段的教育提供了理论依据和教育内容,任何年龄段的教育失误,都会给一个人的终生发展造成障段的教育失误,都会给一个人的终生发展造成障碍。它也告诉每个人你为什么会成为现在这个样碍。它也告诉每个人你为什么会成为现在这个样子,你的心理品质哪些是积极的,哪些是消极的,子,你的心理品质哪些是积极的,哪些是消极的,多在哪个年龄段形成的,给你以反思的依据。多在哪个年龄段形成的,给你以反思的依据。 25Stage 1: Infant Trust vs MistrustNeeds maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty to trust himself/herself

18、, others, and the environment.婴儿期(婴儿期(01.5岁):基本信任和不信任的心理冲突岁):基本信任和不信任的心理冲突 此阶段的发展任务是获得信任感,克服不信任感。此阶段的发展任务是获得信任感,克服不信任感。26uStage 2: Toddler Autonomy vs Shame and DoubtWorks to master physical environment while maintaining self-esteem.u儿童早期(儿童早期(1.53岁):自主与害羞和怀疑的岁):自主与害羞和怀疑的冲突冲突 u这一时期,儿童掌握了大量的技能,如,爬、走、

19、这一时期,儿童掌握了大量的技能,如,爬、走、说话等。更重要的是他们学会了怎样坚持或放弃,说话等。更重要的是他们学会了怎样坚持或放弃,也就是说儿童开始也就是说儿童开始“有意志有意志”地决定做什么或不地决定做什么或不做什么。做什么。27uStage 3: Preschooler Initiative vs GuiltBegins to initiate, not imitate, activities; develops conscience and sexual identity.u学前期(学前期(36岁):主动对内疚的冲突岁):主动对内疚的冲突 u在这一时期如果幼儿表现出的主动探究行为在这一时

20、期如果幼儿表现出的主动探究行为受到鼓励,幼儿就会形成主动性,这为他将来成受到鼓励,幼儿就会形成主动性,这为他将来成为一个有责任感、有创造力的人奠定了基础。如为一个有责任感、有创造力的人奠定了基础。如果成人讥笑幼儿的独创行为和想象力,那么幼儿果成人讥笑幼儿的独创行为和想象力,那么幼儿就会逐渐失去自信心,这使他们更倾向于生活在就会逐渐失去自信心,这使他们更倾向于生活在别人为他们安排好的狭窄圈子里,缺乏自己开创别人为他们安排好的狭窄圈子里,缺乏自己开创幸福生活的主动性。幸福生活的主动性。 28uStage 4: School-age Child Industry vs InferiorityTrie

21、s to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills.u学龄期(学龄期(612岁),勤奋对自卑的冲突岁),勤奋对自卑的冲突 u这一阶段的儿童都应在学校接受教育。学校这一阶段的儿童都应在学校接受教育。学校是训练儿童适应社会、掌握今后生活所必需的知是训练儿童适应社会、掌握今后生活所必需的知识和技能的地方。如果他们能顺利地完成学习课识和技能的地方。如果他们能顺利地完成学习课程,他们就会获得勤奋感,这使他们在今后的独程,他们就会获得勤奋感,这使他们在今后的独立生活和承担工作任务中充满信心。反之,就会立生活和承担工作任务中充满信心。反之,就会产生自卑

22、。产生自卑。 29Stage 5: Adolescent Identity vs Role ConfusionTries integrating many roles (child, sibling, student, athlete, worker) into a self-image under role model and peer pressure. 青春期(青春期(1218岁):自我同一性和角色混乱的冲岁):自我同一性和角色混乱的冲突突 一方面青少年本能冲动的高涨会带来问题,另一一方面青少年本能冲动的高涨会带来问题,另一方面更重要的是青少年面临新的社会要求和社会的冲方面更重要的是青少

23、年面临新的社会要求和社会的冲突而感到困扰和混乱。所以,青少年期的主要任务是突而感到困扰和混乱。所以,青少年期的主要任务是建立一个新的同一感或自己在别人眼中的形象,以及建立一个新的同一感或自己在别人眼中的形象,以及他在社会集体中所占的情感位置。这一阶段的危机是他在社会集体中所占的情感位置。这一阶段的危机是角色混乱。角色混乱。 30“这种统一性的感觉也是一种不断增强的自信心,一这种统一性的感觉也是一种不断增强的自信心,一种在过去的经历中形成的内在持续性和同一感(一种在过去的经历中形成的内在持续性和同一感(一个人心理上的自我)。如果这种自我感觉与一个人个人心理上的自我)。如果这种自我感觉与一个人在他


25、做一个坏人,感觉,就没有自身的存在,所以,他宁做一个坏人,或干脆死人般的活着,也不愿做不伦不类的人,他或干脆死人般的活着,也不愿做不伦不类的人,他自由地选择这一切。自由地选择这一切。 u 31uStage 6: Young Adult Intimacy vs IsolationLearns to make personal commitment to another as spouse, parent or partner.u成人早期(成人早期(1825岁):亲密对孤独的冲突岁):亲密对孤独的冲突 uStage 7: Middle-Age Adult Generativity vs Stagn

26、ationSeeks satisfaction through productivity in career, family, and civic interests.u 成年中期(成年中期(2550岁):生育对自我专注的冲岁):生育对自我专注的冲突突 32u Stage 8: Older Adult Integrity vs DespairReviews life accomplishments, deals with loss and prepares for death.u成年晚期(成年晚期(50岁以上):自我调整与绝望期的岁以上):自我调整与绝望期的冲突冲突 33u埃里克森认为,在每一

27、个心理社会发展阶段中,埃里克森认为,在每一个心理社会发展阶段中,解决了核心问题之后所产生的人格特质,都包括解决了核心问题之后所产生的人格特质,都包括了积极与消极两方面的品质,如果各个阶段都保了积极与消极两方面的品质,如果各个阶段都保持向积极品质发展,就算完成了这阶段的任务,持向积极品质发展,就算完成了这阶段的任务,逐渐实现了健全的人格,否则就会产生心理社会逐渐实现了健全的人格,否则就会产生心理社会危机,出现危机,出现情绪障碍情绪障碍,形成不健全的人格。,形成不健全的人格。 34 Part III Text Analysis I. Theme of the text College is des

28、igned to be a time of changes for students. College students are experiencing a lot. Threatening the changes may be, they contribute to young adults growth and maturity. 35StructureKey changes will happen during college years. (para. 1)Key changes in detail. (para. 2-9)Restating the thesis: signific

29、ance (para. 10)Thesis:Supportive ideas:Thesis consolidation:by definition, explanation, citation, antithesis, example36SkimminguQ: What are the key changes which will probably happen in college years? 37The Key Changes (7)identity crisis the independence/dependence struggle; establishment of sexual

30、identity;affection giving and receiving; internalization of religious faith, values and morals; development of new ways to organize and use knowledge; new understanding of the world and himself/herself.Para. 2Para. 3-4Para. 5Para. 6Para. 7Para. 8Para. 938Q: Can you find the definition of “identity”

31、in para. 2? How people perceive themselves and how other people perceive them.39uQ: How do college students go through an identity crisis at college? What factors may influence identity? uStudents endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They want to know how ot

32、her people perceive themselves as well.uIdentity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities.40uQ: According to Jeffery A. Hoffmans observation, there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from ones parents. What are they?u Functional independence.u Attitudinal independ

33、ence.u Emotional independence.u Freedom from excessive feelings( “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.”)41 Q: Are college students totally independent from the parents? Why? (paras.3-4) No. They may become financi

34、ally independent from their parents in pursuing for a college education. But they have chosen to grow and learn how to be independent.42uQ: What may be one of the most stressful matters college students experience according to the author? u Establishing their sexual identity. It includes relating to

35、 the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women.43uQ: How do college students become world citizens?u At college, the young adults have good chances to meet people from different cultures. By interacting with them, they are introduced to new ways of life. They begin to understand

36、 life in different ways. By doing these, they experience a new understanding of the world and themselves.44Language study45Thesis Identifyingthree questions: Have you ever considered Has it ever occurred to you Has it ever dawned on youThesis: Though college students seldom think about them, key cha

37、nges will probably happen to them during their college years.Para. 146It occurs to sb. that /to do uto come into ones mind 想起;想到想起;想到ue.g. It never occurred to me that wealth could ruin a persons life. uIt never occurred to him to lock his door in the daytime.u我突然想到她可能没说实话。我突然想到她可能没说实话。uIt occurred

38、to me that she might not be telling the truth. To be continued on the next page.47uSynonyms:uto come into ones mind; ue.g. A new idea came into my mind. uIt strikes sb. thatuIt struck her that although she was now rich, she was not really happy. 48 to dawn on/upon sb. to gradually become clear to so

39、meones mind; to become evident to someone. 逐渐明白逐渐明白uIt finally dawned on me that he had been lying. u最后我才明白他一直在撒谎。最后我才明白他一直在撒谎。u The truth began to dawn on him. u他开始明白真相他开始明白真相 。49u developmental changes : This is a psychological term which refers to the physiological and behavioral changes througho

40、ut ones life. ufrom adolescence to young adulthood :The term adolescence began as a Western concept, which means the period between childhood and adulthood. from adolescence to young adulthood is often marked by a number of small changes in status during or near the end of adolescence.50Translation

41、of Para.1u 你是否考虑过,作为一名大学生,你的生活你是否考虑过,作为一名大学生,你的生活现在起着什么变化,将来又会有什么变化?你是现在起着什么变化,将来又会有什么变化?你是否想过,大学教授和其他教职工为了你大学时代否想过,大学教授和其他教职工为了你大学时代的成长和发展制定了目标吗?你是否想过,在的成长和发展制定了目标吗?你是否想过,在 你你由青春期迈向成年的过程中,你的生活将发生某由青春期迈向成年的过程中,你的生活将发生某些成长变化吗些成长变化吗 ?虽然大学生们很少思考这些问?虽然大学生们很少思考这些问 题,题,但是他们在大学时代很可能会发生一些重大的变但是他们在大学时代很可能会发生

42、一些重大的变化。化。51going through: u1. undergo;experience;suffer;endure 经历经历; 遭受;遭受;忍受(困难、痛苦等)忍受(困难、痛苦等)u*They went through many hardships during the waru他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦。他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦。u2. pass through 穿过穿过u*The rain has gone through my overcoatu雨水渗透了我的大衣。雨水渗透了我的大衣。To be continued on the next page.52u3. exam

43、ine查阅查阅u*I will go through your papersu我将审阅你们的论文。我将审阅你们的论文。u4. complete 完成完成u*After months of efforts the work finally went through经数月的努力,工作终于完成。经数月的努力,工作终于完成。u*Lets go through all the exercises before we go out我们出去前把练习做完。我们出去前把练习做完。To be continued on the next page.53u5. be passed;be accepted被通过;被认可

44、被通过;被认可u*The law has now gone throughu这项法律已获通过。这项法律已获通过。u6. search搜查搜查u*The Customs went through all our luggage at the airportu在飞机场,海关把我们的行李都检查了一遍在飞机场,海关把我们的行李都检查了一遍u7. discuss carefully 详细讨论详细讨论u*Lets go through the details of the examinationu让我们详细讨论一下有关考试的具体问题吧。让我们详细讨论一下有关考试的具体问题吧。54identity cris

45、isuIt refers to the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure who you really are and what your purpose in life is.u自我认识危机:青春期自我认识的动摇、自我丧失所自我认识危机:青春期自我认识的动摇、自我丧失所引起的心理危机。引起的心理危机。55to endeavor to do sth. :to try /attempt/make an effort to do st

46、h. 努力做努力做u e.g. uWe must always endeavor to improve our work.uHe endeavored to calm himself down but in vain.un. effort; attemptu Idiomatic Expression: to make every endeavor/ effort to do sth. 尽一切努力尽一切努力u e.g. uPlease make every endeavor to arrive punctually. uWe make every endeavor to satisfy our

47、customers. 56perceive u1. become aware of (sb/sth); notice; observe 意识到意识到, 注意到注意到, 观察到观察到 : uI perceived that his behavior had changed. u我发觉他的行为有些变化我发觉他的行为有些变化.To be continued on the next page.57u2. to think of as 把把看作看作u e.g. He perceived himself a loser who could not even support his family.u 他认为

48、自己是个失败者,因为不能抚养家人。他认为自己是个失败者,因为不能抚养家人。To be continued on the next page.58uDerivatives: uperception,观念观念, 洞察力洞察力, 认识能力认识能力u perceptive有洞察力的有洞察力的 ,u perceivable可察觉的可察觉的,感觉得到的感觉得到的 uAssociates: -ceive: take uconceive,构想构想 ,设想;怀孕,设想;怀孕uconception, .思想,观念思想,观念 u concept概念,观念,思想概念,观念,思想59ureceive, receiver

49、,听筒听筒, 接收器接收器, 收款员收款员,接受者接受者 ureceipt urecipient接受者,接收者接受者,接收者, ureception,接受接受; 接待接待;接待处接待处 ureceptionist 接待员接待员udeceive, deception, deceptive 骗人的骗人的, 虚伪的虚伪的,诈欺诈欺的的60. . identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance eve

50、nts.u【Sentence Paraphrase】uWho we are is determined by three things; First, our genes or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment, and third, luck or opportunities.61Lesson1- Your College Years endowment n. a. a quality or ability that someone has naturally 天赋天赋 b. money, prop

51、erty, etc. given to provide an income 捐赠捐赠 捐助捐助 Examples:They are men of great endowments.The Oxford and Cambridge colleges have numerous endowments.牛津和剑桥大学有数不清的捐助财物牛津和剑桥大学有数不清的捐助财物. To be continued on the next page.62Lesson1- Your College Years endow v. a. to possess naturally, be born with b. to g

52、ive a college, hospital etc. a large sum of money that will provide it with an incomeExamples:She is endowed with both beauty and brains.That hospital is privately endowed.63Lesson1- Your College Years inherit v. to receive genetic characters from ones parents Examples:inherit money/estate/title She

53、 inherited her mothers good looks and her fathers bad temper. n. inheritance n. heritageWord formation To be continued on the next page.64Lesson1- Your College Years inheritance n. the money, property, etc. that you receive from sb. when they die; the fact of receiving sth. when sb. diesuShe spent a

54、ll her inheritance in a year.heritage n. the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its characterunational/cultural heritage 65chance adj.: accidental e.g. uThis chance meeting with the man changed her whole lif

55、e. u和那个男人的偶然相遇改变了她的一生。和那个男人的偶然相遇改变了她的一生。uThis medicine is said to be a chance discovery. u据说这种药是偶然发现的。据说这种药是偶然发现的。66Translation of Para.2u 在此期间,学生要经历一次自我认同危机,他在此期间,学生要经历一次自我认同危机,他们想弄明白自己是什么样的人,自己的优点和弱点们想弄明白自己是什么样的人,自己的优点和弱点在哪里。他们当然有不少优点和弱点。知道人们怎在哪里。他们当然有不少优点和弱点。知道人们怎样看待他们自己,以及别人如何看待自己,这一点样看待他们自己,以及别

56、人如何看待自己,这一点 很重要。在很重要。在国际社会科学百科全书国际社会科学百科全书1979的的一篇讨论爱利克一篇讨论爱利克. H. 埃里克森埃里克森(心理学)理论的文章心理学)理论的文章里,皮尔斯和兰多认为,性格特征的形成取决于基里,皮尔斯和兰多认为,性格特征的形成取决于基因(由父母遗传因(由父母遗传), 受环境的塑造,并受偶然事件影受环境的塑造,并受偶然事件影响。人们受环境的影响,反过来也影响他们的环境。响。人们受环境的影响,反过来也影响他们的环境。人们如何看待自己在这两种影响中的作用无疑成了人们如何看待自己在这两种影响中的作用无疑成了他们性格特征的一部分。他们性格特征的一部分。67uIt

57、 may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. (3) u【Language Points】u(1) It: independence/dependence struggleu(2) to heighten: become stronger or intensifiedu(3) pursue: go after; continueu e.g. to pursue ones career/study/education/ Derivative:pursuit n.To be continued on the ne

58、xt page.68u【Sentence Paraphrase】uIf they choose to go to college to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents.69Translation of Para.3u 学生在经历自我认同危机的过程中,逐渐独学生在经历自我认同危机的过程中

59、,逐渐独立于父母,但可能仍然很依赖他们。这一独立与立于父母,但可能仍然很依赖他们。这一独立与 依赖的挣扎构成了青春期后期生活的一大部分。依赖的挣扎构成了青春期后期生活的一大部分。事实上,选择大学教育可能会加剧这一矛盾。有事实上,选择大学教育可能会加剧这一矛盾。有 些人中学毕业后,选择立即参加工作,因此他们些人中学毕业后,选择立即参加工作,因此他们在经济上可能不再依赖父母。可是大学生选择了在经济上可能不再依赖父母。可是大学生选择了继续继续发展,选择了学习需要几年的工夫才能掌握发展,选择了学习需要几年的工夫才能掌握的新技能,因而他们至少在一定程度上可能还得的新技能,因而他们至少在一定程度上可能还得

60、继续依靠父母。继续依靠父母。70observeu 1. (fml 文文) say by way of comment; remark 说,说, 评论评论: uHe observed that it would probably rain. uIt may rain, he observed. u2. see and notice (sb/sth); watch carefully 看到看到; 观察观察; 监视监视: uI observed a flash of lightning in the dark.u我在黑暗中看到一道闪电我在黑暗中看到一道闪电uobserve a persons beh


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