1、 1UNITWhat we wishTo master the reading skillTo understand the textTo practice the phrases and patternsTo learn about letter writing Reading skillsSection B Previewing means that you get an idea of what the reading material is about without actually reading the whole text. PreviewingPreviewingPrevie
2、wing skillsRead the title and subtitles if there are any. Read the first paragraph.Read the last paragraph.Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph.PreviewingLook at Text B. Read only the title, the first paragraph, the first sentences of paragraphs 2-8, and the last paragraph. Make predi
3、ctions about the following questions.PreviewingWhat may be the topic of the passage?Who wrote the letter and to whom was it written?Why did the author write the letter?What topics may be discussed in more details in the text? QuestionsPreviewing skillsRead the title and subtitles if there are any. T
4、he title often gives you the topic or subject of the article. As you read the title, ask yourself, “What may be the main idea of the article?” “What kind of information will I learn from this article?”“What do I already know about this topic?”For example, when you see the title of Text A “Toward a b
5、righter future for all,” you might asked yourself some questions and made some predictions. The questions may be: What is the passage about? Who is the author? Who is the audience?PreviewingPreviewing skillsIt often tells the main idea of the article. As you read the 1st paragraph, continue thinking
6、 about the material and ask yourself, “Does the first paragraph give me any specific information about the article?” “Can I figure out the central idea of this article from the 1st paragraph?”Read the first paragraph.Previewing skillsIt usually provides the summary of the article and leaves the read
7、er with some thoughts on the topic. As you read it, ask yourself “What has the author summarized?” “Did I make a correct prediction about the central idea?”What are the main ideas or main arguments of the article?Read the last paragraph.Previewing skillsMost of the time, the first sentence of a para
8、graph. Most of the time, the first sentence of a paragraph is the topic sentence; in other words, it tells the main idea of that paragraph. Ask yourself,“What may be the main idea of this paragraph?” Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph. Text studySection B UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT07050
9、60804010203Why does the father say it is bittersweet to see his child go to college? (P1-2)1The father is happy that his child is going to college and will have new exciting experiences. Meanwhile, the father feels sad to see the child leave.Why is college the most important years of ones life accor
10、ding to the father?(P.3)2Because it is college that the child will find out what learning is about. How do you understand the statement ”Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school ”? (P.3)3It was made by Einstein. It means that the details you have learned or t
11、he facts you have remembered are not important. What is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have developed a way of thinking and a sense of responsibility. According to the father, what kind of courses should be taken? (P.4)4The father thinks that his child s
12、hould take courses that will stimulate his interest and improve his intellectual capacity . How do you understand Steve Jobs words that when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them? (P.4)5What Steve Jobs meant was that in college, your pas
13、sion will guide you to learn a lot of new and seemingly unconnected things; but later, those unconnected will become connected and help you build your life and career. What is the fathers attitude toward grades?(P.5)6The father warns his child not to be upset by low grades. They are only letters and
14、 are not important.According to the father, what kind of people can become our friends?(P.6)7Genuine and sincere people can become our friends. What is the father eager to see?8The father eager to see what his child will develop into, and what achievements his child will make in the future. Read the
15、 title of text B and predict what may be the topic of the text and what the writers purpose of writing this letter is.Parents wishes;To give advice to the child on how to be sound in mind and bodyPreviewing is not about how accurate your prediction is or how correct your answer is. It is about how p
16、reviewing can make you understand the material better and make your reading easier and more effective.原句:原句:You are about to participate in the next leg of your journey through life. (Para. 1, L1)legleg: : One part of a long journey or race. (旅程或赛程的一段,一程)Sentence interpretationeg. Seattle is the fir
17、st leg of Chairman Xis visit to the United States. Sentence interpretation原句:原句:There has been no greater joy than watching you arrive at this moment. (Para. 2, L2)解释解释: : Our biggest joy is seeing you achieve this.译文:译文:没有什么比看到你走到今天这一步更令我们欣喜的了。Sentence interpretation句型提炼句型提炼没有什么比看到你走到今天这一步更令我们欣喜的了。
18、原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习There has been no greater joy than watching you arrive at this moment. (Para.2, L2)Functional patterns句型应用句型应用There has been no greater joy/sorrow/pride/shame than doing something.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“做某事时某人最大的快乐/痛苦/骄傲/耻辱等”,否定的比较级结构表达最高级的意义。Functional patterns(go through / dream hour
19、s away / accomplish) A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater regret than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant.典型例句人的一生中可能会经历许多挫折,但最令人遗憾的莫过于虚度光阴,一事无成。意群提示Functional patterns最高级最高级的特殊形式的特殊形式: : no +no +比较级比较级 In a mothers eyes, therere no n
20、icer children in the world than her own children. 在母亲的眼中,自己的孩子是世界上最棒的孩子Sentence interpretation最高级最高级的特殊形式的特殊形式: : no +no +比较级比较级 No other flower in this garden as beautiful as this one.这朵花是花园里最漂亮的。Sentence interpretation类似的表示最高级的用法还包括:Nothing in the world is more precious to him than those books.对他而
21、言,没有什么比那些书更珍贵的了。原句原句:Grades in the end are simply letters fit to give the vain something to boast about, and the lazy something to fear. (Para. 5, L5)解释解释: : In the end, grades are just letters. They are only something for conceited people to show off, and something for the lazy people to be afraid
22、of.译文:译文:分数只不过是虚荣的人用以吹嘘和慵懒的人所恐惧的数字而已。Sentence interpretationNote: rich, poor, old, employed, blind,injured 等形容词与定冠词the 连用,表示一类人。 the vain: those people who are vain / conceited (自负的人;自视过高的人)the lazy: those people who are lazy (懒惰的人)这类词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式The injured were sent to the hospital immediately.
23、 伤员被立即送往医院。译文:译文:即使心存疑问,也要尽量相信别人,不要对任何人抱有成见。 姑且相信某人姑且相信某人对某人抱有成见对某人抱有成见原句原句:Give others the benefit of the doubt, and dont reduce anyone to stereotypes. (Para. 6,L12)解释解释: : Even though you may not be so sure, you should treat people as if they are nice and honest. Dont form a premature and fixed id
24、ea about people. Sentence interpretation译文:译文:健康的身体和健全的思想是你将拥有的最大资本。原句原句:A healthy body and a sound mind are the greatest instruments you will ever possess. (Para. 6,L12)解释解释: : A healthy body and a healthy mind are the most important things you will ever have in your life. Sentence interpretationTh
25、e child has a sound mind in a The child has a sound mind in a sound body. sound body. Physically and mentally healthy. Physically and mentally healthy. (生理上或心理上)健康的(生理上或心理上)健康的 Sentence interpretation这孩子身心健康。这孩子身心健康。Interest rates are an important Interest rates are an important instrument of econom
26、ic policy. instrument of economic policy. (usu. sing.) sth. Or sb. That is used to get a (usu. sing.) sth. Or sb. That is used to get a particular result particular result 促成某事的物促成某事的物/ /人人; ; 手段;方手段;方法法Sentence interpretation利率是经济政策的重要手段。利率是经济政策的重要手段。解释解释: : Begin and spend your college years with
27、passion.译文:译文:用满腔的热情拥抱大学时光吧!deal withwith passion原句原句:Approach these years enthusiastically! (Para. 9, L1)Sentence interpretationPractical phrases1. open up 出现,成为可能2. take something seriously 认真对待某事3. sign up for sth. 报名,选课4. be bound by sth. or sb. 被某事或某人所左右5. give sb. the benefit of the doubt 姑且相信
28、某人6. evolve to the fullest potential 发挥出最大的潜力7. be born to do / be sth. 天生适合做某事8. cant wait to do sth. 急着做/等不急做某事出现,成为可能出现,成为可能( as long as/well-prepared/brighter future/open up ) As long as you work hard and get well-prepared today, a brighter future will open up before you tomorrow.open up (L.3)短语
29、逆译短语应用只要你今天努力工作并做好准备,明天一个光明的未来将展现在你的面前。意群提示Practical phrases认真对待某事认真对待某事take something seriously短语逆译(may not be / take them seriously) These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to take them seriously.短语应用这些建议可能不是很完美,但是我们必须认真对待。意群提示Practical phrases报名,选课报名,选课(signing up for / optional course/
30、 time schedule) When signing up for the optional course, many college students will take into consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the courses and so on.sign up for sth.短语逆译短语应用在选择选修课时,很多大学生考虑诸如个人兴趣、时间安排以及课程实用性等因素。意群提示Practical phrases被某事或某人所左右被某事或某人所左右(ke
31、ep an open mind / be bound by ) A wise man tends to keep an open mind to others, but he will never be bound by the ideas held by other people.be bound by sth. or sb.短语逆译短语应用真正聪明的人往往会虚心地听取他人的意见,但永远不会被他人的思想所禁锢。意群提示Practical phrases姑且相信某人姑且相信某人(prepare to / give him the benefit of the doubt) After hear
32、ing his explanation, I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. give sb. the benefit of the doubt短语逆译短语应用听了他的解释,我准备姑且相信他。意群提示Practical phrases发挥出最大的潜力发挥出最大的潜力(encouragement and cheering / sports talent / evolve to the fullest potential) The audiences encouragement and cheering helped his s
33、ports talent evolve to the fullest potential, thus winning the gold medal in the end.evolve to the fullest potential短语逆译短语应用观众的鼓励与喝彩使他的运动潜能发挥到了极致,最终获得了金牌。意群提示Practical phrases天生适合做某事天生适合做某事(be born to be / dance training) Nancy was born to be a dancer. She danced so well without having any dance tra
34、ining.be born to do / be sth.短语逆译短语应用南希天生就是个舞蹈家,她没有经过任何舞蹈训练,却跳得这么好。意群提示Practical phrases迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事(succeed in / could not wait to ) After he succeeded in the job interview yesterday, he could not wait to tell his mother the good news. cant wait to do sth.短语逆译短语应用顺利的通过了昨天的求职面试后,他迫不及待地要告诉妈妈这个好消息。意
35、群提示Practical phrases1. There has been no greater joy/sorrow/pride/shame than doing something.用于表达“做某事时某人最大的快乐/痛苦/骄傲/耻辱等”,否定的比较级结构表达最高级的意义。2. Sb. or sth. will be + 最高级of / in. It is sb. or sth. that.用于“强调某人或某事的重要性或作用”。3. It is better that sb. does sth. than that sb. does sth. else.用于表达“某人做某事比他做其它事情要好
36、”。4. More importantly, (sb.should) do something.用于表达“突出强调做某事的重要性”。Functional patterns句型提炼句型提炼大学将是你人生中最重要的时光。只有在大学里你才会真正发现学习的真谛。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will truly discover what learning is about. (Para.3, L1)Functional patterns句型应用句型应用
37、Sb. or sth. will be + 最高级of / in It is sb. or sth. that.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于“强调某人或某事的重要性或作用”。Functional patterns(acquires abundant knowledge / conduct oneself) School is one of the most important places during ones growth. It is here that one not only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to
38、conduct oneself in society.典型例句在一个人成长过程中,学校是最为重要的地方之一。在这里,你不仅获得丰富的知识,而且学会如何做人。意群提示Functional patterns句型提炼句型提炼你尽了最大的努力而分数不高比你没有努力却得了像样的或更高的分数更有意义。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习It is better that your greatest effort earns a lesser grade than that no effort earns you a decent or higher grade. (Para. 5)Functional pat
39、terns句型应用句型应用It is better that sb. does sth. than that sb. does sth. else.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“某人做某事比他做其它事情要好”。Functional patterns(future holds for us / approach the dangers / passively ) No matter what the future holds for us, it is better that we do our very best to approach the dangers than that
40、we do nothing waiting passively for our end.典型例句无论将来如何,我们尽最大努力应对危险总比坐以待毙要好。意群提示Functional patterns句型提炼句型提炼更重要的是,要结交朋友并相信他人。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习More importantly, make friends and trust others. (Para.6, L1)Functional patterns句型应用句型应用More importantly, (sb. should) do something.句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“突出强调做某事的
41、重要性” 。Functional patterns(similar personality / common interests / contribute to ) Similar personality and common interests may contribute to making friends with others. More importantly, be honest and open to each other.典型例句性格相似、志趣相投会有助于你与他人交友。更为重要的是,要真诚相待,开诚布公。意群提示Functional patterns 1.人生的下一阶段the
42、next leg of ones journey 2.获得更大的成长to grow in incredible ways 3.最重要的事情above all things 4.保持好奇心to stay inquisitive 5.激发某人的激情to stimulate ones passion 6.智力intellectual capacity 7.结下友情form bonds of friendship 8.绽放几十年blossom over many decades 9.相信自己的直觉trust ones instincts10.健全的大脑a sound mind11.一系列的、各种a r
43、ange ofGenuine collocations在大学里,你的激情将会创造出很多个点,以后在生活中你会把这些点连接在一起。a. When you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. (P.4)Language appreciation要记住你的青春充满了力与美,只有到青春逝去时你才能理解这一点。b. Remember that your youth is full of strength and beauty, something
44、 that you will not comprehend until it is gone. (P.7)Language appreciation在你步入成年的这些年里,你在大学里结交的朋友离你比家人更近。你会结下将绽放几十年的友情。c . W h e n y o u m o v e i n t o adulthood, the friends you make in college live close to you than your family. You will form bonds of friendship that will blossom over many decades
45、. (P.6)Language appreciation在大学这段时光里,你会:初尝独立的滋味,拥有最多的自由时光,享有最大的可塑性,承担最低的犯错代价。d. College is the time when you have: the first taste of independence, the greatest amount of free time, the most flexibility to change, the lowest cost for making mistakes. (P. 8)Language appreciationFurther discussion1. H
46、ow did you feel when you were leaving your parents for college?2. What expectations do your parents have for you and do you follow these ideas?3. Steve Jobs talked about “dots” in life. Can you give an example of your “dots”, through which you will connect a beautiful curve in the future?Further dis
47、cussion1. How did you feel when you were leaving your parents for college?I felt somewhat homesick when the time came for me to leave my parents for college, because I had been loved and taken care of by them for years. I miss all the comforts and privacy they provided for me at home. But in the mea
48、nwhile, I felt excited about my new experience of living on campus. For me, living on my own was an indication of independence and responsibilities. I was looking forward to this new and exciting leg of my life journey.They have very high expectations of me and they expect me to try my best in all a
49、spects. They told me how important college experience will be in my life and how many opportunities college education will open up before me.2. What expectations do your parents have for you and do you follow these ideas?Further discussionThe most impressive advice my parents gave me is that they re
50、minded me not to spend all the time on the disciplines of my major. Instead, I should try to read as widely as possible. They are very valuable advice for me.2. What expectations do your parents have for you and do you follow these ideas?Further discussion3 Steve Jobs talked about “dots” in life. Ca
51、n you give an example of your “dots”, through which you will connect a beautiful curve in the future?Further discussionWhen Steve Jobs talked about “dots” in life, he actually referred to many new and seemingly unconnected things people may learn through their life. In the past years, my passion ins
52、pired me to learn a lot of “dots”, among which learning to be an honest man is the most impressive one. Being an honest man is both my parents expectation of me and that of my teachers. With this idea deeply rooted in my mind, I have been doing my best to be honest in all aspects, ranging from acade
53、mic performance in school to social contact with others outside the campus. I am sure this will undeniably help me a lot in my life.3 Steve Jobs talked about “dots” in life. Can you give an example of your “dots”, through which you will connect a beautiful curve in the future?Further discussionTalk
54、about a Chinese idiom “出类拔萃出类拔萃” (ch li b cu )” in terms of Chinese education.Further discussion1. What does “出类拔萃” (ch li b cu) mean?2. Why do people often say that Chinese idiom “出类拔萃” (ch li b cu) is the symbol of great expectations that Chinese parents have for their children?Further discussion
55、It actually originated from a comment made by Confucian philosopher Mengz (Mencius) on Kngz (Confucius). The original phrase was “出出于其类于其类, 拔乎其萃拔乎其萃”. It refers to people that was born like everyone else, yet grows into someone with extraordinary talent or capacity. Later on, the phrase was simplifi
56、ed into “出类拔萃”. 1. What does “出类拔萃” (ch li b cu) mean?Further discussion You might have heard of how strict most Chinese parents are to their children on their academic performance, talent and skills. The four- character idiom “出类拔萃” is written in the eyes of most Chinese parents while they look at
57、their children and envision their childrens future. They expect their children to grow into an extraordinary person.2. Why do people often say that Chinese idiom “出类拔萃” (ch li b cu) is the symbol of great expectations that Chinese parents have for their children?Further discussionThematic study Comp
58、arative studySection B 2. From a freshmans perspective, whose ideas impress you most? What do you expect of your future college years?1. Comparison between the presidents ideas and the parents.1. Comparison between the presidents ideas and the parents.Presidents ideas1. To take full advantage of the
59、 opportunity;2. To challenge themselves;3. To face new exciting experiences;4. To reap the benefits of college years;5. To carry responsibilities.Parents ideas1. To grow in incredible ways;2. To take the courses seriously; 3. To make friends with genuine people;4. To treasure the youth and university experience;5. To spend college years with passion.As a freshman, I think the ideas of both people are helpful and practical to me. For the next four years, I would expect to: live a colorful and meaningful life; enrich my mind and broaden my horizon; participate in a variety of activities; make
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