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1、By Kang Yong皖南医学院外语教研室 The Philadelphia StoryThe Philadelphia Story ( (费城故事费城故事) ) The Philadelphia StoryThe Philadelphia Story ( (费城故事费城故事) ) Post-seeing tasksPost-seeing tasksQuestions for further discussion:Questions for further discussion:1.1. Whats the plot summary of this Whats the plot summar

2、y of this movie?movie?2.2. Analyze the characteristics of such Analyze the characteristics of such major characters as Tracy Lord major characters as Tracy Lord and others or what motivations and others or what motivations result in their characteristics .result in their characteristics .3.3. You ca

3、n say anything about this You can say anything about this movie.movie.Major Characters:Major Characters:Cary GrantCary Grant.C.K. Dexter Haven.C.K. Dexter Haven加里加里. .格兰特格兰特. . C.K. C.K.德克斯特德克斯特. .海文海文Katharine HepburnKatharine Hepburn. .Tracy Lord.Tracy Lord凯瑟琳凯瑟琳. .赫本赫本. . .特蕾西特蕾西. .洛德洛德James Stew

4、ardJames Steward.Macaulay Connor.Macaulay Connor詹姆斯詹姆斯. .斯图尔特斯图尔特. . .麦考利麦考利. .康纳康纳Ruth HusseyRuth Hussey. .Elizabeth Imbrie.Elizabeth Imbrie (Liz) (Liz)鲁思鲁思. .赫西赫西. .伊莎贝拉伊莎贝拉. .英布里(莉兹)英布里(莉兹)John HowardJohn Howard.George Kittredge.George Kittredge约翰约翰. .霍华德霍华德. . .乔治乔治. .吉特里奇吉特里奇Roland YoungRoland

5、Young. .Uncle WillieUncle Willie罗兰罗兰. .扬扬威利叔叔威利叔叔John HallidayJohn Halliday. . .Seth LordSeth Lord约翰约翰. .哈利迪哈利迪.塞思塞思. .洛德洛德Mary NashMary Nash. .Margaret Lord.Margaret Lord玛丽玛丽. .纳什纳什. .玛格丽特玛格丽特. .洛德洛德 Virginia WeidlerVirginia Weidler. . . .Dinah Lord.Dinah Lord弗吉尼亚弗吉尼亚. .韦德勒韦德勒. . .黛纳黛纳. .洛德洛德Henry

6、DaniellHenry Daniell.Sidney Kidd.Sidney Kidd亨利亨利. .丹尼尔丹尼尔. . .西德尼西德尼. .基德基德The Philadelphia StoryThe Philadelphia Story ( (费城故事费城故事) ) Plot SummaryPlot Summary Philadelphia heiress Tracy Lord Philadelphia heiress Tracy Lord throws out her playboy husband C. K. throws out her playboy husband C. K. De

7、xter Haven shortly after their Dexter Haven shortly after their marriage. Two years later, Tracy Lord marriage. Two years later, Tracy Lord prepares to marry againprepares to marry againhowever, in however, in the days before her wedding, Haven the days before her wedding, Haven and a reporter, posi

8、ng as her and a reporter, posing as her brothers friend, show up at her brothers friend, show up at her doorstep. From there, Tracy is forced doorstep. From there, Tracy is forced to choose among her past love, her to choose among her past love, her present love, and her new love.present love, and h

9、er new love.情节梗概:情节梗概: 费城女继承人特蕾西.洛德结束了她与花花公子C.K.德克斯特.海文的短暂婚姻生活。两年后,特蕾西.洛德准备再婚然而,在她婚礼前的几天,海文和一个记者佯装成她哥哥的朋友,出现在了她家门口。从那一刻开始,特蕾西.洛德不得不面对她的旧爱新欢并做出抉择。 三男一女多角恋爱的角逐 (Triangle love or Multi-angle love)TriviaTrivia The film was shot in eight weeks, and The film was shot in eight weeks, and required no retake

10、s. James Stewart required no retakes. James Stewart (Macaulay Connor) thought of (Macaulay Connor) thought of hiccupping in the drunk scene himself, hiccupping in the drunk scene himself, without telling Cary Grant (C. K. without telling Cary Grant (C. K. Dexter Haven ). When he began Dexter Haven )

11、. When he began hiccupping, Grant turned to Steward hiccupping, Grant turned to Steward saying, “Excuse me.” the scene saying, “Excuse me.” the scene required only one take. required only one take. 花絮: 电影只用了八个星期就完成了拍摄,并且没有重拍。那场醉酒后“打酒嗝”的戏是詹姆斯.斯图尔特即兴想出来的,他并没有提前告诉加里.格兰特。因而在拍摄时,当他开始打嗝,格兰特(惊讶地)转过身来对他说了一句

12、:“不好意思。”那场戏一条便过。 With director George Cukor on board, With director George Cukor on board, Katharine Hepburns first choice of co-Katharine Hepburns first choice of co-star, Clark Gable, was never going to be a star, Clark Gable, was never going to be a possibility, Gable had had Cukor fired possibil

13、ity, Gable had had Cukor fired from directing Gone with the Wind (1939) from directing Gone with the Wind (1939) because he detested the directors because he detested the directors obvious homosexuality.obvious homosexuality. 据导演乔治据导演乔治. .丘克透露,在这部戏中凯瑟琳丘克透露,在这部戏中凯瑟琳. .赫本最初赫本最初希望合作的男明星克拉克希望合作的男明星克拉克.

14、.盖博完全不在他的考虑范盖博完全不在他的考虑范围之内。因为早在执导围之内。因为早在执导乱世佳人乱世佳人(19391939年)时,年)时,盖博就炒了丘克的鱿鱼,因为他厌恶导演明显的同盖博就炒了丘克的鱿鱼,因为他厌恶导演明显的同性恋倾向。性恋倾向。 Cary Grant (Cary Grant (C. K. Dexter HavenC. K. Dexter Haven) ) demanded top billing and $100,000 demanded top billing and $100,000 salary-a huge amount at the time. salary-a hu

15、ge amount at the time. As it transpired though, he donated As it transpired though, he donated his entire earnings to the British his entire earnings to the British War Relief Fund.War Relief Fund. 加里加里. .格兰特不仅要求在这部电影中领衔主演,格兰特不仅要求在这部电影中领衔主演,同时还提出了同时还提出了1010万美元的片酬要求这在当万美元的片酬要求这在当时可是笔巨款。但有消息透露,他将收入全时可

16、是笔巨款。但有消息透露,他将收入全部捐献给了英国战争救济基金会。部捐献给了英国战争救济基金会。 One of the goofs in this film: When One of the goofs in this film: When Mike is outside the library, there are Mike is outside the library, there are no columns outside, but when he no columns outside, but when he enters, the shot from inside the enter

17、s, the shot from inside the library shows one.library shows one. 电影中有一个这样的穿帮镜头:当迈克在图书电影中有一个这样的穿帮镜头:当迈克在图书馆外的时候,外面并没有圆柱。可当他走进图馆外的时候,外面并没有圆柱。可当他走进图书馆,从里面望出去时,却有根柱子立在那里。书馆,从里面望出去时,却有根柱子立在那里。AnnotationsAnnotations(注解)(注解) The Former PartThe Former Partmy eyemy eye:completely untrue or nonsensical comple

18、tely untrue or nonsensical 瞎说;胡说瞎说;胡说sort ofsort of:to some extentto some extent;in some way or other in some way or other 有几分,有几分,有点儿有点儿 apt toapt to: likely or having a tendency to do sth: likely or having a tendency to do sth 易于做某事;有做某事的倾向易于做某事;有做某事的倾向 live up tolive up to: behave in accordance w

19、ith sth: behave in accordance with sth 依某事物行事;表现出符合某事物的标准依某事物行事;表现出符合某事物的标准between ourselvesbetween ourselves: secretly : secretly 私底下私底下dirty sthdirty sth up up:make sthmake sth dirty dirty 把把弄脏弄脏get itget it:understand understand 明白;理解明白;理解on impulseon impulse:suddenly and without previous thinkin

20、g suddenly and without previous thinking or planningor planning一时冲动,心血来潮一时冲动,心血来潮 an absolute ratan absolute rat:(:(informalinformal)a despicablea despicable,sneaky personsneaky person,especially one who especially one who betrays or informs upon associates betrays or informs upon associates 卑鄙小人;令人

21、生厌的人,尤指出卖或背叛朋友的卑鄙小人;令人生厌的人,尤指出卖或背叛朋友的人。人。fall for sthfall for sth:allow oneself to be persuaded allow oneself to be persuaded by sthby sth,espesp unwisely unwisely 相信某事(尤指不明智)相信某事(尤指不明智)fall for sbfall for sb:be attracted by sbbe attracted by sb;fall in love fall in love with sbwith sb被某人所吸引;爱上某人被某人

22、所吸引;爱上某人in the pinkin the pink:in perfect conditionin perfect condition;extremely extremely healthy healthy 非常健康,状况极佳非常健康,状况极佳best manbest man:male friend or relative of the male friend or relative of the bridegroom who supports him at his bridegroom who supports him at his wedding wedding 伴郎,男宾相伴郎,

23、男宾相 on account ofon account of:because of because of 由于由于downdowntotoearthearth:practicalpractical,sensiblesensible现实的;实际的现实的;实际的dogdog:(:(informalinformal)a person a person 家伙家伙make outmake out:understandunderstandgo forgo for:be fond ofbe fond of; like like 喜欢喜欢(rightright)up ones streetup ones st

24、reet:(:(informalinformal)within ones area of interestwithin ones area of interest,knowledgeknowledge,etc etc 在某人的兴趣、知识等在某人的兴趣、知识等范围内;正合适范围内;正合适bansheebanshee:female spirit with a distinct female spirit with a distinct wailwail,thought by some to warn of thought by some to warn of death in a house de

25、ath in a house 报丧女妖报丧女妖a tower of strengtha tower of strength:person who can person who can be relied on for protectionbe relied on for protection,strength strength or comfort in time of troubleor comfort in time of trouble危难时可危难时可依赖的人;靠山依赖的人;靠山lord and masterlord and master:husband husband inasmuch

26、 asinasmuch as:becausebecausegypgyp:cheat cheat 骗子骗子hike uphike up:to raise to raise 提起提起 The Latter Part The Latter Partthe dickensthe dickensthe Devilthe Devil用以加强语气,尤其用于用以加强语气,尤其用于疑问句中疑问句中What/Who/Where the dickens is What/Who/Where the dickens is thatthat?到底是什么?到底是什么/ /谁谁/ /在哪儿?在哪儿?coals to Newc

27、astlecoals to Newcastle:多此一举;徒劳无功:多此一举;徒劳无功doggonedoggone:DamnDamnshootshoot:(:(slangslang)to begin talkingto begin talking(often often used in the imperativeused in the imperative)( (俚语俚语) ) 开始说(常开始说(常用于祈使句)用于祈使句)eyeeyeopeneropener:sthsth surprising surprisinggo through with sthgo through with sth:

28、do sthdo sth necessary to necessary to complete or take complete or take 进行完,参加进行完,参加no diceno dice:(:(slangslang)no agreement no agreement bright bright (sthsth)upup:(:(cause sth/sbcause sth/sb to to)become brighterbecome brighter,more cheerful or more more cheerful or more hopeful hopeful (使某物或某人)

29、焕发出光彩,更愉快或(使某物或某人)焕发出光彩,更愉快或更有希望更有希望pincherpincher:小气鬼:小气鬼in sbsin sbs pocket pocket:be very close to intimate be very close to intimate with sb with sb 与某人很亲密与某人很亲密numbernumber:(:(slangslang)a person or thing with a person or thing with special characteristics special characteristics come alongcome

30、 along:appearappearcheekcheek:impudence impudence 脸皮厚,厚颜无耻脸皮厚,厚颜无耻 straight outstraight out:franklyfrankly;without hesitation without hesitation pop uppop up:appear suddenlyappear suddenlycome to ones sensecome to ones sense:stop behaving stop behaving foolishly or irrationally foolishly or irration

31、ally 明白过来,不再做傻事明白过来,不再做傻事in good shapein good shape:in good condition in good condition 状态很好状态很好be through withbe through with:have finishedhave finishedstraight offstraight offright offright off:without hesitation without hesitation or delay or delay 毫不犹豫毫不犹豫Let bygones be bygonesLet bygones be byg

32、ones:过去的就过去吧;既:过去的就过去吧;既 往不咎往不咎 Suggested AFTER Viewing Activities:Suggested AFTER Viewing Activities: 1. Have students written a movie review 1. Have students written a movie review for THE PHILADELPHIA STORY. They for THE PHILADELPHIA STORY. They should include a basic plot summary. should include

33、 a basic plot summary. In addition, students should analyze In addition, students should analyze the literary, dramatic and cinematic the literary, dramatic and cinematic elements of the film, such as plot (was elements of the film, such as plot (was it simple, complex, realistic, it simple, complex

34、, realistic, convolutedconvoluted); dialogue; acting; sets; ); dialogue; acting; sets; costumes; and makeup, if significant. costumes; and makeup, if significant. Remind students they need to support Remind students they need to support their evaluations with evidence from their evaluations with evi

35、dence from the movie.the movie. 2. Have students written love Have students written love letters or admiring letters, from letters or admiring letters, from one character to another. Discuss one character to another. Discuss the possible exchanges: 1) Dexter the possible exchanges: 1) Dexter to Trac

36、y or vice versa, 2) to Tracy or vice versa, 2) Macaulay to Tracy or vice versa, Macaulay to Tracy or vice versa, 3) Elizabeth to Macaulay or vice 3) Elizabeth to Macaulay or vice versa, 4) George to Tracy, 5) versa, 4) George to Tracy, 5) Uncle Willie to Elizabeth, 6) Seth Uncle Willie to Elizabeth,

37、 6) Seth Lord to Margaret Lord or vice Lord to Margaret Lord or vice versa.versa.The review of this filmThe review of this film REVIEW ONE:REVIEW ONE: Preparations for the wedding are in full swing. Preparations for the wedding are in full swing. Tracy Lord (Katharine Hepburn) thinks that Tracy Lord

38、 (Katharine Hepburn) thinks that shes found just the man for her, George shes found just the man for her, George Kittredge (John Howard), after her earlier Kittredge (John Howard), after her earlier failed union with C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary failed union with C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant). The cerem

39、ony looks as if it could be a Grant). The ceremony looks as if it could be a bit empty though since Tracy hasnt invited her bit empty though since Tracy hasnt invited her father Seth Lord (John Halliday) or C.K. while father Seth Lord (John Halliday) or C.K. while her little sister still prefers C.K

40、. over George. her little sister still prefers C.K. over George. However, unknown to her, C.K. is planning to However, unknown to her, C.K. is planning to attend - with a little surprise. Knowing just attend - with a little surprise. Knowing just how much Tracy detests publicity he is how much Tracy

41、 detests publicity he is planning to smuggle two reporters into the planning to smuggle two reporters into the wedding, although theres also the small wedding, although theres also the small matter of blackmail by the smutty magazines matter of blackmail by the smutty magazines editor. The so-called

42、 friends are Macaulay editor. The so-called friends are Macaulay Connor (James Stewart), a writer, and Connor (James Stewart), a writer, and Elizabeth ImbrieElizabeth Imbrie (Ruth Hussey), a photographer. (Ruth Hussey), a photographer. When all three arrive suddenly, the day before When all three ar

43、rive suddenly, the day before the wedding, the Lord are justifiably suspicious the wedding, the Lord are justifiably suspicious and soon realize the truth. However they must and soon realize the truth. However they must keep up the pretence due to blackmail involving keep up the pretence due to blac

44、kmail involving Seth, who also turns up unannounced. The Seth, who also turns up unannounced. The scene is thus set for some memorably amusing scene is thus set for some memorably amusing scenes, especially when C.K. and Tracy are scenes, especially when C.K. and Tracy are alone together. Knowing ea

45、ch others alone together. Knowing each others weaknesses they continue to verbally spar, weaknesses they continue to verbally spar, throwing insults, witty rejoinders and catty throwing insults, witty rejoinders and catty remarks in a hailstorm of words. Underpinning remarks in a hailstorm of words.

46、 Underpinning this is the knowledge that they still care for this is the knowledge that they still care for each other whatever their respective flaws. An each other whatever their respective flaws. An example is that both C.K. and Seth remark that example is that both C.K. and Seth remark that Trac

47、y is like a goddess; all looks, perfection and Tracy is like a goddess; all looks, perfection and invulnerability but with no heart or ability to invulnerability but with no heart or ability to understand the weaknesses of others. Tracy understand the weaknesses of others. Tracy recognizes this and

48、longs to change, to the recognizes this and longs to change, to the extent that when she flirts with Macaulay we extent that when she flirts with Macaulay we see only human qualities. see only human qualities. Events reach a climax at the pre-wedding Events reach a climax at the pre-wedding party wh

49、ere Tracy gets gloriously drunk party where Tracy gets gloriously drunk (although -of course she doesnt drink!) (although -of course she doesnt drink!) and realizes that George also visualizes and realizes that George also visualizes her in an ivory tower. Flirting even more her in an ivory tower. F

50、lirting even more with down-to-earth Macaulay we see how with down-to-earth Macaulay we see how well they fit together, although Macaulay well they fit together, although Macaulay avoids further problems by leaving the avoids further problems by leaving the party to visit Dexter. Here he provides th

51、e party to visit Dexter. Here he provides the ammo to out-blackmail his scheming ammo to out-blackmail his scheming editor and winds up leaving with Tracy, editor and winds up leaving with Tracy, who arrived with Imbriewho arrived with Imbrie after an after an argument with George (complicated!). ar

52、gument with George (complicated!). Their alcohol-fuelled emotions run away Their alcohol-fuelled emotions run away with them somewhat leading to some with them somewhat leading to some revealing moments when both C.K. and revealing moments when both C.K. and George arrive. The aftershocks George arr

53、ive. The aftershocks reverberate the next day, at the wedding, reverberate the next day, at the wedding, with unexpected consequences. with unexpected consequences. This movie is, simply, one of the great This movie is, simply, one of the great comedies. The dialogue is electric, comedies. The dialo

54、gue is electric, immensely funny, penetrating and moving immensely funny, penetrating and moving - not a single word is wasted. Coupled - not a single word is wasted. Coupled with this script are several outstanding with this script are several outstanding pieces of acting by the well chosen cast pi

55、eces of acting by the well chosen cast - so good that its difficult to choose the - so good that its difficult to choose the best performance - with Stewart best performance - with Stewart especially memorable. Almost every especially memorable. Almost every moment works, although scenes moment work

56、s, although scenes involving Seth seem a little out-of-place involving Seth seem a little out-of-place in todays enlightened climate. Still, in todays enlightened climate. Still, unless you are easily offended, I would unless you are easily offended, I would recommend this film to all as a well-reco

57、mmend this film to all as a well-paced, verbal comedy lifted by actors in paced, verbal comedy lifted by actors in their prime.their prime. REVIEW TWO:REVIEW TWO: Its witty dialogue, romantic Its witty dialogue, romantic complications, and class-skewering complications, and class-skewering satire ar

58、e hallmarks of screwball satire are hallmarks of screwball comedy, but George Cukors classic comedy, but George Cukors classic The The Philadelphia StoryPhiladelphia Story doesnt turn on doesnt turn on absurd situations, outlandish behavior, absurd situations, outlandish behavior, or unpredictable p

59、lot twists. Instead, its or unpredictable plot twists. Instead, its a more mature and humanistic social a more mature and humanistic social satire, a comedy of manners skewering satire, a comedy of manners skewering every kind of snobbery: not only the every kind of snobbery: not only the class-base

60、d snobbery of the rich against class-based snobbery of the rich against the poor the poor and the poor against the and the poor against the rich rich but also the intellectual snobbery but also the intellectual snobbery of the literate against the popular, and of the literate against the popular, an


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