1、English Newsppt:演讲:economic newsCONTENTSpolitical newsKey wordseconomic news The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) decideThe Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) decided tod to cutthecutthe reserve requirement ratio (R reserve requirement ratio (RRR) forRR) for RMBdepositsRMBdeposits by 1 percentage poin by 1 pe
2、rcentage pointt startingstarting Oct 15. Oct 15. 中国人民银行近日决定,自中国人民银行近日决定,自1010月月1515日起将把人日起将把人民币存款准备金率下调民币存款准备金率下调1 1个百分点。个百分点。 Wen Bin, chief researcher ofWen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMinsheChinaMinshengng Bank, said that the move Bank, said that the move would would unleashunleash 1.2 trillion
3、 1.2 trillion yuanyuan of capital int of capital into the market, but it would not change tho the market, but it would not change the central banks stancee central banks stance ofstickingofsticking to a to aprudent and neutral monetary policy, asprudent and neutral monetary policy, asits goal was to
4、 reduce financingits goal was to reduce financing costsocostsof f the real economy. the real economy. 中国民生银行首席研究员温彬表示,此举将把中国民生银行首席研究员温彬表示,此举将把1.21.2万亿元人民币的资金释放入市场,但这不万亿元人民币的资金释放入市场,但这不会改变央行坚持审慎和中性的货币政策的立场,会改变央行坚持审慎和中性的货币政策的立场,其目标是降低实体经济的融资成本。其目标是降低实体经济的融资成本。 A statement of the central bank saiA stat
5、ement of the central bank said that some of the liquidity unleasd that some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 45hed will be used to payback the 450 billion0 billion yuanyuan of the of the mediumtermmediumterm le lending facility that will mature onnding facility that will mature
6、 onOct 15.Oct 15. 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部分流动性将用于偿还部分流动性将用于偿还1010月月1515日到期的日到期的45004500亿元中期借贷便利亿元中期借贷便利 There are sufficient conditions foThere are sufficient conditions for the RMB exchange rate to remain br the RMB exchange rate to remain basically stable atasically stable at areasonabl
7、eareasonable and andbalanced level, it said.balanced level, it said. 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。上保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。 political news Former South Korean president LeeFormer South Korean president Lee MyungbakMyungbak hasbeenhasbeen jailed for 15 year jailed for 15 years for corruptio
8、n.s for corruption. 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判入狱入狱1515年。年。 Lee was sentenced in a Seoul courtLee was sentenced in a Seoul courtlast Fridaylast Friday onchargesoncharges of bribery, e of bribery, embezzlement and abusembezzlement and abuse of of powerpower, and ordered to pay a 13 bill, and
9、 ordered to pay a 13 billion won fine.ion won fine. 上周五,李明博因涉嫌贿赂、贪污和滥用上周五,李明博因涉嫌贿赂、贪污和滥用权力而在首尔法院被判刑,并被勒令支付权力而在首尔法院被判刑,并被勒令支付130130亿韩元的罚款。亿韩元的罚款。 The former president claims the chaThe former president claims the chargesrges are politicallyare politically motivated. motivated. 这位前总统称这些指控是出于政治动机。这位前总统
10、称这些指控是出于政治动机。 TheThe judge at Seoul Central Distric judge at Seoul Central District Court said heavy punishment fort Court said heavy punishment forthe accusedthe accused isinevitableisinevitable because o because of the serious nature of the crimes.f the serious nature of the crimes. 首尔中央地方法院的法官称,由
11、于犯罪首尔中央地方法院的法官称,由于犯罪的严重性,的严重性,“对被告的严厉惩罚是不可对被告的严厉惩罚是不可避免的避免的”。 The court found the former leader aThe court found the former leader accepted billions of won from majorccepted billions of won from majorelectronicselectronics firmSamsungfirmSamsung in return f in return for pardoning its chairman, Leeo
12、r pardoning its chairman, Lee KunhKunheeee. The company denies having. The company denies having given given thethe former president the money. former president the money. 该法院认定这位前领导人收受了电子公该法院认定这位前领导人收受了电子公司三星数十亿韩元,以此作为赦免其董司三星数十亿韩元,以此作为赦免其董事长李健熙的答谢。不过三星方面否认事长李健熙的答谢。不过三星方面否认给了李明博这笔钱。给了李明博这笔钱。Key words commercecommerce km:s n. 贸易,商业 prudentprudent pru:dnt adj.
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