1、Unit test 1Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.· impromptu· attendance· impressive· acceptance· ambitious· resistance· defy· productive· ingenious· skip· allot·
2、 elapsed· impose· continuous· adolescent· obstacle· permanently· chronologically· untimely· uncertainty 1. Leave it to Carlos to think of a(n) solution to our most difficult problem! Your answer Correct answer ingenious ingenious 2. For me
3、, the biggest to becoming an astronaut is my poor math skills. Your answer Correct answer obstacle obstacle 3. I have no idea how much time since she leftI fell asleep. Your answer Correct answer elapsd elapsed 4. After college, I travelled through Europe, a
4、nd the most thing I saw was the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Your answer Correct answer impressive impressive 5. , which of the following events happened first? Your answer Correct answer Chronologically Chronologically 6. Steve is one of the most people I know; h
5、e wants to own his own business by the time he's 25. Your answer Correct answer ambitious ambitious 7. Jack still acts like a(n) and thinks everything is a game. Your answer Correct answer adolescent adolescent 8. A newspaper reader can select what he is
6、 interested in and what he thinks is boring. Your answer Correct answer skip skip 9. After his plane landed, the prime minister gave a(n) speech about global warming. Your answer Correct answer impromptu impromptu 10. I told my parents I wanted to take a yea
7、r off before going to college, and my suggestion surprisingly met with little . Your answer Correct answer resistance resistance 11. The world was shocked by the death of the young singer. Your answer Correct answer untimely untimely 12. "How dare you a
8、 direct order? You're a soldier now!" Your answer Correct answer defy defy 13. She was disfigured by the fire, but it soon came to represent her determination to succeed in life. Your answer Correct answer permanently permanently 14. During the Worl
9、d Cup, in class was down because everyone stayed at home to watch television. Your answer Correct answer attendance attendance 15. I had five exams last weekit was like one long, nightmare. Your answer Correct answer continuous continuous 16. Normally, we on
10、e vote to each member, but this is a special case. Your answer Correct answer allot allot 17. I can remember feeling very insecure when I was young; I was desperate for my classmates' . Your answer Correct answer acceptance acceptance 18. Her final year
11、of school was marked by considerable as she tried to figure out what to do next. Your answer Correct answer uncertainty uncertainty 19. I've tried working in the morning, but I find that I'm most late at night. Your answer Correct answer productive p
12、roductive 20. Ernie is a really decent guy; he would never try to his beliefs on someone else. Your answer Correct answer impose impose Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. We don't have the budget to do everything, so I'm afraid your plan will have
13、 to go the back burner. Your answer Correct answer to on 22. All I need is some peace and quiet, and I'll be able to figure a solution. Your answer Correct answer out out 23. Brace yourself some bad news, this doesn't look good. Your an
14、swer Correct answer for for 24. It's all down you! Don't let us down! Your answer Correct answer to to 25. The new evidence creates a lot of uncertainty who really reached America first. Your answer Correct answer about about 26. I'm only
15、a law school studentI'm hardly any position to help you with your legal problems. Your answer Correct answer in in 27. In the back my mind, I have my doubts about whether he's right for the job. Your answer Correct answer of of 28. He is having a sho
16、t cooking his own dinner. Your answer Correct answer at at 29. Jessica had her life mapped since she was a little girl: college, marriage, children, career. Your answer Correct answer out out 30. Quick, cram the bag the bed! Your answer Correct
17、 answer of under Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.For ten years, I lived in the city and loved it. Everything was stable, and I didn't have many worries. Then, within one month, I got a (31) at work and my girlfriend and I decided to get married.
18、Suddenly, my life was in (32) with big changes ahead! The new position at work was wonderful. I was no longer relegated to the (33). My boss was starting to notice all of my hard work! After a (34) speech about my new responsibilities, my boss took me to my new private office. Fantastic! I didn'
19、t have to sit in the (35) of the office anymore, behind the copy machine. I loved my job already. My girlfriend also suggested that we move out of the city and buy a house in the suburbs. We had been city (36) for so long that it was a difficult decision for us to make. On top of that, I was worried
20、 about taking out a (37) for the house. My new job paid better, but our resources were still (38). Finding a down payment would be tough. In the end, we decided to go for it. There's no time like the present, right? With the new job, I could honestly say that I had a (39) career, so it felt righ
21、t to take the plunge and buy a house. After all these changes, we'd be ready to just relax and enjoy life. So, we took on a honeymoon to the (40) California. Your answer Correct answer (31) promotion promotion (32) transition transition (33) sidelines sidelines
22、 (34) lengthy lengthy (35) rear rear (36) dwellers dwellers (37) mortgage mortgage (38) finite finite (39) budding budding (40) coastal coastal Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.It would be a fairly a
23、ccurate statement to say that, when I was in elementary school and high school, I was a painfully shy child. I usually kept to myself, had only a few friends, and rarely spoke in class. My parents were always very busy, so they never pushed me to become more involved in activities and meet more peop
24、le. I was perfectly happy by myself. I spent much of my time with my nose buried in a book. The only times that I ventured away from the comforts of my bedroom were when I explored the seemingly endless aisles of stocked bookshelves at my favourite bookstore. In retrospect, it was no surprise that I
25、 read with such an incredible appetite. Reading was my escape. My favourite books were adventure and travel storiesstories that brought the readers to exotic, unexplored, or dangerous places. These were places I longed to go, and they were adventures I yearned to experience, but I knew it was all ju
26、st a fantasy. I had a hard time working up the nerve to talk to a fellow classmate, I knew there was no way I could travel around the world and live out one of these adventures. Therefore, I read. I read every book I could find that promised adventure, excitement, or escape. By the time I graduated
27、from high school, I had probably read more books than our school had in its library. It was quite an achievement, but no one knew about it except for me. I told no one because I had no one to tell. My only friend was Justin, and that relationship only existed because we had been next-door neighbours
28、 for fifteen years. Like most of my classmates, I applied to college and eventually worked up the courage to go. It wasn't easy. I had lived at home with my parents my whole life, and I rarely ever thought about leaving. However, it had finally become inevitable; I couldn't stay with them fo
29、rever. I attended a local college and moved out to live in a dormitory with a roommate. It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified. My roommate's name was Greg, and the first few weeks of school were very awkward. He kept trying to start conversations and be friendl
30、y. I was able to answer his questions, of course, but I found it difficult to keep the conversation going. I just wasn't used to itI had no practice at this sort of thing. Then one day I returned from an afternoon class and found him reading a Jack London book. Suddenly, I found that I had a hun
31、dred questions to ask Greg. Did he like Jack London? Which was his favourite book? Did he read a lot? What other authors did he like? The list was endless. To my surprise, Greg was also in love with adventure and travel books. One of his dreams was to travel around the world and follow in the footst
32、eps of some of history's greatest explorers. There must have been magic at work that day. It was as if my shyness suddenly disappeared. Greg and I talked for hours about our favourite books and dreams of travel. I also found it easier to talk to other people at school and make friends since that
33、 day. I felt like the world opened up to me. So many things suddenly seemed possible. In fact, Greg and I are planning a great adventure for this summer! It may have taken me a while, but I finally found a way to break out of my shell and start enjoying life. 41. Which of the following is a rite of
34、passage that helped the writer to become less shy? A. Attending high school. B. Reading many books. C. Attending college. D. Planning a great adventure. 42. In which paragraph does the author compare his desire to read to hunger? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5. 43. Wh
35、ich of the following would make the best title for this passage? A. A Painfully Shy Child B. My College Life C. Travels with Greg D. Breaking Out of My Shell 44. "It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified." What does the writer mean by this statement? A. He w
36、asn't nervous at all. B. He was mildly nervous. C. He was as nervous as usual. D. He was extraordinarily nervous. 45. Which of the following statements can you infer from the passage? A. Jack London wrote exciting stories. B. Jack London wrote dull stories. C. Jack London wasn't a famous wri
37、ter. D. Jack London was the writer's favourite writer. Unit test 21. When was the last time you were in _ with your childhood friends? A. context B. contact C. control D. content 2. Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _ when he wasn't interested. A. float B. soar C. sink D. drift 3. Mrs
38、Jones didn't trust Jack, so she was very _ to let him cut her grass. A. reluctant B. reluctantly C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically 4. My house seems to be in a _ state of disrepairsomething is always broken! A. perpetually B. perpetual C. perpetuity D. perpetuate 5. The problem needs to be loo
39、ked at from a historical _ . A. prospective B. directive C. perspective D. executive 6. Dr. Carter has written _ about the brain and its influence on our emotions. A. extensively B. intensively C. extensive D. intensive 7. The accident of last week _ a review of school safety policy. A. prompted B.
40、prompt C. prompting D. prompts 8. I am easily _ by ice cream, so it's probably the best if I don't look at the dessert menu. A. tempt B. tempts C. tempting D. tempted 9. Wouldn't it be _ if we didn't need to worry about money? A. predictable B. marvellous C. astonishing D. depressing
41、 10. Researchers claim that there is a _ link between caffeine and headaches. A. definite B. definitely C. definition D. defined 11. It's incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _ on other people for everything. A. depending B. dependence C. dependent D. dependents 12. The criminal d
42、evised an _ plan to escape from prison. A. intrinsic B. intricate C. intrepid D. intrusive 13. The court brought a _ against the escaped prisoner. A. persecution B. persecute C. prosecution D. prosecute 14. Thank you for the offer to stay for dinner, but we don't want to _. A. pose B. compose C.
43、 propose D. impose 15. Pedro's friends organized a friendly _ to help him deal with his alcohol abuse. A. contravention B. invention C. intervention D. prevention 16. It's impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal and _ at its beauty. A. respect B. flaunt C. marvel D. admire 17. We sho
44、uld hire an _ reviewer who isn't biased one way or the other. A. internal B. outdoor C. indoor D. external 18. I'm so excited for the new movie that waiting all year for it has been like _. A. tortures B. torturing C. tortuous D. torture 19. Dylan likes to write _ during his free time on the
45、 weekend. A. poetry B. poet C. poetic D. poem 20. The waterfall provided a _ source of soothing background noise. A. continual B. continue C. continuing D. continuity Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Last weekend, I fell and broke my toe. Your answer Correct answer down ove
46、r 22. Phil will come his own once his boss recognizes how valuable he is. Your answer Correct answer to into 23. Kevin has been riding a motorcycle a very young age. Your answer Correct answer at from 24. Among the group members, there was a strong desire an afternoon of shopping. Your answer Correc
47、t answer of for 25. I usually drift to sleep while watching television. Your answer Correct answer off off 26. The teacher told me for talking in class again today. Your answer Correct answer off 27. Do you believe free will? Your answer Correct answer in in 28. Julie received an award in appreciati
48、on her service to the community. Your answer Correct answer of of 29. Don't try to reason a childyou won't get very far. Your answer Correct answer with with 30. Once again, Greg was left of the decision. Your answer Correct answer off out Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on
49、 the following passage.When I was a child, my best friend Joseph and I would play a game called "Super Secret Spy." Sometimes I would play the spy and Joseph would play the (31), and sometimes we would reverse the roles. Make-believe games like this were my favourite, and I remember that m
50、any summer days were (32) spent outside, playing Super Secret Spy. Every time we played, the story had to be different. We played so much that, needless to say, some of the stories got quite (33). Eventually, Super Secret Spy was like a science fiction movie; the stories took place on other planets
51、and one of us was an alien. Sometimes, we would wear old Halloween masks so the (34) to an alien was remarkable! I remember one day in particular. Joseph was the alien and he captured me on a (35), empty planet (my backyard). He threw me in "alien prison" (behind a big tree) and (36) with
52、mischievous delight. At first, I felt all alone and (37). Then I pulled myself together and remembered that I was the Super Secret Spy! I thought of my escape plan. When Alien Joseph came to check on me in the alien prison, I (38) around quickly and grabbed his alien laser gun. In a (39) of laser fi
53、re, I ran past my captor and escaped the alien prison! I was free! Super Secret Spy had won again! Just then, Joseph and I both realized that it was late afternoon, the sun was setting, and (40) was upon us. We were both hungry, so we were incredibly happy when my mother called us inside for dinner.
54、 Even Super Secret Spies and aliens need to eat! Your answer Correct answer (31) villain villain (32) largely largely (33) bizarre bizarre (34) resemblance resemblance (35) barren barren (36) giggled giggled (37) helpless helpless (38) whirled whirled (39) blink blaze (40) twilight twilight Part III
55、: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.When we're young, we can't wait to grow up and get on with life. When we're adults, we long for the carefree days of our youth when we could play all day without worry. This is one of the greatest ironies of life. Indeed, "the grass is always greener on the other side." It is a harsh truth that humans always want what they can't have. I
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