1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第一章 字母英语是拼音文字,字母是英语的最小书写单位。英语单词是由26个字母拼成的。因此,掌握好每个字母的发音和书写是学好英语的最基本条件。一、英语字母在字母表中的顺序: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz二、英语字母的书写规则:三、大写字母的作用:1.写句子时,句子中的第一个词的第一个字母要大写。如:Whats this? Its a book.2.专用名词的第一个字母要大些。如:Li Ming, Danny, Jenny, Kim, Beijin
2、g, China, Canada, Mr. Mrs. Miss, Class One, Grade Six, Unit One.3.表示“我”的字母“I”无论是首字母还是在句子中间,永远要大写。如:I am a student. You and I are twelve years old.四、英语字母的分类:1. 按字母的类型可以分为:元音字母、辅音字母和半元音字母。在26个字母中Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu是元音字母,Ww和Yy是半元音字母,其他19个字母是辅音字母。2. 按字母的读音分为以下7类:(1)含ei的字母:Aa Hh Jj Kk (2)含i:的字母:Ee Bb Cc D
3、d Gg Pp Tt Vv (3)含e读音的字母:Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz (4)含ai的字母: Ii Yy (5)含ju:的字母: Uu Qq Ww (6)Oo (7)Rr五、常用英语缩略语:a.m.(上午) p.m.(下午) dm(分米) cm(厘米) mm(毫米) kg(千克) km(千米) B.C.(公元前) A.D.(公元) TV(电视) CCTV(中国中央电视台) CAAC(中国民航) UN(联合国) UK(英国) US(美国) USA(美国) PRC(中华人民共和国) UFO(不明飞行物) WTO(世界贸易组织) CBA(中国篮球职业协会) NBA(美国篮球职业协
4、会) WC(厕所) CD(光盘) ID(身份证) PC(个人电脑) KFC(肯德基) ABC(基础知识)字母专项练习题一、按字母顺序默写出26个字母的大、小写形式,并写出5个元音字母。5个元音字母是二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1. Dd 2. Ss 3. Ff 4. Ii 5. Oo 6. Ww 7. Rr 8. Jj 9. Ll 10. Xx 三、把全是元音字母的一组字母圈出来。1. a c e 2. i e o 3. v u k 4. e u I 5. J B I 6. E T V 7. O I E 8. A E R 9. Q Y r 10. A U E四、根据要求写字母。1.写出含有字母
5、“A”读音的大小写字母:Aa 2.写出含有字母“E”读音的大小写字母:Ee 3.写出含有字母e音素的大小写字母: 4.写出含有字母“U”读音的大小写字母:Uu 5.写出含有字母“I”读音的大小写字母:Ii 五、将下列单词按其在字典中的顺序标上序号。shop( ) like( ) good( ) colour( ) old( ) thirty( ) at( ) buy( )六、将下列单词的大小写互换。1. yellow 2. pencil 3. park 4. city 5. jacket 6. sweater 7. MONKEY 8. SHORT 9. CAKE 10. WINDOW 11.
6、PICTURE 12. SMALL 七、写出与所给单词发音相同的字母(大写)。1. bee ( ) 2. sea/see ( ) 3. tea ( ) 4. are ( ) 5. why ( ) 6. you ( ) 7. eye ( ) 8. pea ( )八、将下列字母重新组合后排成你学过的单词。1.soolhc 2.neplic 3.der 4.lod 5.rakp 6.dogo 7.mena 8.uiteq 9.wmona 10.xof 第二章 词 汇第一节 名 词一、名词的概念:表示人或事物等名称的词。如:Tom, Beijing, China, milk, teacher.二、名词
7、的分类: 专用名词:表示人、地点、机构、组织、国家、月份、星期、月份、节日等专门名称的词。如:Danny, Beijing, China, January, Sunday, Christmas Day. (注意:专用名词的第一个字母要大写。) 名词 个体名词:boy, girl, book, egg, day, ruler等。 可数名词:集体名词:class, family, policeman等。普通名词: 物质名词:milk, water, meat, paper, sugar, 不可数名词: salt, rain, snow, flour, oil, tea.抽象名词:time, mon
8、ey, weathe, help等。三、名词的数:1、可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式。(1)表示一个人或物时,用单数形式:如:a pen, a book, a desk, a bus, a bike, an egg, an apple, an orange, an hour, an eye, an ear, an arm, an old man. (2)表示几个人或者物时用复数形式:如: two books, three pencils, four peaches, five boys, some gifts, many people.2.可数名词复数形式的构成:a. 规则形式:(1)在名词末
9、尾加s. 例如:bike-bikes, map-maps, pen-pens, egg-eggs, day-days, boy-boys. pencil-pencils, stamp- stamps(2)以s, sh, ch, x结尾的名词,在词尾加es. 例如:bus-buses, class-classes, brush-brushes, watch-watches, peach-peaches, beach-beaches, box-boxes, fox-foxes. (3)以f或fe结尾的名词,先把f或fe变为v再加es. 例如:leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, kn
10、ife(小刀)-knives. (4)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,先把y变为i后再加es. 例如:baby-babies, family-families, strawberry-strawberries, city-cities, story-stories. (5)以o结尾的名词,表示有生命的在词尾加es,例如:potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes,表示无生命的在词尾加s. 例如:zoo-zoos, radio-radios, photo-photos, piano-pianos.b. 不规则形式:(同学们一定要逐个记牢!)man-men, woman-women
11、, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose(鹅)-geese, child-children, people-people, sheep-sheep, fish-fish, deer(鹿)-deer, Chinese(中国人)-Chinese, policeman-policemen, snowman-snowmen.3. 不可数名词的数量表示法: 不可数名词没有单复数变化,如果要表示数量时可以用下面的公式记忆:数词+计量单位名词+of+不可数名词 例如:a piece of paper(一张纸), a piece of meat(一块肉), a cup of tea(一杯
12、茶), a glass of water(一玻璃杯水), a bowl of rice(一碗米饭), a bottle of pop(一瓶汽水), two cups of tea(两杯茶), three pieces of bread(三块面包), five bags of rice(五袋大米).四、名词的所有格:英语中表示人或事物的所属关系时,用名词的所有格,意思是“的”。 1. 有生命事物的名词的所有格:(1)单数名词后加“s”例如:Li Mings kite, Dannys hat, Jennys camera, my fathers car. (2)以s结尾的复数名词后加“”例如:Te
13、achers Day, the nurses office. (3)不以s结尾的复数名词后加“s”例如:Childrens Day, Womens Day, mens clothes. 2. 无生命事物的名词的所有格:用of所有格表示。例如:the windows of the classroom, a picture of Danny, a map of China, a flag of China. 名词专项练习题一、写出下列名词的复数形式:1.book- 2.map- 3.flag- 4.day- 5.boy- 6.cat- 7.bird- 8.bus- 9.class- 10.dres
14、s- 11.brush- 12.dish- 13.watch- 14.peach- 15.beach- 16.box- 17.fox- 18.leaf- 19.wolf- 20.knife- 21.baby- 22.family- 23.strawberry- 24.potato- 25.tomato- 26.zoo- 27.radio- 28.photo- piano_29.man- 30.woman- 31.policeman- 32.snowman- 33.child- 34.foot- 35.tooth- 36.goose- 37.people- 38.sheep- 39.deer-
15、40.Chinese- 二、将下列名词正确归类:girl, money, brother, help, map, picture, table, desk, book, milk, game, team, water, juice, home, shirt, flower, family, meat, oil, rain, snow, pea.可数名词: 不可数名词: 三、翻译下列短语:1.一杯茶: 2.两张纸: 3.三碗汤: 4.四瓶果汁: 5.五袋食盐: 6.六袋面粉: 7.Jenny的连衣裙: 8.李明的照相机: 9.教师节: 10.儿童节: 11.一张中国的地图: 12.中国的首都:
16、11.我的妹妹的玩具: 13.一张我家的照片: 四、用所给名词的正确形式填空:1. There is a (pen) and two (book) on the desk.2. I can see many (bird) in the sky.3. There are many (child) in the park.4. -What do they do? They are (policeman).5. My sister has a lot of (toy).6. How many (people) are there in your family?7. There are many (c
17、ow) and (sheep) on the farm.8. My father and my brother are (teacher).9. Are these your (runner)? Yes, they are.10. There are sixty (minute) in an (hour).11. I have two (piece) of (bread) and a (glass) of (milk) for breakfast. 12. There are many beautiful (city) in China.13. Kim has two (dress). One
18、 is old. The other is new.14. In spring, the trees have green (leaf).15. He is one of my (friend).16. My new camera is eighty (dollar).17. After supper, I often help my mother wash (dish).18. The skirt is my (sister).19. Today is my (mother) birthday.20. -Whose bike is this? Its (Wang Lei).五、把下列单数句改
19、为复数句:1. This is a bus. 2. That is a box. 3. He is a policeman. 4. I am a good child. 5. He is drawing a sheep. 6. Here is a gift for you. 六、把下列复数句改为单数句。1. These are apples. 2. These are eggs. 3. Those are oranges. 4. Those are elephants. 5. We are flying kites now. 6. There are many children in the
20、room. 第二节 代 词一、代词的概念:用来代替名词(人或物)的词。二、代词的分类:代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词和不定代词。三、各类代词的用法:a. 人称代词:用来代替“我”“你”“他”“我们”“你们”“他们”等的词叫人称代词。1.人称单词的形式:人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,其变化形式如下表: 数人称单 数复 数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he,she,ithim, her, ittheythem2.人称单词的用法:(1)人称代词的主格作句子的主语。例如:I am a student. She looks li
21、ke her mother. He is swimming in the swimming pool. They like playing soccer.(2)人称代词的宾格作动词和介词的宾语。例如:Can you help me? My mother bought me a new bike. Let us go to the park. Give him a pencil. =Give a pencil to him. Its time for me to go. Would you like to play with us?b. 物主单词:表示所属关系的代词叫物主代词。1.物主代词的形式
22、:人称代词分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词两类,如下表:数单 数复 数人称第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourshisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs2.物主代词的用法:(1)形容词性的物主代词相当于一个形容词,只能放在名词的前面修饰名词,不能单独使用。例如:This is my bike. His name is Li Ming.(2)名词性的物主代词具有名词的性质,相当于“形容词性的物主代词+名词”,在句子中可以单独使用。例如:This is your bi
23、ke. That is mine.(mine=my bike)This hamburger isnt Toms. His is on the table.(His=His hamburger)c. 指示代词:表示“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”等指示概念的词叫指示代词。1.英语中的指示代词有四个:this(这个), that(那个), these(这些), those(那些)2.指示代词的用法:(1)指代单数的人或物时用this和that,指代复数的人或物用these和those, this和these指近处的人或物,that和those指远处的人或物。例如:This is a cat. Th
24、at is a dog. These are cats. Those are dogs.(2)当介绍别人时,习惯上用This is而不用That is或He is/She is 例如:Jenny, this is my friend Li Ming. Li Ming, this is my friend Danny.(3)在打电话时,指自己方用this而不用I,指对方用that而不用you. 例如:Hello! This is Jenny calling. Hello! Is that Li Ming calling?d. 反身代词:指表示“某人自己”的代词,反身代词的形式如下表: 数人称单
25、数复 数第一人称Myselfourselves第二人称Yourselfyourselves第三人称himself, herself, itselfthemselvese. 疑问代词:我们所学过的疑问代词有: who(谁,主格), whom(谁,宾格), whose(谁的), what(什么), which(哪一个), where(哪里), when(何时), how(如何).例如:Who is your Chinese teacher? Whom are you talking to? Whose book is this?What are you doing now? Which seaso
26、n do you like best? Where is your bike? When is your birthday?How are you?f. 不定代词:用来指代不确定对象的代词。我们已学过的常见的不定代词有:some(一些, 用在肯定句中), any(一些, 用在否定句或疑问中), many(许多,用来修饰可数名词), much(许多,用来修饰不可数名词), something(一些东西/事情, 用在肯定句中), anything(一些东西/事情, 用在否定句或疑问中), the other(特指两者中的另一者), another(指三者或三者以上中的另一者), each othe
27、r(互相彼此).代词专项练习题一、填入代词的正确形式完成下表:人称代词主格Iwe人称代词宾格you形容词性物主代词histheir名词性的物主代词hers反身代词itselfyourselves二、根据句意和给出的汉语填空:1. (我) am a student. (你) are a student, too. (他) is a doctor. (她) is a nurse. (我们) are students. (你们) are students, too. (他们) are workers.2. (它) is a cat. (它的) name is Mimi.3.Whats (你的) na
28、me? (我的) name is Li Tao.4. (他) is a good boy. (他的) name is Wang Ming.5. Whats (她的) name? (她的) name is Li Ling.6. (我们) live in China. China is (我们的) motherland(祖国). Beijing is (我们的) capital city.7. -Where are (你们) from? - (我们) are from UK.8.-What are (他们) doing? - (他们) are cleaning (他们的) classroom. 9
29、. Can (你) help (我)?10. Would (你们) like to teach (我们) to play basketball?11. Thank (你) very much. 12. Let (我们) go to the park.13. Let (我) ask (他) for some help.14. Would you like to play soccer with (我们).15. Its time for (我) to go. Its time for (我们) to go to school.16. This is (我的) bike. (你的) is over
30、 there.17. (她的) new dress is green. The yellow one is (我的).18. (他的) pen is red. (我的) is black.19. Is this computer (我们的)? -No,it isnt. Its (他们的).20. My sister is too young to eat something (她自己).三、选择适当的代词填空:1. Please give (I, me, my) an apple. 2. -Is this jacket (you, your, yours), Li Ming? No, it i
31、snt (me, my, mine). (me, my, mine) is brown.3. Are you and Marry good friends? Yes, (we, you, they) are.4. -Can you help (we, our, us)? Sure. 5. (She, Her, Hers) name is Li Mei. (She, Her, Hers) is twelve years old.6. An elephant has two ears. (It, Its) ears are very big.7.-Are these (you, your, you
32、rs) shoes? Yes, they are (me, my, mine).8.I cant find (I, me, my) eraser. Can you lend me (you, your, yours)?9. -Do you have (some, any) ping-pong balls? Yes, I have (some, any).10. There are (many, much) people in the park.11. There is (many, much) rain this summer.12. I have two toy cars. One is b
33、lack. (Other, The other) is red.四、用所给代词的正确形式填空:1.-Whats (you) name? - (I) name is Danny.2. Its a picture of (he) family. 3. Listen to (I) carefully!4. This is not (I) book. That one is (I).5. Can you teach (we) to learn English?6. My parents love (I), and I love (they), too.7. My parents want (I) to
34、 work hard at school.8. This story can make (we) laugh.9. Do you usually help (you) family?10. Do you have (some) T-shirts?第三节 冠 词一、冠词的概念:冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,冠词用在名词之前帮助说明名词所指的人或物。二、冠词的分类:冠词分为不定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)两类。三、冠词的用法:a.不定冠词的用法:不定冠词有两种形式:a用在辅音音素开头的名词之前,如:a book, a pen, a girl, a dog, a week等。an用在元音
35、音素开头的名词之前,如:an apple, an arm, an egg, an elephant, an ear, an eraser, an e-mail, an orange, an old man, an ice cream, an umbrella, an hour等。不定冠词的主要用法有:1. 表示人或事物中的一个,相当于one. 例如:There is a book on the desk. I have a new sweater.2. 表示某一类人或者物,强调整体,即用其中的一个代表一类。例如:A bird can fly. A fish can swim. A horse
36、can run. A train goes faster than a car.3. 用在表示时间、价格等含义的名词前,表示单位,相当于汉语中的“每”。例如:We go to school five days a week. Li Ming plays basketball twice a week.These apples are three yuan a kilo(这些苹果每斤三元).4. 用在某些固定短语中。例如:have a good time(玩得高兴) a little(一点儿)a lot of(许多=many/much) have a good trip(旅途愉快)b.定冠词的用
37、法:1. 用在表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前。如:The sun is bigger than the moon.2. 用在说话人双方都知道的名词前。如:Open the door, please.3. 用来特指某人或某物。如:The girl in a red dress is my sister. The pen on the desk is mine. The woman at the door is Mrs. Black.4. 前文中提到的人或物,在后文中重复出现时,要在重复出现的名词前加定冠词the. 如:I have a new pen. The pen is red.5. 用在
38、表示乐器的名词前。如:play the piano play the guitar6. 用在序数词和形容词、副词的最高级的前面。如:Sunday is the first day of a week. He is the tallest boy in our class.7. 用在由普通名词组成的专用名词前。如:the Great Wall(长城) the Palace Museum(故宫)8. 用在某些固定的短语中。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening by the way(顺便问一下) in the same schoolc.不用冠词的情况:1. 在表示季节
39、、月份、星期、节日的名词前不用冠词。如:in spring, in Febuary, on Sunday, on New years day.2. 在表示一日三餐的名词前不用冠词。如:have breakfast/lunch/supper3. 在表示球类运动的名词前不用冠词。如:play basketball/soccer/ping-pong4. 在名词前已经有别的限定词时不加冠词。如:This is my mother.5. 在某些固定的短语中不用冠词。如:go to school, go home, go to bed, by bike, by bus, on foot, at schoo
40、l, at home等冠词专项练习题用不定冠词a, an和定冠词the填空,不用冠词时填“×”。1. This is yellow pencil. 2. This is apple tree.3. Please give her orange. 4. Sixty minutes make hour.5. My mother told me old story. story was very interesting.6. I usually brush my teeth twice day. 7. We had good time yesterdy.8. We will go on a
41、 trip to Yunnan. Have good trip!9.-How much are these oranges? Two yuan kilo(斤).10. boy in a yellow T-shirt is Wu Dong.11. map on the wall is map of China.12. I have hat. hat is new.13. I like playing piano. Tom likes playing guitar.14. September is ninth month of a year.15. We went to Great Wall la
42、st Sunday.16. I often watch TV in evening.17. Li Lei and Wang Peng are in same class.18. -Whats date today? Its May 7th.19. Lily often goes to school on foot.20. I usually have lunch at school.第四节 数 词一、数词的概念:表示数量和顺序的词叫数词。二、数词的分类:数词分为基数词和序数词。基数词表示数目。序数词表示顺序。三、数词的构成:a. 基数词的构成:1. 112的基数词要分别记忆:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. 2. 1319以teen结尾:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. 3. 整十数的基数词以ty结尾:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. 4. 表示“几十几”的基数词
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