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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. 猛然敲门 bang the door2. 向国王陛下欢呼 cheer His Majesty3. 凝视那雕像 contemplate the statue4. 设计/发明一种新方法 devise a new method5. 获得一种名声 gain a reputation6. 鼓舞人民 inspire the people7. 低下头 sink ones head8. 象征/代表国家 symbolize the nation9. 暖和双手 warm ones hands10. 毁了某人的健康 ruin ones health 11. 扮演重要的角色/起十分重要

2、的作用 play an important role12. 解决这个问题 settle the issue1. 将这些动物归类 classify these animals2. 持不同的看法 hold a different view3. 引申该词的意思 extend the meaning of this word4. 建立一种新理论 establish a new theory5. 放弃他的信念 abandon his conviction6. 把这个过程颠倒过来 reverse the process7. 珍惜他们的尊敬 value their respect8. 质疑它的真理性 que

3、stion its truth9. 轻视他们的意见 belittle their views10. 接受/采取一种新思路 adopt a new way of thinking11. 把考虑在内 make allowance for sth.12. 证明结果完全相反 demonstrate the opposite13. 怀有/心存种种乌托邦思想 entertain all kinds of utopia ideas14. 鹦鹉学舌/重复他人 parrot other people1. 宣布放弃终于某人 renounce ones allegiance2. 使某事物接受试验 subject s

4、th. to a test3. 牵涉到好几个月的工作 cover many months work4. 扔在那里任其腐烂 leave sth. to rot5. 满足其胃口 appease ones appetite6. 从某人那里骗走某物 cheat sb. out of sth.7. 将侮辱牢记在心 harbor insult8. 对所受伤害耿耿于怀 brood over injury9. 报仇 take revenge 10. 家里妻妾成群 keep harems11. 有做某事的时机或场合 have an occasion to do sth.12. 把它当一顿美餐吃了 make a

5、meal of sth.13. 蓄某人为奴 hold sb. in bondage14. 铺平道路 smooth the path1. 脸朝下趴着 lie face down2. 使用最后一招 scrape the bottom of the barrel3. 埋葬死者 bury the dead4. 消失不见 vanish from sight 5. 隐约记得 have a vague recollection6. 与敌人交战 engage the enemy7. 使某人退伍 discharge sb. from the army8. 接受休克疗法 receive shock treatme

6、nt9. 管理各种机构 administer all the institutions10. 忍受被限制在某一个地方 stand being confined11. 留心某事 keep an eye peeled for sth.12. 澄清对某人的怀疑 clear sb. 13. 建议某人做某事 recommend sb. doing sth. 14. 想象做某事 imagine doing sth.15. 近距离射击 shoot at close range1. 相信这种荒唐的说法 buy the crap2. 要求完全控制 demand full control3. 谴责这项政策 den

7、ounce the policy4. 将所有巴勒斯坦人驱逐出境 deport all Palestinians5. 使用不同的逻辑 employ a different logic6. 进一步完善我们的特殊处理方法 perfect our special treatment7. 遵守停火协议 adhere to the ceasefire8. 忘掉道德和良心 lay morality and conscience to sleep9. 阐明计划 lay out the plan10. 招惹我们 mess with 11. 迅速向某人扑去 pounce upon sb.12. 将部队从某地撤走

8、pull troops out of a place13. 对唱催眠曲 sing lullabies to sb. 14. 把单独挑出来 single sb. out 15. 抱观望态度 sit on the fence 16. 如雨后春笋般出现 sprout up like mushrooms17. (情况或关系)变坏 turn sour 18. 听起来很熟悉 ring a bell19. 减轻猜忌 soothe ones paranoia20. 加紧控制 tighten the death grip21. 破坏团结 undermine the unity 22. 使它失去意义 void i

9、ts meaning 23. 担起重担 bear the burden 1. the eternal truth 永恒的真理2. a filing cabinet 文件柜3. utter nonsense 无稽之谈4. delinquent behavior 违规行为5. a frequent visitor 常客6. fresh air 新鲜空气7. high-minded monologue 格调很高的独白(一个人唱高调)8. a settled view 一种固定的观点9. a speech impediment 言语障碍10. a hideous wind 可怕的风11. heady

10、patriotism 使人兴奋冲动的爱国热情12. the invaders 无情的入侵者13. the Prime Minister 首相14. a mental process 思维过程15. the League of Nations 国际联盟16. a coherent article 一篇条理清楚的文章17. a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手18. an irresistible trend 一种不可阻挡的趋向/潮流19. rotten apples 烂苹果20. a nodding acquaintance 一位点头之交 1. non-rational

11、 factors 非理性因素2. social position 社会地位3. the good old days 过去的好日子4. thought patterns 思维方式5. room of doubt 怀疑的余地6. stock anecdotes 老掉牙的趣闻轶事7. a dogmatic view 一个教条的观点8. a striking contrast 一个鲜明的对照9. age-long struggle 长期的斗争10. conflicting ideas 矛盾冲突的想法11. a bitter quarrel 一场恶吵12. deeply-rooted convictio

12、ns 根深蒂固的观念13. groundless opinions 毫无根据的意见14. bare assertion 仅仅是断言;完全是强词夺理1. the rightful owner 合法的所有者2. the universal brotherhood of man 人类的博爱3. loose morals 道德败坏4. a soiled mind 肮脏的思想5. brute force 蛮力,暴力6. a saving grace 唯一可取的一点7. rabid hunger 极度渴望8. a religious zealot 宗教狂9. zoological garden 动物园10

13、. a scientific method 科学方法11. vast stores of food 食品的大量储存12. odds and ends 零碎物品13. war atrocities 战争暴行14. questionable taste 值得怀疑的口味选择15. traits and dispositions 性格特点和气质16. painstaking work 艰苦的努力1. deaf to the music 无动于衷2. at a good pace 以相当快的行军速度3. ammunition boxes 弹药箱4. a permanent human condition

14、 人类永远会有的问题5. an airborne division 空降师6. hell on earth 人间地狱7. strewn with dead bodies 遍地尸体8. an import-export firm 一家进出口公司9. taken up with music 忙于玩音乐10. the enemy position 敌人的阵地11. a railroad embankment 铁路路堤12. irremediable harm 无法修复的伤害13. a bullet head (子弹形的)小圆头14. the trigger finger 食指15. speaking

15、 only for myself 就我而言16. combat fatigue 战斗疲劳症17. post-traumatic stress disorder 创伤后应激障碍18. upper division students 高年级的学生19. rubber boats 橡皮船20. parallel lines 平行线1. defense minister 国防部长2. a turning point 转折点3. a Security Zone 安全区4. no mans land 无人地带5. the Occupied Territories 占领区6. a fledgling pea

16、ce process 刚刚开始的和平过程7. a greenhouse for growing terror 产生恐怖活动的温床8. a propaganda machine 宣传机器9. surgical acts of defense 外科手术式的自卫10. a jail term 刑期11. chief of staff (海陆空军的)参谋长12. a concentration camp 集中营13. opinion polls 民意测验14. a safe haven 庇护所,避难所15. a rising political star 新进的政治明星16. Nazi rhetori

17、c 纳粹的言语17. hair-raising horror 令人毛骨悚然的恐惧18. an intelligence officer情报官员 1. 我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happens.2. 一般说来,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需要,就都会遭受损失。As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the presen

18、t rather than the past unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the others needs. 3. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation. 4. 在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿In traditional Chin

19、ese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness. 5. 女皇伊莉莎白一世统治英国45年。在她统治时期,国家十分繁荣昌盛Queen Elizabeth I ruled England for 45 years, and the nation prospered under her rule. 6. 民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。这两条规则同等重要Democracy means that the

20、 majority rules. But thats not all. Respect for minoritys right to disagree is also an integral part of democracy. The two rules are of equal importance. 7. 一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地理上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated politically, economically, culturally as well as g

21、eographically. 8. 晚会十分乏味,所以他就偷偷溜出房间回家了。可是雨后的路非常泥泞,他脚下一滑,掉进了沟里。The party was boring, so he slipped out of the room and went home. But the road was so muddy after the rain that he slipped and fell into a ditch. 9. 她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。Her health was such that she would not dare to be exposed to

22、 the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke. 10. 有一天晚上,我正在一家小饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然走了过来,往我手里塞了一沓钞票I was drowning my sorrow one night in a small restaurant when he came over to me and slipped a roll of money in my pocket. 1. 我们改革开放政策的结果是经济的快速增长,但是我们不要忘记这个政策又是人民思想大解放的结果。Our reform and open policy resulted in

23、rapid economic growth. But we must not forget that the policy in turn resulted from the great emancipation/liberation of peoples minds. 2. 一般说来,喜欢某一个人会使你倾向于同时也喜欢他的观点Generally speaking, the fact that you like a person will dispose you to like his ideas, too.3. 我们难以预料是否有朝一日能找到处理核废料的百分之百安全的方法。可能的话,我们应该

24、换成别的能源。It is doubtful if we can ever find a way to dispose of nuclear waste that is 100 percent secure. If possible, we should shift to other energy. 4. 我到处寻找一套适合摆在我那小起居室的家具,却发现这种家具正脱销。I searched around for a set of furniture that would fit in my small sitting room. But I found them out of stock at

25、the moment. 5. 那个客栈老板在照看那个客人的时候,发现他的长相和警察要找的谋杀犯嫌疑相符合。When serving the customer, the innkeeper found that the man fit the descriptions of the wanted murder suspect. 6. 当有人问他怎样才能保持健康时,他就会提些老套的建议:坚持良好的饮食习惯,意思就是:无盐、无糖、无脂肪。When asked how to keep fit, he would always give his stock advice: stick to a good

26、 eating habit- meaning: No salt, no sugar, no fat. 7. 那水游泳都不行,更不要说饮用了。正因为如此,那地区很多人都病倒了。As a result of the fact that the water was unfit for swimming, let alone drinking, many people in the region got sick. 8. 我以为他听到这事会发脾气,但他没有。相反,他突然忍不住大笑起来。He did not lose his temper when he heard this as I thought

27、he would. On the contrary, he was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter. 9. 完工时这条地铁将延长至覆盖整个城市。When completed, this subway will be extended to cover the whole city.10. 股市似乎对经济的繁荣没有反应,这一点让每个人都不解。怪不得人们都决定持股观望。That the stock market did not seem to respond to the economic boom puzzled everybody. No wonder

28、 people decided to hold their stocks. 1. 我明天得去看看牙科大夫,我的一颗门牙松了。I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. One of my front teeth is loose.2. 你翻译得太随意了,应该更加忠实于原文才是。Your translation is a bit too loose. You ought to be more faithful to the original. 3. 时尚总是变来变去的。几年前大家都穿紧身牛仔裤,但是现在宽松的衬衫和裤子再度流行。Fashions come and

29、go. A few years ago everybody was wearing tight jeans, but now loose shirts and pants are back.4. 很多村民其实并不喜欢那些恐怖分子,但是他们不得不同意窝藏他们,因为他们知道,如果不那么做,他们就会遭受严厉的惩罚。Many villagers actually did not like the terrorists, but they had to agree to harbor them because they knew if they didnt, they would be severely

30、 punished. 5. 内战结束以后,很多黑人仍然遭受严重的种族歧视。他们仍然不能指望政府给他们帮助。After the Civil War, many black people were still subjected to serious racial discrimination. They still could not count on the government to render assistance to them. 6. 传统上妇女们都被禁锢在家里,被剥夺了就业的机会。但是在战争时期,很多妇女必须进工厂去代替男人工作,这就开始唤醒了她们的社会觉悟。Traditional

31、ly women were confined to their homes, deprived of the opportunity to seek employment. But in the course of the war, many women were obliged to go to factories to replace men, and this began to awaken womens social consciousness.7. 人是能在正确和错误之间做出道德区分的唯一动物。只有人才会梦想如何把现存的世界变成人间的天堂。Man is the only animal

32、 that makes a moral distinction between right and wrong. Man alone is capable of dreaming about how to make a paradise on earth of the existing world. 8. 很多城镇都失去了他们传统的美,但平遥在这一点上是个例外。具有讽刺意味的是,它制作一能保持它的美是因为多年来它穷到没钱改造。Many towns and cities have lost their traditional beauty. But Pingyao is an exception

33、 in that respect. Ironically, it has been able to retain its beauty because for years it was too poor to change. 9. 她是当代中国最重要的作家之一,发表过不少不同凡响的作品。但是相对来说她在国外仍然鲜为人知,在一定程度上是因为我们仍缺少能把她的作品翻译成漂亮外语的人才。She is one of the most important writers in contemporary China. She has published many works of distinction.

34、 But she still remains relatively unknown to people outside China, partly because we do not have enough talented translators to render such works adequately into foreign languages. 1. 我们决定下星期五讨论中日关系这个话题,不过具体时间可能会变。We have decided to take up the subject of Sino-Japanese relations in our next discussi

35、on next Friday. But the time is subject to change. 2. 就我而言,令人讨厌的人就是那种一说话就几个钟头没完,又永远不换话题的人。Speaking for myself, a bore is a person who always talks for hours on end, and never changes the subject. 3. 我们得到通知说,凡是超过五千万元的项目都需要得到上级的审批。不过这个过程不会太长。我们可能两三个星期就能得到批准。We are informed that any project exceeding 5

36、0 million yuan is subject to the approval of higher authorities. But the process wont take long. We can get the approval in a matter of two or three weeks. 4. 根据合同法,所有外资企业在中国的业务经营都需遵守中国法律。According to the contract law, all operations of foreign-owned enterprises in China are subject to Chinese laws

37、and regulations. 5. 很多示威群众早到了杀害和残酷的拷打,因此随后几天,越来越愤怒的示威席卷了全国。Many protestors were killed or subjected to cruel torture. Therefore in the following days more and more angry demonstrations swept the country. 6. 那场可怕的海啸席卷了那些沿海城市的一切,造成了极其严重的伤亡。The terrible tsunami swept everything away in those coastal ci

38、ties resulting in extremely heavy casualty. 7. 所有的怀疑都被排除了。改革的思想像野火一样传遍了全国。All doubts were now cleared away and the idea of reform soon swept throughout the country like wild fire. 8. 瞧你那塞满了东西的抽屉!你为什么不把没用的东西清理掉?没有时间?胡说八道!Look at your stuffed drawers! Why dont you clear away all those useless stuff? N

39、o time? Stuff and nonsense!9. 每年年底以前还清全部欠款是我们进出口公司的习惯。It is the custom of our import and export firm to clear all our debts before the end of the year. 10. 一个国家货币的贬值通常对出口有利,而对进口不利;而增值则正好相反。The devaluation of a countrys currency is usually good for export, but bad for import, whereas the appreciation

40、 is vice versa. 1. 可悲的是,如果石油进口被切断的话,他们的战略石油储备坚持不到三个月Sadly enough, their strategic oil reserve could last no more than three months if oil import was cut off. 2. 他考试作弊被当场抓住,被学校开除了He was caught cheating in the examination and was expelled by the school. 3. 我们必须坚持“耕者有其田”的原则,要不然,就谈不上社会和谐。我们永远不能剥夺农民的土地使用

41、权。We must adhere to the principle “land to the tillers,” or else there will be no social harmony to speak of. We must never deprive the farmers of their land use right. 4. 这个跨国公司有十分良好的记录。 它从来没有在业务经营和纳税方面有过欺骗行为。最近,他还保证要在中国扩大业务并增加经营项目This transnational has a good record. It has not cheated in its business operations and tax payment, and it has recently pledged to further expand and diversify its business operation in China. 5. 尽管近几年养老院如雨后春笋般地出现,但还远远不能满足我们迅速老龄化的需要Alt


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