1、专业英语长难句Unit 11 Just what is this fascinating science that is the Center of so much activity.成为如此活跃的话题中心恰恰是这门科学的迷人之处。2 Nutritionists and dieticians work with people to help shape healthful food patterns that supply the nutrients the human body needs to reach and maintain the best of health permitted
2、by ones genetic potential.营养学家及饮食学家和人们一起努力建立有益健康的饮食模式,这种模式将提供给人体达到和维持最健康的状态所需的营养物质。3 The goal of learning the basics of nutrition and of eating according to these principles is of value throughout life in promoting optimal health学习营养基础知识和根据营养原理饮食的目的就在于促进理想的健康价值贯穿于整个生活4 As the basics of nutrition are
3、 studied, the remarkable and complex nature of the bodys need and use of food components becomes clear.当我们对营养进行研究,身体的需要和食物成分作用的显著、复杂本质就变得清晰了。5 nutrients are chemical substances found in Foods that the body requires and uses for growth and maintaining life.营养素是食物中的化学物质,能够维持生命和生长的需要。6One of the exciti
4、ng benefits of studying nutrition is that the mystique of various nutrients is removed when individual vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water are examined in some details.研究营养令人激动的收益之一就是在某些细节上检测到了个体的维生素,矿物质,蛋白质,碳水化合物,脂肪和水,揭开了各种营养素的奥秘。7 This may require a combination of some cre
5、ative menu plannings and self-discipline at first.首先就需要把制作的菜单计划和个人的约束力结合起来。8 This makes it possible to write menus planned to provide appropriate amounts of all the necessary nutrients.(有了这些知识)才能制作出提供适当数量的全部营养素的菜单。9 Since the goal of studying nutrition ultimately is to know the principles of nutriti
6、on and then to Apply them, a pretest to determine how adequate your diets is at the beginning of your study of nutrition provides a baseline against which to measure your progress at the end of the course. 研究营养的最终目的是认识营养的原理,然后运用这一原理,在研究营养之初如何确定你的饮食的预先试验,为评估课程结束时的进步提供了基线。10 To provide a place for rep
7、orting these items, the Daily Food Guide has been proposed.为了给以上提到的食物一席之地,提出了每日膳食指南。11 The Daily Food Guide acknowledges this by identifying the fat-sweets group. However, no re-commendation is made for a minimum number of servings.每日膳食指南通过鉴定脂肪-糖类确认了这一点。然而,并没有给出最小推荐量。12 By making this assumption, th
8、e plan is able to be comparatively useful with only four group, rather than with the five categories of the Daily Food Guide. 根据所作的假设,四基础可能仅对四类食物有用,对日膳食指南中的五类食物是无用的。13 The simplicity of only four categories has made the Basic Four a useful tool for educating the general public about healthful eating
9、 patterns, and we much prefer it.仅分成四类的简单特点,使四基础成为教育大众有关健康饮食结构的良好工具,我们也倾向于四基础。14 With the exception of the inclusion of the fifth group, the Daily Food Guide and the Basic Four Follow the same format, although the titles of the groups are different.除了包括第五类食物外,每日膳食指南与四基础有同样的形式,尽管食物类别名称不同。15 The servi
10、ng recommendations are the same as the Basic Four, and the foods grouped in each category are also the same.食物推荐量与四基础相同,每一类被分类的食物也是相同的。16 Thus either of these guide can be used to Assess a daily diet easily and quickly.因此,这些指南都能容易快速地用于评估每日膳食。17 Some people have criticized the use of the Basic Four b
11、ecause it does not insure that all nutrients necessary for good health will be eaten.因为四基础并不能保证对健康有益的所有必需营养素的摄入所以招致一些人的批评。18 The expectation is that people following the Basic Four will eat a variety of foods in each of the categories, enabling them to obtain most of the nutrients needed.人们的期望是依据四基础
12、摄入各种食物,能使他们获得所需要的大部分营养物质。19 Comparatively complex recommendations Have been made for alternative systems.已经制定出相对复杂的推荐量作为替代体系。20 To overcome these problems one of the systems that has been adopted is the Exchange System, a system borrowed from the approach to diet planning that is used to plan diets
13、for diabetics.为了克服这一问题,采用的体系之一是交换体系,这个体系是借助用于计划糖尿病患者饮食的膳食计划方法。21 The food plans described above are designed To obtain a practical approach to planning nutritionally adequate meals and snacks.上述食物计划在营养充足的正餐和快餐上都容易实现。22 Such an approach is very useful to individuals,but people responsible for the nut
14、ritional status of national groups need much more specific in-formation if nutritional planning is to be effective.这种方法对个人是非常有用的,但如果营养计划是有效的,负责国民营养状况的人需要更多的专业知识。23 The MDR were developed to provide a legally accepted standard for labeling the amounts of nutrients in foods. These values have not been
15、 used for many years, having been replaced by the U.S.RDA。 MDR 被发展成标识食物营养素数量标签的合法可接受标准。这种评估方法并没有使用多少年,就被U.S.RDA(每日膳食推荐量)替代了。 24 The U.S.RDA concept and values were es-tablished in 1974 by the Food and Drug Adminis-tration to serve as the basis on which nutrition labeling of foods would be done. U.S.
16、RDA 概念和评估方法是由食品药品管理局于1974年提出的,这一标准被作为出售食物营养标识的依据。25 Differences are explained partially by the rationale underlying the various standards. 不同的部分原因是各种标准的理论基础不同。26 Some are based on the minimum level con-sidered necessary for good health. Others include a margin of safety so that the recommendations p
17、rovide maximum nutritional health for a very large segment of the population.一些是从有益健康的最小必需量上考虑,另一些则包括安全的限量,所以,推荐量能给绝大部分人最多的营养健康。27 Specific information is contained in the appropriate references. 特定的信息编写到有关的参考中。28 Nutrient density is a useful concept in selecting foods because it clearly relates the
18、 caloric con-tribution with specific nutrient contributions of a food in terms of daily requirements. 在食物选择时,涉及一个有用的概念即营养密度,因为它明确地涉及到每日必需的食物营养素的能量供给。29 Calculations for nutrient density are based on the percentage of the days total caloric needs that will be provided by a serving of the food and the
19、 percentages of the daily need for a nutrient or nutrients that will be provided by this same serving of food. 营养密度的计算是基于每日的能量需求百分率和每日的营养或营养素的百分率,每日能量的需求和营养或营养素需求是由同一种食物提供的。30 By examining foods on the basis of nutrient density, the relative nutritional merits of a food can be seen easily.通过测定食物的营养密
20、度,很容易看到食物相对的营养优势。31 The INQ for a nutrient ideally is a value of at least 1, for the value of 1 indicates that this food contributes as much toward meeting the days need for that nutrient as it does calories toward the days total. 理想的INQ值至少为1,值1表示这种食物对于一整天的营养需求与热量需求的贡献一样。32 Two terms that are bandie
21、d about by the concerned consumer are empty calories andjunk foods. Both of these terms, although not formally defined, are attached with varying degrees of accuracy to a wide assortment of foods. “无热量”和“垃圾食品”是关心食品的消费者谈论的两个术语。尽管这两个术语没有被正式定义,但其都与对广泛的食品进行不同准确程度的分类有关。33 When emotion is removed from the
22、 use of the terms junk foods and empty calories, the public basically is saying that it is concerned about wise investment of calories for nutritional dividends.当公众的情绪从垃圾食品和无热量两个术语的使用上移开时,公众基本上都在谈论明智获取营养收益的食物能量投资。34 Nutrient density and INQ are scientific ways Of presenting sound information about t
23、he actual merits of foods. 营养密度和营养质量指标是表述食品优势的正确信息的科学方式。35 We may have a junk diet, but all foods, when used as part of a balanced diet, contribute to good nutrition. 我们可能有垃圾饮食,当把食物作为平衡饮食的一部分时,所有食物都有良好的营养。36 Public interest in the nutrient quality of various foods has triggered an active attempt to
24、define a nutritious food. 公众对于各种食品营养质量的兴趣已经触动了去定义有营养食品的积极尝试。37 Another possibility is that it would provide at least four nutrient with an INQ of 1 or higher. 另一种可能的方法是有营养的食物至少有四种营养素的INQ值为1或大于1。38 A suggested definition of nutritional quality is to say that a food is a good source of that nutrient i
25、f a serving provides at least two percent of the U.S.RDA. An excellent source provides at least ten percent of the U.S RDA per serving. 有一个关于营养质量的建议性定义,如果一份食物能提供至少两个U.S RDA 百分点,该种食物就是该种营养素的良好来源。能提供至少十个U.S RDA 百分点,则称最好的来源。39 This study is concerned with the many factors that influence diet as well as
26、 with the nutrients provided by that diet. 营养学研究涉及到影响饮食的许多因素,也涉及到由饮食提供的营养素。40 Although the study of nutrition is justified on the basis of being a science, it is also important for its applicability to daily living. 虽然营养的研究是作为科学的基础,但是在日常的应用中也是重要的。41 This plan recognizes the need for a small amount o
27、f fat, while also emphasizing the advisability of limiting the intake of fats and sweets. 日膳食指南认同了少量脂肪摄入的需求,同时也强调限制摄入脂肪和糖是明智的。42 This system, based on the diabetic exchange system, is more complex than the other two systems, but it provides a rather comprehensive assessment of dietary adequacy when
28、used carefully. 这个基于糖尿病患者饮食的交换体系比其他两个更复杂,但是如果仔细运用这个体系,它会对日膳食充足性提供一个具有相当综合性的评估。42 This system, based on the diabetic exchange system, is more complex than the other two systems, but it provides a rather comprehensive assessment of dietary adequacy when used carefully.这个基于糖尿病患者饮食的交换体系比其他两个更复杂,但是如果仔细运用
29、这个体系,它会对日膳食充足性提供一个具有相当综合性的评估。43 define the amounts of the various nutrients that are deemed to be necessary for people in normal good health. (每日膳食推荐量)定义了人们正常健康状态所需各种营养素的数量。44 A useful means of assessing the importance of foods from a nutritional perspective is the use of the nutrient density concep
30、t. 从营养学角度来评估食品重要性的一个适用方法是使用营养密度这个概念。45 Hand calculations or computer analyses may be done to determine the adequacy of a persons diet. 人工计算或计算机分析都可以拥有确定一个人饮食的充足性。46 Tables of food composition provide much of the nutrient information needed to determine the actual nutrient intake provided by the diet
31、. 食物成分表提供了大量关于如何测定从饮食这摄入的营养素的知识。What is an Internet pure play, and what are some examples? Unit 21 They are common components of foods, both as natural components and added ingredients.它们是食物中常见的成分,既可作为天然成分,又可作为添加成分。2 Their use is large in terms of both the quantities consumed and the variety of prod
32、ucts in which they are found . 就消费量和所发现的产品的多样性而言,碳水化合物用途广泛。3 They are amenable to both chemical and biochemical modification, and both modification are employed commercially in improving their properties and extending their use. 它们可以用化学和生物化学(的方法)修饰,并且这两方面修饰都被商业性地采用,以改进它们的性质和扩展它们的用途。4 Health organiza
33、tions recommend that the percentage of the total calories the average American consumes in the form of fat (about 37%) be reduced to no more than 30% and that the difference be made up with carbohydrate, especially starch. 健康组织建议美国人平均以脂肪形式消耗的总能量的百分比(37%)应降至低于30%,并且这个差值应由碳水化合物补充,特别是淀粉。5 The term carb
34、ohydrate suggests a general elemental composition, namely Cx(H2O)y, which signifies molecules containing carbon atoms along with hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the same ratio as they occur in water. 碳水化合物这个术语指通常的元素组成,即Cx(H2O)y, 意思是指分子中含有碳原子、氢原子和氧原子,并且氢氧原子的比与它们在水中时相同。6 However ,the great majority of na
35、tural carbohydrate compounds produced by living organisms do not have this simple empirical formula. 然而,由活的有机体产生的绝大多数天然碳水化合物的组成不遵守这个简单的经验分子式。7 Most of the natural carbohydrate is in the form of oligomers (oligosaccharides) or polymers (polysaccharides) of simple and modified sugars. 绝大多数天然碳水化合物处于低聚体
36、(低聚糖)或单糖和改性糖的多聚物(多糖)状态。8 A chiral carbon atom is one that can exist in two different spatial arrangements (configurations). 一个手性碳原子是能够以两种不同空间结构存在的原子。 9 The two different arrangements of the four groups in space (configurations) are nonsuper imposable mirror images of each other. 这四个基团在空间的两种不同排列互为不能重
37、叠的镜像。 10 D-Glucose is both a polyalcohol and an aldehyde. It is classified as an aldose, a designation for sugars containing an aldehyde group. D-葡萄糖既是多元醇类,又是醛类,它被划分为醛糖,含醛基的糖11 When D-glucose is written in an open or vertical, straight-chain fashion, known as an acyclic structure to organic chemistr
38、y with the aldehyde group (position 1) at the top and the primary hydroxyl group (position 6) at the bottom.当D-葡萄糖被写成开环纵向直链的形式,即有机化学中的五环结构,醛基在顶部(1位),主要的羟基在底部(6位)。12 It is seen that all secondary hydroxyl groups are on carbon atoms having four different substituents attached to them. 可见所有次级羟基都在一个碳原子上
39、,这个碳原子有四个不同取代基团与它连接。13 The pentoses, have three chiral carbon atoms and comprise the second most common group of aldoses.戊糖,有三个手性碳原子,是第二大常见的醛糖。14 Extending the series above six carbon atoms gives heptoses, octoses, and nonoses, which is the practical limit of naturally occuring sugars. 顺着这个系列在六个碳原子以
40、上有庚糖,辛糖和壬糖,实际上它们在自然界的数量很有限。15 L-Sugars are less numerous and less abundant in nature than are the D forms but nevertheless have important biochemical roles. L-糖与D-糖相比数量较少,在自然界中较不丰富,但在生物化学方面却有重要作用。16 It is one of the two monosaccharide units of the disacchride sucrose and makes up about 55% of high-f
41、ructose syrup and about 40% of honey. 它是双糖蔗糖的两个单糖单元中的一个,并且约占高果糖浆的55%和蜂蜜的40%。17 By this reaction, an aldose is converted into another aldose (with opposite configuration of C-2) and the corresponding ketose, and a ketose is converted into the corresponding two aldoses. 通过这个反应,一种醛糖转化为另一种醛糖(具有相反的C-2结构)
42、和相对应的酮糖,一种酮糖转化为相对应的两种醛糖。18 Disaccharides are glycosides in which the aglycon is a monosaccharide unit. 双糖的糖苷配基是一个单糖单元的苷。19 Because glycosidic bonds are part of acetal structures, they undergo acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, that is, cleavage in the presence of aqueous acid and heat.因为糖苷键是缩醛结构的一部分,它们进行酸水解
43、,也就是说,在酸溶液和热存在的条件下分解。20 therefore, it is the reducing end and will be in equilibrium with alpha and beta six-membered ring forms, as described earlier for monosaccharides. 因此,如前面单糖部分所述,它是还原性末端,会形成和六元环形式的平衡。21 Since O-4 is blocked by attachment of the second D-glucopyranosyl unit, a furanose ring can
44、not form.因为O-4通过与第二个D-吡喃葡萄糖单元连接而被保护,环不能形成。22 Maltose is produced during malting of grains, especially barley, and commercially by the specific enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of starch using -amylase from Bacillus bacteria, although the -amylases from barley seed, soybeans, and sweet potatoes may be use
45、d. 麦芽糖产生于谷物成为麦芽的过程,尤其是大麦,商业上利用特异酶对淀粉催化水解,可使用芽孢杆菌产生的-淀粉酶水解淀粉,也可以使用大麦种子、大豆和甜土豆中产生的-淀粉酶。23 Also present in sugar beet extract are a trisaccharide, raffinose, which has a D-galactopyranosyl unit attached to sucrose, and a tetrasaccharide, stachyose, which contains another D-galactosyl unit . 制糖甜菜的提取液中还存
46、在一种三糖,即棉子糖,它有一个D-吡喃半乳糖单元与蔗糖相连接,另外还存在一种四糖,即水苏糖,它含有另一个D-半乳糖单元。24 To make fondant sugar, which is used in icings and confections, very fine sucrose crystals are surrounded with a saturated solution of invert sugar corn syrup, or maltodextrin. 使糖成为饱和糖液,用于制糖衣和蜜饯,非常好的糖结晶是被玉米糖浆或麦芽糖糊精转化糖的饱和溶液包围的。25 When the
47、 freezable water crystallizes, that is, forms ice, the concentration of solute in the remaining liquid phase increases, and the freezing point decreases. 当可冻结水结晶时,也就是说形成冰,在所余液相中溶质浓度增加,凝固点降低。26 It is estimated that more than 90% of the considerable carbohydrate mass in nature is in the form of polysa
48、ccharides.据估计在自然界中大约90%以上的碳水化合物以多糖形式存在。27 Diheteroglycans generally are either linear polymers of blocks of similar units alternating along the chain, or consist of a linear chain of one type of glycosyl unit with a second present as single-unit branches. 杂二聚糖通常或者是直链聚合物,或者是一种糖单元的直链与另一糖单元构成支链相连。 28 I
49、n other products, such as angel food cake and white bread, which are higher in moisture, about 96% of the wheat starch granules are gelatinized and many become deformed.在其他产品中,如蛋糕和白面包,它们含水量较高,约96%的小麦粉颗粒被胶凝而且许多是变形的 。29 Food companies value the clear cohesive pastes produced from waxy maize starch. 食品
50、厂采用含蜡玉米生产透明粘性糊料。30 Tuber and root starches have weak intermolecular bonding and swell greatly to give high-viscosity pastes. Because the highly swollen granules break easily, the viscosity quickly decreases with only moderate shear. 块茎和根中获得的淀粉有弱的分子间键并溶胀成高黏度糊料。因为高度溶胀的颗粒容易破裂,只需要中度剪切黏度就会迅速降低。31 It can
51、be argued that D-glucose is the most abundant carbohydrate and organic compound if we consider cellulose as a combined form of this monomeric builing block. 如果将纤维素看作是D-葡萄糖单体的高分子链的连接形式,可以认为D-葡萄糖是最丰富的碳水化合物和有机化合物。32 Cellulose is insoluble because, in order for it to dissolve, most of these hydrogen bon
52、ds would have to be released at once. 纤维素是不可溶的,因为要想使它溶解,大多数氢键不得不同时断开 。33 Chemical purity is not required for food use because cellulosic cell-wall materials are components of all fruits and vegetables and many of their products. 食品应用中不需要化学净化,因为纤维素细胞壁材料是所有果蔬和其他产品的成分。34 Since CMC consists of long, fai
53、rly rigid molecules that bear a negative charge due to numerous ionized carboxyl groups, electrostatic repulsion causes its molecules in solution to be extended, also, adjacent chain repel each other. CMC由长且刚性的分子组成,由于大量电离的羧基,这种刚性分子存在负电荷,静电斥力使溶液中的分子伸长,相邻键也相互排斥。35 The main component of both endosperms
54、 is a galactomannan. Galactomannans consist of a main chain of -D-mannopyranosyl units joined by(14) bonds with single-unit -D-galactopyranosyl branches attached at O-6.两种胚乳的主要成分是半乳甘露聚糖。半乳甘露聚糖具有一个由-D-吡喃甘露糖单元通过(14) 键连接起来的主链,同时单个单元的-D-吡喃半乳糖支链连接在O-6上 。36 With long stretches of about 80 underivatized D-
55、mannosyl units alternating with section of about 50 units in which almost every main chain unit has an -D-galactopyranosyl group glycosidically connected to its O-6 position 具有约80个未衍生化的D-甘露糖单元长片断与约50个单元的片断交替连接,在这50个单元的片断上,几乎每一个主链的单元有一个-D-吡喃半乳糖基连接在它的O-6 位置。37 Because guaran has its galactosyl units f
56、airly evenly placed along the chain, there are tow locations on the chains that are suitable for formation of junction zones.因为瓜拉那的半乳糖单元非常均匀地分布于链上,适合接头区域形成的主链上有丝束位点。38 Dietary fiber is a nutritional term that has nothing to do with its physical or chemical nature, although both chemical and physical
57、 properties are involved in its determination. 膳食纤维是一个营养学术语,与它的物理和化学性质无关,虽然物理和化学性质都与它的测定有关。39 Dietary Fiber is actually defined by the method used to measure it, of which there are several. 实际上膳食纤维是由测定它的多种方法定义的,这里有几种。40 Therefore, not only do natural components of foods contribute dietary fiber, but so also do gums that are added to modify rheological properties, to provide bulk, and/or to provide other functionalities as already described.40 因此,不仅食物中的天然成分提供膳食纤维,而且为改变流变性质、提供容积和上述提供其他功能性质的食物胶也起相同作用。41.When digestive hydrolysis to monosaccarides occurs, the products of digestion are absorb
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