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1、actig polica I new cnce pt new t houghtn- sb - ly of basc conte” I ng ud - tand XI General Se y In Fujia w rig -. of root s mm on do drop ,ad Ie In Na udypropo se dof、ryXa moved, and Ino- tin mechai sm, Ms-egayspi* poseIde -, moral chaaOr, cnseVne- tot requieme nts iu-sta. ma - r followng aspecs con

2、-1 (1) Id-l-H Is C.mmun-t Shag of - t rg ht of worl d w, ad Oulok on ie and -ues 2 ia Is ream-Ion-of ofdde am, sCCie - moder eatof , ce E-I- s Is yand n. a Ule- CCie - great of way cnfie. . nce. 4) our a fulStaegy lyout Is new of hi _or. cnditayul ng -l Ial.a、y cnsc 、u a ul ed the wrk; 5)i I cord, a

3、sarddev. r_t CCI.a ade pcage, a cnneptd”. 6,-一 Ie Socials cre sic spirit, learspeech learni一- .-understand Ceng aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang ofcalcium,setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)China dream is nationalof dream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people

4、ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhance droa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) four a

5、fullullstrictly rule party isallmemberscommonre sponsibilit y, must impl ementation toea chbra nch andeach name members.3.Play avang uardand exemplary rol ein life. Keeptothe correct politi calorie ntation,pol iticalse nsitivity a nd politica ljudgme nt,daret ofight againstallkindsofwrong thought ,w

6、rongw ords and deeds.(2)firmlyestablishconsci ousne ss ofthe party,the partymembersconsciousne ss.Focus on some partymembers sense oforga nizationand disci pline,t hey do not participate i nthe Organizati on,i s notre quire dtopay membership due s for along time, do notpla y avanguarda ndexemplaryro

7、l e,some dont even menti on membershi p,failtomakea disti ncti onbetween rig ht andwrong ,failing toobserve politi caldi sci pline a nd r ules, a nd so on.Always keepinmindt hathe is a Communist,strengt hen party spirit,li steni ng party, party,party,part y,party party guardi ng party,atthe party,t

8、he party forthe party. (3) strengtheni ngtheconsci ousness ofthe partyspurpose.Focus on pe opl esconcepti on ofsomepartymembers,lack of senseofservice ,do notcareforthemasse s di dnottakethe i nitiative,and some evenhurt publi c interests,job,excelle nt thick friends,eating,a nd so on.Bearing in min

9、d thefundamentalpur pose ofservi ng,top people at heart,cl ose ties w ith themasses, bekind tope opl e, de dicate d to publi c servi ce andplay aparti n povertyrelief,with practical acti onsto win thetrustand support ofthemasses.(4) actively practici ngtheSocialistcorevalue s.Focus on do notobserves

10、tri ngentmembers,knowledgeoutofdev otion,talk aboutethi cs,goodfaith i snote nough, a nd some evenval uedi stortions,moral misconduct,sexyvulgar,materialisti c,and so on. Strengtheni ng moral cultivation, Z ontaforgood, pay attentionto self -disci pline,spirit ualpursuit, to internalizethecoreval ue

11、s int o consciousa ction,withexe mplarybehavi orinfluenceand lead people.(5) setup inthepracti ceofprom oting reform, devel opmentandstability. F ocus on some party memberswit h thestatus quo,aless aggressive mood,depresse d,sayi ng sluggi sh again,justto getby not seekingguodeying,some evenperfunct

12、orya ddress, evadi ngresponsibilityandotheri ssues. Activelyadapt to theeconomi cdevel opment ofthe new normal, seriouslyimpleme nt thene wdevel opm ntphilosophy, hard w orkhardw orkhar d,based on their own dedi cation. Second, on theCouncilofthe section -level cadres a bovere quireme ntsse ction ab

13、ovepartyca dres totakethe lea d inthe education working cl oselywit h leadi ngpra ctice, le arnmore, better, more stri ctrequirements, highe r,andstrive to improv e the ideol ogicaland political qualityand theoreti callevels.1. Constit ution Partyrules.System learning understandingCPC arti cles,in f

14、ullgrasp basic content ofbasedS hang ,focus masterConstituti on master a ndmember s,andpar tyoforganizationsystem,and partyofCentralOrganizati on,a nd partyofpla ce organi zation,and partyofgrass-roots orga nizations, a nd partyofcadres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne, chapter content, deepgrasp two avang u

15、ard ofnatur e andmi ssion,further clear fouraservi ceof requirements,mastermembers leaders must hasofsixitemsba sicconditions.Studying thecode ofself-di sci pline ofthe CPC the CPC discipl inaryregul ations regulati ons ofthe CPC localcommittees of thepartyworkofthe Chine seCommunist Party(fortriali

16、mplementation)Ordina nce,suchas t hesel ectionand appoi ntment ofpartyand Government leading cadres w ork ofimportantlawsand regulations withi、目录1. 概述 2. 硬件电路设计及描述3. 软件设计流程及描述4. 源程序代码5. 课程设计体会6. 参考文献Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ous

17、ly withfour afull led the work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd ope n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chi

18、nese traditionalvirtueSi ly -.uts new.llipt new t a- e .as-.t T、. .n d.、.p 一 “,ad te i unde- nday ; i -.rdsard do nig arags naue , pun Na”ulypr.p.- d.raH.Xa .-ed, and、n.a in .e-ai,g - p -nd1* b-.g i”a a p-age, i.s., .a Ms.ant-nnept d j.b; 6) pallnmid t I* ageeds.i- Ole n* e d pay -rea

19、ad -n.o* -de.l - l-ctll.uggt .-a adCCie- tailina -iuene*Sl .-be. -ns- .u- e* h XI Geea Se-eay e Smp.ra I I _ I ISOdi nace ad * dint *ee-*rt aadgude pr-tng*, .a_g vai pay. - be. a. piay.lece and ae hee 2. -ess .XI -be- t.L Iy.u p.-1,.“-n”s- -I eaudersiad Ce nts 1a iunesad .a - r .l.wng . .ntet

20、 (1) dda1atis ”.un sii Shag . alju.,- t-ght .1 w.rl. 一、and ”. ues CCiad-s . . de a., sCCie - .de- .d-. -e Esenta s s yand n. a a-ie-d CCie - ggea revva ., ad s:_ -n.d. n-e, 4) .ur a ulullstrictly rule party isallmemberscommonre sponsibilit y, must impl ementation toea chbra nch andeach name

21、 members.3.Play avang uardand exemplary rol ein life. Keeptothe correct politi calorie ntation,pol iticalse nsitivity a nd politica ljudgme nt,daret ofight againstallkindsofwrong thought ,wrongw ords and deeds.(2)firmlyestablishconsciousnessoftheparty,the partymembersconsciousne ss.Focus on some par

22、tymembers sense oforga nizationand disci pline,t hey do not participate i nthe Organizati on,i s notre quire dtopay membership due s for along time, do notpla y avanguarda ndexemplaryrol e,some dont even menti on membershi p,failtomakea disti ncti onbetween rig ht andwrong ,failing toobserve politi

23、caldi sci pline a nd r ules, a nd so on.AlwayskeepinmindthatheisaCommunist,strengthenparty spirit,li steni ng party, party,party,part y,party party guardi ng party,atthe party,t he party forthe party. (3) strengtheni ngtheconsci ousness ofthe partyspurpose.Focus on pe opl esconcepti on ofsomepartyme

24、mbers,lack of senseofservice ,do notcareforthemasse s di dnottakethe i nitiative,and some evenhurt publi c interests,job,excelle nt thick friends,eating,andsoon.Bearing in mind thefundamentalpurposeofservi ng,top people at heart,cl ose ties w ith themasses, bekind tope opl e, de dicate d to publi c

25、servi ce andplay aparti n povertyrelief,with practical acti onsto win thetrustand support ofthemasses.(4) actively practicingtheSocialistcorevalues.Focusondonotobservestri ngentmembers,knowledgeoutofdev otion,talk aboutethi cs,goodfaith i snote nough, a nd some evenval uedi stortions,moral misconduc

26、t,sexyvulgar,materialistic,and so on. Strengtheni ng moral cultivation, Z ontaforgood, pay attentiontoself -disci pline,spirit ualpursuit, to internalizethecorevaluesint o consciousa ction,withexe mplarybehavi orinfluenceand lead people.(5) setup inthepracticeofprom oting reform, devel opmentandstab

27、ility. F ocus on some party memberswit h thestatus quo,aless aggressive mood,depressed,sayingsluggishagain,justto getby not seekingguodeying,some evenperfunctoryaddress,evadingresponsibilityandotherissues. Activelyadapt to theeconomicdevelopment ofthe new normal, seriouslyimpleme nt thene wdevel opm

28、 ntphilosophy, hard w orkhardw orkhar d,based on their own dedi cation. Second, on theCouncilofthe section -level cadres a bovere quireme ntsse ction abovepartyca dres totakethe lea d inthe education working cl oselywit h leadi ngpra ctice, le arnmore, better, more stri ctrequirements, highe r,andst

29、rive to improv e the ideol ogicaland political qualityand theoreticallevels.1. Constit ution Partyrules.SystemlearningunderstandingCPCarticles,infullgrasp basic content ofbasedS hang ,focus masterConstituti on master a ndmember s,andpar tyoforganizationsystem,and partyofCentralOrganization,andpartyo

30、fplaceorgani zation,and partyofgrass-roots orga nizations, a nd partyofcadres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne, chapter content, deepgrasp two avang uard ofnatur e andmi ssion,further clear fouraservi ceof requirements,mastermembers leaders must hasofsixitemsbasicconditions.Studying thecodeofself-di sci plin

31、e ofthe CPC the CPC discipl inaryregul ations regulati ons ofthe CPC localcommittees of thepartyworkoftheChine seCommunist Party(fortrialimplementation)Ordinance,suchast hesel ectionand appoi ntment ofpartyand Government leading cadres w ork ofimportantlawsandregulations withi1 .概述我组设计的三层电梯控制系统的主要功能

32、有:楼层指示灯亮时表示停在相应的楼层,每当停在各楼层时其楼层指示灯闪烁 1秒接 着常亮,有呼叫的楼层有响应,反之没有,电梯上升途中只响应 上升呼叫,下降途中只响应下降呼叫,任何反方向的呼叫均无效。在整个PLC课程设计过程中,我主要负责查找资料,程序设计和 调试,在选择方案时组织我组队员参与讨论, 在遇到困难时联系老师 解决问题,协助我组队员完成 PLC课题设计报告。PLC课程设计要求具有较强的理论知识,结合实践上机调试,分 析理解能力和故障排除能力,是一个综合性较强的课程设计,这也是 本系开设此课程设计的目的和初衷。2 .硬件电路设计和描述模拟装置介绍S2O$1O03O2OOSQ1OOsmoL

33、2ouodooov+comoacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate offour grassroot s immediatelyondo drop weakbirdfirstflyand thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of gravity Xia moved,a nd innova tion mecha

34、ni sm,importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang ofcalcium,setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and

35、values;(2)China dream is nationalof dream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhance droa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) four afullS1、S2、S3分别为轿厢内一层、二层、三层电梯内选按钮;D2、D3分别为二层、三层电梯外


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