1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流中国海试题名称:洋大学继续教育学院命题专用纸(夜大学/函授)大学英语学年 2013学期 3层次:(专/本)专业:姓名:年级:学号:分数:Part I Vocabulary and structureSection ADirecti ons:There are 30 in complete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choicesmarked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sen
2、tence.1.Bill was very_whe n he saw the people injured in the car accide nt.A. awkwardB. emoti onalC.in dig nantD. relaxedOnly those who are strong can_the severe sufferi ngs in overco ming lifeA. en dureB. recallC. accomplishD. fortifyWhat_is there to do well in this course? Will we get a grade for
3、our work?A. promoti onB. advantageC. i ncen tiveD. react ionBy cha nee she and her friend came to the party weari ngA. radicalB. ide nticalC. excessiveD. liberalThe rece nt welfare law was passed to_ the poor livi ng con diti ons of many citize ns.A. conq uerB. ig noreC. relieveD. in spectThe profes
4、sor did n t an swer questio ns duri ng his lecture because he wan ted to complete the material without_ .A. in terrupti onB. privilegeC. challe ngeD. disgraceOur city has many buildi ngs which_ those found in the West.A. possessB. resembleB. accumulateD. locateThe en emy warned us that they were goi
5、ng to_ the peace talks.A. result inB. stick toC. break offD. depe nd onThe boss told his secretary to_his order without delay.A. hold upB. talk overC. carry outD. set aside10. In view of global warm ing, coastal buildi ngs should_A. promptB. an ticipateC. discourageD. preve nt11. I feel_you will ext
6、e nd a help ing hand to those who are sufferi ng from cold and hun ger.A. complace ntB. un likeC. appare ntD. con fide nt12.Why don t you _ the break to have a cup of coffee and relax yourself.?A. look intoB. hold upC. come up withD. take adva ntage of13. My attitude to aging is that its_so theres v
7、ery little we can do about it.A. i nevitableB. steadyC. con tagiousD. psychological14.We had better move forward, for it will not do us any good toA. shrug offB. dwell onC. live onD. si ngle out15.They took emerge ncy steps to protect themselves from the2. rise.the pas
8、t.disease.s difficulties.资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除A. conveyedB.dreadedC. dispersedD. exploded16. Susa n is n ever known to be_ to follow fashi ons, however attractive they may seem.A. addictedB. promptedC. temptedD. gran ted17. The ability to sing and dance has become in c
9、reas in gly importa nt in the en terta inment in dustryno wadays, and there are few actors who dont_ some musical and dance skills.A. ownB. pursueC. occupyD. possess18. The spe nding cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left .A. depressedB. jealousC. vaca ntD. dissatisfied19.They will give pres
10、entations on those aspects of engineering that are having an developme nt of militaryequipme nt.A. impactB. i ndicatio nC. intentD. applicatio n20. Have you_ eno ugh time to do quality work and meet the compa nyA. brought aboutB. lea ned onC. take n overD put i n21. Automatic mach ines can only do t
11、he jobs they_to do.A. have bee n askedB. have askedC. askD will ask22. _ the higher capital expe nditure in volved, the mach ine may prove more econo mical in the longrun.A In spite ofB BesidesC Except forD Apart from23. Had she been given some information, she_ the question.A would an swerB could a
12、n swerC could have an sweredD an swered24. I was not satisfied with the result,_ .A my pare nts did not, eitherB not satisfied by my pare nts, eitherC nor my pare nts were satisfiedD nor were my pare nts25. They all retur ned to the village,_that the dan ger was over.A convincingB convin cedC to con
13、vinceD hav ing convincedSection BDirections :Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify theone that is not correct.26. Chichester succeeded to sail round the world all by himself in spite of his lungAB Ccancer and his friends attempts to dissuade him.D27
14、. At the meeting they made Prof. Smith as Chairman of the department and spentABan hour discuss ing the training of young teachers as well.CD28. These young people who lived in the rich families can not endure the hardshipAB Cin the coun tryside.Dby retired teachers.on thes standards?只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,
15、如有侵权请联系网站删除29. All those attending the funeral came with black, and tried to hold themselves in ABCwhe n they laid bun ches of flowers and paid their respect.D30. He did not eat nothing for two weeks since he heard that he got a lung cancer.A B CDReadi ng Comprehe nsionDirections : There are four pa
16、ssages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished stateme nts.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best an swer to each questi onbased on the passage.Passage OneQuesti ons 31-35 are based on the follow ing passage:The idea b
17、eh ind“ the rule of law ” is that, it is laws based on logical reasons andthat should govern social life. “Welive under a rule of law, not of men,” American students. The students accept the idea.They believe that“ no man is above the law,equally to all people no matter how wealthy they are, what th
18、eir personal connections stations in life are. Their faith in the rule oflaw expla ins the belief many America ns held, and many foreig ners could not un dersta nd, that Preside nt Richard Nixonshould be removed from of his behavior in connection with what was called“ Watergate sca ndal ”therefore s
19、hould be puni shed, America ns believed, even if he was the Preside nt.The belief in the rule of law goes beyond the area of politics to other areas of life that are governed by formal rules andprocedures. To get a job with a gover nment in stituti on, for example, or to get government funding for a
20、 research project, onemust follow published procedures and show that the published requireme nts. Personal connections are not supposed to matterun der the rule of law.This not to say that pers onal con tacts, wealth, and social in flue nee do not matter in situati ons where laws and rules areto be
21、obeyed. They may. What is said above describes the ideal with which agree. In reality, connections can sometimes help aperson get a government job. Rich people can go unpuni shed for illegal behavior that poor people would be likely to be punished for. But in gen eral the rule of law prevails, and A
22、merica ns are proud that is does.31.clear thinkingteachers tell their ”that laws apply are, orwhat theiroffice as a result.Nixon had broke n the law andone meetsAmerica nssometimes32.The word“ stati ons ” (para 1) is closest in meaning to_.A. stagesB. situati onsC. successesD. social positi onsThe w
23、riter men ti ons Preside nt Richard Nixon in the first paragraph to show thatA.B.C.D.no man is above the lawthe preside nt should make sure of the rule of lawthe rule of law is important in politicsAmerica n people have the right to remove their preside ntUn der the rule of law, one wants to find a
24、gover nment job, he must_.A. find pers onal connectionsB. use his social in flue neeC. follow formal rules and proceduresD. show that he is good and rich eno ugh34. It can be learned from the last paragraph that in the United States the rule of law isnot carried out as fully as it should be makes po
25、or people also likely tobe successful is, in reality, almost impossible to realize makes sureevery one is puni shed for his wron gdo ing33.A.B.C.D.35. The passage is mainly about_ .A. American s faith in the rule of lawB. law and pers onal connections in the U.S.C.equality under the American rule of
26、 lawD.the American rule of law in theory and in practice只供学习与交流只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除Passage TwoQuesti ons 36 -40 are based on the follow ing passage:Whenwe meet another person for the first time, we are actually flooded with new information.Almostat once, we no tice his appeara nee, style of dr
27、ess, and manner of speech. Furthermore, as we liste n to what he has to say andobserve the things he does, we begi n to form some idea of what kind of pers on he is and what he intends to do. As you knowform your own experie nee, though, we do not only gather these separate pieces of in formati on.
28、In stead we do further and combine them into a uni fied picture.In short, we form an overall impression of each person we meet - an impression that can be favorable or unfavorable. But how,precisely, do we perform this task? How do we combine so much different information into a clear first impressi
29、on with such quickspeed? A great deal of research has been performed on this questi on, and results point to the follow ing an swer: We perform thistask through a special type of averagi ng.Expressed very simply, our impressi ons of others seem to represe nt a weighted average of all information tha
30、t can begathered about them. That is, they reflect a process in which all information we have about others is averaged together - but withsome“ facts ” or in put receivi ng greater weightthan others. As you can readily see, this makes good sense. For example, in forming an impression of a new boss y
31、ou wouldprobably be in flue needto a much greater degree by how this pers on gives you orders(whether respectfully or not) tha n by the color of his or her eyes. The fact that not all in formati on about other pers ons affect ourimpressi ons of them to the same degree, though, raises an importa nt q
32、uestio n:Just what kinds of in put receive the greatestweight? Aga in, research provides some reveali ngan swers.36. This passage is mainly about_.A.how our first impressi ons are expressedB.how our first impressi ons are formedC.how we can favorably impress othersD.how first impressi ons affect our
33、 lives37. According to the passage, the first impression is_.A.the result of a quick lookB.not based on eno ugh in formati onC.a comb in ati on of pieces of in formatio nD.the observati on of what a pers on does38. Research has show n that first impressi ons are gen erally more in flue need by_.A.th
34、e way others speakB.appeara nee and style of dressC.all in formati on we haveD.certa in types of in formati on at hand39. By saying“this makes good sense ” in the second paragraph, the writer means_.A.this n eeds good expla nati onB.this sounds reas on ableC.this is what every one knowsD.this is wha
35、t many people think40. According to the writer, the first impression of a new boss comes largely from his_.a. style of dressb. appeara neec. way of orderi ng peopled. way of look ing at peoplePassage ThreeQuestion 41-45 are based on the following passage:In order to carry out their specialized activ
36、ities, the cells of the body are grouped together into larger structures. A tissue consistsof a group of similar cells along with the material between the cells, which are orga ni zed to carry out a particular fun ctio n.There are 4 major types of tissues:epithelial,connective, and muscular, each of
37、 which has a special function to perform.Different types of tissues are combined into larger functionalunits known as organs. An organ is defined只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除as a group of tissues work ing together to perform a particular function. The heart, for example, is anorgan made up of epithelia
38、l tissue, which protects it, muscle tissue, which is responsiblefor the actualcon tract ions, n ervous tissue, which con trols it, and conn ective tissue, which holds the other tissues together.Fin ally, a nu mber of differe nt orga ns may act together to perform a particular function. Such a collec
39、t ion of organs is known asan organ system. In the human body there are 9 organ systems: the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatorysystem, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the excretory system, the reproductive system, the nervous system and theendocrine system. The lungs
40、 and the air tubes form the respiratory system; the heart and the blood tubes along which blood flowsround the body compose the circulatory system; and stomach and the food tubes con stitute the digestive system.To sum up, there are 4 basic levels of the body: the in dividual cells, tissues,orga ns
41、and orga n systems. of cells are comb ined to form a higher un it called_A. an orga nB. a systemC. a tissueD. an organsystemThere are_ major types of tissues.A. 4B. 3C. 9D. 6The function of the epithelial tissue is to_ .A. hold the other tissues togetherB. protect the orga nC. ma
42、ke actual con tract ionsD. con trol the orga nThe digestive system is composed of the stomach and the_A. food tubesB. air tubesC. blood tubesD. water tubesThe horm ones are manu factured and secreted into the blood by theA. circulatory systemB. digestive systemC. en docri ne systemD. excretory syste
43、mPassage FourQuesti ons 46 to 50 are based on the follow ing passage:Howdo young children learn to have good values? Howcan parents teach their childrenabout the importanee:indness, patienee, and self-discipline? At a time when more and more parents worry about the negativeIntern et,of kand viole nt
44、to fimages (暴力形象)their childrensee on TV, in the movies and, on the童话)as a way to teach their young ones how to behave in society.tales were not always intended for children. Weknow this because some of hundreds ofyears and were passed down from generation to generation throughairy tales( Fairyforco
45、rextsome are turningthesestorieshaveexistedsongs andsidered en terta inment for every one, not only for young people. In these an cie nt stories, emely clever,fiercely independent, and never gave up. Over the years, some of the heroes qualities and story lines havebeen changed to fit the times.Psych
46、ologists think that fairy tales have a positive in flue nee on childre n because they prese nt the sides ofgood and evil very clearly. When children hear the stories, they develop sympathetic feelings the heroiccharacters .In each tale, they can see that there are many differe nt kinds of people in
47、the Id and that we allhave a choice about what kind of person we want to be. Wecan choose totweforworather tha n bad on es, in our lives.What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In The Princess and the Pea, girl who in sists she isa prin cess is give n a difficult test by the Quee n.
48、 When she passes the test, we rn that she is rewarded becauseshe stayed true to herself. In The Little Mermaid, the mermaid (lea人鱼) who lives under the sea longs to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about theimporta nee of livi ng with and accepti ng other cultures. In Pi
49、n occhio, a woode n puppet(into a boy whe n he fin ally learns how to tell the truth.Teaching values is the reason most often given for teaching literature and encouraging reading. Thesedrama. They werethe heroes weredo good actions.a poorly dressed木偶)turns只供学习与交流只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除old I stor
50、ies can in deed teach us less ons about huma n relati on ships that are uni versal (survive throughout the cen turies. This might be the reas on why they have bee n around for so long and are uni kely to disappearany time soon.46. What do we lear n about fairy tales from the passage?A. They are writ
51、te n solely for childre n.B. They teach uni versal less ons about huma n relati on ships.C. They are all passed dow n through songs and drama.D. They are adapted to TV and movies as en terta inment.47. Why do fairy tales have a positive in flue nee on childre n?A. Good and evil are prese nted in a w
52、ay they can easily un dersta nd.B. The characters are all good examples for them to follow.C. The heroes go through all kinds of hardships but n ever give up.D. There are many differe nt kinds of characters for them to imitate.48. Some of the heroes qualities in fairy tales have bee n cha nged over the years_A. to reflect the cha nge of valuesB. to suit the tastes of differe nt peopleC. to adapt to the cha nge of the timesD. to a
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