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1、 200 Plunger Pump and Manifolds200型柱塞泵及吸入排出管汇部分 General Description of 200 Plunger Pump 200型柱塞泵概述 Model 3ZB2170 Plunger Pump is a horizontal, single acting triplex plunger pump which consists of power end and fluid end. Power end consists of crank box,crank,connecting rod,cross head,cross head cover

2、, etc. Fluid end consists of pump body,plungers, suction and discharge valve assemblies. Crank box is connected to cross head cover by 12 alloy studs and power end is connected to the fluid end by 12 alloy tie rods too. 3ZB20-170柱塞泵是我厂自行设计制造的一种卧式单作用三缸柱塞泵,它主要由动力端总成与液力端总成组成,动力端包括:曲轴箱、曲轴组件、连杆、十字头、十字头外壳

3、体等;液力端包括:泵头体、柱塞及吸入排出凡尔总成等。曲轴箱与十字头外壳体由12个合金钢双头螺栓连接,动力端与液力端由12个合金钢接杆连接(双头螺栓与接杆螺纹连接),卸下液力端时,接杆留在动力端上。For the plunger is connected to the pull rod by collar clamp, it is very convenient to disassemble and repair the fluid end. 3ZB20-170 Pump has the characters of small body, light weight,small displacem

4、ent,low pressure and it is easy to operate and repair. The pump is a complicated equipment,improper operations will produce serious results.Please read the instructions carefully and know the mechanics and usage well before any operations. 柱塞与拉杆之间采用卡箍连接,拆卸和维修液力端很方便。3ZB20-170柱塞泵具有体积小、重量轻、排量及压力较小、操作维修

5、方便等特点,适用于油田作业中压力及排量要求不大的场合。因为柱塞泵为设备作业之核心部件,操作不当会造成严重后果。因此,要求操作人员在使用设备之前,认真仔细地阅读说明书,熟悉其结构及使用要求。 Main Parameters主要技术性能参数 1、Max.input HP最大输入功率: 170KW(228HHP) 2、Continuous HP持续水功 112KW(150HHP) 3、Stroke冲 程: 101.6mm (4”) 4、Max. SPM最高冲次: 300 5、Plunger Diameter柱塞直径: 27 mm(5”) 6、Max.pressure最高压力: 20MPa 7、Max

6、. displacement最大排量: 1.158L/Min 8、Weight重 量: 1250KG 9、Max.Rod load连杆最大负荷: 253KN三、结构简介200型柱塞泵 Structure Introduction 结构简介1、Power End 动力端总成Consists of crank box,crank,connecting rod,cross head,cross head holder,etc.1 Crank box: Steel welding structure2 Crank:alloy steel forging with integrated lubricat

7、ing oil line.3 Connecting rod and insert:connecting rod is made of steel casting,insert is made of copper alloy steel casting.4 Cross head: semi-cylindrical structure and made of nodular cast iron.5 Cross head holder:steel welding structure, connected to the crank box with studs and positioning pin

8、.主要零部件有:曲轴箱、曲轴、连杆、十字头、十字头外壳体等。(1)曲轴箱:采用钢质焊接结构(2)曲 轴:材料为合金钢锻件,其上钻有油道,用于润滑轴承、连杆瓦片 及连杆销。(3)连杆及连杆瓦片:连杆采用铸钢材料,连杆瓦片采用铸造铜合金(4)十字头:为半圆柱形结构,材料为球墨铸铁(5)十字头外壳体:采用焊接式钢结构,与曲轴箱用双头螺栓及定位销连接。Drawing of power end 动力端总成图2、Fluid End 液力端总成Power end consists of pump body,suction and discharge valves,plungers,packing,packi

9、ng nuts etc. 力端总成主要零部件有:泵头体、吸入凡尔总成、排出凡尔总成、柱塞、盘根及密封压盖等组成。3、Packing box 填料箱4、Suction header 吸入总管Power of pump comes from the deck engine,which comes through the transmission,transfer case,chain driving box, then to the power end.The function of chain driving box is to reduce the SPM.The chain model is

10、 96 pitches and quadruplet rolling chain .柱塞泵的动力来自于车装发动机,经液力变速器及分动箱两级减速后进入链条传动箱,再经减速进入动力端。链条传动箱的作用是降速以达到泵所需的冲次。链条为4排96节滚子链。 Driving System 传动系统Diagram of driving system柱塞泵传动系统图Chain driving box 链条传动箱 Instructions About Assembling 安装注意事项1、Crank assembly 曲轴组件的装配Place the crank box on the table,the inp

11、ut end of box is on the right side.Use liquid nitrogen or carbon ice to freeze the outer races of bearings and install three of them in the crank box from left to right fastened by retainer rings and bolts . Do not install the first hole. Use hot oil or electrical heating box to heat the bearings an

12、d bearing seats, keep them warm for one hour and then install bearings to the crank at certain positions.将曲轴箱平放在安装台上,确认曲轴箱的输入端放在右端。将经过液氮或CO2干冰冷冻过的圆柱滚子轴承(3道)的外圈装配到曲轴箱从左至右的三道轴承孔中(注意右边第一道孔不装) ,装到合适位置后用轴承挡圈(B1001030074)及螺栓固定。将自动定心滚子轴承及轴承座(B1001030103)放入油槽或电烘箱中均匀加热到170, 保温一小时后,将自动定心滚子轴承装在曲轴上相应位置。After th

13、e crank has been cold, install the heating bearing seats outside the bearings. Put the inner rings and holders of the three cylindrical-roller bearings into hot oil or electrical heating box and heat them to 170 uniformly. After keeping them warm for one hour, then Install them at certain places acc

14、ording to the drawing and fasten them by retainer rings and bolts.Push the crank into the crank box from right to left.After finishing these works, run the crank to make sure whether all bearings run flexible without any block.Then install the cross head-connecting rod assembly.待冷却后,将保温的轴承座装在轴承外圈上。将

15、圆柱滚子轴承(3道)的内圈及保持架放入油槽或电烘箱中均匀加热到170,保温一小时后,按图装配到合适位置后,用轴承挡圈(B1001030044)及螺栓固定。然后将曲轴自右至左压装到曲轴箱中。装完后转动,各轴承应运转灵活无卡阻。一十字头与连杆总成及钢套上下片装配Crank Assembly 曲轴组件2、Control and adjustment of key parts clearance 关键件的间隙控制与调整1 Clearance between connecting rod insert and bell crank: 0.156mm0.226mm2 Clearance between c

16、ross head and holders: 0.15mm0.20mm3 Clearance between connecting rod pin and copper bushing: 0.040.09mmNote:All contact areas should rotate smoothly.(1)连杆瓦片和曲轴轴拐的间隙为:0.156mm0.226mm(2)十字头与钢套上下片的间隙为:0.15mm0.20mm(3)连杆销与铜套的间隙为:0.040.09mm 要求装配后应能转动自如 3、Install and change the packing 安装和更换液力端盘根Wash the p

17、acking seats,pressure rings,guide rings,seal rings and packing nuts carefully(these parts are brass rings). Check their sizes for any wrong tolerance and damages.If the tolerances of any part is more than 0.125mm, this part should be rejected.If the new or old copper rings have some minor nicks or s

18、cratches, these defects will be removed by 100# sandpaper or better one. Never use file to smooth them. 装配前应将盘根座圈、盘根压环、导向套、密封衬套及密封压盖(这些 件简称铜环)清洗干净,严格检查其尺寸及形位公差,并检查有无任何损坏。(若装配铜环时有磨擦柱塞现象或有铜斑迹存在,这说明这些铜环 有些太小或不圆,检查其尺寸及形位公差,若超差0.125mm应予报废)。新的或旧的铜环若有细小刻痕和擦伤,可用100#或更细的砂布清除,决不能使用锉刀。The procedure of Installi

19、ng packing:装配盘根步骤装配盘根步骤:1 Install the packing seats in the hole with a turning motion, if been stuck, tap them gently with a wooden handle until they are free. Do not thump or force them into the hole of pump.2 Install two groups of packing on the packing seat,keep it in mind that the packing should

20、 be dry and never be soaked in oil.3 Install the pressure rings in the same way.4Install the guide rings in the same way.(1)以旋转运动的方式将盘根座圈装入孔中,若有卡阻,用木柄轻慢敲击,直到变得自由为止,决不允许连续重击和压入孔内。(2)将双组盘根装到盘根座圈上,切记盘根必须在干燥状态下安装,决不允将盘根泡浸在油里。(3)用安装盘根座圈的方法安装盘根压环。(4)用安装盘根座圈的方法安装导向套5 Install the seal rings in the same way.

21、6 Screw the packing nuts only by hands.7 With an oil soaked tower, thoroughly oil inside of packing and copper rings. Grease the plungers and install them with a dedicated tool which is provided with the pump.After installed all packing and plungers, tighten all packing nuts as tight as possible wit

22、h a standard gib head spanner. Run the pump slowly and make it sure that all plungers should be lubricated.while running pump, continue to tighten the packing nuts until they can not be tightened further with the special spanner.Remember: the pump must be running while the packing nuts are being tig

23、htened.(5)用安装盘根座圈的方法安装密封衬套(6)用手紧固密封压盖(7)用浸油毛巾给整个盘根和铜环内表面抹油,给柱塞涂油并装入泵孔内(用随车工具-柱塞顶入装置) 所有盘根和柱塞安装完后,用标准钩头扳手紧固所有密封压盖,尽可能压紧。起动设备,使泵极慢的旋转,保证所有柱塞被润滑,当泵转动时,继续紧固盘根,直到标准钩头不能再紧为止。切记,紧固盘根一定要让泵转动。 The procedure of remove packing: 拆卸盘根步骤拆卸盘根步骤:1 Remove the plunger2 In turn remove the packing gland,seal ring,guide

24、 ring,pressure ring,packing,packing seat with wooden hammer or other proper pullers,place them in a certain order. Remember: Never use metal stick.Inspect the packing holes and clean them.(1)拆出柱塞(2)使用木榔头把或合适的拉出器,从外向里依次拆出密封压盖、密封衬套、 导向套、盘根压环、盘根、盘根座圈,并按秩序分开存放。切记,不能 用任何金属棒。 观察盘根孔,清除堆集的污物。 4、Install the

25、valve cover 堵头安装When installing the suction valve cover, press down the suction valve spring carefully, screw the 6”packing gland and let bottom surface of the valve cover hold down the suction valve spring.When the 6” packing gland has been tightened, the bottom surface must be horizontal, otherwis

26、e the pump can not work properly. 组装吸入腔堵头时,要小心的压下吸入凡尔弹簧,并旋转6”螺纹压盖,使堵头下平面压住吸入凡尔弹簧,6”螺纹压盖拧紧后,一定要保证堵头下平面水平,否则,不能保证正常工作。 5、Torque list for key bolts重要部位螺栓连接扭紧力矩的控制 6、Usage of tools being equipped with the pump泵用随车工具的使用Bolt Torque List 螺栓扭紧力矩图 Suction Manifolds (charging system) 吸入管汇(灌注系统) Discharging ma

27、nifolds and High Pressure Saver 排出管汇及超压保护 Lubricating the pump and chain drive case 泵及链条传动箱的润滑Power end and chain drive case are lubricated by continuous and pressed oil. Fluid end packing and charging pump are lubricated by an air operated pump. 动力端及链条传动箱都采用连续压力油式强制润滑,液力端各盘根和灌注离心泵油封均由气动润滑泵提供润滑油润滑。T

28、he lubricating oil pressure for power end is regulated at 0.30.4MPa.The amount of oil delivered to packing is controlled by the air flow to the oil pump.The air flow is controlled by a pressure regulator and s flow regulator. The air flow regulator must be adjusted to give an oil flow of 0.24 liters

29、 in five minutes.The oil from the pump is evenly distributed to the packing. 动力端润滑油压调整为:0.30.4MPa。润滑盘根的油量由流向驱动油泵的气量控制,气流由一个气压调节阀和一个流量调节阀控制,气流调节量必须调整到每5分钟提供0.24L油的泵送率。泵送的油通过分配阀均匀地分配到各盘根上。 Pump Maintenance 泵的维护保养It is better for the plunger pump to work at 7080% of full horsepower, it can prolong the

30、life of the pump.Before starting the pump, check the fluid level of power end lubricating box and fluid end packing lubricating box. Fulfill the oil if the oil is not enough and regulate the oil pressure while the pump is running. Check the sealing performance of plungers. Add oil in time when the p

31、ump pauses. If the pumping fluid is turbid, it is suggested that after pumping job, the pump should pump clean water to clean the pump and discharge pipelines until the discharge water is clear. If the weather is very cold, the water stayed in the fluid end should be drain out.柱塞泵在满功率7080%为宜,这样可以延长设

32、备的使用寿命。泵启动前应检查动力端润滑油箱油位及液力端盘根润滑油箱油位,油不够时,及时加油,并在启动泵时调整其润滑油压;检查柱塞的密封度。泵停机前,若泵送的介质混浊,建议工作结束之后,泵送清水以清洗泵及排出管汇,直至水变清再停机;若天冷,应将泵头体内腔的积水排尽以防冻结。Pump maintenances including: Daily maintenances, weekly maintenances,monthly maintenances and periodical maintenances. The emphasized maintenances is about lubricat

33、ing system.1 Daily Maintenances:1)Check the fluid level.2)Check the oil temperature.It must be less than 80.3)Check the oil pressure.4)Check equipment for any strange sound.5)Check the power end lubricating system.6)Check the discharge pressure.7)Check the equipment for any leakage.8)Check the surfa

34、ce of plungers泵的维护保养包括:每天的维护保养、每周的维护保养、每月的维护保养及定期维护保养。重点放在润滑系统的维护保养上。 1、每天的维护保养、每天的维护保养(1)检查油箱油位,油不够及时加油。(2)检查油温:油温最好不要超过80检查油压。检查有无任何异响,若有,应立即停机检查排障。检查动力端润滑系统是否良好。 检查排出压力 。检查是否漏油 。检查柱塞表面。2、Weekly Maintenances(working more than 40 hours) 每周的维护保养每周的维护保养 (工作(工作40小时后)小时后)1)check the lubricating system.

35、2)check the valve assembly and valve seats.replace the worn valve seal rings in time.3)check the seal parts, especially for the packing and connecting rod seal rings.检查润滑系统。 检查凡尔总成和凡尔座。及时更换磨损严重的凡尔密封圈。检查密封件。特别是柱塞盘根和拉杆油封。3、Monthly Maintenances(working more than 100 hours)每月的维护保养(工作每月的维护保养(工作100小时后)小时后

36、)1)check the tie rod bolts between power and fluid end. Tighten them if anyone is loosened.2)check plungers for wear.3)wash filters.检查动力端、液力端的所有螺栓。若有松动,及时紧固。检查柱塞是否磨损。清洗过滤器。 4)check valve assemblies,valve seats and springs.5)check reliability of safety valve.(4)检查各凡尔总成、凡尔座和弹簧 (5)检查安全阀的可靠性4、Periodical

37、 Maintenances(100 hours later or every six months)定期维护(每工作定期维护(每工作100小时或每隔小时或每隔6个月)个月)1)check cross head for any rust.2)check sprockets and chains.3)check the connecting bolts of suctions header.4)check the plungers holes,discharge holes,discharge unions and valve seat holes.5)change the lubricating

38、 oil.6)change the suction valve covers,O-rings and supporting rings of discharge valves.(1)检查十字头是否生锈。(2)检查链轮及链条是否完好。(3)检查吸入连接法兰螺栓。(4)检查柱塞孔、排出孔、排出口由壬及凡尔座孔。(5)更换润滑油。(6)更换吸入腔堵头和排出凡尔弹簧座处的“O”型密封圈和支承环。7)check the threads of fluid end.If the length of crack at the beginning or at the end of whole thread is

39、 less than 1.5 threads,the threads with cracks can be grinded off and must be removed completely.If the length of threads with cracks is more than 1.5 threads,it should return to the factory.Remember:Repair the cracks in time!In additions,periodical clean lubricating pump,replace hoses,check the distribu


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