已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、迎 评 估 促 教 学 英语教学部分常用词汇(崔校平编辑整理,欢迎广大师生使用、添加)中 文 英 文山东大学Shandong University大学英语教学部College English Teaching Department文学与新闻传播学院School of Literature and Journalism数学与系统科学学院School of Mathematics and System Science经济学院School of Economics经济研究中心Economics Study Center环境科学与工程学院School of Environmental Science

2、and Engineering马列教学部School of Marxist Theory Education历史文化学院School of History and Culture化学与化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering生命科学学院School of Life Science信息科学与工程学院School of Information Science and Engineering管理学院School of Business Administration哲学与社会发展学院School of Philosophy and Social

3、Development法学院School of Law外国语学院School of Foreign Languages and Literature政治学与公共管理学院School of Political Science and PublicAdministration艺术学院School of Fine Arts物理与微电子学院School of Physics and Microelectronics医学院School of Medicine口腔医学院School of Stomatology药学院School of Pharmacy公共卫生学院School of Public Heal

4、th护理学院School of Nursing材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engineering控制科学与工程学院School of Control Science and Engineering电气工程学院School of Electrical Engineering计算机科学与技术学院School of Computer Science and Technology机械工程学院School of Me3chanical Engineering能源与动力工程学院School of Energy and Power Engineering

5、土建与水利学院School of Civil Engineering体育学院School of Physical Education齐鲁软件学院School of Qilu Software先导课a guiding course分级考试placement test分级教学 分班分组教学 分科教学 假期工作 暑期工作 暑期学校 大学英语词汇 大学英语一级 大学英语二级 大学英语三级 大学英语四级 大学英语教学 大学英语教学改革 大学英语考试 大学英语课堂教学 大学毕业生 大学入学考试 大学生 一年级学生 二年级学生 三年级学生 四年级学生 理科学生 工科学生 文科学生 医科学生 大学校长 大学副

6、校长 学院院长 学院副院长 教务长 系主任 客座教授 教授 副教授 讲师 助教 研究员 助理研究员 改革论坛 高校合并 统一入学考试 独立阅读four levels teaching(Band 1/2/3/4) class grouping group instruction / teaching departmental teaching vocation jobs summer jobs summer school college English vocabulary College English Band One College English Band Two College Eng

7、lish Band Three College English Band Four college English teaching college English teaching reform College English Test = CET college English classroom teaching university graduateCollege Entrance Examination / Matriculation college student / undergraduate freshman sophomore junior seniorstudent of

8、science student of engineering student of liberal arts student of medicine president vice president dean assistant dean academic dean; dean of studies department chairman guest professor professor associate professor lecturer assistant teacher; teaching assistant researcher; research fellow research

9、 assistant forum on teaching reform the merging of universities common entrance examination independent reading自主学习independent learning / study independently autonomous learning / self-conscious learning多媒体教室 学生参与 ( 教学) 本科教学评估 以评促建,评建结合multimedia roomstudent participationthe undergraduate teaching l

10、evel evaluation promoting development by evaluation andintegrated evaluation and development 本科教育质量和人才培养 高等教育大众化 参加考试-hz. 主考者 考生 学会如何学习 从生活中学习 从经验中学习 教材 夏令营 口试 合作教育 合作学习 试卷 留级 结业证书 毕业证书 肄业证书 助学金;补助金 奖学金 机械记忆 军训 教学模式 启发式教学 兼任教师 交换教授 新生班 交换学生 学生交换 教员工作负担 精读 泛读 快速阅读 仔细阅读 快速泛读 入学标准;入学条件 指导教师undergraduat

11、e teaching quality and talent cultivation mass higher education to take / sit an examination examiner examinee learn how to learn learning through living learning by experience material of instruction summer camp oral examination cooperative education cooperative learning test paper to repeat a year

12、 Certificate of Completion Certificate of Graduation Certificate of Incompletion grants scholarship / fellowship rote memory military training mode of teaching / teaching mode heuristic mode of teaching part-time teacher exchanged professors freshman class exchanged student exchange of students teac

13、her's load intensive / detailed reading extensive reading fast reading careful reading fast extensive reading admission / entrance requirements tutor; supervisor; preceptor寒假winter vacation暑假summer vacation暑期学校summer school期末考试final examination登记;入学;注册enrollment; registration注册簿;登录;注册register注册员

14、registrar素质教育education for all-round development提倡创新精神develop our creative mind停学suspension退学withdrawal from school留学生abroad student留学海外study abroad回国留学生returned student外国留学生foreign student文凭;毕业证书diploma问卷;问题征答questionnaire校风;学校精神school spirit校服school uniform校规school rule校历school calendar校外活动extra-s

15、chool activity课外活动extracurricular activities体育活动physical activities娱乐活动recreational activities学术活动academic activities社会活动social activities班长monitor副班长vice-monitor学习委员commissary in charge of studies文娱委员commissary in charge of entertainment体育委员commissary in charge of sports劳动委员commissary in charge of

16、physical labor组织委员commissary in charge of organization宣传委员commissary in charge of publicity党支部书记Part branch secretary团支部书记League branch secretary三好学生“Three Good” student优秀团员excellent league member优秀干部excellent leader校友alumnus; alumni pl.校友会alumni association校训school motto学士bachelor学士学位 硕士硕士学位 博士博士学位

17、 学士帽 , 学位帽 学士方帽 学士资格 学位服 学分 分数 学科 学期 学生纪录卡 学生贷款 学生贷款基金 学生会;学生联会 学年 学位论文 应试教育 住校生 走读生;通学生 答辩 学校课程 课程表 教学单元 国家教育;民族教育 选修课 必修课 农村学校;乡村学校 情商 智商 求职/ 找工作 学院 ; 部;系 上课时间 教学楼 实验楼 代课教师 跳级 / 弹性升级 研究生 研究生院 朗诵访问教师bachelors' degree master master's degree doctor doctorate; doctor's degree; doctoral deg

18、ree trencher cap / hood square college cap bachelorship academic costume credit points; marks; grades; scores subject semester / term student's card loan for student student loan fund student union / council academic year, school year academic dissertation, dissertation exam-oriented education r

19、esident student extern, non-resident studentput up one 's defense / defend one ' s thesis (school ) curriculum 总 timetable; program of studies teaching unit national education optional course compulsory course rural school emotional quotient = EQ intelligence quotient = IQ hunting for a job

20、college / school / faculty class period; session teaching building laboratory building substitute teacher flexible promotion graduate student graduate school; post-graduate school oral reading visiting teacher你们的课堂是以老师为中心还是以学生为中心?Is your class a teacher-centered class or a student-centered class?你认为

21、大学英语四、六级考试有必要吗?Is the College English Test Band 4 / Band 6 Necessary?现有考试制度的利与弊the positive and negative aspects of the existing examination system新编大学英语New College English新视野大学英语New Horizon College English全新版大学英语(New) College English全国大学生英语竞赛National English Contest for College Students托福考试TOEFL= T

22、est of English as a Foreign LanguageGRE考试/美国研究生入学考试 Graduate Record Exami nati onPETS考试Public English Test System职业英语考试Test of Professional English = TOPE美国教育测试服务处Educational Testing Service = ETS雅思考试 (国际英语语言考试)IELTS (International English Language Testing System)英语口语考试Test of Spoken English全国外语水平考试

23、WSKACCA 专业资格考试英国特许公认会计师公会 (The Association of ChartedAccountants)全国外语翻译证书考试NAETI=National Accreditation Examinations forTranslators and Interpreters爱国主义;爱国情操patriotism学生档案材料student personnel file课程course科目;学科subject班会class meeting笔试written examination学位degree / academic degree毕业生graduate毕业to graduat

24、e毕业论文thesis毕业生典礼commencement / convocation of graduates毕业要求标准;毕业要件graduation requirements毕业证书diploma of graduation博士论文doctoral / doctorate dissertation试用教师probationary teacher义务教育compulsory education初等教育primary education中等教育secondary education高等教育higher education大学教育university education督学inspector督导

25、员supervisor辅导处guidance department辅导学习法supervised study札记法notebook method模仿学习learning by imitation练习法drill method; practice method阅读法reading method学习指导direction of learning学习效率learning efficiency整句教学法sentence method整体学习法whole learning method教育学院College / Institute of Education师范专科学校Normal Specialized

26、 Postsecondary College师范大学NormalTeachers University专科学校Postsecondary Specialized College亠、/. iv 、 r>.自学考试Self-Study Examination技工学校Skilled WorkersTraining School业余大学Spare-Time University在职教育in-service education在职学习in-service study职工大学Staff and Workers University职业大学Vocational University观察法observa

27、tion method机会学习learning by chance选择题multiple-choice test随机教育incidental education随机教学法incidental teaching method随机学习incidental learning默读silent reading戏剧表演法method of dramatic expression联想学习associative learning螺旋法spiral method讲述法method of telling讲演示范法lecture-demonstration method讲演法lecture method; meth

28、od of lecture证明法method of verification读书会reading circle联想association of ideas机械教学rote teaching机械学习rote learning机械记忆;死记硬背rote memory10集体教育 寄宿学校 家教 家庭教育 师资培养 师范教育 旁听生 假期 假期学校 间接训练 间接教学法 间接学习 集中学习 填充法 会话法 教材选择 教室讨论 教案 教学日志 教学法 略读 设计问题法 设计教学法 部分学习法 野外实习 博览法 普通教授学 普通教学法 进步测验 教师手册 教师任期 教师资格 教学费用 教学实习 教学日

29、教学研究 教职员工 教育政策 教育专家 教育统计学 教学相长 教育设备;教育设施 教学设备 教育部collective education board school; boarding school a household teacher; tutor family education; home education teacher training normal education auditor; guest-pupil school holidays vacation school indirect discipline indirect method of teaching indir

30、ect learning massed learning completion method conversational method selection of subject matter class discussion teaching plan; lesson plan diary for instruction method of instruction / teaching method skimming (reading); rough reading project problem method project teaching method part learning me

31、thod; part method field practice extensive method general didactics general method of teaching progress test teacher's manual teacher tenure qualification of teacher expense of instruction practice teaching school day teaching research teaching staff educational policy educational expert educati

32、onal statisticsteaching benefits teachers as well as students educational plant teaching facilities ministry of education12教育部长 教育会议 教育经费支出;教育开支 教育资料 经验法;实征 补充读物 跳读 游戏法 顿悟学习;洞悟学习 尝试错误法 团体游戏 轮廓图 , 示意图 图示 图示教学法 实地工作 实地学习课 实物 实物教学 实习课;练习课 实验教育 实验教育学;实验教学论 实验教学法 实验学校 演示课 综合教学 说话教学 考试制度 口述作文 口语表达 口头报告法 分

33、析教学 幻灯片 户外作业 户外运动 主科 示范课 , 表演课 , 示范教学 示范教学 社会科学 实习教师 示范法 示范教学 同时教学法 同时学习 成绩进步表minister of education educational conference educational expenditure educational data empirical method supplementary reading skipping reading play method insight learning method of trial and error organized play skeleton m

34、ap graphical representation pictorial method; Picture method field work field lesson material object object lesson; Object teaching practice lesson experimental education Experimental pedagogy experimental didactics experimental school demonstration lesson synthetic instruction speaking-instruction

35、examination system oral composition oral expression oral report method analytic instruction lantern slide out-door study; out-door work out-door sport major subjects demonstration lesson demonstration teaching social science student-teacher; trainee/practice teacher demonstration method demonstratio

36、n teaching simultaneous method simultaneous learning grade-progress table13自修self-culture自习self-study问题法problem method基本科目;基本学科fundamental subject基础课程 英语反复练习 basal course基础读物foundation reader专业课程professional curriculum格言;座右铭maxim气质temperament学校公告栏school bulletin学校手册school manual学校用具school furniture学

37、校用品school supplies学校考试school examination学校行政school administration学校行政人员school administrator学生减负to reduce study load学生手册student handbook军事院校academy学派school学校志chronicle of school积极教育positive education应用科学applied science纯科学pure science归纳法inductive method艺术教育art education; artistic education、/. iv 、 r>.入学考试entrance examination真实性评估authentic assessment另类评估alternative assessment表现性评估performance assessment档案评估portfolio assessment动态评估dynamic assessment社会实践social practice实践教学考试practical examinations表现性测验performance test实验技能教学考试experiment examinations学术创新academic in


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