



1、全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程 第四册Book 4Unit 51. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组。2. 课文里出现的常用表达:1. 至于,就来说 for ones own part (Para 1)2. 有能力;能够 be capable of (Para 2)3. 浑然一体的 all of a piece (Para 2)4. 和一致;符合 in accordance with (Para 2)5. 有点儿;在某种程度上 something of (Para 3)6. 点头致意 nod a greeting (Para 7)7. 说来奇怪 oddly enough (Para 11)8.

2、遇到;偶遇 come across (Para 11)9. 欣然地 with a good grace (Para 16)10. 破产 go broke (Para 17)11. 穷困潦倒 down and out (Para 23)12. 自杀 commit suicide (Para 23)13. 身体(或精神)跨下来;崩溃 be all to pieces (Para 24)14. 大吃一惊 be taken back (Para 37)15. (身体)状况良好 in good condition (Para 39)16. 出现;现身 turn up (Para 45)17. 稍微;有点

3、儿 a trifle (Para 48)Book 4Unit 61. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组。2. 课文里出现的常用表达:1. 吞噬 eat into (Para 2)2. 耗时的长途旅行 time-consuming journeys(Para 4)3. 困于交通堵塞 stuck in traffic jams4. 越洋购物旅行 the transatlantic shopping expedition(Para 4)5. 在大多数情况下 in most cases(Para 5)6. 使摆脱 free sb. from(Para 5)7. 个人的穿着打扮 personal groom

4、ing(Para 5)8. 带着手提电脑去海滩综合症 the laptop-on-the-beach syndrome(Para 6)9. 处理软件故障 fix software glitches(Para 6)10. 除去技术发展 technology apart (Para 7)11. 信息爆炸 the information explosion(Para 7)12. 从世界各个角落 from every corner of the world (Para 9)13. 在整个世界学术界 in the whole world of scholarship(Para 10)14. 在的推动下

5、driven on by (Para 11)15. 适用于 apply to(Para 12)16. 预测小组 forecasting group(Para 14)17. 分配不均匀 be unevenly distributed(Para 17)18. 家政服务 concierge services(Para 21)19. 关掉手机 switch off the cell-phone(Para 28)20. 任何的事物都是越做越大的市场 Anything that is a growth market. (Para 21)Book 4Unit 71. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组。2. 课文

6、里出现的常用表达:1. 余烟未尽的废墟 a smoldering mess (Para 1)2. 被炸毁的大楼 the bomb-blasted buildings(Para 3)3. 美国力量的显赫标志 the mighty symbol of Americans power (Para 3)4. 自杀式袭击 kamikaze attack(Para 4)5. 在.的面前不堪一击 be vulnerable to (Para 4)6. 最悲惨的时刻 the most tragic hour(Para 7)7. 天黑之前/傍晚时分 before dusk(Para 7)8. 回顾 think

7、back on(Para 8)9. 清晰地想起 remember in crystal detail(Para 8)10. 在之后 in the aftermath of (Para 10)11. 重重的瓦砾 tons of rubble(Para 11)12. 一次猛烈的政变 a particularly explosive coup (Para 14)13. 轰隆隆地驶过 rumble through (Para 15)14. 繁华的街道 bustling streets (Para 15)15. 表示深恶痛绝 register ones disgust(Para 17)16. 的神经中枢

8、 the nerve center of (Para 17)17. 指责 point finger at(Para 19)18. 围剿 round up(Para 19)19. 随着一年年的轮回 with the revolving year(Para 22)20. 磨灭对的记忆 fade the memory of (Para 21)21. 说话口气强硬 talk tough(Para 29)22. 扬起灰尘 kick up the dust (Para 34)23. 来道别 coem to say farewell(Para 36)Book 4Unit 81. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组

9、。2. 课文里出现的常用表达:1.僻远之地 2.半夜时分 3.源头 4.远离人类活动5.天堂的扫视 6.发电机棚屋 7.仲夏 8.忽而 忽而9.万籁俱寂 10.突然 11.树荫下的踏级上 12.围成一圈13.抚弄头发 14.非常想做某事 15.抓到 16.编辫子17.拆开 18.喜形于色 19.自由作家 20.人生的故事21.我不由纳闷 22.不妨 23.临水的村落 24.成群的鹦鹉25.据说 26.村童 27.肉质鲜美的鱼类 28.独木舟29.裸睡 30.夜复一夜 31.半睡半醒 32.一长列蚂蚁33.一支庞大的舰队 34.浅水处 35.有一半印第安血统的向导36.火鸟模样的大鸟 37.枯枝

10、 38.头上盘旋 39.船头40.简陋的弹弓 41.橡皮弹架和皮索42.在射程外 43.画屏44.上星期 45.一大堆水果 46.耀眼的白色道服47.身材姣好的 48.慈眉善目的 49.簇拥 50.一片翠绿的盆地1.out-of-the-way place (Para. 1) 2.in the middle of the night3.on the headwaters of 4.out of the way of human life5.the glance of the heaven 6.the generator shed (Para. 2)7.the middle of summer

11、(Para. 3) 8.now now 9.in all silence 10.all at once (Para. 4)11.shaded steps (Para. 7) 12.the ring of 13.fool with hair 14.be dying to do sth.15.get ones hands on 16.braid hair17.take apart 18.with open light19.fee-lance writer (Para. 8) 20.the tale of life21.it makes me wonder 22.might as well (Par

12、a. 9)23.riverside villages 24.parrots in flocks (Para. 10)25.be reputed to 26.village toddlers27.sweet-meated fish 28.dugout canoes (Para. 11)29.sleep naked (Para. 12) 30.night after night31.half asleep 32.a swath of ants33.a wide fleet of (Para. 13) 34.in the shallows (Para. 14)35.part-Indian guide

13、 36.great turkey like birds (Para. 15)37.dead branches 38.hung overhead39.in the bow of 40.a simple sling41.a rubber thone and leather pad 42.be out of range43.painted screen (Para. 16) 44.previous week45.heaps of fruit (Para. 17) 46.dazzling white habits47.beautiful-boned 48.warm-faced49.swarm arou

14、nd 50.a basin of greenness (Para. 18)Book 5Unit 11. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组。2. 课文里出现的常用表达:1. give sb. no peace (Para 1) 让人不得安宁2. commit to (Para 2) 专心,致力于3. all the while (Para 3) 一直4. sank into (Para 4) 沉溺于5. stay on (Para 4) 久留不去,逗留6. owe acquaintance with to(Para 5) 与的接触多亏了7. come upon (Para 6) 偶然碰到8. gar

15、ish illustration (Para 7) 花哨的插图9. heedless childhood (Para 7) 不更事的童年10. go through fire and water (Para 8) 赴汤蹈火,经历水火之灾11. a whack of (Para 9) 一部分12. worn and backless (Para 9) 又破又旧,最后几页也掉了13. not hold a candle to (Para 10) 比不上,不能与相比14. in gratitude to (Para 11) 对心存感激15. by way of (Para 11) 通过Book 5U

16、nit 21. 教师用书中给出例句的词、词组。2. 课文里出现的常用表达:1. 减少患上食物引起的疾病的危险 2. 我说的这件事是3. 大大的增加 4. 以蔬菜为主的菜肴5. 推动人们转向素食 6. 一项又一项研究揭露了同样的基本事实7. 用不合适的养料来维持人类生理引擎的运转 8. 没有,毫无9. 拿健康做赌资来玩俄式轮盘赌 10. 这并不奇怪11. 加剧表土的流失 12. 放弃,摈弃13. 把植物转化成可食用的肉类 14. 正式控告某人15. 食用食物链较低部分的食物 16. 已成为公认的事实17. 让我日后尽做噩梦 18. 震惊的目睹19. 没有重要 20. 日子一去不复返1. Cut

17、the risk of food-borne illness 2. The act I am referring to is 3 Show paralleled growth 4. Plant-based cuisine5 Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism 6 Study after study has uncovered the same basic truth7 Run the human biological engine on the wrong fuel8 Devoid of 9. Playing Russian roulette with your health10 This should come as no surprise 11. heighten


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