1、敬启者:我们对贵公司的XL/3滤水器很感兴趣。如果我们订30台这款滤水器,费用怎么算呢?贵方是否能提供折扣?如果可以,请贵方说明详细的折扣率。另外,该款产品的保质期为多长时间?您收到我们订单后多久可以发货?盼早日回复呈上!原文8Dear sir:Thank you for inquiring about our XL/3 water purifier. The answers to yourquestions are as follows:1.The cost per unit(if your ordered 30 units) would be HK$2,500.2.The guarante
2、e is for one year from the date of purchase.3.We could deliver within 10 days upon receipt of your order.4.Unfortunately, we can not give a discount, because this is a new model.Please let us know if we can be of further help.Sincerely yours,译文8敬启者:谢谢您对我们公司生产的XL / 3滤水器的咨询。您所提问题的答案如下:1。单位价格(如果贵方的订购数量
3、为30台)为港币2500元。2。保质期为一年,时间从购买之日算起。3。我们能在收到您订单后的十天之内发货。4。很遗憾,我们不能提供折扣,因为这是新款的滤水器。如果我们能进一步帮到您,请随时联系我们。呈上!43原文9Dear Mrs. Winters:Thank you for inquiring about our spring catalog. We are mailing the catalogseparately, and you should receive it in about two weeks.We would also like to mention that through
4、 the month of June there will be a50% reduction on our cashmere sweater collection. If you are interested in this sale,please fill out the enclosed postcard and return it as soon as possible. We will thensend you the latest information on our cashmere inventory.Sincerely yours !译文9尊敬 温特斯夫人:感谢您对我们春季产
5、品目录的咨询。我们将另函邮寄一份目录给您,预计您在两周之内可以收到。我们公司将在六月对暗什米尔毛衣开展五折促销活动,活动将持续整整一个月。如果您对这次促销感兴趣,请填写随函所寄的卡片并尽快寄回我们公司。我们将为您提供最新的略什米尔毛衣库存信息。呈上!原文10Dear Mr Holladay:Thank you very much for inquiring about our mail order service.For the last 30 years MacGregor's men's wear has been sold in major departmentstore
6、s worldwide and is now gaining international popularity through mail-order aswell. We appreciate this opportunity to include you on our mailing list and guaranteethat the clothing selections in our catalogs are of the same quality as those we sell inour stores.As you asked, we have enclosed our late
7、st catalog featuring most of our summerclothing selections. Orders from this catalog may be placed as late as August 31. Youcan expect to receive our fall catalog in mid-July. Complete instructions for44ng your clothing size are on the center page of all catalogs, along with orderinformation.Should
8、you find interest in any of our products, please do not hesitate to send usenquiries.Very truly yours !译文10尊敬的霍迪拉先生:感谢您对我们公司邮购服务的咨询。在过去的30多年中,麦格雷戈系列男装主要在全球主要的百货公司销售,现在通过邮购销售方式,麦格雷戈系列男装正在世界范围内受到人们的好评。能借此机会将贵方纳入我们的网购客户群,我们感激不尽,并向您保证,邮购目录中的产品和我们在各大百货公司销售的产品具有同等质量。按照贵方的要求,我们随函附上最新的部分夏季服装目录表,以便贵公司选择。根据这个
9、目录,贵方在8月31日之前下订单都视为有效。另外,预计您可以在七月中旬收到我们的秋季产品目录表。帮助您确定所需衣服尺寸的完整说明位于所有产品目录的中间页,此页另附有订单信息。如果您对我们 产品感兴趣,请及时发给我们拘盘。呈上!原文11Dear sir;We are a newly established firm seeking information from manufacturers of autobody repair tools and related equipment.Would you please send us your spray gun catalogues and p
10、rices?Very truly yours !译文11敬启者:我们时一家新成立的公司,希望卩|广4?:产车身维修工具及相关设备的厂商需求45原文6Dear sir:I am interested in ordering shirts from you on a regular basis, depending uponquality, fit, and ease of delivery.Would you please send me your latest catalog right away so that I can makesome spring selections? Also,
11、could you send two or three of your most recent backissues?I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours !译文6敬启者:我对贵公司的衬衫很感兴趣,计划未来能根据货物的质量,尺寸和运输便利程度定期下单。能否尽快邮寄一份贵公司的最新产品目录给我,以便我从中选择一些春款。另外,贵方能否邮寄两到三件最畅销款给我呢?期待着您的回复呈上!原文7Dear sir:We are interested in your XL/3 Water Purifier. If we ordered
12、 30 units, how muchwould they cost? Could you give us a discount? If so, how much? Also, how longdoes the guarantee last? Finally, how soon could you deliver upon receipt of ourorder?I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours:42息。能否请贵公司邮寄你方生产的喷枪产品目录表和相应价格表呢?呈上!原文12Dear Sir:Thank you fo
13、r your catalog and price list.I am interested in your Model 11 fire extinguishers. If I ordered 10 of them,could you deliver by February 15? If not, how soon could you deliver? Also, let meknow what the shipping charge would be.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely !译文12敬启者:谢谢您的产品目录及价目表
14、。我方对贵公司型号为11的灭火器很感兴趣。如果我订购10台该款灭火器,你方能否在2月15号之前交货?如果货期更久,那么请问需要多长时间才能发货呢?另外,请告诉我运费需要多少。期待着您的回音。呈上!原文13Dear Mrs. Tyson:Thank you for asking about our Silver Streak mountain bicycle.Unfortunately this model is temporarily out of stock because of the Christmasrush, but we could deliver one to you by th
15、e end of January.We also have other models that could be delivered immediately. The ZX model,for instance, is becoming one of our most popular bicycles because it is light weight(only 18 pounds) but very strong. The cost is a little more than the Silver Streak, but if46d like to receive Christmas de
16、livery of this or any other bicycle in theenclosed brochure, please let us know.In the meantime, we send you our best wishes for a happy holiday season!Sincerely yours !译文13尊敬的泰森夫人:非常感谢您向我方咨询购买银条牌山地自行车。遗憾的是,因为圣诞节的购物热潮,这种款式暂时缺货,但我们能在一月底之前给您发货一台。我们也有其他款式的自行车,并且能够立即交货。例如,ZX款正在成为最受欢迎的一款山地自行车,因为它重量轻(只有18
17、榜),但很结实耐用。只是价格稍贵于银条牌山地自行车。如果您想在圣诞之前收到n款自行车或对随函附寄的小册子里的其他任何一款自行车感兴趣,欢迎咨询。与此同时,我们谨向您致以我们最好的祝愿:佳节快乐!呈上!原文14Dear Mr. Towson:We read about your advanced lacrosse camps in Lacrosse Magazine and wereimpressed with your facilities. Before deciding on which camp to join, however, wewould like to have more in
18、formation. Could you please answer the followingquestions:1What are the minimum and maximum enrollments?2Exactly where are the camps located?3How much would the total cost be per member?4Would there be a deposit? If so, how much,when payable?5What is the ratio between the coaches and players?We have
19、 about 200 members in our lacrosse association who are very interestedin attending various lacrosse camps overseas this summer. The members range in age47ween 18 and 21. Some are beginners and some are advanced, but all of them arevery enthusiastic about playing lacrosse.We look forward to hearing f
20、rom you soon.Sincerely yours !译文14尊敬的陶森先生:我们从“曲棍球杂志” 了解到了贵公司的高级曲棍球野营活动,并对相关设备留下了深刻印象。但是,在决定参加哪家的野营活动之前,我们想了解更多的信息。能否请您回答以下问题呢:1录取人数的最小和最大值各是多少?2野营地点具体在什么位置?3每一位参与者需要交纳多少费用?4需要交储蓄金吗?如果需要,金额是多少?什么时候应交纳?5球员和教练之间的比率是多少?我们的曲棍球协会有200个会员左右,他们都对今年夏天到海外参加各式曲棍球野营活动非常感兴趣。我们的会员年龄都在18岁到21岁之间,他们当中有些是初学者,有些是技艺娴熟者,
21、但全部都热衷于曲棍球运动。期盼收到你们的回复。呈上!原文15Dear Sir:We learned about your company through the Hong Kong Trade DevelopmentCouncil, and are interested in your ceiling and wall air conditioner units with microcomputer controls.Could you please send us your catalog on 1.0 ton and 1.5 ton capacity ceiling andwall air
22、 conditioners? Please also send price information.Breezeaway Aircon.Ltd. is a major manufacturer of air conditioners in India.48Since the India government has recently liberalized its trade policies, we are takingadvantage of this opportunity to improve our product line by possibly importing someof
23、your models. Our 2002 Report(.in/2002report.file), will giveyou a good idea of the products we manufacture.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours !Belmont, CA.50509Telephone: 0(415)239-9999We have also enclosed a brochure of our new WP-320 label printer, which isonly slightly more expen
24、sive than the Dino manual label printer we discontinued. It isequally portable and much more versatile.If you would like to have more information, please let us know.Yours truly!译文16尊敬的德莫森先生:非常感谢您对我方生产的迪诺牌标签打印机的咨询。不巧的是,由于市场对手动标签打印机的低需求状况,这款机器已经停产了。事实上,大多数公司都已转用由电脑调控的标签打印机。当然,戴尼克斯公司仍然生产手动标签打印机,您可以给他们
25、打电话或是写信。他们在加利福尼亚的地址是戴尼克斯股份有限公司2342,圣克鲁斯大街贝尔蒙特市,加利福尼亚州.50509电话:(415)239 - 9999另外,我们随函附上一份宣传小册子,对我们公司新款生产的型号为WP-320的标签打印机进行了简介,该款比我们已经停产的手动迪诺牌标签打印机稍微贵点,但非常便于携带且功能多样。如果您想了解更多的信息,请随时联系我们。谨呈!原文17Dear Mr. Withrow:As you may know, the Japanese Government is planning to approve asupplementary budget as a me
26、ans of overcoming the current economic recession. Inanticipation of this plan, the Ministry of Construction is considering the purchase of 550ur LE-15Boise generators. Would you please e-mail answers to the followingquestions by July 10:1Have the specifications changed within the last two years? If
27、so, please givecomplete details.2Would you be able to redesign one generator so that it could be mounted on a10-ton truck? (See the attached drawing.) If so, how long would it take to make thismodification?3If we placed an initial order for four LE-15s next October, would you be ableto ship them by
28、early March 2002?We are sorry to rush you but need your earliest reply. If it arrives later thanFriday (our time) this week, our customer will lose the opportunity to apply for aprocurement budget.With best regards !译文17尊敬的韦斯乐先生:正如您所知,作为克服当前经济衰退的一种手段,日本政府正计划批准一项补充预算案。考虑到这项计划,建设部正在考虑向贵方购买5台型号为LE-15Bo
29、ise的发电机。请您在7月10号之前发邮件回复下列问题:1在过去两年中,贵方的发电机规格是否有变化呢?如果是这样,请给出详细资料并加以说明。2您能否重新设计一款发电机,使其能够安装在承重力10吨的卡车上(见附图)?如果可以设计,需要多长时间对原款发电机进行修改呢?3如果在下个十月份进行试单,购买四台型号为LE-15s的发电机,贵方能否在2002年三月初将货物装船呢?我们很抱歉催您,但需要您的早R答复。如果您晚于本周五(以我方时间为准)答复我们,我方的客户就会失去申请采购预算的机会。谨呈!51原文18Dear Mr.Godfrey:Thank you for the price informat
30、ion on the Y-1600 piston rings. Enclosed is ourorder for 500 piston rings for delivery to our Shenzhen factory. Payment will be madeby a 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit, available by sight draft.Sincerely !译文18尊敬的格德弗雷先生:谢谢您为我们提供有关Y-1600活塞环的价格信息。随函附上我方订购500只活塞环的订单信息,要求货物运送到我们位于深圳的工厂。付款方式
31、为100%即期,保兑,不可撤销信用证。谨呈!原文19Dear Mr. Chen:Thank you for your order for 500 Y-1600 piston rings.As requested, we will ship to your Shenzhen factory. Please expect deliveryabout 15.Best regards !译文19尊敬的陈先生:谢谢您向我方订购500只型号为Y-1600的活塞环。按贵方要求,我们会将货物装运至贵方位于深圳的工厂,请于15号左右签收。呈上!52译文15尊敬的先生:我们通过香港贸易发展委员会了解到贵公司的信息
32、,并对你方生产的由微机控制的天花板和墙壁空调机组件非常感兴趣。请贵公司邮寄承载能力为1. 0吨及1. 5吨的天花板和墙壁空调的产品目录给我方,以便我们选择,另请您同时寄上相关的价格信息。微风轻拂空调公司是印度主要的空调制造商。由于印度政府最近推行自由化贸品政策,我们希望能利用这个机会引进贵公司的某些模型以提高我们的产品生产效率。相信我们2002年的公司报告(我们的网址为.in/2002report.file)会有助于贵方了解我公司生产的产品信息。我们期待您的回复谨呈!原文16Dear Mr. Demson:Thank you for asking about
33、 our Dino label-printer.Unfortunately, this model is no longer in production because of the low demandfor manual label printers. In fact, most companies have changed over to computerizedlabel printers.However, Dynex still makes manual label printers, and you might wish to call orwrite them. Their ad
34、dress in California isDynex, Inc.2342 Santa Cruz Ave.49原文20Dear Mr. Vetter:Thank you very much for your order (P.O.No. S-4168).Unfortunately we only have three Model BR-2203 lamp stands in stock at themoment but can deliver the remaining two by April 10.Would this be acceptable? Please let us know i
35、f you wish to change the order.Best regards !译文20尊敬的威特先生:感谢您的订单(订单号为P. 0. No. S-4168)。不巧的是,型号为BR-2203的灯座,我们目前只有3个存货,但可以在4月10号之前交付佘下的两个灯座。?请问贵方能否接受这种安排,如需改动订单,请告知。诚挚问候!原文21Dear Mr. Vetter:We are informing you of our order for 25 RAM-1888 control switches. Pleasesee the attached order entry sheet. The
36、 bank will accept and pay at maturity date, ifyou fulfill the terms of the credit.We are going to make the return shipment of unsold merchandise within thisweek.Best regards !译文21尊敬的威特先生:我们决定向对方下单25个型号为1888的控制开关。请看附呈的订单录入表。如果贵方履行信用证上的条款,银行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提示的汇53亜0我们打算于这周回运未出售的商品。谨呈!原文22Dear Sir:We are
37、 interested in purchasing a new coffee machine for our office. Would youplease send prices for the following models:Model A: One coffee maker, 15 litersModel B: One coffee maker, 201iters,Also, could you give us a discount? If so, how much? Finally, how soon couldyou deliver?Sincerely yours !译文22尊敬的
38、先生:我们想为办公室添置一台新咖啡机。贵方能否就以下型号的咖啡机进行报价:A型:一台咖啡机,容量为15升B型:一台咖啡壶,容量为20升另外,贵方能否提供折扣?如果能,折扣为多少?交货期为多久?谨呈!原文23Dear Mr. Moor:Thank you for taking my call this morning.Would you please send me a price for 35 square meters of your "Autumn Leafcarpet, model 99?This would be for delivery to our Huntington
39、factory before October 20. Pleasealso let us know the payment method.54Sincerely yours !译文23尊敬的摩尔先生:谢谢您今天早上和我进行通话。请您就35平方米型号为99的“秋叶”地後向我报价,并发邮件告知。货物将于10月20号之前装运,目的地为亨廷顿工厂。另外请告知付款方式。您诚挚的朋友!原文24Dear Sir:Thank you for your message of October 5.Unfortunately our customer has requested that we reduce the
40、 quantity of this orderfrom 50 to 25 copies.Therefore, would you please send by air freight only 25 copies of InternationalEconomics as soon as the books become available?Yours sincerely !译文24敬启者:感谢您十月五日的邮件。不巧的是,我们的客户要求我们将订单数量从50份减少到25份。因此,贵方能否在书籍“国际经济学”生产出来后尽快向我们空邮25份呢?谨呈!原文25Dear Mr. Samuelson:I a
41、m sorry for the delay in responding to your message of April 4, but could not makea clear decision on the order until Mr. Li returned to Taipei.We have finally decided to purchase the following paintings:55Azure by CamilleUS$1,100Summer Wind by Camille1,100Silent Lake by Fabienne1,175US$3,375Please
42、send us an invoice as soon as you can.As for “The Tree House" by Simpson and “Midnight” by Tarchi, we have alreadyreceived invoice 213340 and 213775 and will make payment on or about April 15.please see my February 26 message which explains in detail. In order to market thenew product, we have
43、already printed excellent literature.Thank you for your constant help and patience.Sincerely yours !译文25尊敬的萨缪尔森先生:很抱歉耽搁了这么久才回复您于4月4日发来的邮件,但是在李先生回到台北前我无法做出决定。我们最终决定购买以下绘画作品:由卡米尔创作的“蓝天”,价格为1100美元由卡米尔创作的“夏天的风”,价格为1100美元由凡比尼创作的“静湖”,价格为1175美元,三幅美术作品共计3375美元。请尽快给我方寄来发票。至于由辛普森创作的“树屋”和塔吉创作的“午夜”,我们已经收到了序号为21
44、3340和213775的发票,并将于4月15円左右付款。详见我于2月26円发来的信息。为了营销新产品,我们已经印刷了精美的产品目录表。谢谢您的耐心和持续的帮助。谨呈!原文26Dear Mr. Benetti:We would like to make a change in our August 31 e-mail order.56译文27尊敬的考洛尔先生:随函附寄我方订购100条门铰链的订单,单号为.V-576。有关门把手的订单将另封邮寄,单号同为V-576。按照我们于1月15日在电话中的约定,我方将通过美国邮政向您寄出25条门铰链,订单余下的货物将定期交付。请在确定信息后尽快发邮件告知我方
45、。谨呈!原文28Dear Sir:In our message of October 31, we said we would send a purchase order by theend of November. However, as negotiations with the customer are still continuing, weare unable to place a complete order at this time.Enclosed, instead, is a partial order (No. 501-55) for half of the merchan
46、diselisted in the provisional order. The second half of the order will be covered byP.O.No.501-61, which we will issue by December 6.Since we are importing this product for the first time, we will need to familiarizeourselves with the equipment well in advance of installation, operation, andmaintena
47、nce. Therefore could you ship the first order by December 20, 2001? Thiswould give us enough training time. Please e-mail your answer.Finally, would you airmail one copy of the operation manual as soon as you can?We are looking forward to successflil completion of this order and thank you foryour sp
48、ecial cooperation.Yours sincerely !译文28敬启者:在10月31号的邮件中,我方曾提到将于一月底向贵方卜一个订单。但58我方与顾客的协商仍在进行中,因此这次不能一步到位地将原计划订单下给m/j o随函附寄列有部分产品的临时订单,订单号为501-55。原计划订单的余货将于12月6号重新下单,订单号为501 -61.由于我方是初次进口此款产品,需要在产品安装,操作和维护之前熟悉相关设备。因此贵方能否在2001年12月20号之前发货?这将给我方充裕的培训时间。敬请答复。最后,贵方能否尽快空邮一份合作手册给我方?期待这次订单能顺利完成,并感谢贵方的积极合作。谨呈!原文
49、29Dear Mr. Adam:In your e-mail of September 4, you mentioned that the new Log-B softwarewould be ready to install by October 15.We would like to confirm if the software upgrade is on schedule. Would youplease let us know by e-mail what the status is?Sincerely !译文29尊敬的亚当先生:在9月4号的邮件中,您提到升级后的新Log-B软件能于
50、10月15号之前进行安装。我方希望确认软件升级工作是否安排在贵方的F1程表上。贵方能否发邮件告知当前的软件升级状况?诚挚问候!原文30Dear Mr. Nash:According to your telephone call of April 5,the repair of our turret lathe was to59d you please send two more sets of the Clavelle prints, except for SpringMorning? The reason is that the Clavelle exhibition is now goin
51、g to be held in fivelocations instead of three.The dates for each exhibition are not yet fixed, but we will e-mail you as soon as wehave this information.Since we need to make frames in advance, would you please e-mail the dimensionsfor each print?Looking forward to your reply.Best regards !译文26尊敬的本
52、内特先生:我方希望对8月31円邮件中所下的订单做出改动。您能否在除了 “春天的早晨”之外再多邮件两套克莱维尔作品?原因是克莱维尔作品将在五个展会上展出,而不是原计划的三个展会上展出。每个展会的具体R期暂时还未确定,但一有消息我方就会发邮件通知您。由于我们需要提前做好画框,能否发邮件将每幅作品的规格告知我方?诚挚问候!原文27Dear Mr. Conroy:Enclosed is our order (P.O.No.V-576) for one hundred door hinges. P.O.No.V-576 forthe door handles will be mailed separat
53、ely.As agreed in our telephone conversation of January 15, we will send twenty-five doorhinges by United Post and the remainder by regular delivery.Would you please confirm this arrangement by e-mail as soon as you can?Sincerely yours !57译文33尊敬的杰克逊夫人:我方已经收到关于15个香格里拉贝拉手袋的商业发票,其订单号为S-2009。但我方尚未收到货物。请贵方告知该订单是否已经装运?随函附寄序号为#5633的商业发票的
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