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1、Unit 1 Food for thoughtUnderstanding ideas (P 2-3) A child of Two Cuisines享受跨国美食的孩子1 Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mother, Ive enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and forkand chopsticks!我在英国长大,我爸爸是英国人,妈妈是中国人。从能拿刀叉还有筷子开始,我就一直享受这两国的食物!2 Mu

2、m has sweet memories of the food from her home town in Sichuan, and often cooks spicy dishes. Thanks to this, Dad has come to love hot pot! But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother. He once told me he was surprised by what he saw on the tab

3、le when he first visited my mothers parents in China. He was even shocked at their wedding when he saw how the Chinese ate almost every part of an animal. Even today, he still does not easily take to eating things like chicken feet.妈妈对四川家乡的食物有着美好的回忆,她经常会做一些辣菜。正因为如此,爸爸已经逐渐爱上了火锅!但是,虽然与妈妈结婚多年,爸爸还是有一些不敢

4、尝试的菜肴。他曾告诉我,第一次去中国拜访我妈妈的父母时,餐桌上摆的东西让他大吃一惊。在婚礼上,他更是吓了一跳,因为他差不多动物的所有部位中国人都吃。直到今天,他还是不习惯吃鸡爪之类的东西。3 But I enjoy that sort of food myself. Last week, I went to the butchers and asked, “Do you have pigs ears?” “No,” the butcher said, pulling at his own ears, “just these ordinary ones.” He must have though

5、t I was joking.不过我自己很喜欢这类食物。上周,我去肉店问:“你们这里有猪耳朵吗?”“没有,”肉店老板拽了拽自己的耳朵说,“只有这种普通的耳朵。”他肯定觉得我是在开玩笑。4 Dad can cook a super “full English breakfast” of bacon, eggs, beans, sausages and toast with butterMum and I just have to find a way to get him into the kitchen! He also does a typical Sunday roast. We all

6、love roast beef and vegetables, but Mum says wed better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine.爸爸会做美味的“全套英式早餐”,有培根、鸡蛋、豆子、香肠和黄油吐司不过我和妈妈得想办法让他进厨房!他还会做传统的星期天烤肉大餐。我们都喜欢烤牛肉和蔬菜,但妈妈说最好不要吃太多烧烤食物,因为根据传统中医的说法,这会引起上火。5 Ill nev

7、er forget my first visit to China. Mum encouraged me to try different kinds of food, and I did! I loved everything. But just when I thought I could deal with all Chinese food, I came across stinky tofu, a horrible grey thing that looked and smelt like a burnt sports shoe. “You neednt try it if you d

8、ont want to,” Mum said, but I gathered all my courage to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad. It reminded me of blue cheese, a similarly strong smelling type of food you either love or hate. Maybe Ill fall in love with stinky tofusomeday.我永远不会忘记自己的第一次中国之旅。妈妈鼓励我尝试各种食物,我照做了!我什么都喜欢吃。可是就在

9、我以为自己能够接受所有的中国食物时,我遇到了臭豆腐,一种可怕的灰色食物,样子和味道就像是烧焦的运动鞋。“如果你不想尝试的话,可以不吃,”妈妈说。但我还是鼓起勇气咬了一口,结果惊奇地发现味道还不错。它的味道让我想起了蓝纹奶酪,一种类似的有着浓重气味的食物,你要么你爱上它,要么会恨死它。也许我会爱上臭豆腐的将来总有那么一天吧。6 People say that one mans meat is another mans poison, but I feel at home with food from both my cultures. To me, theres nothing better t

10、han a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!人们常说,一个人的美食是另一个人的砒霜(萝卜青菜各有所好),但中英两种文化中的食物我都喜欢。对我来说,用英国饼干搭配一杯盛在细瓷杯中的中国乌龙茶没有什么比这样一次跨文化的下午茶更好的了!Developing ideas (P 8-9)Cold Truths冰箱真相Is there any truth behind the saying “You are what you eat”?

11、We put this to the test by asking five people to open their fridge doors and talk about their lifestyles. Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person? Maybe you can recognise your own fridge here!俗话说“人如其食”,这是真的吗?为了检验这句话,我们邀请五个人打开自己的冰箱,聊聊他们的生活方式。你能猜出哪个冰箱属于哪个人吗?也许你能在这里看到自家冰箱的影子哦!Ellie 24 埃莉 24岁

12、Junior doctor 实习医生_Theres not enough room to swing a cat in my small apartment, so I dont cook very often. My fridge is usually half empty and Im often too tired to eat much anyway. I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day. Some evenings, Ill just have something quick, like toast, or e

13、ven just a yoghurt with honey. As a doctor, I know I had better change the way I eat, but I just dont have the time or the energy right now.我的小公寓连转身的空间都没有,所以我不常做饭。我的冰箱通常都是半空的,反正我也经常累得吃不下多少。我经常会把一部分饭菜留到第二天吃。有的晚上,我会只吃些速食,比如吐司,或者只是酸奶配蜂蜜。作为医生,我知道我最好改变这种饮食方式,但我现在完全没有时间和精力。Jenny 31 珍妮 31岁Teacher 教师_My hus

14、band and I avoid all products that come from animals. This means we dont eat meat, and any milk or cheese had better be dairy-free. We like cooking at home and make our meals from fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each others days. If w

15、e have children, I want to bring them up just like us, but my husband says that everyone should be able to make their own lifestyle choices.我和我的丈夫什么动物制品都不吃。这意味着我们不吃肉,牛奶或奶酪也最好不是动物乳制成的。我们喜欢在家做饭,用新鲜的时令水果和蔬菜来做饭。一起做饭给了我们放松的机会,也让我们聊聊彼此日常的情况。如果有了孩子,我想按照我们的生活方式养育他们,但我丈夫说,每个人都应该有权利选择自己的生活方式。Ted 35 特德 35岁 Con

16、struction worker 建筑工人_Each day at the construction site is more or less the sametiring! When I get back home, theres nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner. I guess Ive always been a big meat eater and in this house, no family meal is complete without some form of meat. I still dont think th

17、at anything can beat my mums homemade sausages, though.建筑工地上每天都差不多累!回家后,什么都比不上一顿肉食大餐更让人满意了。我想我一直都挺爱吃肉的,在我家没有一顿饭菜是没有肉的。不过,我还是觉得什么也比不得上我妈妈做的香肠。Mike 49 迈克 49岁 Chef 厨师_With five children, were one big family! My wife and I both work full-time, so life can get pretty busy! Like a lot of chefs I know, I d

18、ont really do much cooking at home. Sometimes I bring home food from the restaurant where I work. Once a week, we do a big shop and buy a lot of frozen food. I know we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, but ready meals are so convenient.我们有五个孩子,是一个大家庭!我和妻子都有全职工作,所以日子过得相当忙碌!就像我认识的许多厨师一样,我在家里

19、并不怎么做饭。有时我会从上班的餐馆带一些吃的回来。我们每周一次大采购,会买很多速冻食品。我知道我们应该多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜,但是即食食品真的非常方便。Max 19 马克斯 19岁 College student 大学生_There are five of us living in our shared student house. My mum says I need to have three healthy meals a day, but Im too busy studying and meeting friends! We dont really buy fresh food, and

20、 I suppose the fridge could be kind of cleaner. I darent let my mum see this photo!我们五个人共住一间学生公寓。妈妈常说,一日三餐要吃得健康,但我的学习和社交生活太忙了!我们不怎么买新鲜的食物,而且我觉得冰箱应该再干净点儿我可不敢让我妈妈看到这张照片!Unit 2 Lets celebrateUnderstanding ideas (P 14-15) THE REAL FATHER CHRISTMAS真正的圣诞老人1 Many people still remember the magic of Father C

21、hristmas from when they were children. As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can. 许多人(长大以后)还依然记得来自童年时代的圣诞老人的魔力。为人父母之后,他们也想让自己的孩子尽可能长久地相信这份魔力的存在。2 That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a spe

22、cial time of year. The man who wrote these letters is one of the most famous names in English literatureJ.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. The letters were Tolkiens way of keeping Father Christmas alive for his four children, over a period of more than twenty years.有些人把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光,对于他

23、们,圣诞老人的来信可能是一本再合适不过的书了。写这些信的人是英国文坛的一位巨匠指环王(魔戒)的作者J. R. R. 托尔金。二十多年来,托尔金以写信的方式让他的四个孩子相信圣诞老人真的存在。3 Every Christmas, an envelope with a North Pole stamp arrived. It was addressed to Tolkiens children. Who could it be from? The children must have been very excited as they opened it. Inside, they would f

24、ind a handwritten letter from Father Christmas. The letters were also beautifully illustratedeach must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to complete.每年圣诞节,托尔金的家里都会收到一封贴有北极邮票的信,收件人是托尔金的孩子们。会是谁寄过来的呢?孩子们打开时一定很兴奋。他们会发现里面有一封圣诞老人的亲笔信。信里还配有精美的插图它们真正的作者托尔金一定花了很长时间去完成每一幅画作。4 The letters told w

25、onderful stories about Father Christmass life and adventures at the North Pole. A regular character in the letters was Polar Bear, who once climbed the North Pole (an actual pole in this case) and fell through the roof of Father Christmass house. In another letter, Father Christmas complained about

26、how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up. Interestingly, the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good. The letters did, however, change as Tolkiens children got older: . bu

27、t if you find that not many of the things you asked for have come, and not perhaps quite as many as sometimes, remember that this Christmas all over the world there are a terrible number of poor and starving people.这些信里讲述了关于圣诞老人在北极生活和探险的精彩故事。信中经常出现的一个角色是北极熊,它曾经爬上北极(在信中,北极是一根真的杆子),结果摔下来砸穿了圣诞老人家的屋顶。在另

28、一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说,他那些助手们非但没有把玩具包装起来,反而拿起玩具玩起了游戏,他怎么也没法让他们停下来。有趣的是,信中并没有那些常见的对孩子们的警告,比如表现不好就可能收不到礼物之类的话。不过,随着托尔金的孩子们逐渐长大,信的内容确实发生了一些变化:但是,如果你发现自己并没有得到很多你想要的东西,有时甚至所获无几,请记住,在这个圣诞节,世界各地还有很多的贫穷而饥饿的人。5 Letters from Father Christmas tells us that as well as enjoying the adventures of Father Christmas, Polar Be

29、ar and other characters at the North Pole, we can all share the true spirit of giving at Christmas time. By expressing love for his children in such a special way, Tolkien may indeed have been the real Father Christmas.圣诞老人的来信告诉我们,在圣诞节,除了欣赏圣诞老人、北极熊和其他一些生活在北极的人物的冒险故事之外,我们还可以共同体会真正的奉献精神。托尔金以如此特殊的方式表达了

30、对孩子们的爱,他可以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。Developing ideas (P 20-21)Time for a Change?传统该不该改?Social Insights 社会见解 A family dinner is an important tradition to celebrate Spring Festival. Nowadays, some people choose to have the dinner in a restaurant, but not everyone is keen on this idea. What do our readers think?年夜饭是

31、春节的一项重要传统。如今,有些人选择在饭店吃年夜饭,不过,不是每个人都支持这一想法。读者朋友们,你们怎么看呢? Dear Editor,尊敬的编辑,1 We have eaten out for the Spring Festival family dinner for the last three years, and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home. I dont understand why some people refuse to embrace the change.最近三年,我家都是在外面吃年夜饭的,和在家吃比起来,在

32、外面吃一样开心。我不理解为什么有些人拒绝接受改变。2 Cant they admit that the preparations for the dinner are hard work? I really dont think its worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal, and then another hour cleaning up the mess after its over. We work all year, so why cant one day be about spen

33、ding time with family and relaxing?难道他们不觉得准备年夜饭很辛苦吗?花这么长的时间准备一顿饭,然后饭后再花一个小时来收拾,我真心觉得不值。辛苦一年了,为什么不能用这一天的时间陪陪家人,放松一下呢?3 Eating out is a good choice and it has nothing to do with loss of traditions. We still have the dinner with the same people, just in a different place. The occasion is more enjoyable

34、 without all that tiring cooking, and the dishes taste better!在外面吃年夜饭是个不错的选择,而且这也谈不上丢弃传统。我们还是和同样的人一起吃饭,只是换了地方而已。不用辛苦地做饭,用餐会更加令人愉悦,而且(饭店的)饭菜味道也更好!4 In my opinion, what or where we eat on Spring Festival Eve really doesnt matter. Eating out may change the form of this tradition, but the love between t

35、he family members sitting around the table together remains the same.在我看来,除夕夜我们吃什么、在哪里吃并不重要。在外面的饭店吃年夜饭可能会改变这个传统的表现形式,但是围坐在餐桌前的家人之间的亲情并没有改变。Wang Peng, software engineer王鹏,软件工程师Dear Editor,尊敬的编辑,1 For this years Spring Festival family dinner, my son has booked a table at the best restaurant in town, b

36、ut Im a bit unhappy about it. For me, it just wont feel like Spring Festival having the diner out.今年我儿子在城里最好的饭店订了桌年夜饭,可我不怎么高兴。对我来说,在外面吃年夜饭感觉不像过年。2 When I was a little boy, the dinner on the eve of Spring Festival was what I looked forward to most. It was not only for the delicious food that we seldo

37、m got to eat, but for the opportunity to have our whole family gathered together. I would run around the house, listening to the adults chatting about their year. Id get under my mothers feet in the kitchen, watching her make dumplings. Shed put tokens in some dumplings: candies for a sweet life and

38、 peanuts for a long and healthy one. In the evening, all of us would sit around the table, enjoying the food and being together again. We toasted each other, we laughed, and the simple, homemade dishes tasted more delicious than anything cooked by a top chef.小时候,我最期待的就是除夕的年夜饭。不仅可以吃到平时难以吃到的美食,而且全家人能有

39、机会团聚在一起。那时我会在家里跑来跑去,听大人们闲聊他们这一年的情况。我还会缠着在厨房做饭的妈妈,看着她包饺子。她会在有些饺子里放一点儿“彩头”:糖果寓意生活甜美,花生寓意健康长寿。到了晚上,我们都围坐在餐桌前,享受美食和团聚的乐趣。大家互相敬酒,谈笑风生,简简单单的家常菜吃起来比顶级厨师做的饭菜都要美味。3 I hope my children and their children will still value our memories of preparing the dinner together. To me, the process is even more important

40、than the dinner itself.我希望我的子孙后代依旧珍视全家人一起准备年夜饭的回忆。对我来说,准备的过程比年夜饭本身更重要。Liu Yonghui, retired teacher刘永辉,退休教师Unit 3 On the moveUnderstanding ideas (P 26-27) A Game for the World全世界都热爱的运动1 These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a foo

41、tball to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient China. It was then known as cuju (kick ball), a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside. Goals were hung in the air. Football

42、 as we know it today started in Great Britain, where the game was given new rules.如今,足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。想想当年尼尔·阿姆斯特朗曾想要把足球带上月球,我们甚至可以说它是地球之外最受欢迎的运动!足球的历史可以追溯到两千多年前的古代中国。当时它被称为蹴鞠(意为“以脚踢球”),使用的球的由动物皮革填充毛发制成的,球门是悬在半空中的。我们如今所熟知的足球始于英国,在那里这项运动被赋予了新的规则。2 That football is such a simple game to play is pe

43、rhaps the basis of its popularity. It is also a game that is very cheap to play. You dont need expensive equipment; even the ball doesnt have to cost much money. All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic bags; just like Pelé did when he was

44、a boy.足球是非常简便的一项运动,这也许是足球受欢迎的根本原因。它也是一项花费很少的运动。你不需要昂贵的设备,连球也不会花费太多钱。在世界各地你都可以看到孩子们用塑料袋团成的球尽情玩耍贝利小时候也就是那样的。3 Another factor behind footballs global popularity is the creativity and excitement on the field. It is fun enough to attract millions of people. You do not have to be a fan to recognise the sk

45、ill of professional playershow they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to seeor to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.足球得以风靡世界的另一个因素是在球场上展示出来的创造力和激动人心的氛围。其精彩程度足以吸引数百万人。你不用成为球迷也能看明白职业球员的球技有多么好他们运用身体传球、得分、防守,这些就足以令观众眼花缭乱或者感受到球赛中惊人逆转带来的那种兴奋感。4 Whats more

46、, football has become one of the best ways for people to communicate: it does not require words, but everyone understands it. It breaks down walls and brings people together on and off the field. Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. World War I had broken out months bef

47、ore, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football togetherone moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.此外,足球还成为了人们最好的沟通方式之一:无需话语,但是每个人都能理解。它打破了隔阂,将赛场内外的人们凝聚在一起。以1914年圣诞节那场著名的足球比赛为例,虽然当时第一次世界大战的战火已经持续了数月前,但是英国和德国的士兵仍然放下枪支,一起踢起了足球这是战乱年代值得铭记的一刻。5 “Some people beli

48、eve football is a matter of life and death, . ” said Bill Shankly, the famous footballer and manager. “I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” This might sound funny, but one only has to think about the Earth to realise that our planet is shaped like a football.“有些人认为足球事关生死,” 著名

49、足球运动员兼教练比尔·尚克利曾这样说过,“我可以向你保证,足球远比生死重要得多。”这听起来或许有点儿夸张,但是只要想想地球,你就会意识到我们星球跟足球的形状一样呢。Developing ideas (P 32-33)Running into a Better Life跑出更好的生活This global site is a place for runners to share their stories about running. So, if you are a runner with a story to tell, get in touchwed love to hear f

50、rom you!我们是一个让跑步者分享跑步故事的国际网站。所以,如果你是一位有故事要讲的跑步者,请我们联系吧我们期待你的来信!Li Yue, 16, Beijing李跃,16岁,北京I was born with asthma and I never thought Id be a runner! I only joined my local athletics club because my doctor told me that in my particular case exercise could improve how my lungs work. But before I knew

51、 it, I was taking part in local races. As my fitness and my running improved, I started running in national competitions. This year I won silver in the under 18s 10,000 metres! And who knows, next year I could win gold!我生来就患有哮喘,所以我从没想过自己会成为一名跑步运动员!我之所以参加本地的运动俱乐部,是因为医生说,对于我这种特殊情况,运动可以改善我的肺部功能。但是没过多久,

52、我就开始参加本地的比赛了。随着身体健康状况的改善和跑步能力的提高,我开始参加全国跑步比赛。今年,我获得了青少年一万米长跑的银牌!说不准我明年就能得金牌了!Sarah, 36, Montreal萨拉,36岁,蒙特利尔Not so long ago, I didnt do any exercisenot even any jogging! Then I discovered an app called Running Power. It lists your performance against other runners in your social network. At first, I

53、kept running just to see my name in the top five. Soon, I found that I was not aloneI came across other runners in the same area running for the same purpose! Now I no longer use the app, but Ive fallen in love with running, and still do it with my running friends.就在不久前,我还什么运动也不做甚至都不会去慢跑!后来我发现了一款名为“

54、奔跑的力量”的应用程序。它会按照跑步的表现把你和你社交网络上的其他跑步者进行排名。起初,我坚持跑步只是为了在前五名中看到我的名字。很快,我发现不只是我有这样的目的我遇到了和我住在同一地区且有着同样目的的其他跑步者!虽然我现在不再使用这款应用程序了,但是我已经爱上了跑步,现在仍然与我的跑步朋友一起跑步。David, 52, New York戴维,52岁,纽约As a computer engineer, theres always a new challenge just around the corner! It can be quite stressful at times, though,

55、 which in turn makes me feel anxious. To help deal with this, I go running as often as I possibly can. Whether Im at the gym or on the road, my nervous energy pushes me through mile one. By mile two, the tension has moved from my mind to my legs. By the end of the run, all my stress has disappeared

56、and Im ready to face the next day at work!作为一名计算机工程师,我总是面临着随时到来的挑战!然而,有时候压力是非常大的,这也相应地会让我感到焦虑。为了缓解焦虑,我会尽可能多地去跑步。无论是在健身房还是在路上,跑第一英里时我还能感受到神经的紧张;到了第二英里,这种紧张感就从大脑转移到了双腿。等我跑完全程,我所有的压力都消失了,我已经准备好迎接第二天的工作了!Grace, 25, Manchester格雷丝,25岁,曼彻斯特This year I entered the Great Gorilla Run in London. This is a prog

57、ramme run by The Gorilla Organization to raise money to save the worlds last remaining gorillas from dying out. Each runner receives a gorilla suit and off they go! Its a bit hot and sweaty inside the suit, and my legs ache, but its a lot of fun. The funniest moment was when someone watching the race offered me a bananaa real treat for a running gorilla! I had a great day out in London, as well as helping to save gorillas!今年我在伦敦参加了大猩猩跑。这是一个由大猩猩保护组织举办的活动,旨在筹集资金保护世界上


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