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1、专业英语翻译概论 翻译的标准 翻译包括口译和笔译。在笔译中,又可分为科技翻译、文学翻译、政论文翻译和应用文翻译等等。翻译就是“把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来”(引自现代汉语词典)。因而,翻译本身并不是一门独立的创造性科学,它既带有创造性,又带有科学性,它是用语言表达的一门艺术,是科学性的再创作。随着国际学术交流的日益广泛,科技英语已经受到普遍的重视,掌握一些科技英语的翻译技巧是非常必要的。科技英语(English for Science and Technology ,简称EST)作为一种重要的英语文体,与非科技英语文体相比,具有词义多、长句多、被动句多、词性转换多、非谓语动词多

2、、专业性强等特点,这些特点都是由科技文献的内容所决定的。因此,科技英语的翻译也有别于其他英语文体的翻译。 一、翻译人员必须了解相关科技领域的知识 在科技翻译中,要达到融会贯通,必须了解相关的科技,熟练掌握同一事物的中英文表达方式。单纯靠对语言的把握也能传达双方的语言信息,但运用语言的灵活性特别是选词的准确性会受到很大限制。要解决这个问题,翻译人员就要积极主动地熟悉这个科技领域的相关翻译知识。比如,要翻译“轧机牌坊”这个词汇,仅仅把字面意思翻译出来还远远不够,而且有时用词也不够准确。“轧机牌坊”按字面意思是“mill housing”, 但根据设备的实际情况,翻译成“window”更确切一些,工

3、程技术人员也更习惯使用。因此,了解了生产工艺和设备,在翻译过程中对语言的理解能力和翻译质量就会大大提高。 二、科技英语翻译标准 关于翻译的标准,历来提法很多。有的主张“信、达、雅”,有的主张“信、顺”,有的主张“等值”等等,并曾多次展开过广泛的争论和探讨。但是,从他们的争论中可以看出,有一点是共同的,即一切译文都应包括原文思想内容和译文语言形式这两个方面;简单地说,符合规范的译文语言,确切忠实地表达原作的风格,这就是英语翻译的共同标准。为此,笔者认为,在进行英语翻译时要坚持两条标准: (一)忠实 译文应忠实于原文,准确地、完整地、科学地表达原文的内容,包括思想、精神与风格。译者不得任意对原文内

4、容加以歪曲、增删、遗漏和篡改。 (二)通顺 译文语言必须通顺,符合规范,用词造句应符合本民族语言的习惯,要用民族的、科学的、大众的语言,以求通顺易懂。不应有文理不通、逐词死译和生硬晦涩等现象。 科技英语的翻译方法 要提高翻译质量,使译文达到“准确”、“通顺”、“简练”这三个标准,就必须运用翻译技巧。翻译技巧就是在翻译过程中用词造句的处理方法,如词义的引伸、增减、词类转换和科技术语的翻译方法等。 (一)引伸译法 当英语句子中的某个词按词典的释义直译不符合汉语修辞习惯或语言规范时,则可以在不脱离该英语词本义的前提下,灵活选择恰当的汉语词语或词组译出。例如:Jigang will fix this

5、problem during the recent shut down of the finishing mill. 济钢会在最近的精轧机停产时解决这一问题。“fix”字典意思为“固定、修理”,这里引伸译为“解决、处理”。 引伸译法举例The report is happily phrasedIt is possible to have one hundred million telephone channel operation simultaneously.An insulator offers a very high resistance to the passage through i

6、t of an electric current.引伸译法举例报告措辞很恰当让一亿条话路同时通信是可能的。绝缘体对电流呈很大阻力。(二)增减词译法 增词就是在译句中增加或补充英语句子中原来没有或省略了的词语,以便更完善、更清楚地表达英语句子所阐述的内容。在英语句子中,有的词从语法结构上讲是必不可少的,但并无什么实际意义,只是在句子中起着单纯的语法作用;有的词虽有实际意义,但按照字面译出又显多余。这样的词在翻译时往往可以省略不译。 增减词译法举例The more energy we want to send, the higher we have to make the voltage.Adju

7、st the control to make the trace of the beam on the screen sharp and well defined.The condenser is of higher capacity than is actually need.Changing the number of turns of coils may step up or step down the voltage. 增减词译法举例需要输电越多,电压就得越高。(省译we)调节示波器旋钮,使电子束恰好汇聚于屏幕上,此时显现的光点应成为清晰的圆点。(增译部分词语)这只电容器的容量比实际所

8、需要的容量大。(补译省略部分的capacity)改变线圈匝数可以提高电压或降低电压。(重复voltage)(三)词类转换 英语翻译中,常常需要将英语句子中属于某种词类的词,译成另一种词类的汉语词,以适应汉语的表达习惯或达到某种修辞目的。这种翻译处理方法就是转换词性法,简称词类转换。例如:In any case, the performance test have priority. 不管怎样进行, 性能测试都要优先。这里将名词“priority”转译为动词“优先”。 词类转换举例Neutrons act differently from protons.The new measuring ma

9、chine features high effiency,great reliability and low cost.The information here proves invaluable in reaching a conclusion. 词类转换举例 中子的作用不同于原子。(act转为名词) 新型测量仪的特点是效力高,可靠性强,成本低廉。(features转为名词) 这里的资料对于获得结论价值很高。( here转为形容词)(四)词序处理法 英汉两种语言的词序规则基本相同,但也存在着某些差别。不同的英语句子,在翻译中的词序处理方式也常常不同。例如:An insufficient po

10、wer supply makes the motor immovable. 电源不足就会使马达停转。这里将“insufficient power”(不足电源)改序翻译为“电源不足”较为合理。 词序处理法举例 Transistors suitable for power amplification must deliver power efficiently with sufficient gain at the frequency range of interest. The transformer is a device of very great practical importance

11、which makes use of the principle of mutual induction.词序处理法举例 适合于功率放大的晶体管应能高效地供给功率,而且在有关频带内拥有足够的增益。(形容词短语定语后置) 变压器是一种利用互感原理的在实践中很重要的装置。(从句) (五)科技术语的译法 工程英语中有大量的科技术语,而且科学性、技术性和专业性很强。科技术语的译法有意译、音译、象形译和原形译4种。例如Final as built drawings竣工图,first aid box急救箱,centrifugal force离心力,gear box齿轮箱、变速箱。 意译 科技术语在可能情况

12、下应尽量采用意译法,采用这种方法便于读者顾名思义,不加说明就能直接新术语胡确切含义,例如 Loudspeaker 扬声器Semiconductor 半导体Guided missile导弹意译 意译时,注意分析词的构成,有助于确切定名,例如 Modem=modulator+demodulator调制解调器 Copytron=copy+electron电子复写技术 Telex=teleprinter+exchange电传 Voder=voice operation demonstrator语音合成仪意译 汉语词汇的发展有明显的双音化趋势,如果译名太长,在不影响词义的情况下还可以进一步简化。例如Li

13、mited space-charge accumulation diode限制空间电荷积累二极管-限累二极管音译 当由于某些原因不便使用意译时,可采用音译法或部分音译法 某些术语或新词是由几个词的第一个字母或几个字母组合而成的,如果采用意译,则译名太长,不够简练,这时可音译,例如 Radar 是radio detection and ranging取等词的部分字母拼成的,如译成“无线电探测距设备”显得十分啰嗦,故采用音译,译成“雷达”音译 计量单位名称一般用音译,有些还可进一步简化,例如 Ohm 欧姆-欧 Hertz 赫兹-赫 Bit 比特 Baud 波特音译各种新材料新发现的名称一般采用音译

14、,例如Quark 夸克Nylon 尼龙有些词或术语采用音译、意译结合法,即在词头或词尾加上意译的词Zener diode齐纳二极管1. Logic 逻辑电路象译英文用字母或词描述某种事物的外形,汉译时也可通过具体形象来表达原意,称为象译I-shaped工字型Cross-road十字路口T-connection T形四端网络Zigzag wave锯齿形波 U-shaped magnet马蹄形磁铁形译科技文献常涉及到型号、牌号、商标名称及代表某种概念的字母,这些一般不必译出,直接抄下即可,称为“形译”Q band Q波段p-n-p junction p-n-p结 TO-5 package TO-5

15、型封装英语写作单句练习1. C/E Translation1) 中国具有数倍于法国那么大的面积。(using the pattern “as + adj. + noun + as” with “China” as the subject of the sentence)2)我们得确定为解这方程需要多长的时间。Translation:1) China has several times as large an area as France (does).2) We have to determine how long (a time)/how much time it takes( is req

16、uired/ is needed/ is necessary) to solve this equation.2. PrepositionsFunctions of a prepositional phrase:1) AdverbialWith + some abstract nouns = corresponding adverbs (care, ease, skill, difficulty, accuracy)C/E Translation:当时我们做这个实验很困难。At that time we did the experiment with great difficulty.At t

17、hat time it was very difficult for us to do this experiment.2. PrepositionsPredicative adverbialTheir channel resistances(沟道电阻) will be relatively low, of the order of (大约为)500.2. Prepositions2) Attribute: as a post modifier only This is an algebraic expression with three terms. 这是一个具有三项的代数表达式。3) Pr

18、edicative: after a link verb The supply currents(电源电流) specified in the data sheet(数据单) are for static (静态的)dc conditions only.The small-signal-current direction shown in Fig.6-1 are into the network.The emitter(发射极) is at ground potential(零电位) for all ac signals.The operating path(通路) is along the

19、segment (线段)ab of the diode characteristic(特性曲线).2. Prepositions 4) Complement a. as-phrase required by some transitive verbs 这个参数被定义为信号与噪声之比。 This parameter is defined as the ratio of signal to noise. b. of + some abstract nouns = adjectives corresponding to these nouns of + interest/use/value/impo

20、rtance /significance/help Laboratory work is considered of great importance to engineering students.2. Prepositions 5) Parenthesis: many set phrases (in fact, of course, for example) These problems are, of course, oversimplified. 当然,这些问题是过于简化了的。2. Prepositions 6) Prepositional object: Only after a f

21、ew prepositions- “from, except,” It is possible to use the energy from within the earth. That equation does not hold except in this special case.2. Prepositions 7) Expressing a range of values The earth is between 4 and 5 (from 4 to 5) billion years old. Coordinators 1) “and”Certain materials, such

22、as silver and copper, have many free electrons, and some materials have practically no free electrons.When an emf is applied across the two ends of a wire, many free electrons progress along the wire and a current results.To do this, we take a long piece of copper wire and we need an iron bar.In thi

23、s section, we set down and illustrate some of the rules of Boolean algebra.Coordinators Summary: and: 和,以及/ 而/ 从而/ 同时,并且 Patterns: General: A(,) and B / A, B(,) and C/ A, B, C(,) and D Emphatic: A and B and C and D2) “or”R, G, or B video voltage indicates information of that color.The message is a l

24、ogical unit of user data, control data, or both.There are three main laws of mechanics or three laws of Newton.Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be used to generate electricity.It is important for the reader to learn and understand the basic concepts and operations presented he

25、re, or the development and the applications of later topics will be difficult to comprehend.The greater the resistivity(电阻率), the greater the field (场)needed to establish a given current density, or the smaller the current density(电流密度) caused by a given field. Summary: or: 或/ 即,也就是/ 要不然/ 或者说 Patter

26、ns: General: A or B/ A, B(,) or C/ A, B, C(,) or D Emphatic: A or B or C or D Numerals 1) The ways to express a fraction Numerator ( cardinal number)/ Denominator( ordinal number in plural form except when the numerator is 1, in which case a singular form is used.) 1/3 one third 6/7 six sevenths 1/2

27、 one (a) halfNumeralsC/E Translation:零点三克 (gram), 零点几克Translation:three tenths of a gram (or: 0.3 gram)a few / several tenths of a gramNumerals这个电容器(capacitor)上的电压(voltage)为零点零几伏 (volt)。The voltage across this capacitor is a few/ several hundredths of a volt.Special forms often used in science:Cardi

28、nal number + parts + in a /pera(an) + ordinal number + part + in a/ perNumerals C/E Translation: 在这种情况下,它们之差仅为百万分之十三。 In this case, their difference is only 13 parts ( a 13th part) in a million/ in 106 ( ten to the power of six)/ per million. The special way for a numeral to act as a premodifier: A

29、multiple (倍数)/A fraction (分数)/ A percentage (百分数) + the/its/their + noun / that + post modifier (mostly “of phrase”) / what-clause C/E Translation: 这个电压是加给放大器(amplifier)的信号的100倍 两根平行的橡皮筋所提供的力为一根橡皮筋的两倍。 这时该支路(branch)中的电流为原来的十倍。 Translation: This voltage is 100 times the signal applied to the amplifie

30、r. The force provided by two parallel rubber bands is twice that provided by one rubber band. At this point, the current in the branch is ten times what it was ( its original value).PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1BThree-phase Circuits pulsate英 plset 美 plset vi. 搏动;悸动;有规律地跳动

31、;脉动,跳动,振动; 搏动,跳动 apparatus英 prets 美 prets, -rts n. 仪器,器械;机器;机构,机关;器官 coil英 kl 美 kl n. (一)卷,(一盘;盘卷之物;线圈;纷乱,纠缠不清 vt. 盘绕;卷成一圈 vi. 绕成盘状;卷绕成圈 rated英 retd 美 retd adj. 定价的,额定的 v. 估价( rate的过去式和过去分词 );值得;责骂;定级 a top-rated TV show 最受欢迎的电视节目 generator英 denret(r) 美 dnret n. 发电机,发生器;电力公司;生产者,创始者;乐基础低音 distributi

32、on英 dstrbju:n 美 dstrbjun n. 分配,分布;法(无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配;无线频率分布;电配电 The town council passed a law forbidding the distribution of handbills. 市议会通过法律,禁止散发传单。 interconnect英 ntknekt美 ntknkt vi.互相连接,互相联系vt.使互相连接;使互相联系 electromotive force英 ilektrumutiv f:s 美 lktromotv frs电动势 It is electromotive force that drives

33、electrons through the circuit. 是电动势驱使电子沿电路运动 wye 英 wa 美 wa n. 1. 字母Y; Y形物; 三通, Y形支架, 星形连接 delta delt n. 希腊语字母表第四字母; windingwand n. 绕,缠;线圈,弯曲 adj. 弯曲的,蜿蜒的;旋的,盘绕的 a long and winding road 漫长而曲折的道路 polarityplrt n. 物极性;生反向性;对立;数配极 Polarity is inherent in a magnet. 极性是磁铁的固有性质。 Neutralnju:trl adj. 中立的;(化学中

34、)中性的;暗淡的;不带电的 n. (汽车或其他机器的)空挡位置;中立人士;中立国;素净色 subscript英 sbskrpt 美 sbskrpt adj. 下标的,写在下方n. 下标,脚注,下角数码 succeedsksi:d vi. 成功;继承 vt. 继承,继任,继位;随之后 With no direct descendent, who will succeed to the title? 没有直系后裔,谁来继承爵位呢? intersectionntsekn n. 横断,横切;交叉,相交;交叉点,交叉线;数交集 phase sequencefeiz si:kwns相位序列,相序 Afte

35、r repair, make sure that phase sequence is correct. 修理之后,要确保相序正确。 reverserv:s vt.& vi. (使)反转;(使)颠倒;掉换,交换;法撤消,推翻 vi. 倒退;桥牌逆叫 adj. 反面的;颠倒的;倒开的;生倒卷的 n. 倒转,反向;机回动;倒退;失败难句翻译 1 Viewed in this light, it will be found that the analysis of three-phase circuits is little more difficult than that of single

36、-phase circuits.这样看来,三相电路的分析比单相电路的分析难不了多少。过去分词短语作状语,用以表示时间、原因、让步、方式或陪衬情况。必须注意过去分词表示的被动行为对象是句中主语。 2 At unity power factor,the power in a single-phase circuit is zero twice each cycle在功率因数为1时,单相电路里的功率值每个周波有两次 为零。at 用于表示速度、温度、价格、成本和比率3 It should be noted that if the polarity of point A with respect to

37、N ( ) is assumed for the positive half-cycle, then when used in the same phasor diagram should be drawn opposite to, or 180 out of phase with, . 应该注意,如果把A点相对于N的极性( )定为正半周,那么 在用于同一相量图中时就应该画得同 相反,即相位差为180。 should 用于表示建议、要求、决定、命令等意义的主从复合句内,这时从句谓语一般是“should动词原形”。”Three phase circuits A three phase circu

38、it is merely a combination of three single phase circuits. Because of this fact, current, voltage, and power relations of balanced three phase circuits may be studied by the application of single-phase rules to the component parts of three phase circuit. Viewed in this light, it will be found that t

39、he analysis of three phase circuits is little more difficult than that of single-phase circuits.Reasons for use of three phase circuits In a single-phase circuit, the power is of a pulsating nature. At unity power factor, the power in a single-phase circuit is zero twice each cycle. When the power f

40、actor is less than unity, the power is negative during parts of each cycle. Although the power supplied to each of the three phases of a three phase circuit is pulsating, it may be proved that the total three-phase power supplied a balanced three-phase circuit is constant. Reasons for use of three p

41、hase circuits Because of this, the characteristics of three-phase apparatus, in general, are superior to those of similar single-phase apparatus. Three-phase machinery and control equipment are smaller, lighter in weight, and more efficient than single-phase equipment of tha same rated capacity. Rea

42、sons for use of three phase circuits In addition to the above mentioned advantages offered by a three-phase system, the distribution of three phase power requires only three fourths as much the line copper as does the single-phase distribution of the same amount of power.Generation of three phase vo

43、ltages A three phase electric circuit is energized by three alternating emfs of the same frequency and differing in time phase by 120 electrical degrees. These emfs are generated in three separate sets of armature coils in an AC generator. These three sets of coils are mounted 120 electrical degrees

44、 apart on the generator armature.Generation of three phase voltages The coil ends may all be brought out of the generator to form three separate single-phase circuits. However, the coil ends are ordinary interconnected either internally or externally to form a three-wire or four-wire three-phase sys

45、tem.Generation of three phase voltages There are two ways of connecting the coils of three-phase generators, and in general, there are two ways of connecting devices of any sort to a three-phase circuit. These are the wye-connection and the delta-connection. Most generators are wye-connected, but lo

46、ads may be either wye-connected or delta-connected.Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator Fig.1-1B-2a represents the three coils or phase windings of a generator. These windings are so spaced on the armature surface that the emfs generated in them are 120apart in time phase. Each coil ends l

47、ettered S and F (start and finish). Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator In Fig.1-1B-2a, all the coil ends marked S are connected to a common point N, and the three coil ends marked F are brought out to the line terminals A,B,and C to form a three-wire three-phase supply. This type of conn

48、ection is called the wye-connection. Often the neutral connection is brought out to the terminal board, as shown by the dotted line in Fig.1-1B-2a to form a four-wire three-phase system. Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator The voltage generated in each phase of an AC generator are called

49、the phase voltages (symbol Ep). If the neutral connection is brought out of the generator, the voltage from any one of the line terminals A,B, or C to the neutral to the neutralconnection N is a phase voltage. The voltage between any two of the three line terminals A,B, or C is called line-to-line v

50、oltage or, simply, a line voltage (symbol EL).Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator The order in which the three voltages of a three-phase system succeed ine another is called the phase sequence or thephase rotation of the voltages. This is determined by the direction of rotation of the gen

51、erator but maybe reversed outside the generator by interchanging any two of the three line wires (not a line wire and a neutral wire).Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator It is helpful when drawing circuit diagrams of wye connection to arrange the three phases in the shape of a Y as shown

52、in Fig.1-1B-2b. Note that the circuit of LFig.1-1B-2b is exactly the same as that of Fig.1-1B-2a, with the S end of each coil connected to the neutral point and the F end brought out to the terminal in each case.Voltage relations in a wye-connected generator After a circuit diagram has been drawn wi

53、th all intersections lettered, a phasor diagram may be drawn as Fig.1-1B-2c. The phasor diagramshows the three phase voltages EAN,EBN and ECN which are 120apart. It should be noted in Fig.1-1B-2 that each phasor is lettered with two subscripts. The two letters indicate the two points between which t

54、he voltage exists, and the order of the letters indicates the relative polarity of the voltage during the positive half-cycle. For example, the symbol EAN indicates a voltage between the points A and N with the point A being positive with respect to point N during its positive half cycle. In the pha

55、sor diagram shown, it has been assumed that the generator terminals were positive with respect to the neutral during the positive half cycle. Since the voltage reverses every half cycle, either polarity may be assumed if this polarity is assumed consistently for all three phases. It should be noted

56、that if the polarity of point A with respect to N is assumed for the positive half cycle, then ENA when used in the same phasor diagram should be drawn opposite to, or 180out of phase with EAN The voltage between any two line terminals of wye-connected generator is the difference between the potenti

57、als of these two terminals with respect to the neutral. For example, the line voltage EAB is equal to the voltage with respect to neutral minus the voltage B with respect to neutral. To subtract EBN from EAN, it is necessary to reverse EBN and add this phasor to EAN. The two phasors EAN and ENB are

58、equal in length and are 60apart, as shown in Fig.1-1B-2c. It may be shown graphically or proved by geometry that EAB is equal to 1.73 multiplied by the value of either EAN or ENB . The graphical construction is shown in this phasor diagram. Therefore, in a balanced wye connectionPL73. 1EE Current re

59、lations in a wye-connected generator The current flowing out to the line wires from the generator terminals A,B, and C must flow from the neutral point N, out through the generator coils. Thus, the current each line wire must equal the current in the phase to which it is connected. In a wye connection IL=IP 三相电路三相电路 三相电路


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