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1、复习固学:打扫城市公园打扫城市公园/庭院庭院/街道街道志愿教小孩志愿教小孩 去医院看望生病小孩去医院看望生病小孩 分发食物分发食物/传单传单使他们高兴起来使他们高兴起来课后学习项目课后学习项目提出计划提出计划推迟计划推迟计划召集学生召集学生过去过去照顾照顾孤独的孤独的/孤单地孤单地clean up the city parks /yards/the streetvolunteer to teach kids visit the sick kids in the hospital give out food /hand out the adscheer them upin an after-sc

2、hool study program come up with a planput off making a plancall up studentsused tocare for lonely/alone按要求完成下列句子1.Eric在帮老师发书。 Eric is helping the teacher _ _ the book .2.我们不能推迟制作布告。 We cant _ _ _ the notice.3.他很孤独,没人可以帮他。 He was _,and nobody _ help him.4.她过去常常晚起,但现在习惯早起了。 She used to_ _ _, but she i

3、s used to _ _ _. hand output off makinglonelycouldget up lategetting up early5.因为天气不好,我们将要推迟运动会。因为天气不好,我们将要推迟运动会。 We_ _ _ the sports meeting because of the bad weather .6.一些学生在发通告,另一些在贴通告。一些学生在发通告,另一些在贴通告。 Some students _ _ _ notices others _ _ _ the notices.7.Did you feel _ when you were _ ? (alone

4、 /lonely )8.He could finish the work by _ .(he )9.These _ often _ in the hospital (volunteer )will put offare handing outare putting uplonelyalone himselfvolunteersvolunteer1. 我想去帮助无家可归的人。我想去帮助无家可归的人。 Id _ _ _ homeless people. 2. 你可以请求医院允许你探访儿童并让他你可以请求医院允许你探访儿童并让他 们变得更高兴。们变得更高兴。 You could _ hospital

5、s _ _ you visit the kids and cheer them up. ask to letlike to helpFill in the blanks according to the text. 3. 她自愿一周去那里一次帮助孩子们她自愿一周去那里一次帮助孩子们 学习读书。学习读书。 She _ there once a week _ _ kids learn to read.volunteers to help4. 她决定参加一个课后阅读活动她决定参加一个课后阅读活动志愿者志愿者的的选拔。选拔。 She decided _ _ _for a volunteer after

6、-school reading program. to try outto help kids 作目的状语。是作目的状语。是“一周一次一周一次”的目的。的目的。5. 马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦想工作。马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦想工作。 Mario believes it can help him _ _ his future dream job. 6. 我正在制作一些告示,并将它们张贴于学我正在制作一些告示,并将它们张贴于学校里。校里。 Im making some signs _ _ _ around the school. to getto put up1. He made me

7、_ (tell) him all the things.2. Please remember _ (water) the plants while Im away.3. Lets _ (watch) a talk show. Fill in the blanks.to watertellwatch4. What can you expect _ (learn) from the news?5. My parents want me _ (be) a doctor.6. Id like _ (watch) cartoons at home.to beto watchto learn1. Who

8、will _ (自愿读自愿读) these words for us?2. The girl often _ her mother _ the dishes (帮妈妈洗餐具帮妈妈洗餐具) on weekends. . Complete the sentences.helps dovolunteer to read3. We _ her _ (邀请邀请 来来) to our party. 4. The old man had _ (无事可做无事可做) every day. 5.This _ (生病的)生病的)girl wanted to go home。6.His grandpa is _ (生

9、病了)生病了)nothing to doasked to comesickill/sick4aFill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box. put up, hand out, call up, cheer up,come up with, give out, put off点拨:点拨:由句意由句意“本学期我学业太忙本学期我学业太忙”,可知上文应意为可知上文应意为“我想将去动我想将去动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏季夏季”,故空格处意为,故空格处意为“推推迟迟”。1. I want to _ my plan t

10、o work in an animal hospital until next summer. Im too busy with my studies this year. put off2. She hopes to _ at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs. call up点拨:点拨:由下文目的状语由下文目的状语“to ask”意意“来问是否他们需要志愿者帮来问是否他们需要志愿者帮助做课外活动。助做课外活动。”,可知空格,可知空格处意为处意为“

11、打电话给打电话给”。点拨:点拨:由关键词由关键词idea及及sick children,可知,可知第一空格处意为第一空格处意为“想出想出”,第二空格处意为,第二空格处意为“使使 振奋振奋”。3. Our class is trying to _ some ideas to _ sick children because they are often sad. come up withcheer up4. We decided to _ signs around the school and _ notices to tell students about the book sale. We w

12、ill _ the money from the sale to homeless people. put uphand outgive out点拨:点拨:由关键词由关键词signs (告示告示),notices (通知通知),及,及money (钱钱)可知第一可知第一空意为空意为“张贴张贴”,第二空格意,第二空格意为为“发放发放”,第三空意为,第三空意为“捐捐赠赠”。help move do make visit spend 4bFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Most people toda

13、y are only worried about getting good jobs 1._ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what 2. _ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do 3. _ others. There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 4. _ our free

14、 time. For example, we can make plans 5._ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 6. _ to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there.2. to do 复合不定式做宾语。在业余时复合不定式做宾语。在业余时间,他们考虑做什么

15、事情来休闲或娱间,他们考虑做什么事情来休闲或娱乐。乐。3. to help 做目的状语。然而,没有人考做目的状语。然而,没有人考虑他们可以做些什么事情来帮助他人。虑他们可以做些什么事情来帮助他人。 1. to make to不定式做后置定语。现在大不定式做后置定语。现在大部分人只关心获得份好工作以挣大钱。部分人只关心获得份好工作以挣大钱。思路点拨:思路点拨:5. to visit 做宾语补足语。我们可以制做宾语补足语。我们可以制定计划去医院探望生病的儿童或定计划去医院探望生病的儿童或 6. to move 做目的状语。一些人甚至做目的状语。一些人甚至停止工作几个月到一年而移居到其他停止工作几个

16、月到一年而移居到其他地方。地方。4. to spend 做定语。志愿花时间帮助做定语。志愿花时间帮助这些人是打发这些人是打发 业余时间的一种好方业余时间的一种好方式。式。 help move do make visit spend Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs 1. _ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what 2. _ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do

17、3. _ others. to maketo doto helpThere are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 4. _ our free time. For example, we can make plans 5. _ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs

18、for a few months to a year 6. _ to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there.to spendto visitto move1. Id like to volunteer _ _ 2. At 12: a.m., I called my friend _ _Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use infinitives. to help kids with their homework. to play soccer together in the afternoon.4c3. Im very busy but I could h


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