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1、增進英文作文與翻譯寫作技巧增進英文作文與翻譯寫作技巧How to Write Smart?國立高雄師範大學李翠玉07-25-2008李翠玉李翠玉 學經歷學經歷學歷:台灣大學外國語文博士美國伊利諾大學比較文學碩士高雄師範大學英語研究所碩士經歷:高雄師範大學英語系助理教授兼研究發展處推廣合作組組長高師大推動英語環境諮詢委員 英美文學學會理事高雄縣政府英語村設置諮詢委員高中職教科書編輯委員 全民英檢中高級評試委員Write more. Write more and more, and Write Smart.Outline中英文修辭大不同 Chinese Rhetoric vs. English R

2、hetoric英文作文Dos and Donts英文作文答題原則 Taking a Writing Test段落式寫作技巧 Paragraph Writingl腦力激盪及大綱 Brainstormingl如何寫主題句 Topic Sentencel如何發展段落 Paragraph Developingl起承轉合常用句 transitional phrasesl頭尾呼應 Coherence學測與指考英文作文評分樣例 Scoring Samples歷屆翻譯與作文考題分析 Scoring Criteria中英文修辭大不同中英文修辭大不同 circular 迂迴Chinese Rhetoric 枝狀,

3、線型English Rhetoric 英文作文十大忌英文作文十大忌天馬行空不要離題後繼無力不要沒寫完句子言少必失沈默不是金,不要寫太少,低於100字要求,致文意不清龍飛鳳舞不要太潦草或塗改太多誤入歧途不要把標點符號放在行首(儘量不要把and, but, so 放在句首,不要出現中文標點符號,如。【】等) )順手牽句不要抄前面選擇題(也不要讓閱卷老師察覺是疑似背誦的文章)縮頭烏龜不要用縮寫字旁門左道不要用阿拉伯數字表示第一、第二或數量弄巧成拙不要出現大綱式寫法自以為是不要賣弄學問,用艱深難懂的語彙及比喻(含古字)英文作文切記英文作文切記(15守則守則)第一個字要大寫,句子結束要有標點符號段落式寫

4、作,單行不成段開門見山,開宗明義(主題句放最前面)要舉實例支持(個人經驗;明確之人事時地物)拼字先求正確play safe,再求適當或優美用對時態及時態變化,且一致(敘述過去經驗用過去式,描述一本書故事情節可用現在式)注意單複數可適度用諺語,但不落入俗套避免贅字或不相關之敘述英文作文切記英文作文切記(15守則守則)參考使用倒金字塔式新聞寫作,發展順序:由一般而至詳細 (General Specific details)由原則而至具體 (PrincipleConcrete)由重要而至不重要 (the most important the least important)由簡至繁 (EasyCom

5、plex)由近而遠 (closeremote)前後呼應,邏輯連貫單句、合句及複句,靈活運用,才會拿高分(科技文章常用被動語態)書名或外語用劃底線(電腦文書處理亦可用斜體字)方式表示開頭引人入勝,結尾強而有力 (不要虎頭蛇尾或劃蛇添足)語氣肯定明確,勿模擬兩可或含混不清英文作文答題原則英文作文答題原則先看題目,記下腦海中浮現之關鍵字作完選擇題後,靜下心來仔細看題目,瞭解題意判斷題目文類,腦力激盪,作大綱,想例子開始作答(有時間者,可先寫草稿,再謄稿)檢查,逐字逐句檢查,包括拼字、動詞時態、單複數段落式寫作技巧段落式寫作技巧(I) 一、腦力激盪及大綱範例:段落式寫作技巧段落式寫作技巧 (II)二、

6、如何寫主題句建議放在第一句多用肯定句語意明確,是段落軸心(段落中的每一句都與其相關)One day, I was flying from Kaohsiung to Taipei. When the plane took off, the wind was blowing, and it was raining hard. I was a little nervous. . . 直接寫出My worst experience happened on an airplane in August 1995. 段落式寫作技巧段落式寫作技巧 (III)三、如何發展段落援用例子或個人經驗感受定義某一個原則

7、或概念詳細說明主題句範例一(詳細說明two cities, taste)A visitor to my country should visit two cities to get a taste of the country. From north to south, the traveler should stop at _ which is mainly an industrial city with many tall buildings and stores. After he has seen _, the traveler should drive south toward _.

8、 He will see (the sea) as he drives along the coast. When he arrives in _, he will find a friendly city, with many fruit trees and plants. 範例二(定義kind)My mother was one of the kindest people on earth. When I was young, she would overlook almost all my mistakes and gently correct me. My mother would o

9、ften be nice to other children in the neighborhood by sharing my food, toys, and even clothes with them. 範例三 詳細說明主題句serious problemFor most people nowadays, the need of energy is a serious problem. In industrialized countries, people need a lot of gas and electricity. Economists and political leader

10、s continually warn us about the problem. They encourage us to save energy by driving less, turning down heaters, and turning off lights. 範例四 (詳細說明several important qualities舉例)My ideal husband would have to have several important qualities. First he would be kind and loving. For example, he would ne

11、ver stay angry for long and he would always find little ways to make life more fun for his family. Second he would be willing to share with me the responsibilities of the household. He would, for instance, do some of the cooking, laundry, and cleaning. He would also share in the raising of our child

12、ren. Finally, he would be tall and thin with dark eyes. 常用於引言的字句-起起1. As an old English saying goes, “” 有句英文諺語是這麼說的,2. There is no denying (doubt) that S+ V 不可否認的是3. Generally speaking, S + V.一般說來4. According to my personal experience, S + V In my opinion, Personally, I like/think, 根據我個人的經驗5. Nothin

13、g in the world can delight me so much as + Ving.世界上沒有什麼比做讓我更高興了。6. As far as I know就我所知 7. As far as I can recall, S + V就我印象所及常用於延展的字句-承1. Indeed; It is true that + S + V; Quite true; Rightly so, 的確2. To be honest, Frankly speaking; 事實上3. It is widely believed that + S + V; Belief has it that + S +

14、V 誠如所信4. For example; For instance; To take + N+ for an example, S + V以為例子5. We have reasons to believe that + S + V.我們有理由相信6. In fact; As a matter of fact, S + V.事實上7. Likewise, In a similar fashion, Similarly 同樣地8. In other words; To be specific; 換句話說; 詳細地說9. As mentioned from above, 如前所述常用於語氣轉換的字

15、句-轉 1. However, Nevertheless, Granted that然而2. Despite +N; Despite the fact that + S + V, 儘管.3. On the other hand, S + V.另一方面4. On the contrary, On the opposite, In contrast相反的是5. When compared to A, B + V, 與A相比, B.常用於結論的字句- 合1. From this point of view, S + V.從這觀點來看2. In a word, S + V.總而言之 3. To sum

16、 up, S + V; To conclude; In conclusion總之4. If we can really put + N + into action, S + V如果我們能付諸實行5. Last but not least, S + V.最後常用轉折詞常用轉折詞(1) 因此;結果as a result, consequently, as a consequence, in consequence, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, on this ground, because of this(2) 順序: first/firstly, i

17、n the first place, second/secondly, next, finally(3)此外in addition, additionally, besides, furthermore, moreover, also, whats more(4) 然而however, nevertheless (5) 換言之that is, that is to say, namely, in other words, to put it differently(6) 同樣地likewise, similarly, in the similar way(7) 相反地instead, on t

18、he contrary, by contrast, conversely段落式寫作技巧段落式寫作技巧 (V)四、頭尾呼應雖然有二段,但首句及末句不能相互矛盾末句不要重覆首句範例一首句:You can learn many things from traveling that you cannot learn any other way.末句:I learned a lot more about Australia from that experience than a book or TV show could have taught me.首句:For the class reunion,

19、I have decided that we should have a beach party.末句:This reunion will be a way of fulfilling our promise to each other, as well as reminding ourselves of the value of our friendship.段落與標點符號練習段落與標點符號練習To be well educated a person must do five important things first she must use her time wisely she sh

20、ould not watch too much tv and she should plan her days carefully second she must not limit her studies she should try to study as many different subjects as she can for example if she is a scientist she should study music art and drama she must see the relationship between different fields third sh

21、e must have imagination she must be ready to see what others are unwilling or unable to see fourth she must have self confidence she should listen to what others say however she must trust herself enough to choose the good from the bad fifth she must never let her curiosity die she must always look for knowledge not wait for it to come to her 段落與標點符號練習段落與標點符號練習-解答解答To be well educated, a person must do five important things. First, she must use her time wisely. She should not watch too


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