1、通道1An unemployed man is desperate to support his family . He applies for a job as a janitor at a large firm and easily passes a test . The human resources manager tells him , (1) will be hired at a minimum wage of $ 5.15 an hour ,Let me have your e-mail address so that we can get you in the loop . O
2、ur system will automatically e-mail you all the forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day .”一个失业的人不顾一切地为自己的家庭提供支持。他申请一份工作作为一个在大型公司的门卫,很容易通过测试。人力资源经理告诉他,(1)你将以5.15美元一小时的最低工资,让我有你的电子邮件地址,这样我们可以让你在循环中。我们的系统将 自动发电子邮件给你所有的表格,并建议你何时开始和哪里报告你的第一天。“Taken aback , the man protest
3、s that he is poor and has neither a computer nor an e-mail address .Tothis the manager replies , "Without an e-mail address you can hardly expect to be employed by a high-ech firm .Good day .”吃了一惊,他抗议说他很穷,没有电脑和电子邮件地址。这个经理回答说,没有一个电子邮件地址,你不能指望受雇于一家高科技公司的好日子。“Astonished , the man leaves . Not know
4、ing where to turn and having $10 in his wallet , he walks past a farmers ' market and sees a stand seHng reeatomatoes .He buys a crate of the tomatoes , carries it to a busy corner and displays the tomatoes . In less than two hours he sells all the tomatoes and makes a 100% profit . Repeating th
5、e process several times more that day , he ends up with almost $100 and arrives home that night with several bags of groceries for his family .惊讶,那人离开。他不知道在哪儿能把10美元的钱包翻到钱包里,他走过一个农民的市场,看到一个卖着漂亮的红色番茄的人,他买了一箱西红柿,把它带到了一个 角落,并展示了西红柿。在不到 2个小时的时间里,他卖了所有的番茄,赚了100%勺利润。他每天重复这一过程,最终达到100美元,并在那天晚上回家,给家人带了几袋食品杂货
6、。During the night he decides to repeat the tomato business the next day . He gets up early every day and woks into the night . He multiplies his profits quickly .在晚上,他决定在第二天重复第二天的番茄生意。他起床很早,每天工作到深夜。他将他的利润迅速。By the end of the second year he has a dozen very nice used trucks and employs fifteen previo
7、usly unemployed people , all selling tomatoes . He continues to work hard . Time passes and at the end of the fifth year he owns a fleet of nice trucks and a warehouse , plus two tomato farms .到了二年,他有一打很好用的卡车,雇了十五名以前的人,都是番茄。他继续努力工作。 在第五年的时间里,他拥有一支漂亮的卡车和一个仓库,外加 2 个番茄农场。Planning for the future , he de
8、cides to buy some life insurance . Consulting with an insurance adviser , he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances . Then the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order to send the final documents electronically .未来的规划,他决定买一些人寿保险。咨询一位保险顾问,他选择一项保险计划以适应他的新情况。然后,顾问要求他为他的电子邮件地址,以电子方
9、式发送最终文 件。When the man replies that he doesn t have time to mess with a computer and has e-mail address , the insurance man is astonished , “ What, you don ht ave e-mail ? No computer ? No Internet ? Just think where you would be today if you d hadyears ago !”当那个人回答说,他没有时间去搞电脑,没有电子邮件地址,保险人惊讶地说:“什么, 你
10、没有电子邮件?没有电脑?没有互联网?想想如果你在五年前有了所有的一切,你会在哪里!“(2) “ Ha !” snorts the“ mIafnI . d-mhaidl feive years ago I would be sweeping floorsat Microsoft and making $5.15 an hour .”( 2) “哈!不屑的人。“如果我五年前就发过电子邮件,我将在微软扫地,每小时赚5.15美元。通道8(1) “Congratulations , Mr. Jones , it' s a girl .”(1)祝贺,琼斯先生,这是一个女孩。“Fatherhood
11、is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words . Some feel pride when they receive the news , while others worry , wondering whether they will be good fathers . Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable
12、 experience with them , others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them . Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time . For other couples , pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwil
13、lingly .父亲要有不同的含义,产生不同的反应每个人听到这句话。有些人会感到骄傲, 当他们得到这个消息,而其他人担心,想知道他们是否会成为好父亲。虽然有一些人 喜欢孩子,可能有相当的经验,但也有一些人不特别照顾孩子,花点时间与他们。许 多父亲和母亲一直在计划和期待着一段时间的孩子。对于其他夫妻来说,怀孕是一个 意外,丈夫和妻子都情愿或不情愿地接受。(2) Whatever the response to the birth of a child , it is clear that the change from the role of husband to that of father
14、is a difficult task . Yet , unluckily , few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this process . Although numerous books have been written about American mothers , only recently has literature focused on the role of a father .(2)无论对一个孩子的出生有什么反应,很明显,从丈夫的角色转变为父亲的转 变是一项艰巨的任务。然而,不幸的是,很少有人试图在这个过程
15、中,父亲的教育。 虽然许多书都是关于美国母亲的,但最近才有文学关注的是父亲的角色。It is argued by some writers that the change to the f ather ' s role , although difficult , is not nearly as great as the change the wife must make to the mother' s role .role seems to require a complete change in daily routine and adjustment , and th
16、e father role is less demanding and immediate . However , ever though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home , the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household .有些作家认为,改变父亲的角色,虽然困难,是不是几乎一样伟大的变化,妻子 必须作出的母亲的角色。母亲的角色似乎需要一个完全的改变,在日常和调整,和父
17、亲的角色是不那么苛刻和直接。然而,即使我们提到越来越多的妇女外出工作,父亲 仍被许多人视为养家糊口的人。(1) Telephone , television , radio , and the Internet help people communicate with each other . Because of these devices , ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the word . For example , within seconds , people can know the results of an
18、election in another country . An international football match comes into the homes of everyone with a television set . News of a disaster , such as a flood , can bring help from distant countries . Within hours , help is on the way . This is because with modern technology information travels fast .(
19、1)电话、电视、广播和互联网帮助人们互相交流。由于这些设备,思想和新闻 事件迅速蔓延,所有的字。例如,在几秒钟内,人们可以知道另一个国家的选举结果。 一场国际足球比赛是每个人的家里有一台电视机。灾难的消息,如洪水,可以从遥远 的国家带来帮助。在几个小时内,帮助在路上。这是因为随着现代科技信息的快速传 播。How has this speed of communication changed the world ? To many people , the world has become smaller . Of course , this does not mean that the wor
20、ld is actually smaller . It means that the world seems smaller . (2)Two hundred years ago , communication between the continents took a long time . All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans . In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , it took six weeks for n
21、ews from Europe to reach the Americas . This time difference influenced people ' s actions . For example , a few battles in the War of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided . A peace agreement had already been signed . Peace was made in England , but the news of peac
22、e took six weeks to reach America . During these six weeks , the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought . Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been signed . They would not have died if news had come in time . In the past , communication took much more time than it does n
23、ow . There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today .这个交流的速度怎样改变了世界?对许多人来说,世界变得越来越小。当然,这 并不意味着世界实际上是较小的。这意味着世界似乎变小了。(2)二百年前,各洲间的交流时间很长。所有的新闻都是在几周甚至几个月的时间里进行的,甚至是数周甚 至数月的时间穿越海洋。在第十七和第十八个世纪,它花了六个星期的时间从欧洲到 美洲的新闻。这一时期的差异影响了人们的行为。举例来说,在英国和美国之间的战 争中,有几场战争是可以避免的。已签署了一项和平协议。和
24、平是在英国制造的,但 是和平的消息花了六个星期才能到达美国。在这六个星期里,新奥尔良的大而严重的 战役战斗了。和平条约签署后,许多人失去了生命。如果消息及时到来,他们不会死 的。在过去,通信花的时间比现在的时间要大得多。有一个很好的理由,为什么世界 似乎比现在大得多。(1)Do you ever feel like nobody likes you ? I feel that way sometimes , too . I think it ' s natural to want people to like you . I mean , who doesn' t want f
25、riends ? But Iwanting everyone to like me . And when they don' ,t it 'essy for me to feel bad about myself .(1)你有没有觉得没有人喜欢你?我有时也会有这样的感觉。我想让人们喜欢你 是很自然的。我是说,谁不想要朋友?但我努力奋斗着,希望每个人都喜欢我。当他 们不,这很容易让我觉得自己不好。I have this big group of friends , and in that group , there 'ose girl who hangs out most
26、ly with the guys . Now I was raised with brothers , and I usually feel more comfortable hanging around with guys than with girls . And most of time , guys feel comfortable hanging out with me , too . So I was starting to feel kind of hurt that the guys were hanging out with this other girl and not w
27、ith me .我有这个大的一群朋友,在那个群体里,有一个女孩,大部分和男人在一起。现 在我和兄弟们一起长大,我通常都会觉得比女孩更舒服。大部分的时间,和我一起的 人感到舒服。所以我开始感到有点伤害,这些家伙和这个女孩在一起,而不是和我在One day , it really started to bother me . I crawled in my bed and just started crying . I was like ," What ' s wrong with me ? Why doesnone want evbe around me ? Am Ijust
28、not sweet enough ? Am I just not likable ? "I came up with all reasons why people wouldn ' t want to hang out with me . For instance , I have a strong personality , and I can be very intense . I am also very honest , and I ' ll say what ' s on my mind . That ' s not best thing .
29、 Honesty is good , but sometimes I' d be better off keeping my mouthfigured if I changed my personality , people might like me better .有一天,它真的开始打扰我了。我爬在我的床上,只是开始哭泣。我就想,我怎么了? ”为什么不是每个人都想在我身边?我只是不够甜吗?我只是不讨人喜欢吗?我提出了所有的理由,为什么人们不愿意和我一起出去玩。例如,我有很强的个性, 我可以非常强烈。我也很诚实,我会说我的想法是什么。这并不总是最好的事情。诚 实是好的,但有时我会更好
30、地保持我的嘴关闭。我想如果我改变了我的性格,人们可 能会更喜欢我。The day after my crying session , I decided I would try to be sweet and quiet , to be the girl everyone would love . But that just wasn' t me . And I thought this is dumb . It finalcame to me that this whole thing wasn' t about me . People want to be with who
31、 theyto be with . Those guy friends of mine weren ' t choosing to not be around me . (2) They didn ' t hate me . They were just hanging out with another person . That'在我哭泣的那一天之后,我决定试着做一次甜美的安静,做每个人都喜欢的女孩。但那只是不是我。我认为这是愚蠢的。它终于来到我,这整个事情不是关于我。人们 希望与他们想成为的人。我的那些人的朋友没有选择不在我身边。(2)他们不恨我。他们只是和另一个人
32、在一起。这就是生活的方式。I guess what I ' vearned is that not everyone is going to love me . Not everyone is going to want to be around me all the time . It doesn' t mean there ' s anyme . And it doesn ' m ean there 'anything wrong with them . People are just different . Sure , there are thi
33、ngs about me that I need to work on . But I don' Have to try to be everyone ' s best friend . I only need to be the person God made me to be .我想我学到的是,不是每个人都会爱我。不是每个人都会想要在我身边的所有时 间。这并不意味着我有什么错误。这并不意味着他们有什么错误。人们只是不同。当 然,我需要在我的工作上做一些事情。但我不必试图成为每个人的最好的朋友。我只 需要是上帝让我成为的人。More and more cars appear
34、on the roads of the capital that their speed drops increasingly . Even on Ring Roads No.4 and No.5 that are far from the metropolis center car-speed is still limited . (1) Experienced drivers all know a famous road rule ; Better slow moving than standing still . So long as the car is on the move , e
35、ven as slowly as a turtle crawling , it is still possible to estimate the time of arriving at its destination . On the contrary , if it is blocked or stands still , even though there may be a chance to run as fast as flying like a bird , it is still unpredictable when it reaches its destination .越来越
36、多的汽车出现在首都的道路上,他们的速度越来越快。即使在五环路4号、 5号,远离都市中心的车速度仍然是有限的。(1)有经验的司机都知道一条著名的道路 规则;而更慢的移动比站立的更慢。只要汽车在动,甚至在海龟的爬行过程中,它仍 然可以估计到达目的地的时间。相反,如果它被阻止或静止,即使有可能是一个机会 跑得像一只鸟一样快,它仍然是不可预测的,当它到达目的地。This gives me an association of our economic development . It' s quite r(understandable that underdeveloped areas or t
37、rades want to develop their economy or enterprises more rapidly . (2) But economic development has to follow its own rules , just like harvesting crops in the fields or gathering fruit on the trees . There must be flowers blooming in the spring before trees yield fruit in the autumn . You' ll ha
38、vseason of flowers opening and fading and the days of fruit ripening . You cannot depend on your wishful thinking or take things for granted .这给了我一个经济发展协会。经济欠发达地区或行业更迅速发展经济或企业,这 是相当合理的和可以理解的。(2)经济发展必须遵循它自己的规律,就像在田里收割 庄稼或在树上收获果实一样。春天树木在秋天结果子时,必须有盛开的花朵。你要等 待花开的季节,凋谢的日子,成熟的日子。你不能依靠你的一厢情愿或把事情视为理 所当然。In
39、the past there was a good-natured man whose wish was to become rich rapidly by increasing productivity . Instead of planting rice twice a year he changed into three . Thus he was kept busy in the fields more than ever but the harvesting was not as good as he hoped . Why ? As a mathematical saying go
40、es ,“ 3 multiplied by 3 is 9 ,but 2 multipis 10 .”在过去,有一个善良的人的愿望是通过提高生产率来致富快。他改成了三年,而 不是一年两次种植水稻。因此,他在田野里一直忙着,但收获却不如他希望的那么好。 为什么?俗话说:“臻以3是9, 2乘以5是10。”Dr. Sun Yatsen said long ago ,for Allrenterprises is :" the faster they yieldthe smaller the profit is ; the slower the profit comes , the greate
41、r it is .中山先生早就说过,二个企业的规则是:更快的产生利润,利润越小;速度较慢的利润来源,更是这样。”As a matter of fact , the rate of GDP increase in the U.S. for the recent 200 years is about 2% per year minus the population factor . This seems like a small-step progress . But even this small-step progress , as it keeps going all the way , i
42、t succeedsin producing a superpower . Isn 'itt a good example to illustrate the saying “Better slow moving than standing still ?”事实上,美国国内生产总值的增长率在最近的200年是2%左右,每年的人口比例是负的。这似乎是一个小小的进步。但即使是这个小小的进步,因为它不断前进,它成 功地在制造一个超级大国。这是不是一个很好的例子来说明说更好的慢动比静止?”(1)Hand washing is the single most effective thing to
43、do to reduce the spread of infections diseases. Failing to sufficiently wash hands contributes to nearly 50 per cent of all food borne illness outbreaks , according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .(1)洗手是减少传染病传播的唯一最有效的方法。美国疾病控制和预防中心称, 未能充分洗手有助于近50的食物传染病的暴发。Experts say it takes
44、 15 to 20 seconds of vigorous hand washing with soap and water to effectively kill the germs which cause infections . Yet the study found that people washed their hands for , on average , only about six seconds . A third of people do not use soap when washing their hands and 10 per cent do not wash
45、their hands at all .专家们说,用肥皂和水进行有力的洗手可以有效地杀死引起感染的细菌,这需要15到20秒的时间。然而,研究发现,人们的手洗,平均,只有约六秒。三分之一的人不 使用肥皂洗手时,10个百分之不洗他们的手。Professor Borchgrevink ' s team obserdewashing in toilets in bars , restaurants and other public establishments .教授的团队观察到在厕所博克格雷温克海底手在酒吧洗衣,饭店和其他公共场所。Among the findings were that 1
46、5 per cent of men didn ' wtash their hands at all , compared with 7 per cent of women and when they did wash their hands , only 50 per cent of men used soap , compared with 78 per cent of women . People were less likely to wash their hands if the sink was dirty and hand washing was more prevalen
47、t earlier in the day .调查结果中,15的男性没有洗手,与7的女性相比,当他们洗手时,只有50的男 性使用肥皂,而女性的比例为78。在一天中,人们不太可能洗手,洗手是比较普遍的oProfessor Borchgrevink , who worked as a chef and restaurant manager before becoming a researcher , said the findings have implications for both consumers and those who operate restaurant and hotels .教
48、授博克格雷温克海底,谁担任厨师和餐厅经理在成为一名研究员,说调查结果 对消费者和那些经营餐厅和酒店的影响。He said :" (2)Imagine you ' re a business owner and people come to your establishmand get a food borne illness because they didn ' wash their handsand then your reputation is on the line . You could lose your business .”他说:72)想象你是一个企业
49、主,人们来到你的建立和得到一个食物传染病, 因为他们不洗他们的手,然后你的声誉是在行。你可能会失去你的生意。”My husband and I got married in 1981 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to stay home and raise our three children . Then four years ago , Our youngest child went to school and I thought I might go back to work .我丈夫和我在19
50、81结婚,并在我们的婚姻的前十年,我非常高兴地呆在家里,提 高我们的三个孩子。四年前,我们最小的孩子去上学了,我想我可以回去工作了。(1) My husband was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He emphasized all of the things I can do around the house , and said he thought I could be a great success in business .(1)我丈夫非常支持,并帮助我做出决定。他强调我可以在家里做的所有事情, 他说,他认为我
51、可以是一个伟大的商业成功。After several weeks of looking for a job , I found my present job , which is working for a small public relations firm . At first , my husband was very proud of me and would tell his friends ,“ My clever little wife can run that company she' s working for .在几周的工作之后,我找到了我现在的工作,这是一个小型
52、的公关公司工作。一 开始,我丈夫为我感到非常骄傲,并会告诉他的朋友,我的聪明的小妻子可以经营这家公司的工作。“(2) But as his joking statement approached truth , my husband stopped talking to me about mu job . I have received several promotions and pay increases , and I more money than he is . I can buy my own clothes and a new car . Because of our joint
53、 incomes , my husband and I can do many things we had always dreamed of doing , but we don' t do these things because he is very unhappy .(2)但当他开玩笑的陈述接近真相时,我丈夫不再跟我谈论关于穆的工作。我已 经收到了一些晋升和加薪,我现在赚的钱比他多。我可以买我自己的衣服和一辆新车。 因为我们的共同收入,我丈夫和我可以做很多事情,我们一直梦想着做,但我们不做 这些事情,因为他是非常不高兴。We fight about little things
54、and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends . For the first time in our marriage , I think it is possible that our marriage may come to an end .我们和我的丈夫在我们的朋友面前对小事情和我的丈夫是非常关键的。第一次在 我们的婚姻,我认为这是可能的,我们的婚姻可能会结束。I love my husband very much , and I don' t want him to feel inaesoroveum
55、iyjob . I think I can be a good wife and a working woman , but I don' t knowgive me some advice ? W川 I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career ?我非常爱我的丈夫,我不想让他自卑,但我也喜欢我的工作。我想我可以做一个 好妻子和一个女人,但我不知道。谁能给我一些建议?我必须选择一个或另一个,我 可以保持我的丈夫和我的新事业吗?Doreen Sykora is now a
56、 junior at McGill University . She had a difficult time when she began college . She said ,“ I was always well prepared for my examinations . But I wointo class to take the exam , and I would fall apart . I could not answer the questions correctly - even though I knew the answers ! I would just blan
57、k out because of nervousness and fear . Hitoshi Sakamoto , an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences .多琳也现在是麦克吉尔大学大三的学生。她刚上大学的时候就很难了。她说,我总是为我的考试做好准备。但我会去参加考试,我会崩溃。我不能正确地回答问题, 即使我知道答案!我只是因为紧张和恐惧的空出。”仁坂,在东京天普大学的人类学学生报告类似的经历。(1) These two young students were expe
58、riencing something called test anxiety . When a student worries and is stressed about a test , his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does . The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness .(1)这2名年轻学生正在经历一种叫做考试焦虑的事情。当一个学生担心,并强 调了一个测试,他或她的心不工作,以及它通
59、常是。由于紧张和紧张,学生不能写或 想清楚。Now there are special university courses to help students . In these courses , advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to manage test anxiety . Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it . First , students take a practice test to measure their worry level . If the tests show that their stress level is high , the students can take a short course to manag
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