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1、(60词)词) 代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。 虎头豹尾。(最漂亮句式布局首位)虎头豹尾。(最漂亮句式布局首位)conclude, deem, hold, argue, be (firmly/fully) convinced, assume, suppose, imagine, reckon, feel, consider, sense, reflect 10保护:保护:Protect, conserve, preserve 11确保:确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge 12有害的:有害的:Bad, baneful, ev

2、il, harmful, detrimental,still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even outmanifest, apparent, crystal-clear 29占:占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose ,from another way,to put it from ano

3、ther anglekeen on, be partial to , be attached to, adore 给出优惠政策给出优惠政策 give preferential treatment 享受失业救济金享受失业救济金 enjoy unemployment pensionexpression)an eye-openeralready oppressed; one disaster after another; the worst came to the worst; make more worse Develop a strong sense of responsibility (流行的

4、消遣方式)(流行的消遣方式) stock(股票)(股票)Valuation(估价(估价 ) equity market(股市;产权投资市场)(股市;产权投资市场)Shareholder(股东)(股东) pension fund(养老基金)(养老基金)象学),象学),atmosphere(大气(大气 ),),climate(气(气候候 ),),temperature(温度),(温度),forecast(预报),(预报),tropical(l热带的),热带的),hail(冰雹(冰雹 ),), thunder (雷(雷 ),),downpour(倾盆大雨)(倾盆大雨) shower(阵(阵雨),雨)

5、,storm (暴风雨)(暴风雨)under control(治理环境污染),(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),(开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济),(低碳经济),environmental awareness(环境意识)(环境意识)biased(性别歧视的),(性别歧视的), appearance-biased(相貌歧视的)(相貌歧视的)stuffing(填鸭式),(填鸭式), diploma craze(文凭热),(文凭热),demanding(要求高的),(要求高的),rigid(严格的),

6、(严格的),scholarship(奖学金),(奖学金),potential(潜在的,潜(潜在的,潜力),力),educational reform(教学改革),(教学改革),academic(学术的),(学术的),part-time(兼职的),(兼职的),tutor(做家教)(做家教)criteria of evaluation(衡量标准),(衡量标准),be supposed to(应该)(应该) 例如;例如;In the beginning some of us took no interest in the subject. 例如:例如:Whether he works or not,

7、 I dont think he will pass the exam.off our picnic. 例如:例如:In accordance with your wishes, I have written to him.的建议,我认为的建议,我认为 例如:例如:With regard to your proposal, I think that it will work well in practice. Finally, we hope that. 最后,我们希望最后,我们希望 例如:例如:Finally, we hope that the friendship between us w

8、ill last forever.times, compared with.heavily/stand out. 5) One of the great men once said that.stand out against B. (First.Second .Third.And above all.) brought along with it, however, people come up with another approach/solution /course ly. the improvement (development / increase / promoti

9、on) of.beneficial).phenomenon).pocket. 口袋里有钱不如头脑里有知识old. 东西都是新的好,朋友还是老的亲 A light heart lives long. 豁达者长寿 Time and tide waits for no man. Beauty lies in lovers eyes. 情人眼里出西施达更加客观。达更加客观。accordingly. 怎么修改?improved. 高级:激发读者兴趣高级:激发读者兴趣则文章会有跑题的危险。建议最多用三句话收网。则文章会有跑题的危险。建议最多用三句话收网。not proper to decide on a

10、person just by interview. Both of them have some truth.locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. 【答案】【答案】B。原文首先指出信用卡在美国使用率之高,结尾。原文首先指出信用卡在美国使用率之高,结尾处又说处又说“cashless society”已经成为现实,以此推断中间已经成为现实,以此推断中间的空格处应该是和信用卡有关的内容。的空格处应该是和信用卡有关的内容。B中恰好是介绍了信中恰好是介绍了信用卡在各个领域的广泛应用,与上下文相稳合。用卡在各个领域的广泛应用,与上


12、相似性,论证也会以失败告终。好两类兼顾。好两类兼顾。increasingly important in the modern society.above all, more / most importantly, significantlycampus is obviously a better choice because it can help students with their study, their life and their relationship with others.students learn from hardship and sharpen their soci

13、al awareness, students can certainly enjoy much benefit from them.can be very beneficial to students.unless the problem of lack of traffic facilities, the problem of too quick population increase, and the problem of bad driving behavior are properly dealt with.word, traffic situation in big cities cannot see much improvement unless these three problems (the problem of lack of traffic f


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