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1、up to now = up till now到现在为止到现在为止 常与现在完成时连用常与现在完成时连用 直到现在我还没收到过他的信。直到现在我还没收到过他的信。I havent got any letters from him up to now. up to 还可表示还可表示“达到达到数量数量”Up to 1000 people want to join in this activity.【拓展【拓展】content adj. 满足的满足的; 满意的满意的; be content with sth. 对对 感到满意感到满意/满足满足 = be satisfied/pleased with

2、be content to do sth. 愿意做某事愿意做某事/满足于做某事满足于做某事 Are you content with your present salary? 这对老夫妇很满足于住在乡村。这对老夫妇很满足于住在乡村。The old couple are well content to live in the countryside.content vt. 使满意使满意, 使满足使满足content sb./oneself with sth. 使使满足于满足于I content myself with a glass of coffee everyday.我每天喝一杯咖啡就满足了

3、。我每天喝一杯咖啡就满足了。 We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.我们永远不应该只满足于书本上的知识。我们永远不应该只满足于书本上的知识。 contents ( (书的书的) )目录目录; ;内含物内含物He took out all the contents in the drawer.He took out all the contents in the drawer.content n. 内容内容 I like the style of the book but I dont like the conten

4、t.我喜欢这本书的文体我喜欢这本书的文体, , 但我不喜欢它的内容。但我不喜欢它的内容。Not that Charlies own life was easy! 1.我不说“是”并不表明我不同意你的意见。 _. 2. 这并不是说他没有幽默感。 _. 3. 并不是我不愿意跟你一起去,而是我现在很忙。 _. I dont say “yes” not that I disagree with you Not that he has no sense of humour Not that Im unwilling to go with you, but (that) Im busy now Every

5、one was astonished at/by the news. It was astonishing that he was drunk. astonish v. 使吃惊使吃惊 astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的令人吃惊的astonished adj.感到吃惊的感到吃惊的astonishment n. 惊异;惊愕;惊奇惊异;惊愕;惊奇 The news astonished everybody. 令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游过了那条河。令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游过了那条河。To our astonishment, the small boy swam across the r

6、iver. She stared at me in astonishment.3. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off.不幸的是,他父亲去世了,这令到这个家庭更加潦倒。不幸的是,他父亲去世了,这令到这个家庭更加潦倒。badly off: 境况不好,穷困潦倒,比较级是境况不好,穷困潦倒,比较级是worse off;well off:well off:境况好,富裕,境况好,富裕,比较级是比较级是better offbetter off。 他们贫穷得根本谈不上度假。他们贫穷得根本谈不上度假。实际上现在大多数

7、人都比五年前要富裕。实际上现在大多数人都比五年前要富裕。They are too badly off to have a holiday. In fact most people are better off than they were five years ago.另外,另外,badly off 还有还有“缺乏,匮乏缺乏,匮乏”之意,此时后面加之意,此时后面加forThe school is rather badly off for equipment.这所学校相当缺乏设备。这所学校相当缺乏设备。I went to her home and found her living conditi

8、on was_ _.我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天-许多人的家境更许多人的家境更糟。糟。 We shouldnt complain about being poor -many families are much worse off.我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。worse off than mine No one was ever bored watching him his subtle acting made everything entertaining.entertaining adj. “使人快乐的使人快乐

9、的; 有趣的有趣的”He told us an entertaining story yesterday. 昨天他给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。昨天他给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。Films should be entertaining. entertain v. 款待,使愉快款待,使愉快 entertain sb to dinner/food 请某人吃饭(食物请某人吃饭(食物) entertain sb with sth 用用使某人愉快使某人愉快明天我要请朋友吃饭明天我要请朋友吃饭Tomorrow I will entertain my friends to dinner.她给我们讲了很多幽默故事使

10、我们很开心她给我们讲了很多幽默故事使我们很开心She entertained us with many humourous stories. n. entertainment 娱乐娱乐forms of entertainment 娱乐形式娱乐形式entertainer n. (娱乐节目的娱乐节目的)表演者表演者,艺人艺人throughout prep. 1)(表示地区)遍及(表示地区)遍及, 整个整个 如:如:The company has branches throughout the country.这家公司的分店遍及全国。这家公司的分店遍及全国。2)(表示时间)整个,从头到尾(表示时间)

11、整个,从头到尾 如:如: It rained throughout the day. 雨下了一整天。雨下了一整天。 He led a poor life throughout his life. 他一生过着穷苦的生活。他一生过着穷苦的生活。throughout adv. 1) 整个地,在所有各处,全部整个地,在所有各处,全部 如:如: The hill was green throughout. 那座山整个都是绿的。那座山整个都是绿的。 2) 自始至终,到最后自始至终,到最后 如:如: She remained silent throughout. 她从头到尾都保持沉默。她从头到尾都保持沉默。

12、worn-out adj.1)(衣类、机器等)磨破的;磨损的;用旧的(衣类、机器等)磨破的;磨损的;用旧的 worn-out shoes 穿旧的鞋穿旧的鞋2) 精疲力尽的;憔悴的(一般不用在名词前)精疲力尽的;憔悴的(一般不用在名词前) She looks worn-out. 她看起来憔悴不堪。她看起来憔悴不堪。My patience was worn out . 6. This character was a social failure but he was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficult

13、ies . 这个角色是个社会生活中的失败者这个角色是个社会生活中的失败者, 但是他战胜困难的但是他战胜困难的乐观和决心使得他被所有看电影的人所喜爱乐观和决心使得他被所有看电影的人所喜爱。1) overcome overcame-overcome 克服,战胜克服,战胜 He overcame a bad habit. 他克服了一项恶习。他克服了一项恶习。be overcome with/by 被(悲哀、恐怖等)打倒,被(悲哀、恐怖等)打倒, 因因为为而崩溃而崩溃/垮掉。如:垮掉。如: She was overcome with/by grief. 她因为悲伤而崩溃了。她因为悲伤而崩溃了。 7.

14、Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest meat. 他首先吃起鞋带,就像吃意大利面条一样。然后他把他首先吃起鞋带,就像吃意大利面条一样。然后他把鞋子上端的皮子切下来,就像切下一块最好的肉。鞋子上端的皮子切下来,就像切下一块最好的肉。1) pick out a. (从同类当中从同类当中) 选出选出;挑选;挑选 She picked out a pin

15、k dress for her daughter. 她给女儿挑了粉红色的衣服。她给女儿挑了粉红色的衣服。 b. (在许多人当中在许多人当中)看出;辨认出看出;辨认出 Can you pick out your mother in the crowd? 你能在人群中找到你母亲吗?你能在人群中找到你母亲吗?考例考例 It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend. (四川四川2007)A. turn outB. bring out C. call outD. pick out点拨点拨 本题考查短语辨析。本题考查短语辨析。pi

16、ck out辨认辨认出;出;turn out结果是;结果是;bring out 拿出;拿出;call out叫出。叫出。cut off1) I had my hair cut off and sold it.切断,剪掉切断,剪掉2) The television show was cut off by a special news report.打断打断3) Our water supply was cut off .停止停止,中断中断(供给)(供给)4) We were completely cut off from the outside world.切断切断的去路,使的去路,使与外界隔绝

17、与外界隔绝【拓展】【拓展】cut in 插嘴插嘴cut down 减少减少; ; 缩减缩减cut up 切碎切碎cut into pieces 切成碎片切成碎片 We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们的电话打到一半断了。我们的电话打到一半断了。He feels very cut off living in the country.他住在乡间感到很闭塞。他住在乡间感到很闭塞。补充两个例句补充两个例句 I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson _. (湖南湖南2005) A. cut

18、in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up A cut down 意为意为“砍倒砍倒”;cut out 意为意为“剪掉剪掉; 除去除去, 省略省略, 删去删去”;cut up 意为意为“切碎切碎”。 He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment.他每一口都吃得津津有味他每一口都吃得津津有味 mouthful n. 一口一口 a mouthful of 一口一口他喝了一口苦药,扮了个鬼脸。他喝了一口苦药,扮了个鬼脸。He took a mouthful of the bitter medicine and made a face

19、.a handful of sand a basketful of vegetablesa bucketful of watera spoonful of sugara houseful of guests The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! 卓别林的表演是那么有说服力,以至卓别林的表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会相信这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐于你会相信这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐 convincing adj.

20、令人信服的令人信服的 ,使人心悦诚服的,使人心悦诚服的 convinced adj. 感到信服的感到信服的 ,坚信,坚信 This is the most convincing evidence that I can find to prove my point. 这是我所能找到的最令人信服的证据这是我所能找到的最令人信服的证据, 以证明以证明我的观点。我的观点。I am convinced that he is innocent.I am convinced of his innocence.v. convince 使信服使信服 convince sb of sth 使某人相信使某人相信我使

21、得他们相信了这个故事是真的我使得他们相信了这个故事是真的I managed to convince them of the story .我们最终使他们相信了我们的清白。我们最终使他们相信了我们的清白。Finally we convinced them of our innocence. Chaplin wrote, directed, and produced the films he starred in. 卓别林自编、自导、自制一些他自演的电影卓别林自编、自导、自制一些他自演的电影。star v. (在电影中在电影中)主演主演, 由由主演主演; The director wants to star Jim in his new film.这位导演想让吉姆主演他的新片。这位导演想让吉姆主演他的新片。She has starred in a lot of good films. 她主演了许多好电影。她主演了许多好电影。 direct v. 导演导演director n. 导演导演direct a film 导演一部电影导演一部电影其它意思其它意思: adj. 直的直的; 直线的直线的; 直达的直达的 如:如:There is no di


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