



1、话题 19 世界和环境(The world and the environment)1.大洲,大陆 continent2.亚洲 Asia3. 欧洲 Europe4. 非洲 Africa5. 南美洲South America6. 北美洲North America7. 大洋洲Ocea nia& 南极洲An tarctica9. 海洋ocea n10.太平洋Pacific11 .大西洋Atla ntic12 .印度洋In dia n Ocean13 .北冰洋Artic Ocea ni.话题相关词汇国家14.country15.中国China16.美国America17.英国, 不列颠Brit

2、ai n/GreatBritain18.19.20.俄罗斯 Russia加拿大Ca nada澳大利亚Australia21. 印度 India22. 新西兰New Zeala nd23. 联邦的 federal24. 共和国;共和republic25 .地球 earth26.全球 in the globe27 .栖息地 habitat28.总面积a total area of.29.平方公里square kilometre30 .沙漠化desertification231 .野生动物保护 wildlife protection32. 珍稀,稀有的 rare33. 世界著名的 worldwide

3、 famous34 .世界上 in the world/all over the world35.是.的家园 be home to.36 .环境environment37 .开发develop38.保护 protect39 .污染pollute40 .融化melt41 .回收recycle42 .导致result in /from43 .采取行动 take actio n to do44 .采取措施 take measures to do45.制止干某事preve nt/stop/keep.from doing46.有区另 Uhave a differe nee betwee n.n.话题相关

4、词组AV*I.位于,坐落于be located/lie in/there sta nds2.占地面积 occupy/cover an area of.3. 有人口 has a populati on of./with the populati on ofz4. 因而出名 be famous for/be known as/for5.濒危野生动物en da ngered wildlife6.环境恶化 en viro nmen tal degradati on7.水土流失 water and soil erosi on8.保持生态平衡keep the ecology in bala nce/kee

5、p the bala nee of n ature9.可再生资源ren ewable resource10.水土保持 con servati on of water and soilII.关注 be concerned about12.自然现象 n atural phe nomenon13.环保产品 environment frien dly products川.实用句型1.梅州位于广东省东北部,是客家人的主要集散中心和聚居地。Meizhou, located in the no rtheast of Guan gdo ng Prov in ce, serves as the main dis

6、tributing3center and settlement of Hakkas.2梅州市全市面积近 16 000 平方公里,有人口 500 多万。Meizhou covers a total area of about 16, 000 square kilometers with a population of more thanfive million.3梅州以崇文重教而出名。Meizhou is famous for respecting culture and education. 4世界上只有一个地球,因此,保护环境刻不容缓。There is only one earth in t

7、he world; therefore, its of great urgency to protect the environment.5为了保护野生动物,我们呼吁公众不要吃野生动物。In order to protect the wildlife, we appeal to the public not to eat wildlife. 6温室效应导致全球气候上升。The greenhouse effect resulted in global warming. 7水土流失警示我们要保持生态平衡。The water and soil erosion warned us that we ou

8、ght to keep the ecology in balance. 8我们需要尽快采取措施来遏制环境恶化。Weshould take measures to stop environmental degradation as soon as possible.IV 佳作背诵现在, 越来越多的外国人到中国旅游。 请你用英语写一篇短文, 向外国游客简单介绍一 下中国的情况,内容包括:1对外国游客表示热烈欢迎; 2中国地域辽阔,南北气候差别大; 3旅游景点众多,高山大河,美丽如画;4人口最多,国家日益强大; 5人民勤劳、善良,热爱和平。注意:词数 80 个左右。写作提示: 中文提示简洁,要理解意

9、思, 并用自己学过的单词和句型进行表达,不要直 译。参考范文Ladies and gen tleme n, youre warmly welcome to China. Now let me tell you someth ing aboutthe country.China is very big and its the third biggest country in the world.Here, theweather is quite different from the north to the south. There are a good manywon derful tourist attract ion s.Besides, the high mountains and long rivers are asbeautiful as delightful pictures .In particular, China has the largest populati onin the world and she is becoming


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