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1、-1 -8 -Read ingBook3 Unit2 Healthy eating学案王鹏坐在空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。frustrate vt.归纳拓展frustrate sb.1. Everybody has to eat , but do you eat a healthy diet? ( P9) 每个人都必须吃饭,但是你吃得健康吗?diet n. be on a diet eg)The doetor says rve got to go on a diet.医生说我必须节食。put sb on a diet = dieteg)The doctor has dieted the p

2、atie nt strictly.医生严格规定病人的饮食。2. What will happen to you if you don't eat a bala need diet?( P9)如果你没有吃平衡的膳食会出现什么情况?bala nee n. & v. _ kee p the bala nee out of bala nee Try to achieve a better bala nee betwee n work and p lay.(1)她拐弯时骑得太快,失去平衡摔倒了。归纳拓展bala nee the in come and expense a balaneed

3、 diet 例题 1 (1) Susan is on ato losesb. be frustrated by frustrati ng adj.frustrated adj.1)恶劣的天气使我们外出的愿望无法实现。2) 他因一再失败而灰心丧气。例题 4 rm feeling ratherin my present job; I need a ehange.A. frustrati ngB. frustratedC. frustrati onD. frustratelose on e's bala neein the balanee争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。5. By now h

4、is restaura nt ought to be full of people. ( P10)这个钟点他的餐厅应该是宾客盈门的。ought toought to/should doought n't to/should n't have done1)你应当更努力地工作。(义务)ought to/should have done.bala nee A aga inst B2)你应该穿件雨衣。(建议)weight.C. food;/D. diet; /A. food ; herB. diet ; her(2)完成句子People who aremust n't have

5、 chocolate.例题 2 The school aims to _the amount of time spent on arts and seienee subjects.A. bala neeB. divideC. i ncrease D. reduce3)你真应该去那儿;那儿太好玩了。(愿望)4)下星期她就该完成了。(可能性)例题 5ril tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.Youher last week.A. should tellB.would have toldC.must tellD.ought to have told3. Wha

6、t sp eeial food of your p lace would you offer them ?(P9)你要给他们提供当地的什么特色食品?offer(1) vt.提供,提出offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.(2) n.出价,提议an offer of 100£1)公司把这项工作给别人了。offer to do2)我们接受了他的提议。例题 3If you like 1 can do some shopping for you.That's a very ki ndA. offerB. serviceC. pointD. suggest

7、i on4. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaura nt feeli ng very frustrated. (P10)6. Sudde niy he saw his frie nd Li Cha ng hurryi ng by. (P10)突然间,他看到他的朋友李昌匆匆地走过。hurry v. &nhurry up hurry to a place hurry off1)别着急,时间还有很多。2)我希望列车快点到来。3)他急匆匆地离开了。hurry sb. /sth. uphurry by归纳拓展in a hurry( = hurriedly, qu

8、ickly) be in a hurry to do sth. ( = be eager to do sth.) in no hurry to do sth. _例题 6 ( 1 ) He dressedA. such in a hurry that he forgot to do up the butt on.B. in such a hurryC. in such hurryD. such in hurry7.Tired of all that fat? (P10)肥腻的东西吃厌了吗tired adj.be/get tired from doing _1) 我厌倦了他那些愚蠢的问题。be/

9、get tired of_be/get tired with sth.9. He could not have Yong Hui gett ing away with tell ing people lies! (P10)他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!(1)get away with1) 我不知道他们如何能交这么少的税而不受惩罚。(2) lieeg)D on't you dare lie to me!eg)She lied about her age.归纳拓展撒谎 lie lied 一 lied lying 例题 9 (1) TheyA. got across lie to sb.

10、 =tell a lie to sb. = tell sb. a lie 你胆敢跟我撒谎! 她谎报了年龄。2) 他看书看累了。 归纳拓展 At the foot of the hillA. laysB. is layi ng躺,位于 lie lay lain lying damagi ng the car.B. got along withC. got away witha big lake surroun ded by trees. C. lies D. is lyi ngF蛋,放置 lay 一 laid 一 laid 一 layingD. got away fromtiri ng adj.

11、 _ tire sb. out 例题 7 After the long journey, the three of them went back home, A. hungry and tiredlyB. hungry and tiredC. hun grily and tiredlyD.hun grily and tiredtiresome adj.10. At the library Wang Peng was sur prised to find that his restaura nt served far too much fat andYong Hui's far too

12、little.( P10)在图书馆,王鹏吃惊地发现,他餐馆的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧餐馆的食物脂肪含量又太少。serve 常用结构serve sb.serve as a driverserve the dinner8. Curiosity drove Wang Peng in side. (P10)王鹏受到了好奇心的驱使,走了进去。curiosity n. arouse /excite /satisfy on e's curiosityout of curiosity full of curiosity 归纳拓展be curious about1) 给所有的客人都上了饭菜饮品了吗?2)

13、我们店有咖啡奉客。例题 10 My friend, who on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month.A. servedB. is servi ngC. had servedD. has servedbe curious to do sth.It's curious t hat curiously adv.1) 我只是出于好奇,你买这辆车花了多少钱?2)那个男孩对所看见的一切都感到好奇。3)我很想知道她说了什么。例题 8 ( 1) People have always been

14、 curious A. inB. atC. ofD. abouthow liv ing thi ngs on the earth exactly bega n. If you areA. in terestedabout Australia n cities, just read the book writte n by Dr. Joh nson.B. an xiousC. up setD. curious11. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. (P10)也许打点折、写个新的标牌,能

15、够贏回他的顾客。discount n. & v. 常用结构at a disco untget/give/offer a disco unt1)他们销售的所有商品都打折。2)杰克说的话你不必当真,他可是个说谎大王。3) 在他的计划中,他低估了费用。例题 11 The old model worker's rich exp erie nee is not to be _A. uncoun tedB. valuedC. attractedD. disco un ted12.Wa nt to feel fit and en ergetie? (P10)想保持健康和精力旺盛吗?en er

16、getie( =full of en ergy) adj.1) 他似乎是一个精力充沛的人。2) 他们把他们的全部精力投人这项工作。 归纳拓展in debt负债归纳拓展get/r un into debtpay off the debt 1) 借债容易还债难。例题 3 I'll always beto you for your help.A. in debtB. debtC. running into debtout of debtbe in sb s debt/in debt to sb.D. debtsenergy n. full of energy 例题 12You are alw

17、ays full of. Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. po werB. stre ngthC. forceatomic en ergyD. en ergy4. She did n ot look happy but glared at him. ( P14) glare v.发出刺目的强光 n.眩目的光 glari ng adj.1)强烈的光照射在冰上。glare atUsing Ian guage1. The stre ngth of the diet in Wang Pen g'

18、s restaura nt was that.( P11) stre ngth n.(1) 优势,长处(2) 体力,力气易混辨析eg)1,500-meter race is his strength.1,500 米长跑是他的强项。eg) build up on e's stre ngth 增强体力force , energy ;(身体、心智的)某种能力strength, power,power势力,权力;电力,功率;(身体、心智的)某种能力;strength气力,耐力,抵抗力,指物体或人体内在的力量;energy精力,活力;能源;force力量,力气,势力,军事力量,陆(海、空)军部队

19、1)他丧失了说话的的能力。例题 1 (1) Bill was doing a lot of p hysical exercise to build up his .A. abilityB. force(2)完成句子 她有非凡的意志力量。 他用力推那块石头。2) 因为阳光耀眼,他只好戴墨镜。3) 他们停止了争论,怒视着对方。易混辨析glare at例题 4 ( 1) The sun light is so ,A. glari ngB. stared(2)完成句子 他们怒视着对方。 我不愿意被盯着看。stare at_ that I can't open my eyes.C. gla nc

20、ingD. warmTheyI don't likeeach other. “gla nee atC. stre ngthD. mindShe has a remarkable innerHe p ushed aga inst the rock with all his5.now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu.(P14)spy n.间谍,侦探 spy(on )sb; spy on/i nto sth1) 2) spy sth. out 他的工作是秘密监视敌人的动向。这表明他是个间谍。2. P erha ps he

21、would be able to earn his livi ng after all. (P14)earn one's living 谋生,度日归纳拓展谋生,度日”的表示方法:make on e's livi ng/ earn on e's bread / make the pot boil /kee p the pot boili ng1)他辞去了办公室的工作,努力以务农为生。例题 2 Tom makes his living a part-time teacher.A. byB. asC. ofD. with6. bui found your menu so li

22、mited that I stopped worry ing and started advertis ing the ben efits of my food.(1)limited 有限的,不多的1)归纳拓展limit V.限制,限定 limit. ton.限度 set a limit to/on sthwithin limitswithout limits3. He did not look forward to bei ng in debt. (P14)2)3) be nefit n. & v.我们与当地人的交往很有限。the limit of one's patiene

23、e go/bey on d/over the limit 我准备花多少钱是有限度的。 我仅探讨这一问题的三个方面。for on e's ben efitben efit from.eg)I've had the ben efit of a good educati on.eg) The sea air will ben efit you. 归纳拓展ben eficial adj.get/receive ben efit from.ben efit sb我得益于良好的教育。海边的空气对你有益。be ben eficial to -A. comb iningB. comb in a

24、ti onC. comb ineD. comb ined10. In this way they cut dow n the fat and in creased the fibre in the meal. (P15) cut dow n 易混辨析cut dow n on e's expenses1)新鲜空气有益于你的健康。例 6 (1) Our holidays _A. limitB. limit tothree weeks.C. are limited to(2) Because of the small size of the school , it only admits a

25、A. limitedB. minimumC. certai nty(3) Since economic is declining, a lot of people have to A. addD. are limited by number of children.D. large_their expen ses to what they can afford.B. limitC.combi neD. p resscut up.eg) One of the aircraft's engines cut out.eg) The army was cut off from its base

26、.例题 10 (1) She was really when her husband left her.A. cut dow n B. cut in C. cut up D. cut away(2 ) In Copenhagen, the UN climate conference grew more tense and divisive as the developing countries did n't trust the pro mises made by the in dustrial coun tries to gree nhouse gas emissi on (排放)A

27、. cut out B. cut dow n C. cut offD. cut upcut incut out飞机的一个发动机失灵了。 那支部队与基地失去了联系。cutoff(4) Vitamin isA. ben efit_ to our health.B. ben efitedC. ben eficialD. ben efits7.But don't you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner? (P15)不过,难道你不认为你痩一点更好么?与现在事实相反的虚拟语气1)如果我会飞,我就去月球了。2)如果我是你,我就会抓

28、住这次出国的机会。 例题711. In America, McDon ald's does not allow workers' unions to op erate in its restaura nts.( P52) op erate veg) This mach ine op erates ni ght and day. 这台机器日夜运转。op erate a mach ine op erate a factoryop erate on sb. = do an op erati on on sb. op erati ng system例题 11 Who are you waiti ng for? the man wounded in the left leg.A. The doctor will op erate on B.The nurse to be looked afterC. The doctor op erat ing onD. His brother gotA. IfB. Sincehe had not hurt his leg, Joh n would have won the race.C. ThoughD. When12. So whe n I con sider the food, he cars and the jobs. (P


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