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1、第四讲词性转换(构词法)英语构词法主要有三种:合成、转化和派生。合成是指将两个意思不同的单词结合成一个新词;转化是指一个单词的词形不变而由一种词性转化为另一种词性;派生是指通过给一个单词加前缀或后缀变成另一个词。 前缀一般改变词义而不改变词性, 后缀一般改变词性而 不改变词义。将构词法置于此处讲解,一是对前面基础词法的汇总,二是为攻克后面的重难 动词做铺垫。考什么3学什么 明确方向卡考看时离蚊动词、形容词转换为名词全析考法单句语法填空/单句改错1. (2018 全国卷 n )This switch has decreased (pollute) in the country's maj

2、or lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.解析:pollution decrease “降低,减少”,为及物动词,后接名词作宾语,故填名词 pollution 。2. (2018 6 月浙江高考)Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the homeand the rise in (weigh) problems.解析:weight根据语境可知,此处表示体重方

3、面的问题,故此处填名词作定语。3. (2017 全国卷出 )She is determined to carry on with her(educate).解析:education前面有形容词性物主代词her,此处应该使用动词educate的名词形式education作宾语。4. (2016 全国卷 I )Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia's biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top (attract)

4、.解析:attraction此处作表语且前面由its top 修饰,应该用 attract 的名词形式attraction ,意为“吸引人之物,诱惑物”。5. (2016 全国卷出)Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly 551 to 479 B . C., influenced the(develop) of chopsticks.解析:development根据空前面的the和空后面的of可知,此处需填develop的名词 形式 development 。6 . (

5、2016 全国卷 I )My uncle tells me that the key to his success ishonest.解析:honest honesty根据句意和结构可知,此处应该使用名词形式。谨记规则1 .动词变名词的后缀后缀例词correct f correction改正celebrate fcelebration庆祝;庆祝会attract 一 attraction吸弓 Iconclude fconclusion 结论; 结束-ion / -tiondiscuss fdiscussion讨论;辩论/decide fdecision决定-sion/-atiadmitfadmi

6、ssion接纳; 准许入学oninvite f invitation邀请explain fexplanation解释graduate fgraduation 毕业expect f expectation期望drive driver司机;驾驶员gather fgatherer收SW;米SW-er/-orteach f teacher老师announce fannouncer 广播员conduct fconductor指挥;售票员punish fpunishment惩罚achieve fachievement 功绩; 成就arguefargument辩论;论据-menttreat 一 treatm

7、ent对待; 治疗equip fequipment装备;设备govern f government政府appearf appearance出现;夕卜貌guide-guidance指弓 1;指导-ance/perform fperformance 表演; 节目-enceexist fexistence生存prefer 一 preference偏爱refer 一 reference参考;查阅=hearfhearing听力; 听觉-ingbegin f beginning开始fail failure失败;倒闭press f pressure压力-ure/-turedepart -departure离

8、开;出发mix- mixture混合;混合物recover frecovery恢复; 痊愈-ydiscover -discovery发现choose f choice选择其他vary variety多样化;种类tend f tendency趋向; 趋势2 .形容词变名词的后缀后经例词-ageshort fshortage不足;短缺-cyefficient -efficiency效率;功效fluent ffluency流禾 1;流畅accurate faccuracy准确性private fprivacy隐私; 私密,-domfree ffreedom自由;自主wisefwisdom明智; 智慧

9、i different fdifference差异-ence| silent 一 silence沉默> 4b iAba- i1-a ah i -aa*4ba-ia-1-& h i baa士&a -iab i -aasta -iab i -aa->>>- sa -iab -aa44meb-iau-占sa - - -二 ii weak- weakness虚弱; 弱点i-nessi kind f kindness仁怒;好意i careless fcarelessness粗心人忌-thstrong - strength力气;强项warmr warmth温暖;热情

10、-y / - ty/y-ithonest fhonesty诚实difficult difficulty困难cruel cruelty残酷;残暴safe f safetydisable fdisability无能;伤残responsible f responsibility责任名词、动词转换为形容词全析考法单句语法填空1. (2018 全国卷 I )Running is cheap, easy and it's always(energy).解析:energetic根据句子结构可知,此处应该使用与其前的cheap, easy相同形式的形容词energetic 作表语。2. (2018 全

11、国卷n )According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total(globe) fertilizer consumption.解析:global 此处和total 一起修饰名词短语fertilizer consumption ,意为“全世界的化肥总消耗量”,故用其形容词形式 global作定语。3. (2018 6 月浙江高考)The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be(afford) but doing this m

12、ost days adds up.解析:affordable根据语境可知此处作表语,所以要用形容词形式。4. (2014 全国卷 n )There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and(disappoint).解析:disappointed和前面的anxious并列,表示人的内心活动,应使用-ed 形式的形容词,此处表示“他们中有些人看起来既焦虑又失望”。谨记规则后缀例词-ableaccept - acceptable可接受的comfort -comfortable舒

13、适的fashion ffashionable时髦的suit 一suitable 合适的reason f reasonable有道理的-almusic f musical首乐的origin 一 original最初的person f personal个人的; 私人的centre -central中央的;中心的nature natural自然的;天生的-fuldoubt doubtful怀疑的forget forgetful健忘的harm 一 harmful后害的hope-hopeful有布望的peace fpeaceful 和平的-edscare -scared感到恐惧的confuse fcon

14、fused 感至 U 困惑的underline -underlined下戈 U 线的-ingsurprise fsurprising令人惊异的convince f convincing令人信服的satisfy fsatisfying令人满忌的-ibleaccess 一 accessible容易取得的horror horrible可怕的;恐怖的terror - terrible可怕的-iveact active积极的;活跃的effect effective功效的;生效的attract fattractive有吸引力的impress fimpressive给人深刻印象的-ouscontinue f

15、continuous不断的; 持续的anxiety fanxious 忧虑的caution -cautious小心的;谨慎的curiosity fcurious 好奇的humorfhumorous 幽默的-sometire tiresome令人厌倦的trouble ftroublesome 麻烦的-y一taste tasty美味的;口口的health healthy健康的wealth wealthy富裕的;丰富的-ern ! east 一eastern东方的;向东的-ishchild childish孩子气的fool foolish 愚蠢的;可笑的I self selfish自私的特别注意-e

16、d形容词多表示主语所处的状态,意为“感到的” ,通常修饰人;-ing形容词多表示主语所具有的特征,意为“令人的”,通常修饰物或事。由三形容词转换为副词全析考法I .单句语法填空1. (2018 全国卷 n )A taste for meat is (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle.解析:actually此处用副词作状语修饰系动词is。2. (2018 11 月浙江高考)(recent), caffeine has found i

17、ts way into orange, apple, and other flavored drinks.解析:Recently此处考查时间副词作状语,故填 Recently 。3. (2016 全国卷 I )The title will be(official) given to me at a ceremony in London.解析:officially此处表示(大使)这个头衔将在伦敦的一个仪式上正式授予给我,分析句子结构可知,应该使用副词officially 作状语修饰动词given。4. (2016 全国卷 n )Recent studies show that we are fa

18、r more productive at work if we take short breaks(regular).解析:regularly此处需要用副词彳饰动词短语"take short breaks ”。5. (2015 广东高考 ) (lucky), he also had a cow which produced milk every day.解析:Luckily此处为副词用于句首修饰整个句子,表示状态。n .单句改错1. (2018 全国卷 I )I felt happily that their life had improved.解析:happily happy 动词

19、felt在此处是系动词,意为"觉得,感觉”,其后应该使 用形容词happy作表语。2. (2017 全国卷 I )It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in themiddle of the road.解析:suddenly sudden 此处需要用形容词修饰后面的名词 stop ,表示“突然的停 止”。3. . (2016 全国卷 I )Instead, he hopes that his business will growsteady.解析:steady steadily谓语动词grow是不及物动词,意为“增长,增

20、强”,此处应该使用副词steadily作状语修饰grow。grow steadily 意为“稳定地增长”。4. (2016 全国卷出 )At one time, I even felt my parents couldn't understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.解析:freely free此处需要用形容词作表语。be free from them "摆脱他们”。5. (2015 全国卷n )Dad and I were terrible worried.解析:terrible terribly此处应用副词

21、terribly 修饰形容词 worried 。谨记规则类另I例词直接加-lyclear - clearly清楚地great - greatly 很,大大地以辅苜字每+ y结层的形容同,变y为i再加-lyhappyfhappily局兴地heavy f heavily 沉重地词尾为ble/le的形容词,去掉 e,再加-yterrible terribly 可怕地;极度地gentle - gently轻轻地词尾为ue的形容词,去掉 e再加-lytrue truly真实地词尾为ll的形容词,直接加-yfull fully 充分地;完全地dull dully迟钝地词尾为-ic的形容词,加-allyba

22、sic basically 主要地,基本上scientific fscientifically合乎科学地怎么考Q怎么解掌握法4 K裁可导语法填空解题“ 2策略”1.利用句子成分确定词性(1)如果要填的词在句中作主语、宾语或表语要考虑名词形式。2.根据修饰词或被修饰词确定词性(1)如果要填的词被形容词、定冠词或形容词性物主代词修饰,(2)如果要填的词作定语、表语、主语补足语或宾语补足语,要想到用形容词;如果作 状语,要想到用副词。此时要考虑用名词形式。(2)如果要填的词修饰名词,要想到用形容词;如果修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,要想到用副词。据第1条解题1. This gives the p

23、aintings deeper meaning (mean) and more elegance.2. Grassland is destroyed without mercy so that dust storms come into being affecting distant(distance) cities.3. The old people there were talkative and they told us their personal (person) stories cheerfully.4. After some time, when both of you have

24、 renewed your confidence (confident) in each other, go back to the time when you nearly fell apart.5. Therefore, let's take the responsibility (responsible) to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us!据第2条解题6. However, behind his physical appearance (appear), Carry is a

25、 warm, fun-loving, intelligent person.7. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need practical (practice) suggestions to get us out of trouble.8. During that time a number of productive (product) poets turned out as many as 50,000 classical poems.9. It was always a pleasure (pleasant) to visit thes

26、e two sisters.10. They all come from the plant Camellia sinensis (茶树),and are simply (simple) processed in different ways.短文改错解题“ 2视角”1 .看被修饰词或平行成分(1)如果修饰名词,要用形容词;(2)如果修饰动词、形容词、副词和分词应用副词;(3)修饰人,表示主语所处的状态,意为“感到的" ,用-ed形容词;修饰物或事, 表示主语所具有的特征,意为“令人的",用-ing形容词;(4)注意其平行成分的词性。2 .看句子成分(1)作定语、表语、主语补足语或宾语补足语,要想到应用形容词。(2)作状语要想到应用副词。9据第1条解题1. I worked as a re


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