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1、Unit OneStructure of LanguageWhy do we have to talk about the Structure of language?Systematic Sense Speed Solidarity Lesson 1Pronunciation and Syllables/eI/ date age place take late/ sad band dad pal bank/ / about around arrive across /I/ cabbage language village /:/ after dance France class ask/ /

2、 want watch what /:/ water字母字母a的发音小结的发音小结Pronunciation1)ai, ay /eI/paint mail straight play may pay2) al, aw /:/ walk small draw saw3) ar /:/star art hard large market 4) au /:/autumn August daughter because/:/laugh pause5) air, are /e/hair chair care dare * parent scaryPronunciation字母字母e的发音小结的发音小结

3、/i:/ these theme we he /e / when chess then tell get/I/ eleventh between behind enjoy/ student quiet children Pronunciation1)ea / i:/ speak teach tea /e/ bread weather heavy head /I/ idea really real /eI/ great break2) ee /i:/ beef street speech meet3) ei, ey /eI/ eighth neighborhood they key4) er /

4、:/ her dessert verb term / / thriller after clever summer 5) ear / / hear near dear clear /e/ bear pear wear / :/ learn early earth6) eer /I/ deer7) eir, ere /e/ their where there Pronunciation字母字母i的发音小结的发音小结/aI/ like time rice write describe arrive size/I / trip if fifth think sixth with swim drink

5、 /I/ music exciting morning hospital duringPronunciation1)ir /:/Sir first third girl shirt skirt birth birddirty thirteenth thirtieth 2) ie /i:/ thief field piece3) igh /aI/ night high right bright4) ire /aI/ tired fire hire Pronunciation字母字母o和和u的发音小结的发音小结 / home hope phone / ju:/ huge usually /u:/

6、who whose lose /u:/ June rulerO / rock job from U / / lunch just club / / month money front / full pull push / second potato police / beautiful successfulPronunciation1)oa / coat boat goal 2) oo /u:/too noodle soon / book good foot 3) or /:/ short order afford /:/ work word world / doctor color visi

7、tor forget4) ou /a/ south found about /u:/ soup group through / young enough trouble / could, should, would5) ow /a/ how down now town / show borrow row know6) oi, oy /I/ point voice noise boy toy enjoy7) oar, oor /:/ blackboard board floor 8) our /:/ your fourteenth yours /a/ hour our 1) ur / :/ su

8、rvey Thursday turn nurse furniture 2)ui /u:/fruit juice3) ture /t/ picture furniturePronunciationPronunciation辅音字母的发音辅音字母的发音 tr dr ts dz t dsh s(ion) tr dr ts ds th th ch j/g s(ure) tes tes dgSyllablesh k s d b h h e d c n n h f k d s d j h r e o n c d n f s h d j f k d jh k s d b h h e d c n n h f

9、k d s d j h r e o n c d n f s h d j f k d jSyllablesh k s d b h h e d c n n h f k d s d j h r e o n c d n f s h d j f k d jSyllablesh i s d i s h h e a d c a n h u k d a d j a r e a r n c o r n f i s h d e a f k i n dSyllablesacademic province enthusiastic amazing information website brilliant compr

10、ehension instruction method bored embarrassed attitude behaviour previous description amazed embarrassing technology impress correction encouragement enjoyment fluency misunderstanding disappointed disappointing system teenager disappear move assistant cover diploma Syllables按音节记单词是基本习惯和素养,而非知识道理。按音

11、节记单词是基本习惯和素养,而非知识道理。需不断培养训练,直至自然而然。需不断培养训练,直至自然而然。英语的句子英语的句子1、主语、主语+谓语。谓语。The sun rises. They arrived.2、主语、主语+谓语谓语+宾语。宾语。I like apples. They raise the flag.3、主语、主语+系动词系动词+表语。表语。She is a teacher. The girl is pretty.4、主语、主语+谓语谓语+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语。直接宾语。He gives her a present.5、主语、主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+补语。补语。It make

12、s me smile.They arrived. They finally arrived after two weeks delay. They have already arrived for several days. They are right arriving in a few minutes. Leaves are turning yellow. The topping leaves are also turning yellow in late autumn. Most of the leaves picked down by that girl are turning yel

13、low so quickly. Leaves that have just grown out are turning yellow in such a drought. academic adj. 学术的学术的 province n. 省省 enthusiastic adj.热心的热心的 amazing adj. 令人惊讶的令人惊讶的 information n. 消息消息 website n.网站;网址网站;网址 brilliant adj. (口语口语)极好的极好的comprehension n. 理解理解,领悟领悟 instruction n.(常作复数)指示;说明(常作复数)指示;说

14、明method n. 方法方法 bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的厌烦的;厌倦的 embarrassed adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 attitude n. 态度态度 behaviour n. 行为;行为; 举动举动 previous adj.以前的;从前的以前的;从前的 description n.记述;记述; 描述描述 amazed adj. 吃惊的吃惊的;惊讶的惊讶的 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 technology n. 技术技术 impress vt.使印象深刻使印象深刻 correction n. 改正;

15、纠正改正;纠正 encouragement n. 鼓励;激励鼓励;激励 enjoyment n.享受;乐趣享受;乐趣 fluency n.流利;流畅流利;流畅misunderstanding n. 误解误解disappointed adj. 失望的失望的 disappointing adj.令人失望的令人失望的system n. 制度;体系;系统制度;体系;系统 teenager n.少年少年 disappear vi. 消失消失 move adj.搬家搬家assistant n. 助手助手, 助理助理 cover vt.包含包含 diploma n. 文凭文凭, 毕业证书毕业证书 homew

16、ork 1尝试调整记忆习惯,分尝试调整记忆习惯,分6天依次背诵必修一天依次背诵必修一1-6单元生词,记录每天所需时间。每次背单元生词,记录每天所需时间。每次背诵前都必须整理思路,调整方法。全力提高诵前都必须整理思路,调整方法。全力提高速度和牢固性两个方面。速度和牢固性两个方面。Lesson 2Semantics Structure单词的掌握单词的掌握思索思索1习惯与思维过程习惯与思维过程思索思索2Semitics 词根与词缀(词根与词缀(Roots and Affixes) 在音节基础上的在音节基础上的 进一步组合进一步组合 encouragement en+courage+ment enjo

17、yment en+joy+ment fluency fluen+cy (CF: fluent, influent)impress im+press (impression)correction co(r)+rect+(t)ion (correct)Semitics Word meaning 1、词汇的多层意义,绝非英汉一对一、词汇的多层意义,绝非英汉一对一2、词不离句,词在句子中的应用、词不离句,词在句子中的应用3、相关词汇的比较,词汇的深层及细微意义、相关词汇的比较,词汇的深层及细微意义4、词汇的综合运用。、词汇的综合运用。 基本涵义基本涵义 基本例句和造句基本例句和造句关于学习笔记:吕正阳

18、,高考关于学习笔记:吕正阳,高考647分,他觉得考失误了。分,他觉得考失误了。 吕氏名言:我来教你做笔记吕氏名言:我来教你做笔记 。 侯荣飞的变化:中考侯荣飞的变化:中考1000名以后,名以后, 现在四中现在四中 高一级部前高一级部前200名。归功于吕氏名言名。归功于吕氏名言笔记的构成和过程笔记的构成和过程预习预习听课听课复习复习掌握掌握拓展拓展而非记过拉倒而非记过拉倒要随时翻看要随时翻看笔记不是一次性完成的,笔记不是一次性完成的,它也不是一次性纸巾。它也不是一次性纸巾。随时补充,随时完善,因此每一随时补充,随时完善,因此每一词条要留够空间。词条要留够空间。在补充完善中翻看,记忆,掌握。在补充

19、完善中翻看,记忆,掌握。运用。运用。每一本笔记都不应该始终是新本每一本笔记都不应该始终是新本子。子。句子及段落(句子及段落(Sentences and passages) 1、句子的基本成分及句子构成、句子的基本成分及句子构成2、句与句之间的连接及连接词、句与句之间的连接及连接词3、过渡词和过渡句及段落的连接、过渡词和过渡句及段落的连接4、为使文章更紧密而做的句子变形、为使文章更紧密而做的句子变形。Lesson 3动词动词英语的句子英语的句子主语主语动词动词宾语宾语状语状语定语定语名词、代词、数词、名词、代词、数词、短语、从句短语、从句名词、代词、数词、名词、代词、数词、短语、从句短语、从句副

20、词、短语、副词、短语、从句从句形容词、名词、代形容词、名词、代词、短语、从句词、短语、从句连词连词and, but, while, or, yetwhen, before, after, because, where, though, if 因果:因果:because, because of, therefore, so, as a result, thus 例举:例举:such as, like, for example, and so on, 肯定:肯定:of course, certainly, 对照:对照:1. instead 2. instead of 3. On the contr

21、ary. 总结:总结:1.Generally speaking.2.To tell you the truth.3 Believe it or not. 4. All in all.5 In a word.6. On the whole.7.For these reasons. 8. That is why.9. As we all know.=As is known to us 转换话题:转换话题:1.In my opinion.2.In fact.3. By the way. 4.I am afraid.On March 11th, a big earthquake happened in/hit Sendai, Japan, and after that, a tsunami took thousands of lives there. Many people lost their relatives/families and their homes. To help them, some people


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