海南2011高考英语一轮复习课件:Module 3 Foreign Food(外研版选修8)_第1页
海南2011高考英语一轮复习课件:Module 3 Foreign Food(外研版选修8)_第2页
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海南2011高考英语一轮复习课件:Module 3 Foreign Food(外研版选修8)_第4页
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1、module 3 foreign foodmodule 3 foreign food基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.they often 1.they often (招待,款待)(招待,款待) their friends at weekends in the past.their friends at weekends in the past.2.critics 2.critics (谈论,评论)(谈论,评论)that the that the play was not original. play was not original.3.he looked at the shop

2、 window with 3.he looked at the shop window with ( (贪婪的贪婪的) eyes.) eyes.4.that 4.that (臭名昭著的)(臭名昭著的)criminal was criminal was finally sentenced to death. finally sentenced to death.entertainedentertainedremarkedremarkedgreedygreedyinfamousinfamous5.the kids soon 5.the kids soon (吃,喝)(吃,喝)all the all

3、 the food on the table. food on the table.6.it was not until 1884 that the first 6.it was not until 1884 that the first (人造(人造/ /工的)工的)fiber was made.fiber was made.7.im quite willing to accept the 7.im quite willing to accept the (后果)(后果). .8.our 8.our (丰富的)(丰富的)resources and resources and stable p

4、olicy provide foreigners with the stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here. advantages they invest here.9.9. (总的来说)(总的来说)exports are exports are looking up this year than last year. looking up this year than last year.10.david was 10.david was ( (使着迷使着迷) with a girl ) wi

5、th a girl he had just met. he had just met.consumedconsumedartificialartificialconsequencesconsequencesabundantabundantaltogetheraltogetherobsessedobsessed.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.end 1.end 结束结束beginbegin 以以开始开始2.make 2.make 辨认出辨认出makemake 成功成功makemake 促进,有助于促进,有助于3.3. .in .in commoncommon与与有共同之处有共同之处inin com

6、mon common 和和一样一样4.whats 4.whats 而且而且whatswhats 更糟糕的更糟糕的 是是fromfrom to to worseworse每况愈下每况愈下5.set fire 5.set fire sth. sth.放火烧放火烧setset sthsth. . fire fire 放火烧放火烧6.go 6.go 违背违背gogo 通过;经历通过;经历 go go 熄灭熄灭 out out扑灭扑灭upupwithwithoutoutititforforhavehavewithwithmoremoreworseworsebadbadtotoononagainstaga

7、instthroughthroughoutoutputput7.be based 7.be based 以以为基础为基础8.fall in love 8.fall in love sb. sb.爱上某人爱上某人loselose ones heart ones heart sb. sb.喜欢上某人喜欢上某人9.9. wonderwonder难怪难怪wonderwonder 想知道想知道10.transform.10.transform. .把把转变为转变为ononwithwithnonointointototoaboutabout.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.the first time i s

8、aw a 1.the first time i saw a threethreeyearyearoldold kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head i had bad dreams for weeks. i had bad dreams for weeks. 我第一次看到一个三岁大的孩子高兴地啃着一我第一次看到一个三岁大的孩子高兴地啃着一 个鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦个鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦。 the first time the first time 作连词,表示作连词,表示

9、“第第 一次一次” 我第一次去北京就爬了长城我第一次去北京就爬了长城。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照the first time i went to beijing, i the first time i went to beijing, i climbed the great wallclimbed the great wall. .2.no wonder my fellow guests had had only a 2.no wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish; they knew what

10、 few bites of each dish; they knew what was still to come. was still to come. 难怪和我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他难怪和我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他 们知道还有什么菜要上呢们知道还有什么菜要上呢。 (itsits) no wonder. no wonder.难怪难怪 难怪有人说电子计算机正渐渐接管难怪有人说电子计算机正渐渐接管 世界世界。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照no wonder people say that computers areno wonder people say that c

11、omputers aretaking over the worldtaking over the world. .3.i think that they are sometimes obsessed 3.i think that they are sometimes obsessed with it. with it. 我认为他们有的时候是迷上了它我认为他们有的时候是迷上了它。 be obsessed with. be obsessed with.迷上迷上;对;对 着迷着迷 有些妇女一心想把家里弄得和医院有些妇女一心想把家里弄得和医院 一样干净一样干净。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照

12、some women are obsessed with keepingsome women are obsessed with keepingtheir homes as clean as the hospitaltheir homes as clean as the hospital. .4.i was amazed at their easy and graceful 4.i was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while i stood there feeling manner while i stood there feeling

13、 somewhat confused by the food. somewhat confused by the food. 我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那 里对他们的食物感到有些茫然里对他们的食物感到有些茫然。 while while表示转折表示转折 汤姆擅长理科,而他的弟弟就不可汤姆擅长理科,而他的弟弟就不可 救药了救药了。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照tom is very good at science, while histom is very good at science, while hisbrother is absolu

14、tely hopelessbrother is absolutely hopeless. .5.but one thing i do admire is the polite 5.but one thing i do admire is the polite manner in which british people eat, even manner in which british people eat, even if it is just a potato. if it is just a potato. 但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪

15、 怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。 do do表示对动词的强调表示对动词的强调 如果来到我的城市,务必让我知道如果来到我的城市,务必让我知道。 . .do let me know if you come to my citydo let me know if you come to my city. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照6.its quite hard to make out what they 6.its quite hard to make out what they contained. contained. 很难弄清楚他们究竟

16、是什么做成的很难弄清楚他们究竟是什么做成的。 make make outout弄清,理解弄清,理解 我弄不清楚她是否喜欢她的工作我弄不清楚她是否喜欢她的工作。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照i cant make out whether she enjoys heri cant make out whether she enjoys herjob or notjob or not. .7.the consequence was that many people were 7.the consequence was that many people were overwight over

17、wight. . 结果是很多人都超重结果是很多人都超重。 that that引导表语从句引导表语从句 我的希望就是他成为我们班最好的我的希望就是他成为我们班最好的 学生学生。 . .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照my hope is that he will be the bestmy hope is that he will be the beststudent in our classstudent in our class. .导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.owe 1.owe vt vt.& .& vi.vi.欠欠( (债等债等) );欠(情);归功于;欠(情);归功于 ever

18、ything you see i everything you see i spaghetti. spaghetti. 你看到的一切都归功于意式面条你看到的一切都归功于意式面条。 ( (回归课本回归课本p p2929) )观察思考观察思考 i owe a debt of gratitude to all my family. i owe a debt of gratitude to all my family. 我很感激我的全家人我很感激我的全家人。 he owes his success to hard work. he owes his success to hard work. 他的成功

19、是靠勤奋工作他的成功是靠勤奋工作。 owing to our joint owing to our joint efforts,theefforts,the task was task was fulfilled ahead of time. fulfilled ahead of time. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。owe toowe to归纳拓展归纳拓展owe owe sbsb. . sthsth.=owe .=owe sthsth. to . to sb.sb.欠某人某物欠某人某物owe it to oneself to do owe it t

20、o oneself to do sth.sth.认为自己有必要认为自己有必要做做;认为自己有责任做认为自己有责任做owe owe sthsth. to . to sb./sth.sb./sth.把把归功于归功于owing owing adjadj. .未付的;欠着的未付的;欠着的owing to.owing to.因为因为/ /由于由于活学活用活学活用the old man said the accident the old man said the accident careless careless driving,sodriving,so the driver the driver th

21、e money for the the money for the repairs.repairs.a.owinga.owing to;owedto;owed him to him tob.wasb.was owing owing to;owingto;owing him himc.causedc.caused by;owedby;owed to him to himd.wasd.was caused caused by;owedby;owed him him解析解析 be caused by.be caused by.由由导致导致/ /造成;造成;oweowe sbsb. . sth.sth

22、.欠某人某物。句意为:老人说这起事故欠某人某物。句意为:老人说这起事故是由于粗心驾驶造成的,因此司机欠他修理费是由于粗心驾驶造成的,因此司机欠他修理费。d2.remark 2.remark v. v.谈到;说起;评论;谈到;说起;评论;n. n.意见;评论意见;评论 as soon as the polynesian guest tasted the as soon as the polynesian guest tasted the asparagus he asparagus he how delicious it was. how delicious it was. 那位波利尼西亚客人刚

23、尝到芦笋时就赞叹其美那位波利尼西亚客人刚尝到芦笋时就赞叹其美 味。味。 (回归课本(回归课本p p3535) 观察思考观察思考 the editor remarked that the article was the editor remarked that the article was well written. well written. 编辑评论说那篇文章写得很好编辑评论说那篇文章写得很好。 they kept making remarks on/about us. they kept making remarks on/about us. 他们老是议论我们他们老是议论我们。 he h

24、as made remarkable progress in english. he has made remarkable progress in english. 他的英语已有明显的进步他的英语已有明显的进步。remarkedremarked归纳拓展归纳拓展remarkable remarkable adjadj. .值得注意的;显著的;非凡的值得注意的;显著的;非凡的remarkably remarkably adv.adv.引人注目地;明显地;非常地引人注目地;明显地;非常地remark on/remark on/uponupon就就发表意见;评论发表意见;评论as remarked

25、as remarked aboveabove综上所述综上所述make a remark on/make a remark on/aboutabout就就发表意见;对发表意见;对评头论足评头论足remark remark thatthat谈到,说起谈到,说起活学活用活学活用he had a habit of making humoroushe had a habit of making humorous . .a.a.r remarks b.marksemarks b.marksc.c.s sparks d.remarkablyparks d.remarkably解析解析 句意为:他有发表幽默评

26、论的习惯句意为:他有发表幽默评论的习惯。a3.consequence 3.consequence n n. .后果;结果后果;结果 the the consequenceconsequence was that many people were was that many people were overweight. overweight. 结果就是许多人超重结果就是许多人超重。 (回归课本(回归课本p p3939) 观察思考观察思考 the decision could have serious the decision could have serious consequences fo

27、r the future of the consequences for the future of the industry. industry. 此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果。 the child was born deformed in the child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to its mother. consequence of an injury to its mother. 由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来就是畸形由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来就是畸形。归纳拓展

28、归纳拓展in consequence of in consequence of (=because =because ofof)由于)由于in consequence (=as a in consequence (=as a result)result)因此,结果因此,结果as a consequence of as a consequence of (=as a result =as a result ofof)由于)由于的结果的结果take the take the consequencesconsequences承担后果承担后果活学活用活学活用 your bad your bad wor

29、k,iwork,i am forced to dismiss am forced to dismiss you.you.a.ina.in consequence of consequence of b.because b.becausec.asc.as consequence of consequence of d.in d.in favor of favor of解析解析 句意为:因为你糟糕的工作,我不得不解句意为:因为你糟糕的工作,我不得不解雇你雇你。a4.abundant 4.abundant adjadj. .丰富的;充裕的丰富的;充裕的观察思考观察思考 fish are abunda

30、nt in the lake.fish are abundant in the lake. 湖里鱼很多湖里鱼很多。 we have abundant evidence to prove his we have abundant evidence to prove his guilty. guilty. 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。 our country is abundant in natural our country is abundant in natural resources. resources. 我们国家自然资源丰富我们国家自然资源丰富。归纳拓展归纳拓

31、展be abundant in (be rich be abundant in (be rich in)in)在在方面丰富方面丰富in in abundanceabundance丰富地;充裕地丰富地;充裕地an abundance of.an abundance of.大量的;许多的大量的;许多的活学活用活学活用ourour resources and stable policy resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantagesprovide foreigners with the advantagesof d

32、eveloping their businesses.of developing their businesses.a.a.g generous b.limitedenerous b.limitedc.c.n narrow d.abundantarrow d.abundant解析解析 “丰富的资源丰富的资源”用用abundantabundant resources resources。d5.transform 5.transform v v. .转化;转变转化;转变 the two of them were killed in the fire, the two of them were ki

33、lled in the fire, but their souls were but their souls were into into songbirds,which songbirds,which you can see singing at you can see singing at the top of the picture. the top of the picture. 两个恋人被火烧死了,但是他们的灵魂化为了两个恋人被火烧死了,但是他们的灵魂化为了 鸣禽,就是你所看到的在图案上方唱歌的鸟儿鸣禽,就是你所看到的在图案上方唱歌的鸟儿。 (回归课本(回归课本p p4141)tra

34、nsformedtransformed观察思考观察思考the company has been transformed from a the company has been transformed from a family business to a multi-million-pound family business to a multi-million-pound operation.operation.这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑的运作机构的运作机构。in the last 20 years korea has been in

35、 the last 20 years korea has been transformed into an advanced industrial transformed into an advanced industrial power.power.在过去的在过去的2020年里,韩国已变成一个先进的工业强年里,韩国已变成一个先进的工业强国。国。归纳拓展归纳拓展transform transform intointo变成,转变为变成,转变为transform transform sb./sthsb./sth. into. into.把某人把某人/ /物改变成物改变成transform tran

36、sform sb./sthsb./sth. from. from.把某人把某人/ /物从物从中中转变转变o.把把改变成改变成;把;把翻翻译成译成活学活用活学活用theyvetheyve the old train station into a the old train station into a science museum.science museum.a.a.t transported b.transmittedransported b.transmittedc.c.t transplanted d.transformedransplante

37、d d.transformed解析解析 transformtransform改变;转化;改变;转化;transporttransport交通运交通运输;输;transmittransmit传送;输送;传送;输送;transplanttransplant移植。由移植。由句意知句意知d d项正确。项正确。d重点短语与句型重点短语与句型6.make 6.make outout看出;辨认出;理解看出;辨认出;理解 it was quite hard to make out what they it was quite hard to make out what they contained. cont

38、ained. 很难弄清楚它们究竟是用什么做的很难弄清楚它们究竟是用什么做的。 (回归课本(回归课本p p3131)观察思考观察思考 i could hardly make out anything in the i could hardly make out anything in the thick fog. thick fog. 在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见。 i could not make out what she was saying. i could not make out what she was saying. 我不能理解她在说什么我不能理解她在说什么

39、。归纳拓展归纳拓展make make upup编造;组成;弥补编造;组成;弥补make make suresure确定确定make make forfor向前进;有助于向前进;有助于make ones make ones wayway向前进向前进make the most/best use make the most/best use ofof充分利用充分利用make fun of.make fun of.取笑取笑make a make a differencedifference有关系;有影响有关系;有影响make make itit成功;做成成功;做成活学活用活学活用the idea pu

40、zzled me so much that i stopped the idea puzzled me so much that i stopped for a few seconds to try tofor a few seconds to try to . .a.makea.make it out it out b.make b.make it off it offc.makec.make it up it up d.make d.make it over it over解析解析 make it make it outout理解;考虑清楚理解;考虑清楚。a7.set fire 7.set

41、 fire toto放火烧放火烧 he and some servants followed kun xi and he and some servants followed kun xi and chang to the island and chang to the island and the the hut where they were sleeping. hut where they were sleeping. 他和几个随从尾随坤喜和阿常来到小岛,并放他和几个随从尾随坤喜和阿常来到小岛,并放 火烧了他们睡觉的茅舍火烧了他们睡觉的茅舍。 (回归课本(回归课本p p4141)set

42、fire toset fire to观察思考观察思考sparks from the fireplace could easily set sparks from the fireplace could easily set the curtains on fire.the curtains on fire.壁炉里爆出来的火花会很容易引燃窗帘壁炉里爆出来的火花会很容易引燃窗帘。it took firefighters several hours to put it took firefighters several hours to put out the fire.out the fire.消

43、防队员花了数小时才把火扑灭消防队员花了数小时才把火扑灭。the house is on fire.the house is on fire.房子着火了房子着火了。归纳拓展归纳拓展set fire to set fire to sthsth.=set .=set sthsth. on . on firefire放火烧放火烧,使使着火着火make/start/light a make/start/light a firefire点火点火play with play with firefire玩火玩火fight the fight the firefire救火救火catch catch firefi

44、re着火(动作着火(动作)be on be on firefire着火(状态着火(状态)put out a/the put out a/the firefire灭火灭火go through fire and go through fire and waterwater赴汤蹈火,历尽艰险赴汤蹈火,历尽艰险活学活用活学活用the buildingthe building fire suddenly yesterday fire suddenly yesterday afternoon.afternoon.a.seta.set on on b.set b.set to toc.c.c caught

45、d.brokeaught d.broke out out解析解析 句意为:昨天下午那房子突然着火了句意为:昨天下午那房子突然着火了。c8.the first time i saw a 8.the first time i saw a threethreeyearyear old kid cheerfully chewing a old kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head i had bad dreams for chickens head i had bad dreams for weeks. weeks.我第一次看到一个三岁大的孩子高兴我第一次看到一

46、个三岁大的孩子高兴 地啃着一只鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦地啃着一只鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦。句式分析句式分析句中的句中的thethe first first timetime相当于从属连词,引导状相当于从属连词,引导状语从句,可译为语从句,可译为“第一次第一次”。类似的以名词类似的以名词短语来充当连词的还有:短语来充当连词的还有:thethe moment,themoment,the minute,everyminute,every time,eachtime,each time,nexttime,next timetime等等。this is the first time that i hav

47、e been this is the first time that i have been here.here.这是我第一次来这儿这是我第一次来这儿。the first time i saw the first time i saw him,hehim,he was cleaning was cleaning the room.the room.我第一次见他的时候,他正在清扫房间我第一次见他的时候,他正在清扫房间。易混辨异易混辨异the first time/for the first time/it is the first time that/it the first time/for

48、the first time/it is the first time that/it is time thatis time that(1)the first (1)the first timetime可用来引导状语从句可用来引导状语从句。(2)for the first (2)for the first timetime只能用作句子的状语,不只能用作句子的状语,不可用来引导状语从句,它不具有连词的功能,这可用来引导状语从句,它不具有连词的功能,这是它与是它与thethe first first timetime的区别的区别。(3)it/this/that is/was the first/

49、second/.(3)it/this/that is/was the first/second/.time+thatclausetime+thatclause是个很重要的句型,其用法是是个很重要的句型,其用法是:当前面的当前面的bebe动词是动词是isis时,后面的句子用现在完成时,后面的句子用现在完成时;当前面是时;当前面是waswas时,后面的句子用过去完成时时,后面的句子用过去完成时,其表达的意思是其表达的意思是“某人第几次做某事某人第几次做某事”。(4)it is/was (high) time that (4)it is/was (high) time that sbsb. shou

50、ld do . should do sthsth./did ./did sth.sth.也是一个常用句型,其意义是也是一个常用句型,其意义是“到到了做某事的时候了了做某事的时候了”,相当于,相当于itit is/was time is/was time for for sbsb. to do . to do sth.sth.,这一句型中的,这一句型中的shouldshould一般一般不可省略不可省略。活学活用活学活用i bought a lot of presents for my relativesi bought a lot of presents for my relatives i w

51、ent to beijing. i went to beijing.a.thea.the first time first time b.forb.for the first time the first timec.firstc.first time timed.byd.by the first time the first time解析解析 空后是一个完整的句子,故空处需一连空后是一个完整的句子,故空处需一连词,故只有词,故只有a a项符合。项符合。a考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】in some places women are expected to in some places wom

52、en are expected to earn money earn money men work at home and raise men work at home and raise their children. ( their children. (四川高考四川高考) ) a.but b.while c.because d.though a.but b.while c.because d.though 解析解析 “有些地方,妇女被要求挣钱而男人在有些地方,妇女被要求挣钱而男人在 家里干活和养育孩子。家里干活和养育孩子。”从该句句意可知从该句句意可知, ,此题此题 用用whilewhi

53、le表示妇女与男人两种情况的对比。表示妇女与男人两种情况的对比。a a项项 but but表示转折;表示转折;c c项项becausebecause表示原因;表示原因;d d项项 though though表示让步;表示让步;b b项项whilewhile表示并列表示并列。 课文原文课文原文 i was amazed at their easy and graceful i was amazed at their easy and graceful manner manner i stood there feeling i stood there feeling somewhat confus

54、ed by the food. somewhat confused by the food.bwhilewhile【例例2 2】david threatened david threatened his his neighbourneighbour to the police if the damages were not to the police if the damages were not paid. ( paid. (上海高考上海高考) ) a.to a.to be reported be reported b.reporting b.reporting c.to c.to repo

55、rt report d.having d.having reported reported 解析解析 threaten to do threaten to do sth.sth.威胁要做某事威胁要做某事, threaten threaten后接动词不定式作宾语,故排除后接动词不定式作宾语,故排除b b、 d d;report(report(报告)这一动作的执行者是报告)这一动作的执行者是daviddavid, , 因此用不定式的主动式因此用不定式的主动式。 课文原文课文原文 i also learned that the english like i also learned that the

56、 english like food before serving it at the table. food before serving it at the table.cmixmixtoto【例例3 3】what do you think of the movie?what do you think of the movie? its its fantastic.thefantastic.the only pity is that i only pity is that i the beginning of it. ( the beginning of it. (浙江高考浙江高考) )

57、a.missed b.had a.missed b.had missed missed c.miss d.would c.miss d.would miss miss 解析解析 由句意可知由句意可知“我错过了电影的开头部我错过了电影的开头部 分分”已经是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时已经是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。 课文原文课文原文 the first plates were made in about the first plates were made in about 1780,and 1780,and based on chinese designs. based on chin

58、ese designs.awerewere【例例4 4】the cds are on the cds are on sale!buysale!buy one and you one and you get get completely free. ( completely free. (全国全国高考高考) ) a.other b.others a.other b.others c.one d.ones c.one d.ones 解析解析 句意为:这些句意为:这些cdcd在廉价出售,买一赠在廉价出售,买一赠 一。用一。用oneone代替代替a a cd cd。 课文原文课文原文 the perf

59、ect host is the the perfect host is the who saves his who saves his guest from embarrassment whatever the guest from embarrassment whatever the cost. cost.coneone【例例5 5】sheshe have left school, for her have left school, for her bike is still here. ( bike is still here. (天津高考天津高考) ) a.cant b.wouldnt

60、a.cant b.wouldnt c.shouldnt d.neednt c.shouldnt d.neednt 解析解析 句意为:她不可能离开了学校句意为:她不可能离开了学校, ,因为她的因为她的 自行车仍然在这儿。自行车仍然在这儿。cantcant表示不可能表示不可能; wouldnt have wouldnt have donedone表虚拟;表虚拟;shouldntshouldnt have have donedone本不该做本不该做( (却已做了);却已做了);needntneednt have have donedone本没必要做本没必要做( (但已做了但已做了)。)。 课文原文课


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