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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新概念二1-8测试题(满分140)一单词辨音,选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的读音1.A until B. private C decision D different2. A beat B seat C steak D repeat3. A conversation B attention C abroad D arrive4. A pigeon B competition C .diamond D distance5.A party B beggar C guard D mark三单项选择题1.I can't_having a cat in the hou

2、seA bear B pay C talk D cross2. He often_basketball with his classmates on the playground after schoolA play B playing C plays D played3.1 didn't talk with my boss about my_matters.A angry B polite C rude D private4. The teacher asked him to_ his question.A tell B repeat C .talk D speak5.1 can&#

3、39;t make up my_ whether to come or not.A brain B face C dress D mind6. She is reading in the library_A for a moment B a moment C at the moment D a moment ago7.1 have _important things to do A the numbers of B a numbers of C a number of D the number of8. The village has been built _I lived hereA for

4、 B since C from D until9.He_a drink in the bar just nowA had Bis having C .has D has had10._ lucky man he is:A How B When C what a D what11 . If he_ here ,i will ask him some questions.A comes B came C coming D has come12.My parents _Beijing for holiday. Please call them later.A have gone B have bee

5、n C have been to D have gone to13.She made some_that I should help himA request B requesting C requests D requested( )14.By doing a little_homework, the girl became a good student in her class.A extra B others C remain D another15. My elder sister _a baby last month.A had B has C is having D has had

6、16 'm going to_ one of my friends this evening.A call for B call at C call on D call off17 you should_ the word in the dictionaryA look at B look for C look up D look into18. Do you know the girl we _ the other day?A meet B meeting C met D meets19. This is _ book I have ever read.A interesting B

7、 more interesting C the most interesting D interestingest.20. You can't win the match, he plays tennis_better than you.many B few C lots of D much三.完形填空Listening and_1_ are very important for English beginners.The children in English -speakingcountries first_2_ others . Then they try to imitate(

8、模仿) and_ 3_ . if you live in anon-English speaking country. you can listen to English programmes _4_ the radio. You may justunderstand 5_ words. It doesn't matter。Try to catch_ 6_ word you know.You may be a good listener but not a good speaker because you are afraid of_7_mistakes.You know,someti

9、mes you also make a mistake when you speak mother tongue(母语).So 8 beafraid. If you really want to learn English 9 , you must try to speak to people who knowEnglish. It is important_ .10_ your mouth and speak. If there's_ 11_ to talk with, you cantalk to yourself in English. It's_ 12_ and als

10、o a good way to practise your spoken English.(1. A reading B writing C speaking C practising2. A listen to B watch C read D look for()3.A tell B ask C speak D say()4.A by Bon C with D from( )5.A many B lots of C a few D a little6.A every B some C all D few7. A showing B doing C making D seeing8. A d

11、oesn't B don't C won't D didn't()9.A well B good C fine D nice()10. A open B for opening C opening D to open11A someone B anyone C nobody D everybody12. A boring B interesting C famous D lonely四: 阅读理解Jogging(慢跑is good for us and helps us live longer and healthier lives. It's easy

12、 to do and free. Youdo not have to spend money jogging. You can do it in a park or even in your home. But many peoplefind it boring after jogging for a while . Then how can we keep jogging fun?Here are some ideas tomake your jogging more interesting.First, you should choose to wear your favourite sp

13、orts clothes and shoes when you jog. Theymake you more comfortable and want to run more.Always jog outdoors . By changing your route(路线land choose another street, you will alwayshave something interesting to enjoy when you jog.Take along your MP3 and listen to your favourite songs when you jog The m

14、usic can make youexcited and run farther without feeling bored.It's always more fun with a friend. Make friends while jogging. Join a running club, find a newrunning partner,or invite an old friend to go jogging. It's better to find a friend who runs a littlefaster than you . Then you can tr

15、y to catch up with him or her.1.which is NOT the advantage(优点) jogging according to paragraph 1?A lt makes us healthier. B It doesn't need much money C It is fun and interestingD most of us can do it because it is easy.2 how many ideas does the writer tell up to help make jogging fun?A three B f

16、our C five D six3.How can music help our jogging?A by making us only thing about jogging B by making us excited and run farther C by makingus run faster D by helping us make friends.4. what does the underlined word "partner" mean in Chinese?A规律B目的C场地D同伴 5.what can be the best title for the

17、 passage?A the advantage of jogging B how to jog with others C ways to make jogging funD help your friends jog阅读理解二When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic (交通)drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first and then left.If

18、the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the roadCarefully.if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot must stop and wait.in the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets arevery busy. Traffic is th

19、e most dangerous.When you go by bus in England, you must be careful, too. Have a look first, or you will go thewrong way.In many English cities there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor Fromthere you can see the city very well. It's very interesting.1. What is the pass

20、age(段落) about?A. The traffic in China.B. The traffic in England. C. The people in England.2. When can people on foot cross the road?A. When the traffic lights are green.B. When the traffic lights are red.C. When there are no traffic lights.3. When are the street in England busy?A. In the morning and

21、 in the evening. B. In the morning and in the afternoon.B. C. In the afternoon and in the evening.4. Why do people like to sit on the second floor?A. Because it's very high.B. Because it's very cheap. C. Because you can see the city very well.(Bj5. What's the difference (不同点) between the

22、 traffic in England and in China?A. Driving on the left in England and China.B. Driving on the right in England and China.C. Driving on the left in England but on the right in China.七选五A: Hello.Mike,1_B: Sorry, I don't have one.A: So I must go to the shop near our school.B:I think the shop is cl

23、osed(关着的) at this time of day.A:2_ B: It's Friday. On Friday. the shop closes early.A 3 _B:Its 6 :00. Look, it says“closed”.A: Oh, dear! You're right. It is closed.4. _B:5._.Its open (开着的) 24 hours (小时)A OK, Let's go. A: What time is it?B What day is it today?C: what's the date today

24、?D: What can we do now?E:Do you have a sharpener?F Let's go to the supermarket.II卷单词拼写1last week 1 went to the _to see a play.2.My brother is a_with me because I broke his favourite toy.3.put on your coat, it's cold o_4.you should make a_ (决定)5. He says he has never been_(国外)before.6.The res

25、taurant's s_ is very good.7.Percy Button is a b_8.The road is made of s_.9.My mother has beautiful d_ring.10 There are many fish in the little p_ 二.用所给词的正确形式填空1. We arrived home_(late) yesterday evening.2. The girls are singing_(happy) under the tall tree.3.Nobody _invited to the party yesterday

26、(be)4.What bad weather! The radio says it will be much_(bad)tomorrow.5.Have you been to Mount Tai, yes,I _there last year(go)6._you _those flowers yet?pick)7.He became _after hearing the news (excite)8.Her mother_ a newspaper last night.(read)9.While he._(watch)TV, his wife was reading a book.10.Lis

27、ten .someone_(play)the piano next door.三用所给词的适当形式填空,每词或短语仅限用 次Cloth wash famous but hometown oldYang Liping is from Yunan . Eryuan is her home town. There are five people in her family: hermother, two sisters , a brother and she . she is 1._than the other children. She likes dancingvery much, and sh

28、e is a very 2_dancer now . She never goes to a dancing school 3_.dances very well. She is famous now,but she never forgets her4._._ she likes to eat thetraditional food and wear traditional 5._. she 6._her hair in the traditional way. Peoplein her home town all like her.四盲填(每空限填-词)Last May I stayed

29、in Santo Lusa for a week .That was my first trip there. One morning I made a big1._to go out to visit a famous museum, but I didn't 2.k_ which way to go, so Istopped a stranger and asked “Excuse me,does this street lead to the Grand Museum?“Yes" he said ."Go along this street and turn

30、left at the second crossing. You can't 3.m_it" So Iwent two blocks and turned left, but the museum 4.w _there . Then i asked a second stranger.He said“Go along the street and turn left at the second crossing." But again I couldn't find themuseum. I asked a third stranger and he sai

31、d the same thing.This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then someone walked up and said,“Excuse me, whereis the nearest bank?" I answered 5.q_ “Go along the street and turn left at the secondcrossing!"五阅读A young man was sitting on a bus . an old woman got one the bus and stood in front o

32、f him. Theyoung man stood up and said , Take a seat ,please!" The woman pushed him back into his seat andsaid, "Don't stand up, I don't want to sit down"The bus stopped then . The man stood up again. The woman pushed him down and said“youdon't have to give your seat. I like to stand"The bus stopped again. The man stood up for the third time . The woman tried to push himdown again. The man said“I have to get off the bu


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